Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox

Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, April 21, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox

a true hero while on the job, and off..R I P PATROLMAN COX


December 18, 2005

Hey Officer it seems like for-ever that I haven't got to see you in person in an earthly form..I remember the day that it happend way before it happend other junior deputys and I and Capt.Detillion were leaving for columbus and I seen you and we talked for a few mins before we left and when we got back you were there also and we talked about how things went..I never knew it would be the last time I would get to talk to you again...I Miss You..Merry Christmas...I Knoe I'll See You Again One Day...Love Johnathon

Ross County Junior Deputys

December 17, 2005

Hey Lar it seems like I havent been on here in forever. I know Christmas is right around the corner and I know its going to be no fun. I was thinkingthe other day, I think the most you and I ever did together on Christmas was church. So this year I will go to your church just for you. I know there will be a lot of people there and I know none of us will be concentrating on what is being said more so on thinking about you.

I came down the other day and I swear the only flag that was blowing straight out in the wind was yours. I wondered if you did that on purpose. I know for a fact that you were there because when we were "talking" there was a bright ray of sunshine that came down and landed right on the FOP flag. I had to smile just knowing that you were laughing cause you threw me off guard. Just you being you. Imagine that!

I think of you everyday. It has been a little easier to go down to the SO/PD. Im not sure if you had anything to do with that, but if you did, thanks for the encourgement. There are still pictures up of you and people still telling Larry Cox Stories. We were talking about you and Alan down at Anderson's, do you remember those times? Man, did we laugh?

Anyway, I miss you dearly and cant wait to see you again.

C ya. Me.


December 16, 2005

Happy Holidays Larry, you are missed.


December 1, 2005

Wish you were here, words can't express how much you are missed. I think about you everyday, remembering your laugh, smile, voice and especially your sense of humor. I haven't laughed that much since you left us. I sure do miss our conversations (comedy sessions) would be a more appropriate phrase. There have been so many times when we have said "Larry would have loved this" or "Just imagine what Larry is saying right now" We know you are still making those jokes, I just wish we could hear them instead of imagining them. Oh, how much we miss you dear friend. Today,tomorrow and forever.

Kathy Smith

November 29, 2005

Well Lar, Theresa did it, she pulled off the suprise party for Evan. He says he figured it out before, but who knows? I think he had a good time nonetheless. Some of his friends came and the whole Cox clan was there. Eric, Kevin, Julie and Oodie were there too. I wish with all my heart that you were there too, although we both know you were.

I cant believe that the holidays are here. I cant beleive that is has been over 7 months since you keft us either. Sometimes it seems like days and sometimes it seems like years.

I have asked the dept if everyone will put out at least one blue light for you this Christmas. I hope everyone gets to do it and Im gonna see if Becky will help me put one up at the department too. You know how Becky likes to decorate anyway, so Im sure she will be all for it.

I miss you more everyday and wonder what you are doing up there. I know you laughed at me at the Turkey Trot. Man, I dont know how you did that route. Your son finished it and your sister and niece. I wimped out and didnt make it to the top of the first hill by Paint St. I know you were laughing, I could just see you with you head thrown back and your mouth wide open. LOL.

I think some people are going over to your moms on Christmas Eve. I dont know if I will make it or not. I start my new job on the 18th and dont know what my days off will be yet. Speaking of work, I must go get ready to go so I dont get fired.

C ya. Me.


November 28, 2005

Larry, it's been nearly seven months since God took you home. Even though I know that God has a plan for everyone and his plan was for you to "RUN" on the STREETS OF GOLD, I still miss seeing you. Every morning when I leave work I still think of you and passing you in the hall or seeing you in briefing.
As I sit here reading each and everyone one of your reflections it is in some way is a comfort to know that everyone saw you as a HERO. And even though I can't help but cry when I think about the terrible night that you were taken from your family, fellow officers, friends, and the citizens of Chillicothe I know that your job here was done and that you went on to HEAVEN to perform another one.
Anyone who knew Larry and saw him working out in the gym will know what I am talking about when I say this: I know longer am bothered by the rain when I am working because I know that Larry is just running around in HEAVEN backing up every Officer who is on the street.


November 19, 2005

i can only remember the good times> at the YMCA playing bball and times when i was little ill miss you


November 13, 2005

i can only remember the memeries we had playing bball and rc cars

john boy

November 13, 2005

This is the first time I have seen this part of the site and read it. Thanks Jules.
After reading all the pages, seeing the very touching words from Officers, Family, Blue Family, friends and the citizens that Larry was sworn to protect and serve, I have cried, I have laughed at the humorous comments from fellow Officers and cried some more. Knowing Larry was such a privilege and honor. I consider it to be a great honor to have been his friend. If you knew Larry or your child knew Larry consider it to have been an honor. Larry loved the people and children of Chillicothe and made a lasting impression on each of them. When one of the children say to me, Do you know Ofc. Cox? I can say with pride that I did and am glad they did too because Larry may have been the one bright spot in their day. The one person that may have changed their life for the better or have given them a look at the right path to travel in life. He did this for the children and for anyone else that he touched.
The small things that you talk about in the course of a day do not seem that important until you find that those are the last words that you will ever speak to a true friend. The shock, anger, rage, need for pay back that I have felt and know other LEO's and LEO's families and friends have felt is at times best discribed as unbearable. The last thing we said to each other was "See ya tomorrow." Little did I know that was the last thing to be said. It seemed so small but will stick in my mind forever.
To the other LEO's wives, mothers, family, fellow Officers and friends, I know your pain and feel your pain. It is a pain that burns and will not go away. Being an Officer means taking that chance be it on duty or off. Larry knew this and took this job head on, full speed and doing it to the very best of his ability.
Larry my friend, my brother, rest easy. The piece of waste that did this is locked up and will never see daylight as a free man. Your brothers and sisters will close ranks, step forward and carry on in your memory. God bless you brother, we will see each other again.


October 30, 2005

hi, i didn't have officer cox as a D.A.R.E. teacher, but i am now 18 and living in tennessee, i went to mcarthur elementary in chillicothe, and when i was int he 5th grade, office cox went with my class on our trip to washington d.c for safety patrol...while there we all became very close to him, and i can guarentee that he will be missed enormously....i give my condolences to family and friends, and i am very sorry this had to happen....thank you, Amber Burnett

Amber Burnett

October 22, 2005

Hey Lar-Where to start. I havent been on here in awhile and I apoligize for that. I keep meaning to stop by and drop you a line but I just havent and for that Im sorry.

I have been down to the cemetary a lot lately. You are probably getting tired of me. I think one of these days I will rub the finish right off that headstone. I try to keep it wiped off and keep the dust off but we both know that being that close to the "Mill" its next to impossible.

I cant tell you how much I miss you on an everyday basis. People keep telling me it will get easier but I am beginning to doubt that more and more everyday. I dont know that I want it to because I dont want to forget anything. This community lost so much when we lost you. I still expect you to pass me on Water St in your cruiser everytime I go down through there. As if you havent noticed I have been going a different way to the Dept lately, no offense but I think everybody down there thinks all I do is cry and be sappy. Not that I care. LOL.

I am not even sure if I want to go back to the department anymore. I keep trying to make myself go more and more but its still too hard to walk in there and think of you the whole time. The picture of you is so huge and it faces the SO dispatch. I just cant seem to concentrate on the calls or the reports when I keep looking up at the picture. I am glad they put it up though, its a great tribute.

I saw a picture of Lorraine the other day and wondered if you two have had time to get hooked up yet. I imagine you have. I hope you arent causing too much trouble up there.

Anyway, I got to go, I am headed to a soccer game, so root for John-Boy kay?

C ya soon. I miss ya. Me.


October 12, 2005

Larry, I will never forget the night that this tragedy happened to you. It was the first time in my life that I ever worried about my father and the rest of the law enforcement community here in Chillicothe. This sort of thing doesn't happen here. But we all found out that yes it does. Although I did not know you personnally your death has affected me. One reason being that I have a father in law enforcement. Another being that I go into the schools here in Ross County. The day of your funneral I realized that I could only wish to touch half as many young peoples lives as you have. Those students really loved and respected you. Every time I walk into a class room to talk with those students about self-esteem and treating others with respect I think of you. You have inspired me to make sure that everytime I stand infront of those students that I am honest and sincere with them. I know that it doesn't matter what I say to them it matters how I make them feel. So, thank you for making me a better person and for showing me that yes one person can make a difference in a lot of peoples lives.
I will never forget the day that I walked into Bishop Flaget school to visit my aunt. You were there laughing and smiling! I am so thankful to have been able to share that moment with such a wonderful man and hero.
Thank you for everything that you have done for the students and our entire community. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! AND ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AS A HERO!

Daughter of an officer

October 3, 2005

Larry was married to my life long friend and classmate. He was one of the friendliest officers I know and he is missed by all. God Bless Larry and his family.

Debbie Houseman
Security Police Officer

September 29, 2005

5 months, Larry, and it's still impossible to believe. I still expect to see you out running on the floodwall, or sweating buckets on a stationary bike. Dad and Claypool came up for the Iowa game on Saturday, and seeing them just reminded me of how the one thing I could always count on before a home game was you 3 stopping by. Or even if you made it up and Dad couldn't, you still always stopped and said hey. San Antonio was a good time, Dad and Dick did their best to fill in for you as the scary tour guides. Still wasn't the same. Evan and I got up on a rainy morning and tried to run the length of the Riverwalk, but there were too many dead ends. You'd be so proud of how he's held up since you were taken from us. Iron will that boy has, and he got it honest. Teresa had fun also, we're all so glad she came. Miss you every day.

So much time has passed since the death of Larry, yet for me, the reality of it still hasn't settled. The idea that this man, who literally brightened any room he walked into, was taken so abruptly and brutally, is still unthinkable. This man never said a negative word about anyone. His eyes never left your face when you were talking, regardless of how mundane the topic. He fixated them on you like nothing else mattered. That's my very last image of Larry, as it's the exact thing that happened the last time I ever talked to him. I was rambling about some unimportant thing, and his eyes never left mine. And I'm grateful that I was allowed to have that as my last recollection of him. I'm also grateful and privileged to have ever known him. I could literally write for days about all the wonderful memories I've shared with Larry or every great thing about him, but I'll just end by saying that he is dearly missed by all who knew him, and I hope he's enjoying his sky box seats for the games this season. Miss ya, Lar.

Will Frizzell
family friend and fellow officer's son

September 27, 2005

I lived and worked in Chillicothe from 1996 through 1999 and would frequently run into Larry at the YMCA when I worked out. Larry was always in a great mood and was one of the nicest people you could meet. I could tell how much he enjoyed his work, especially working with children in the DARE program. I was greatly saddened to learn of his death.

Eric K Fisher
Friend and Used to live in Chillicothe

September 23, 2005

I believe that Patrolman Cox knew the police work is not just something you do in life, but it is part of your life.

I never knew Patrolman Cox, but I feel he must have been a fine officer. I know a lot of people use the term hero a lot these days, but I believe that Patrolman Cox is a HERO.

September 22, 2005

My wife and I would like to send our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Patrolman Larry Cox. Thank you for your many years of service and dedication. We all share in the loss of losing one of our own. May God bless.

Officer T.T.Royster
Huntsville Police Department, AL.

September 18, 2005

Hey Lar-It seems like forever since I was on this website. As you know I have been down to see you a lot lately. Teresa did a wonderful job on the headstone. It looks very impressive.

I dont think a day goes by that I dont think of you. I try to stop in and check on your folks and Evan but they are always on the run. Some things will never change I guess. But Im glad they are busy, it probably makes life a little easier for them all. I still cant imagine what they feel like every day.

Your car made it back finally. I drove by it the other day before I even realized it was yours. I really didnt expect to see it I guess. WOW! They did a great job on it. You wouldnt even recognize it. You remember the time the window got busted out of your car, I think it was 92 but I dont remember for sure. Man, you werent a happy camper about that. But we all laughed anyway, huh?

I really dread the holidays coming up, I think it will really suck with you not being here. Although where else can you spend Christmas and not be in better company than where you are.
The family reunion and your birthday were hard enough I dont even want to think about the holidays yet.

Anyway, I am on my way out the door but I wanted to stop and say hey and that I miss you terribly.

C ya. Me.


September 15, 2005

Lar-Its been awhile since I left anything, sorry about that. This is the big "Rodeo" weekend and as you know, we have been working a lot of hours at work. I havent been Ive been doing other stuff as you know, but still I think I am as tired as if I was working. Maybe I should have worked instead.

Anyway, I cant believe it has been almost 5 months. Some days it seems like years and others it seems like hours. How weird is that?

I still think about you everyday and still get very teary eyed at the least little thing that pertains to you.

Anyway, I miss ya and I will leave you something very soon. I hope you liked the cross I left with "Joy" on it. I knew you would smile and know exactly why I left it there.

Miss Ya. C ya. Me.


September 2, 2005

From reading the reflections left for Officer Cox it is obvious to me that he was well liked. Officer Cox made the ultimate sacrifice. His life was taken while pursuing a criminal, and we should never forget what happened to him. May he rest in peace.

Officer Gregory R. Boston
Xavier University Police

August 26, 2005

Hey Lar-I finally got the DVD that was made and distributed. I talked to the Chief the other day and he gave me a copy. I just finished watching it.

I called the department the other day and Casey answered and you know what he said. Man, my heart hit my ankles on that one. I wasnt prepared for that greeting in the least. I hear you laughing at me too.

The big County Fair is going on this week as you know.

Hey dont forget I need you to hang out with me on Monday. I could really use a little push of encourgement, but I guess you already know that, huh? Im still not sure about going through with the whole thing, but I guess Im in a little too deep to back out now.

I still think about you daily. I dont think this whole thing has really sunk in yet. It just doesnt seem real to me. Although I think a lot of people feel that way still.

I went to the races this past weekend with dad and we talked about you some. We were talking about the 24 car, Eldora and you! How nice it would have been to race you and your dad home. You know what Im talking about too. I told him the "Staple" story and he kind of laughed too, kind of like you; laugh but not laugh.

Anyway, I miss you and that laugh of yours so much. Watching that DVD sure did bring back a few memories.

C ya. Me.


August 10, 2005

Missing you today and everyday. As we near the beginning of another school year and another OSU football season, you are constantly in my thoughts. There are so many things about those times that I will forever miss. They will never be the same without you.

Kathy Smith
Gal Pal

July 30, 2005

Hey Lar, man it seems like forever since I talked to you last. I cannot believe that it has been 3 months and Im still cryin. Some guy stopped in work tonight and had on the biggest watch I have ever seen and you will never guess what was engraved on it. Yep, the big "24" was right in the middle of it. Of course I thought about you and wanted to cry. Tell me these feelings will eventually go away.

I saw on Hurst's reflection that someone said something about all those people that say times heals all wounds, never met a hero. I would have to say I agree with that one hundred percent.

They are putting together a memorial together for all fallen officers from the City and the County. They are asking for everyone to donate something if they have it. I cant wait to see what shows up. Im secretly hoping that Huffman gives them that "picture" that used to show up at work from time to time. You know what Im talking about too. Although they probably wouldnt use it I would love to see it appear there just to see their reaction to it.

McDonalds has an awesome display on Bridge Street. They have a bunch of your pictures and medals from school in a display case. I havent been in to really look at them other than the day they put them up, me and Kelsey went over there.

I stopped by and talked to your dad the other day. He is so proud of the DARE conference they went to. You know that story already. By the way, congrads on all of that too. Im proud of ya.

Anyway, I miss you so much and I wish everyday that you could still be here with us.

C ya. Me.


July 27, 2005

Officer Larry Cox,
You were a great friend of my fathers and so many more. Your accomplishments and so many sacrifices will never be forgotten. God Bless your family.

A1C Vargas

July 27, 2005

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