Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, April 21, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox
Hi! I have been doing so much lately and I havent slowed down to check in. Sorry. I went to Renfro Valley for the first time. It was nice but it sure was hot and muggy. I only went down for a couple days but we had a good time. We took in a couple shows and ate good. You know me, always up for a good meal.
I got word the other day that the OU Police Officer is doing better. I kind of thought maybe all of the "blue angels" had something to do with that. He had no brain activity for so long, but now he does. He has started to move his extremities too. I hope he continues to just get better and better. I dont even know if he has any idea how many blue angels are among us all. I guess "we" are lucky in that way.
I guess you already know, but Bud had a crash. I called and asked if he was okay and I think he is. He has a broken rib. I left him a message, but you know Bud he never calls anyone back. I will try again soon though. You know me.
I think the World of Outlaws will be at KC the first weekend in August. I think I will go with my daddy. As you know first hand, I always go with my daddy to the races. Besides its his birthday that weekend and I have learned in the last year, time is of the essence. I found out not to take anything for granted and spend time with those that I love. So, I guess he and I are going to KC.
I have really tried to do all the things that I keep putting off and promising myself that I will do. I have put forth an honest effort anyway. I have really put a dent in some things, but I still have a lot I want to do and get done. I am sure you did too. I just hope I have enough time, ya know? Im not going to worry about the little stuff anymore.
I think I have finally started to heal a little. I think it has finally sunk in that you are gone. I still dont want it and I certainly dont agree with or like it, but I think I can go forward somewhat. I think that I have convinced myself that I need to toughen up and appreciate the things I have. To stop asking why and waiting on the answers. Im not sure if I will ever accept it or not, but I will give it a good run. I might need some help along the way, but I will make it one way or the other. Ive learned its okay to cry and laugh at the same time.
Anyway, I miss ya and love ya. Ill talk to ya soon. Promise. Me.
July 21, 2006
Dear Larry,
It's been awhile since I've written so I wanted to take a minute to tell you that I haven't forgotten you. I could never forget such a great friend.I think of you all the time. It's summer and schools out so you know that means running around and taking Ciara places. I went to see Mikki the other day and took her some flowers for her birthday. I know she really misses you too. I'll be down to visit with you soon. Miss you alot.
Sandy Mowrey
Sandy Mowrey
July 8, 2006
For those who pledge to uphold it, Freedom requires a Sacrifice the protected will never know...
Officer Eric H. Brill (Retired)
Whitehall Division of Police
July 4, 2006
Hey You. Well, as you know we made it through the poker run with no problems. Thanks for watching over everyone involved and keeping us all safe. We had a pretty good turnout. Once again, it was raining cats and dogs. Everybody laughed and said maybe you were trying to tell us something. It seems everytime we have something for you it rains. No it pours. I still hold faith that its just the angels still crying along with me/us. Anyway, we raised some money for DARE and the kids will appreciate it nonetheless I think.
There sure is a lot going on down here. I know you already know about it. Help everybody get through it will ya? Some good things, some not so good. You know.
Well, I have a bunch of stuff to get accomplished today, so I hate to cut this short, but I must run. Ill be down in a little bit anyway.
I still think about you everyday. Sometimes when Im on my way to work, I pass a semi that has "Cox Transportation" on the trailer. I cant help but smile. Miss Ya. Love Ya. Me.
June 16, 2006
I just wanted to take a moment and express what the feeling I had riding in the run today. I was proud, honored and support the education you have taught to our younger generation for the years you served in our schools and the DARE Program. The overwhelming support the community has given to what was important to you in your honor, was well worth the rain and cold. The run was well organized (I am sure you were looking down smiling).Thanks to your fellow officers for a job well done.
Bob and Michelle Black
Michelle Black
Poke Run Participant
June 10, 2006
Hey You. I just wanted to say hi and I miss you. Happy belated Bday. Love ya. Me.
June 2, 2006
Dear Larry,
Happy Birthday! I went to see you tonight and placed some flowers on the grave. I know you had a good birthday in heaven with God and the angels. You probably told some of your funny stories and smiled your special smile for them. I miss you and your stories. I miss the way you just seemed to brighten the day by walking in and saying hi!The kids at school miss you too. Today in honor of your birthday alot of them wore their Dare shirts or their officer Cox shirts.Well I guess I'd better get off of here I will be seeing you and talking to you later.
Your friend,
Sandy Mowrey
Sandy Mowrey
A friend
June 1, 2006
Hi Lar, well we made it home from DC. I realized today it has been one year, one month and one day. I cant believe it has been one anything. I know that you already know, but you have been honored on so many occasions. Your family, God love em, hasnt missed one of them either. I know that they are so proud of you. This City sure did lose a lot when we lost you. I know you already know that too. Your mom and I agreed that you would be so embarrased if you were here getting all the attention that you have been getting.
Your dad's birthday got by me before I realized it and I had a card to send to him. I had full intentions of sending it before we left for DC but I totally forgot. I didnt even get the chance in DC to tell him early. Your whole family was kept pretty busy there.
The President spoke highly of you. I think Evan and Jacob got his signature too. He only mentioned 3 officers and you were one of them. How cool is that?
They had a dedication for all five officers that were taken from Chillicothe in the "line of duty" at the LEC on Saturday. There was a decent turn out. Dick Groves did a terrific job. He mentioned everybody and then said a little bit about each officer. I think he did really good considering he has very close ties to two, you and Phil. He shared a little about the day he found Phil and it kind of tore him up a little. On the way home on the bus he told us the "retro" story. I wont go into details but you know what Im talking about Im sure. I see you throwing your head back and laughing that laugh of yours too. That was a funny story.
All the graduations are happening and Im sure you have a truck load of kids that are graduating. Keep a close eye on all of them, because we both know the world is evil and they need all the help they can get. Who else better to watch over them than you. You did it down here, you might as well do it from up there.
Well, Ive talked enough. I miss you. Love Ya. Me.
May 22, 2006
Dear Larry,
I attended a memorial ceremony for the fallen officers
of chillicothe today at the law complex. I saw Teresa,your mom and dad. The ceromony was really nice. Afterwords I had a nice chat with your dad. He is a nice guy. I guess that's were you got alot of your kindness at. I still miss you alot and I visit you quite often. The fifth graders at Mt.Logan had there D.A.R.E. graduation last week then they had a celebration with all the other city and county kids. About 800 kids were there. I'm sure you can imagine. The bad thing was it rained us out. You would be proud of Officer Preston though, she has done a good job with the kids. No one will ever take the place of you,but then there was only one you. Officer Preston wasn't made a D.A.R.E. officer to take your place she just wanted to carry on the program the way you would have wanted it for the kids. You will never be forgotten and I truly believe that your legacy will live on forever. You are and always were a special hero. You deserve all the honors and special ceramonies that have been given for you and I am proud to go to all of them I can. You were not only a friend but someone who truly cared. I am glad I knew you and the special person you were. I will be visiting you alot and having chats with you but in the mean time always remember how much you meant to me. I will never forget you and your smile.
Your friend,
Sandy Mowrey
Sandy Mowrey
May 21, 2006
I saw your name in the memorial thing from Washington and my husband went to represent the police officer we just lost and said he heard your name mentioned. He works with a police officer that new you. I understand what your family is going through, considering we just lost an officer with our agency August 29, 2005. My brother is a police officer with Wellston PD in Ohio, he lost his best friend 3 years ago. We can't ease your family or fellow officers pain, but we can send our gratitude to you and thank you for keeping all of us safe and your community in Chillicothe. I grew up in Jackson, Ohio and understand the closeness of a small community. I know you were represented well in Washington and that you would be proud.
Rest in Peace
Courtney Brewer
wife of Huntsville Police Officer(Alabama)
May 19, 2006
A lot of the guys had the opportunity to go to Washington this past weekend to see your name on the wall and hear it read at the memorial. You would be proud of how Teresa and Evan handled this very heart-wrenching ceremony. They are both truely proud of you. We all miss you here at the PD.
May 17, 2006
Thinking of you as our Nation honors those who have made the ultimate sacrafice. You may be gone Brother, but you will never be forgotten.
Officer Eric H. Brill (Retired)
Whitehall Division of Police
May 16, 2006
Hey Lar I swore I wasnt going to write on here anymore and I would just make more trips to the cemetary instead. The Gazette somehow got on here and decided to print my name in the paper, something about leaving reflections on here. I kind of felt weird about that. I guess sometimes when Im on here, I kind of lose myself and just ramble. I mean, I know people read these but I guess I figured they would read them and just forget about them. I guess not. I have had several people ask me lately about you and this site. Im not real sure what to say to them. I kind of want this to be between you and me although I know it isnt but I kind of wish it was.
Anyway, we are coming to DC this weekend. Please dont let it rain. I want to try to "enjoy" myself a little and I really want to meet Larry Lasater's mom, Phyllis. She seems like such a nice lady. There are a boat load of us coming from the department. We will make you proud and you know me, Diane and Becky, we will be the cryin fools. I cant wait to get there. I dont want to re-live Thursday night, but I want to be there to make you proud. I am not really sure what to expect once I get there or anything but Im kind of anxious nonetheless. Watch over us and get us there safely will ya?
The other thing is great. Thank you so much for watching over it. I am glad you gave me the courage to step up and take care of business. It was good advice Ill hug ya when I see ya to tell ya thanks.
I think I will bring something Ohio State to leave at the wall for ya. I will try to get something that I can leave your name and unit number on. I would like to get something for Brian Hurst too, I think maybe the same thing since you both are such big buckeye fans. Im really sorry but I just cant bring myself to buy anything with Jeff Gordon on it. Sorry. Luv Ya. But I cant do it.
Im already crying just thinking about this weekend. I will be a basket case before I even get there. I hate to see me once I arrive. This is going to be sooooo hard. I promise I will try to hold it together as much as possible. You would have thought that I wouldnt have any tears left, huh? Well, I bet I will find some when I get there.
Love Ya. Me.
May 11, 2006
You were thought of today...your legacy will live with Adonai...Shalom
Friend of:
Patrolman Kip E. Boulis
Perrysburg City Police Department, Ohio
E.O.W.: Sunday, May 30, 1976
Alabama C.O.P.S.
May 6, 2006
We added your name to the wall at OPOTA today. It was a good ceremony. I was honored to be part of the Sidney Honor Guard that performed the 21 gun salute for you. Rest in peace, my friend.
Off. M.J. McRill #180
Sidney Police Department (Ohio)
May 4, 2006
We will be in Washington with honor and respect to hear your name read.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
Linda Rittenhouse
May 4, 2006
Dear Larry,
I went to visit you today and placed an angel on your grave. I had a chat with you like I always do .It is so hard to believe that it's been a year. I miss you so much.
I ate a piece of laffy taffy for you today. I saw Teresa
and your family at the candle light vigil and you can still see the hurt on thier faces. I talked to them along with some of your fellow officers. There was alot of people at the vigil. Everyone misses you and honors you not only as a hero but the loving person you was. I miss your laugh and your smile. I'll never forget you my friend.
Here is a poem I wrote for you.
A year ago we said good-bye,
To a special friend, a wonderful guy.
He was a hero in every way,
All the time not just that day.
Larry loved the kids in Dare,
Showed them all how much he cared.
He told them no matter day or night,
Always remember to do what's right.
Larry had a son and wife,
He loved them dearly, they were his life.
I'm sure he watches them from up above,
Looks down and protects them with his love.
In our lives there's an empty place,
For we no longer see your smiling face.
Your special laugh we no longer hear,
To all who knew you, you were dear.
When we think of you we still cry,
Still asking the same question, why?
One thing Larry, we hoped you knew,
Is just how much we loved you.
Sandra Mowrey
April 22, 2006
Lar, it seems like just yesterday you were here, but you have been gone an eternity. I wanted to post something on here that was meaningful or maybe memorable and as I sit here I just cant come up with anything other than I miss you so much. I wish you were here, I want to hear that laugh one more time, just one more race or one more OU basketball game. Anything, I just wish I could have one more. I still think about you everyday and come up with one more thing I want to tell Teresa one day.
There was a candle-light vigil for you tonight in front of the courthouse. And just like one year ago, it rained and rained. I think it is supposed to rain this entire weekend. Go figure. I guess its safe to say that the angels are still cryin like the rest of us. I have to tell you though, it wasnt quite as cold tonight as is was one year ago. We all went down to the cemetary afterwards and it actually stopped raining but more people were crying. Even Eric commented that he thought you would be giggling at all of us standing out in the rain for you. You know what, I would do it a hundred times over if I thought I could hear that laugh of yours once more. Just one more time.
Anyway, Im soaked to the bone and I need to change out of my wet clothes, so I will talk to you tomorrow when I come down. Miss Ya. Love Ya. Me.
April 21, 2006
You and your family are remembered prayerfully on this first anniversary of your tragic death. I will salute you in DC next month for your courage and dedication to the community. Thank you.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
April 21, 2006
1 year has now gone by, know that you will NEVER be forgotten brother and are missed every day. RIP Brother.
April 21, 2006
To Larry and his loved ones:
The one year mark is now here since you were tragically taken from all those who cared for you. Your memory and sacrifice is revered and honored today. I feel such sadness for your family. As survivors, all we can do is soldier on, pay homage to your life and your contributions by trying to be better people ourselves, cherish our precious memories, and stand steadfast in our faith and in our love for you.
Rest in Peace, Larry. I salute your valor. I hope to meet your loved ones in D.C.
Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD
eow 4/24/05
April 21, 2006
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers on this first anniversary of your very tragic death. Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice, Officer Cox. You will forever be remembered as a hero.
Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
April 21, 2006
Wow...We miss you soo much you dont know how much we do!! you were truley loved!! You were Our Hero*.....We hope we can see you AGAIN some day! We still think to this day that its a dream......WE love you soooo much You will always be remembered!!!!! Love Yours Truley Shea & Brianna
Brianna Cahill, Shea Smith
April 21, 2006
May Our Lord wrap His arms especially tightly around your family,friends and co-workers today and in the future.May you Rest in Peace.
April 21, 2006
Larry,As the day creeps up on our town . My heart starts to sink to even think about the day you were takin from us.Tommorow Friday,April,21 is the day we will remember all that you gave us .It marks the day that you were takin in gods hands and lifted in the the kingdom. Tommorow is going to be hard Larry for the whole town.Help us cope tommorow and let us know your still with us no matter what the gave the ultimate price to keep harm away from us and for that so many are greatful.Larry we all miss you always
Sgt.Johnathon Fyffe Ross County Junior Deputy(RCSO)
Sgt.Johnathon Fyffe
Ross County Junior Deputy
April 20, 2006