Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
As I visited the memorial page of our son, Sgt. Jeff Hewitt-eow 04-04-04-my heart was filled with sadness to learn of yet another mothers grief. Larry, your mom's reflection meant so much to us as we still struggle each day to cope with our loss. We know Jeff has one more "brother" with him in Heaven and we know we'll be with you all again someday but for those of us left behind the grief just never seems to ease. We will hold your mom, your wife and baby in our hearts and in our prayers always as they face each and every day without you. We were in D.C. this year for the Memorial services as each fallen officer of 2004 was honored and their name placed forever on the Wall. What an awsome and overwhelming experience.The numbers are staggering and they just keep growing. We heard so many stories of broken lives an shattered dreams. we are losing so many young men and women in their 20's and 30's. Jeff had just turned 34 in March and we lost him in April. Your family lost you at age 35. You were both "former Marines", because as Jeff always said, there are no X Marines. He served 6 years as an MP and served time in the Gulf during Desert Storm. He loved law enforcement just as I am sure you did, giving his all to keep others safe only to have some crazed person take your lives so senslessly. I know your mom will be surrounded by so much love and your "brothers will be there to see to her every need. We have been so blessed with such a wonderful, caring "family" as the Sheriff's dept. walks beside us each step of our journey. Mom, keep the faith and never, ever be afraid to shed your tears for years to come. I still cry at the most unexpected times , just as his dad and sisters do. We have lost our sons and we will never get to hold them again, to tell them we love them and let them know just how proud we are of them. Just as we light a blue candle for Michael Gordon and Jeff we will light one for Larry. God has chosen our sons to patrol the streets of Heaven and someday we'll understand why. Please take care and know you are not alone in your grief. May God bless you always.
Bill and Pat Hewitt
Parents of Sgt. Jeff hewitt,
Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept.
Buncombe County, N.C.
July 17, 2005
To Joann and Cody. Welcome to our community, baby Cody. Your daddy served it so well. I know that your daddy is looking down now and is so proud of his family. There are lots of people that care about you. Your daddy was a wonderful man. God bless you.
Concerned citizen
Grateful citizen
July 15, 2005
Larry-I have never left more than one reflection on any one site other than this one and my friend, Officer Larry Cox. But I just read several reflections that your mother has left for other officers. Your mother reminds me so much of my Larrys mother. They both seem so strong, so supportive and so loving of their sons.
You and Larry Cox try to watch over all of us, I have a feeling that the two of you have already met. You are so much alike in many ways. We all three know that.
You sir, are nothing less of a hero. Rest easy. May God watch over all of our families.
July 14, 2005
Officer Lasater, I read the reflection your mother left on Sgt Hewitts memorial page and it broke my heart. She misses you dearly and is reaching out to other families to remain close...we'll take care of her, I know you will too!
We lost Jeff last April, also by gunfire, and our dept still carrys the pain, I'm sure we always will. Jeff was our brother, as you, and all other officers are.
I am so proud of you and the job you did for the citizens you swore to protect....god speed brother, we'll take it from here.
To your family, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, where we keep Jeff's family, and may God give you the comfort you need.
Sgt Helen Hall
Buncombe Co Sheriff's Dept, Asheville, NC
Sgt Helen Hall
Buncombe Co. Sheriff's Dept.
July 12, 2005
Officer Lasater, you are a true hero. Your Mom left a beautiful reflection on my son Michael's page, I thank her for that. I know the pain she is feeling right now and the broken heart she suffers from. My wife has not yet posted on our sons page, it is too hard for her yet and I totally understand. My son has 4 children, the youngest is his daughter who was 6 months old when he was killed. She came premature and we almost lost her as she weighed only 2 lbs. Was she sent to him early so he could see her? We like to think that as he prayed for her in the chapel at the hospital every night. She has his smile and his 6 year old son is like looking back 25 years ago when our son was his age. Some times its hard but we wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world. Your Mom, wife and Cody are now part of a club no one wants to be a part of, Gold Star. We all know the pain involved in losing an officer. I spent 30 years on the job and got only a few scratches and I never dreamed I would have a son killed in the line of duty. Me the macho cop has cried every day for 11 months and I'm sure there will many more days ahead as I will never forget him. If posible, I will try and get a letter to your Mom and family to try and give some comfort, they are not alone. You will be honored next May in Washington, DC, you deserve it as you are a true American Hero and you will never be forgotten. I also salute you for your dedicated service to your department and to your country. God bless the Lasater family.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Robert Gordon, Asst. Chief, Retired
Riverside PD, IL
July 10, 2005
I recall first meeting you in the academy. You were a steller cop and a first class person. You will be missed, but don't worry we will take care of those that need taking care of. Your mom misses you and wishes to pass on how proud she is of you.
Deputy Sheriff
Contra Costa County Sheriff
July 9, 2005
Though I did not know you, I do know what a wonderful person your mom is and how much she misses your presence. I am praying for your families strength. God Bless.
Timothy A. Brown
Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
July 8, 2005
Larry you remain to me a 14 year old, lanky, too smart for your own good, too funny to get mad at, everyone's friend - impatient for a car, ready to join the armed forces, go for the money and let the girls follow... if they want... kind of guy. I gave you that first job at Arthur-Young in Walnut Creek/San Francisco only because you had the extroadinary talent and outlook you did. It was a blast teasing you and James at the house. I didn't get away with much.
Having watched you from a distance since then - there are no surprises aside from this. What a pleasure you are Capt. Lasater, Officer Lasater, and now soon to be "dad." Parenting from a distance may well be tough. You will no doubt tackle that job consistant with past performance.
Bob Derber
July 5, 2005
Recently the dept. my husband is with lost a Deputy, which is how I found this website.
I prayed for you Mrs. Lasater, and your baby, when I heard about your husband's recent death.
I'm originally from Concord, but live in Southern CA, as the Marine Corps brought us here. A friend called me about your husband because she heard he was stationed in 29 Palms before getting out of the Corps. My husband retired from 29 Palms in 2002 & is now a Deputy Sheriff.
I still pray for you that God is comforting you & getting you through the difficult times. Your child will grow up knowing Daddy was a true hero, first to his country, then to his community.
God Bless you, your family & your community!
Vicki Everhart
June 29, 2005
Dear Officer Lasater; Dear Larry: I never had the honor of meeting you; I never enjoyed the pleasure of knowing you, but I know, beyond a doubt, that you were a brave man, a worthy man, a good man; a man I would have been proud to have as a friend. My wife and I are blessed with the friendship of your mother; we have grown very close to her in the last few years, and through her we have come to know what a fine son, a proud Marine, a devoted husband, and a caring public servant you were. We know how eagerly and proudly you looked forward to the birth of your child; we know how faithfully you served our country; how bravely you continued to serve in your community, and how devoted you were to your mother. Please know, through eternity, please rest assured, that those you loved; will be loved; that those you cared for, will be cared for, and that those you served so gallantly, those who owe you so much, those worthy of your sacrifice, will always remember, Office Larry Lasater.
Thank you,
David and Andrea Hughes
David A. Hughes, Attorney at Law
Law Office of David A. Hughes
June 28, 2005
I would just like to leave my respects to the family and this officer. I have been told of many accomplishments, from officers of my department. I am sorry for your loss
Explorer Matt Harris
Los Gatos
June 25, 2005
I don't serve on the streets of California, but I do serve in the Prisons here in Oregon. I read about the loss of officer Lasater and my prayers go out to the family. Just remember Phil 4:13 "Through Christ who strengthens me I can do anything". Once again I will add you to my prayer list and continue to pray for you.
Correctional Officer/ Michael
Department of Corrections
June 14, 2005
Dearest Family members of Officer Lasater:
I wish to express my deepest sympathy to you, the loving family members of Officer Lasater. I wish you didn't know the catastrophic grief and loss that we both now share. My brother, Howard, was killed in the line of duty at the beginning of the year. The waves of shock, pain, grief ebb and flow but never abate. I sobbed when I heard about your Larry, knowing too well what you all were about to go through. I am so, so sorry. It seems that, through our grief, we all now are members of a terrible club that nobody ever wants to be a part of. The only sense of solace that I have is in knowing that I am not alone in my despair. My heart goes out to you, and I truly understand your fathomless anguish. I pray that somehow you are able to find peace and to take a step forward with each new day. May you also find comfort and pride in the knowledge that he was such a fine officer who died serving his community and his country, what greater sacrifice could one give? At the same time that I mourn my brother’s death, I couldn't be more proud of him or to be the loving sister of a law enforcement officer. You all will continue to be in my prayers, as is the entire law enforcement community.
Carmen Stevenson
June 13, 2005
I did not know you to well, but I met you during the police academy and I could tell you were going to be a great COP. I felt horrible when I heard the news and I was hoping it wasnt true. I will pray for you and your family. You are a true hero and you will be missed by many.
Semper Fi
Deputy Sheriff
Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office
June 10, 2005
There is a reason that God has chosen the best of the best to work with him and to watch over us. You are experienced, selfless, and dedicated in more ways than one. It was your loss that influenced people to make positive changes in their lives. Thank-you. Semper Fi.
Bayview station: SFPD
June 4, 2005
Dear Mrs. Loya, I am the wife of SGT. Stevenson. I am deeply sorry that you and your family have had to endure the loss of a son, husband, and father. I understand the tormenting pain and sorrow that you and your family feel every moment that you remember the one you love. My prayers are with you and your family in this time of grief. I know that you, as I, wish daily that their sacrifice would be the last. I always thought that it would be the bad guy who lost in the end, but God's plans don't always go the way we wish. I like to think that they were God's warriors' here on Earth, and are continuing to serve him in Heaven. He entertained the idea that when he went to heaven he could become an Angel Warrior. Howard always told me that he was here for a special purpose. He loved his family, friends and being a police officer. I am sure you would agree that Police Officers are special in God's eyes as they are in ours'. Thank you for coming to the CPD, I wish that I would have had the opportunity to meet you and give you a big hug. If you need to talk, ask Art De Werk at the CPD and I will be more than glad to be here for you. May God bless you and your family. Our Prayers are with you daily.
Kathy Stevenson
Wife of fallen officer
June 3, 2005
Larry, eternal snickers and cokes:) I know by now you've got that place running much smoother. Don't fret about down here, we'll take care of everything for you. You will be missed brother.
May 25, 2005
I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to the family, coworkers, and friends of Officer Lasater. Many of our brothers and sisters are gone, but none are ever forgotten. May you rest in peace. Then I heaard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? and Who will go for us? And I said "Here I am. Send Me!" ISAIH 6:8
Mike G.
Federal Law enforcement Agency
May 20, 2005
I did not personally know Officer Lasater. I attended the services with a fellow Deputy to show our respects. As I sat and listened to all who spoke of Officer Lasater and the life he lead, I heard over and over again what an example he was to others. A few day's after the services I read this quote and thought of Officer Lasater.
"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It's the only thing" by Albert Schweitzer. This quote is now taped to my locker as a powerful reminder of the influences we have on others. You will never be forgotten. May you rest in peace.
Deputy Geoff Rochester
Napa County Sheriff's Office
May 18, 2005
I had the honor to know you Larry and I can tell you that you were an amazing person. You always offered your help. I am missing you so much. It is hard to go to work everyday, but I think of your courage and the sacrifice you made that I can't let you down. You are a true Hero. I promise to always be there for Joanne and Cody. I love you my dear friend and I will never forget you.
A friend
Pittsburg Police Dept
May 17, 2005
Larry is the brother of my niece's husband. I met Larry 2 years ago while visiting there in Martinez, Ca. My love and prayers go out to his family and fellow officers. And special prayers to his wife and the son that will only know him through the memories of others. To all my fellow officers carry on.
Matt Allen Patrolman
Granville Police department Granville WV
May 16, 2005
Officer Lasater, family, friends, and fellow Officers and Marines-
People often ask, "What does Semper Fi mean?" I tell them that it means that Marines are all brothers and sisters, whether they know each other or not, and in times of need and support, we are ALWAYS FAITHFUL, no matter what the circumstances- as are Officers! God bless you and yours, thank-you for your above and beyond contributions to our being.
Officer Brown, Former Marine 8yrs
San Francisco PD, Bayview Station
May 12, 2005
You, your family, and your department in are in my prayers during this difficult time.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
May 11, 2005
Rest in peace Brother, my Prayers are with your Family.
Officer E. S. Perry
California Dept. Corrections
May 10, 2005
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God" Matthew 5:8 God Bless You brother, Semper Fi.
SSGT. Alex Romero
May 10, 2005