Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
I spent some time with both Seth and Cody on Saturday. They are both so adorable. Another little James and Larry in my life...two more Lasater boys to adore. They keep us all going through this awful time.
I am going to start a grant writing class in October and my grant project is going be about something you loved ... the Academy. This gives me another thing to focus on that is positive and a tribute to you. Please guide me in that endeavor.
I visited you on Saturday too. Someone had placed a beautiful gold angel on top of your headstone, and there was also a tall Bud light. Both were very fitting for you. Love you forever and a day.
September 13, 2005
I have noticed lately that your gravesite is visited by mama deer and their babies.... Is that you trying to make us smile??? Are you up there looking down on us all? I hope we are making you proud of us as we try to keep your strong convictions in our hearts.... I try to do as you would - you were such a noble being.... It's so unfair that someone as just and good as you is gone while the awful person that took your life lives on.... Sometimes I find it difficult not to question God.... Why would he take someone like you so early and leave such an awful person on earth.... Why is Cody denied such a wonderful father?? Is it really true that God only takes the best early?? Wouldn't you have done so much more good had you been left here on earth for a longer period of time?? How are the rest of us who are left able to continue on and do good when our hearts are aching so??? Does it ever get any easier??? Do you know fron your special place in Heaven how much we all miss you??? Can you see how beautiful Cody is??? I'm sure you are very proud of him.
September 12, 2005
To officers Lasaters wife: I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. I can not imagine how you feel. My husband was involved in a car accident where office Timothy Shane Miller's life was taken.My husband had a broken arm and cuts,etc. I also had a baby about 1 week after the wreck.The GOOD LORD spared my husband. It was still so hard because Shane was a good friend growing up. These times has been so hard for everyone. It really hurts to know when we have wonderful people like larry,my husband,and Shane that cruel people take them away from the people who are dearest to them.My husband is now a full time fire fighter.He gave up police work. I read what your mother-in-law wrote on Shanes memorial. I really appreciate her asking about my husband.He really has had alot to deal with along with everyone else. I know your husband is watching over you and your baby. I will pray for you each night that your pain will get a little easier with time. Please feel free to email me if you would like to talk sometime.(KSoles_WellCareHealthCSC@hotmail.com)
Kellie Soles
Wife of SGT.Jason Soles
September 12, 2005
My heart will always belong to you. I'm always thinking about you. I cry because I miss you so much but sometimes a memory of something you did or said will bring a smile to my face. You were so funny. You made me laugh all the time, even when you weren't trying. I miss laughing. I can't believe that after years of friendship & 8 years together that all I have are pictures and memories. I don't think I'll ever feel that my life is complete. I'll never be truly happy again.
Love you
September 12, 2005
Dear Family, Friends, & Loved Ones of P.O. Larry Lasater---I am truly sorry for you loss of a great man. I pray that your hearts will be comforted as you reflect back on all the wonderful memories you shared with him.
To P.O. Larry Lasater's Wife---My heart breaks and aches for you. I was engaged to Deputy Sheriff Joshua Blyler (EOW: 5.2.04). I understand the pain and sorrow that comes from losing the person you love most in this world. When I read Larry's ODMP page and the reflections left for him, tears streamed down my face. He was loved by so many. I know that there aren't any words that can be said to take away your pain. Just know that you are not alone. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take comfort in knowing that a part of Larry will always be with you. His memory will live on inside your heart. God bless you and your family.
In deepest sympathy,
Kelly Gillain
(Josh Blyler EOW: 5.2.04)
Kelly Gillain
September 10, 2005
Another day without you. I shouldn't be starting off each morning putting flowers on your grave, we should be starting off the morning together, the 3 of us. Life isn't fair and life wouldn't be worth living if it weren't for Cody. Thank you for leaving me with such a precious gift. I will try to give him enough love for the two of us but I know his life won't be nearly as wonderful as it would be if you were with us. We both love you. Please watch over everyone.
September 10, 2005
Cody is usually up at 6:00 am, just about the time you would be coming home from work. I can picture you walking through the door and feeding and holding him and then Cody falling asleep in your arms. I bet you would have been so excited to get home to see him.
Love and miss you so much
September 10, 2005
To Officer Lasater's mother and wife I want to say I am so sorry. I read the reflection that his mother leaves on other officers reflection and I can tell by her remarks her son was a great man that is greatly missed. I do not know Officer Larry Lasater or his family but I am a citizen who cares. I just want to say Jesus Christ is always with you helping you carry your pain. I will keep your family in my prayers and just know that officer Larry is in a beautiful place now and one day you will see him again. Remember the good times.
September 9, 2005
Last night was the first time since you were killed that I woke up having a terrible nightmare. I wake up a lot durng the night and cannot sleep because I am thinking about you and missing you so much. Last night was different. I woke up screaming "No, No". In my dream, I saw the first patrol vehicle that rushed to you after the call came in. I knew that they were trying to get to you and help you, but it was too late. It was awful.
This tragedy is awful. Somedays I try to be positive and let you inspire me, and be strong because I know you would want me to be. Other days I just want to pull the blankets over my head and not even face the world. What gets me out of that state is thinking "What would Larry want me to do?"
Watch over all of us. Holding Cody brings back so many memories for me. Cody is the most precious gift from you and Jo Ann and God. You are truly Cody's guardian angel. Help Jo Ann because she is grieving for you so much and grieving for all those shattered dreams. You really do have all her love for all her life.
Help James in his grief and watch over him, Lenore, and Seth.
Watch over your friends who all miss you so much. Bless everyone who tried to help you... we will never forget that. There were three very special heroic friends with you that night and you know who I am talking about. They will always have a sacred and special place in my heart.
I love you so much and no amount of time will ever diminish that love. I will love you and miss you as I take my last breath. Tears are streaming down my face as I finish this note, but they are healing for it is my love and longing for you that created them.
September 6, 2005
Larry and Jo,
Thanks for giving me wonderful memories of your life and marriage together. The both of you mean so much to me. I never imaged that I could feel so much heart break over a loss of a friend or for his widow, son, and family. But now I know differently.
Your marriage has been an inspiration to many. The way you both would crack jokes and make each other laugh. The way you could light up a room with your great personalities and funny scene of humor. When we hung out together everyone could feel the warmth, happiness, and respect you both shared. It makes me happy to know that my friends shared something so great that it will be remembered for a lifetime.
Your son is so handsome.
September 5, 2005
Thank you Officer Stevenson for keeping us safe from bad. God bless you.
Renny Kassel
California Citizen
September 4, 2005
I just found this websight and thought I would leave you a note. I first met you at the Academy. I remember how helpful and professional you were. I remember that you were always the first one to class and the last one to leave. Calling you a "Moral" officer doesn't seem to give you credit. You had a way of imspiring people and bringing out the best in them. So many people just wanted to be around you because you were an "awesome" person!
I was working the night you were killed. I will never forget the panic and chaois that was on the radio channel. When I heard an officer was shot I was devistated. To learn that it was someone I knew and respected was undescribable. I drove around in a haze the next day, speaking to your friends and praying for you. Your memory will always live on and you will never be forgotten. You are somebody that made such an impact on everyone that met you. I pray for your family and Pittsburg PD every night.
You Will Be Missed!
Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department
September 3, 2005
We had enough love to fill a lifetime. Some people never get to experience that so I'm grateful for the time we shared. I knew a side to you that nobody else did, I'll treasure that forever. I hope to make you proud of me, I was so proud of you. It's hard to face the day without you, I feel so lost. I hope you know the depth of my love. I'm so glad that we said "I love you" each day, even when we were mad at eachother. Please watch over us. Love you always...
September 3, 2005
To the family of Off. Lasater, I read what you wrote about our friend that was murdered Monday. Thank you for your kind words and compassion. I hope God has touched you and your family and has began to heal your wounds. You and your family will be in our prayers also. Thank You again.
Inv Lane Eason
Huntsville, AL PD
September 1, 2005
I love you. I always will. I miss you more than ever, it doesn't get easier. Everything is a reminder of you. Every inch of this house that you worked so hard on. Cody has been smiling in his sleep since day one but now he's starting to smile while awake. It should have been such a happy experience but it made me cry. Each milestone in his life is going to be tainted with sadness. How sad for him. How sad for all of us.
August 31, 2005
Larry, last Saturday I saw for the first time the videotape of your message to Sgt. Canchola for his retirement. What I would give if he could "mijo"" you one more time. You were taped three days before you were shot,so it is the most recent video or audio of you that I know about. Your uniform was as crisp as ever, your sense of humor was so evident, and your good manners were as polished as they always were... it was heartbreaking to see it and know we lost you three days later. Loving you for all eternity.
August 31, 2005
Larry Lasater was my Platoon Commander while in Scout Platoon, 1st Tank Battalion. He was one hell of a good man. Not only exhibiting all the qualities associated with being a Marine Officer, but just a hell of a nice guy too. Everyone knew that he was someone they could trust. He always availed himself to everyone in our small platoon. I am so sorry that I missed the opportunity to show my respect for him at his services. He is a man that definitely deserved to be acknowledged for the type of stand up man that he was. Although when we served together, we were not at war, he is a leader I would have been honored to follow into combat. His ability to be a tough Marine leader was tempered by a great sense of humor and fun loving spirit. His memory will live on in me forever, and it will surely be a fond one. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
for he that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."
-Semper Fi
Christopher A. Zammit
Christopher A. Zammit
Former Scout Marine
August 31, 2005
Thank you for your dedicated service to your community and your department. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May they never forget your faithful service to your community and department and the brave HERO that you were. To Mrs. Lasater, child, mother, family, friends and co-workers, our heartfelt prayers and sympathies are with you. May God be with you all during this very sorrowful time. Words will never compensate the loss you have suffered. We pray that He now gives you all strength in your time of need. May you find peace in the thought, that we as friends, take this time to lift you up in prayer.
Mrs. Loya, my daughter and I were so humbled to read your kind words you wrote in my husband's reflections in remembrance of him. Thank you very much for taking time to honor and acknowledge him.
For your act of unselfish bravery and courage Officer Lasater, we salute you. Blessed be the peacekeepers.
Denise & Erin Hunter, Widow and Daughter
Sgt. Gregory L. Hunter, Grand Prairie, TX Police Dept., EOW 6-18-04
August 29, 2005
To Officer Lasater's Mother, Family, Friends and Co-Workers:
I want to express to you my deepest sympathy in the loss of Larry.
To His Mother, thank you for the message you left on my son's Reflection.
Also thank you for remembering the families of the Officer's that have been "Killed in the Line of Duty". It is a comfort to go to the Memorial Page and see that some one is remembering them.
You have left such comforting messages and one who has walked that path can only know how the families, friends and co-workers feel.
There are no words in the English language to express our feelings of the loss of our husbands, sons, and daughters.
People ask us "How are you doing", we just say "OK" and they think we are "OK". But the reality of it is, that we have to live with this loss every day of our lives. We get up, eat, go to work (if not retired) come home and eat and go to sleep. Our days are forever changed, they are and never will be the same. The void that is left will never be filled with anything and we have to live with that the rest of our lives.
I am thankful that we have dedicated Officers like our sons and daughters that go out everyday to serve and protect.
God bless you and your family and may he give you the comfort that your give so many others.
Lorraine Bond (Mother)
Hamilton County, Tn. Deputy Sheriff:
Donald K. Bond, Jr.
EOW: 9.6.01
August 28, 2005
August 27, 2005
It isn't getting easier. Life without you is unbearable. I miss you more than words can express. When I see a couple with their child it just tears me apart. No matter where I go or what I do you're on my mind and in my heart. There isn't a moment that passes without you in my thoughts. I will always love you.
August 27, 2005
Today was a hard day, but JoAnn and I had a lot of support: two of your academy classmates, my friend from San Leandro who recently lost Dan (his best friend and fellow officer), Karl's wife, and some of my regular crew. Everyone loved the announcement card Jo Ann gave them. Loving you forever and a day.
August 26, 2005
I just read the reflection you left for Mike Scarbrough. It is wonderful that you can reach out to another family while you are still expierencing so much grief. I have come to realize what a close community all the police officers are and it makes me proud. Denise is a wonderful person and she is doing a great job of carrying on like Mike would have wanted. Her children are very lucky to have a mom like her. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We will pray for your son's wife and his son. I'm sure they are receiving much support from family and your "family in blue". God bless you all.
friends of fallen officer Michael Scarbrough, eow 2/09/05
August 25, 2005
Dear Larry and Family,
One of my daughters came in to work the other day and said mom have you read Matt's page today? I said no and immediately got on it to see what was new. Your mom had written a precious letter to us. I know all of you together in heaven know how all of us still down here love to read a new posting. For the longest time I thought nobody understands the agonizing pain, the screaming pain of having to live without these beautiful, wonderful people who have been ripped out of our lives.....and for some reason they ARE the BEST. But the more I go to different pages for Matthew's brothers and sisters in blue I finally am coming to realize there ARE people who do understand. In some way there is a measure of comfort to be found in that. It was your mom's reflection for Matthew that finally gave me the push I needed to start reaching out to other families in the same way; to repay the honor and gratitude that we feel every time we read a new posting. Matthew is and was the light of our lives as I can tell you are to your family. I knew my son loved what he did but I never thought he would lose his life doing it. Mainly because he always said, "Mom, I'll be ok." And I believed him. But you never know from one second to the next, as we have all found out, and are lives are never the same. From now until we are reunited with him in eternity we will honor him and his profession and all that walk the same walk--his brothers and sisters in blue. God bless you and your family and your sacrifice for all of us.
Matt's Mom Forever
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W. 9/16/04
August 25, 2005
To Officer Larry Lasater's Wife, Family and Pittsburg Police Department,
I wanted to send a thank you to Ms. Phyllis Loya whom recently left a reflection on my husband's web site. I visit my husband's website daily and it is very nice to know when other survivors' visit his website as well. I am so sorry for your loss. I see that you have just passed the four month marker since Larry's EOW date. I will say a prayer for you as you endure your grief journey.
To Officer Lasater's Wife,
It is a long lonely road that we walk as police widows. No one person will know your exact pain because everyone's relationship with their officer was so individual and beautiful. I hope to meet you this year in D.C., as I will be attending National Police Week once again. Please contact Southern CA Concerns Of Police Survivors Chapter for my information if you would like to talk sometime. Although it is never an easy road that we walk, please know that you never have to walk it alone. I remember feeling so alone after my husband was shot and killed in the line of duty. We were only married seven short months before he was killed on December 13, 2003.
I will say a prayer for you and your family daily.
Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03
August 25, 2005