Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, April 21, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox
The year has flown. It seems as if it were yesterday that we had our last laugh together. I miss you as much today as I did that dreadful day. The memories will keep you with us always. The junior high is getting ready for their trip. They leave tomorrow for Chicago. Remember last year you with them and they will always hold that close to their hearts. A mass of remembrance will be said for you on Friday, April 21st at the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago by Fr. Black. I know this will be a memorable moment for all the kids. It will be like you are there with them again and I'm sure you will be. When they go to Notre Dame on Saturday, Kristen says she's going to wear her scarlet and gray all over campus. Did you put that into her head? You know that's what you would be doing. I'm sure she will represent! OH--I hear you Larry---IO
Miss you much,
Kathy Smith
April 18, 2006
It will be one year that your tour of duty ended. I know many tears have been shed by those that love you and many more will come. Wrap your wings around your loved ones and help them with their grief and protect them from harm. I know your parents would trade places with you in a heart beat if they could bring you back to continue on with your life. I know how they feel for I also lost a son in the line of duty so they have to know that they are not alone. There are no secret words for me to say to them to help them with their grief, all I can suggest is that they take one day at a time and keep your memory alive. You will never be forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family ever forget you. Thank you for your dedication to law enforcement. You are a true hero.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
April 15, 2006
Mean Gene
April 8, 2006
Larry, although it will soon be a year since you were taken from us it is still hard. I still miss you like it was yesterday. You had a laugh like no one else and usually made me laugh too with one of your jokes. Every time I see laffy taffy or twizzlers I think of you. I will always remember you eating candy from Mrs.Berry's treasure box especially the taffy. We still talk about that and how much fun we had when you was in the class. We love you Larry and will always hold special memories of you within our hearts. You'll never be forgotten.
Sandy Mowrey
A friend
April 7, 2006
Well, it happened. I had an officer yelling for help tonight. Man, can I tell you my mind was right on it. I got the help there and all the paperwork ready before I even realized I had it done, I had the CCH run and the wrecker ready to roll, I even took a coupld phone calls in the middle of it. You dont know how much I have been dreading this day. I knew in my heart that it would happen I was just hoping it would be far, far away. I really surprised myself. I just couldnt wait to get out of there at the end of the shift just to smile and tell myself I DID IT. I feel pretty good about it. Im not getting cocky and the next time hopefully I will hold it together as well as I did tonight. I had to play the recording back to even hear what I said. I couldnt even remember. I dont think that I sounded as lost as I thought I did. Oh well, I cant change the recording ya know?
Mom and dad wrecked their jeep Friday night. I think mom was more shook up than I realized. They were coming to my house to watch Shreck 2 of all things. Its kind of funny now but not then. Even Frankie Penwell got in on it. Dad was walking around the jeep trying to figure out what to do and ole Frankie asked him if the "cartoon" was worth it. Then Joey Addy got there and asked him if he was still going to watch the cartoon or not. I have to admit it did make dad laugh a little.
I realized the other day that I got your mom something way back in, I think November, and it is still in my car. I know you think Im a slacker. I will get it to her eventually. Maybe I will just save it for next Christmas. Ha Ha I know, real funny.
My folks and I are headed to Kentucky this weekend for the big birthday bash. My papa turns 100 on April 3rd. Can you believe that? I know he will be visiting you soon, so keep a close eye on him for me. He is a riot. You know he still cooks for himself and he cleans that big ole house too. Sometimes I wonder where he gets the energy from.
Did I tell you I got ripped off? I went to the Turkey Trot and almost froze to death and still never got my shirt. Everybody else did though. Come to think of it I wrote a check for it and still didnt get it. Just my luck huh? My life story never getting what I want. LOL.
Man I hate that Greenlawn wont allow artificial flowers this time of year. Everything looks so bare. Teresa had it looking very nice with all that red color on it. I dearly loved the roses that she had down there. I know you smiled when you saw them too.
Anyway, I just couldnt wait to get home to tell you about the night I had. I still miss you more everyday.
C ya. Me.
March 27, 2006
god bless
your serivces will not be forgotten
March 15, 2006
Hi. It has been a hard week at work. I cant seem to concentrate on anything. I not sure if you have me occupied or if Im just losing my mind. All I seem to do is drift off and not pay attention. I got guys running S/7's and DS's and I write it down, I just forget about it. I am just not on top of my game. If they stop out with someone, Im a nervous wreck. Heaven forbid if they want to take them somewhere to wait on aid. I am just beside myself thinking what if this happens, what if that happens, what if, what if, what if. I was never like that until recently. I was like that a little after Brandy but after you, it got terribly worse. I dont know what is going on anymore. Pretty much all of my friends think Im a whacko. I worry about everything know and I never did. I was Miss Happy Go Lucky and I would wing anything with the best of them. Not now. Its all I can do sometimes to write down the license plate correctly. You probably think Im nuts too. Welcome to my life.
I dont even care about Nascar anymore. Go figure. Can you believe that, of course it doesnt help that Rusty left too. I cant go root for him and I cant race you home. Whats the point in going?
I thought about you all day. It has been so windy and rainy. The day we said goodbye to you was like that. It rained so hard that day. The only difference is there wasnt any rainbows in the sky to let me know the next day would be okay.
I just read Sara's reflection to Brandy and started crying about half way through it. Man, I feel for her so much. I wish the judical system could feel half of what we are all feeling. I wouldnt wish the loss on anyone, just the impact so they would try to put a stop to the senseless acts that people commit on a daily basis. There has been enough heartache in just the law enforcement community, I wish it would end. What a messed up world we live in.
I stopped by work the other day to see Teresa but she wasnt there. I think she was at lunch. I am going in to take the Notary test next week, so maybe I will get a chance to touch base with her. Please keep a close eye on her, I know she is hurting terribly. I know what I feel I cant imagine what she feels. I wish I could ease it a little for her and your parents. Listen to me, I cant even help myself and I want to try to help everybody else. See, I told you Im losing it. Maybe I already lost it.
I talked to "E" the other day and he is working really hard on the motorcycle thing. He has really put his heart into it. But as always, you know he will make you proud. Some things never change I guess. I know he really misses you.
Well I just got off work and its almost one a.m. and I must get to bed. I have a full day tomorrow and I am coming down to say hey so I will finish filling you in on the "dirt" when I get there. I got some good stuff to tell ya.
I miss you more everyday. Me.
March 9, 2006
To Patrolman Larry Cox and his loved ones:
On this the eleventh month after your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is still with your family and I look forward to meeting them in D.C. You’re all in our thoughts and our prayers.
Larry, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Patrolman Larry Cox. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Larry gave to his community and the citizens of Ohio, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on April 21, 2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
March 9, 2006
Larry, I believe we only met a time or two at my house (you protecting) my family like officers do. I wish we could have gotten to know you like some of the others because, it seems you have touched lives more than we will really know and I myself would have liked to be in your path. My daughter just said to me "mom that is office Cox, she has never met you but, your memory still lives on and you have helped so many." You are on my mind alot because, I think of the pain your wife and kids go through each and every day. I hope that they remember the love you have for them and so many others. God has a plan and it is on his time not ours. We have to remember that "God gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in will not PARISH but, have EVERLASTING life. You are loved and truly missed.
Friend in Crist
February 22, 2006
I've been thinking about Larry often the past few weeks, more than normally. I think about his family, and those closest to him and how the loss of one person as wonderful as Larry has changed so many people's lives. Larry changed so many people's lives while he was alive, for the better, I know that out there somewhere people's lives have been changed for the better in his death. We all wish that isn't how it had to happen, but if it had to happen, he'd want some good to come of it.
April's coming up on us fast, and I'm not sure if any of us are ready for it. I get the sinking feeling in my stomach every time I look at the calendar and see the date inching closer. I wish I would have been there, Larry. Maybe things would have been different. You never know, and I know you wouldn't want us dwelling on the maybe's so I try not to.
Thinking of you, still.
February 20, 2006
Well I guess you saw what happened at the Sweetheart Swirl. Everyone is outraged this incident occured. Some more than others, so keep an eye on them.
February 19, 2006
Hi Lar. You have been on my mind a lot lately for some reason. I didnt think it possible to physically "hurt" when someone was taken and I certainly didnt expect it to still hurt after this long. Wow, what a roller coaster.
I got my time approved to come to DC in May. I cant wait to get there, but I cant believe that I want to go either. I still refuse to believe that you are gone. It is just too weird.
Hey thanks for helping me with the other thing. I know you know, but we are talking and its a good thing. All in all it will work out okay, I think. But if you want to keep an eye on things, I wont complain about it. But, I truly thank you, because I know you had something to do with it. What else are big brothers for, right?
I still have my blue light out on the front porch. I think about you everytime I look at it and wonder what you are doing.
I miss you. C ya. Me.
February 16, 2006
ican still see him today but i realize he is gone but in my mind forget him as he came to the class room to tell not to do drugs so from theday he was killed i joined the jourinordeputes and from this day i still have not did drugs and thanks to lary i have joined the group at our schol called stamp thats the group were we go and teach the kids not to do drugs well lary i guess i will see you once more up in our home called heaven.
your fellow
kyle cade
jurinor deputes
February 16, 2006
Hey You, The departments have really taken a toll this past month. First Ray McKeever then Ed Gahm and now Rick Thornton. Im afraid to ask if it can get any worse. Man, we miss you guys so much.
Not a day goes by that I dont think of you. It is still hard to look at your picture.
I was just setting here listening to the scanner. Do you remember the huge ordeal with your scanner? Man, that was bad. Although I can laugh about it now. You didnt think it was funny then did ya? Just think how boring your life would have been if it werent for me here to bug ya. Do you remember the incident on Second Street with the saran wrap? I thought of that the other day and busted a gut laughin. You were so funny when you came out and saw that, the look on your face was priceless. Boy, we had some good times didnt we? Some bad but mostly good. No matter which one, I cherish them all now.
Ya know, there are days that I get up and I think about you all day long. Is that you trying to tell me something or me just being me? I wonder sometimes.
You know that I read other officer's reflections everyday. My heart breaks for all of the people just getting ready to start this horrible journey that we started back on April 21st. They think that it will get easier, it wont. They think that they will get over it, not anytime soon. They think that their hearts are going to fall out of their chests, I think they could. Sometimes just the thought of you is all it takes for me. I know there are a lot of people that feel the same way. You dont even know how many people were affected by you and your death. All the kids, your family, co-workers, your friends, you have no idea. Even people you didnt know somehow felt the loss. Wow.
I know you are, but keep a close eye on your parents, Evan and Teresa. I think they need you more than you know. Maybe more than they know at times.
Talk to ya soon. C ya. Me.
February 1, 2006
Yo Larry
Been a little while, just a little somethin, somethin to say I-we miss ya bro. The anger still burns brother. Show all the new guys around and watch over the new guy down here.
January 31, 2006
Gee Larry Im not sure what is going on but Rick came to visit you yesterday too. I cant believe the heartache that is happening at the LEC. When will it end? Anyway, you and Rick walk the great floodwall up there together but dont go too fast for him, you know he walks a little slower than you do. All of us here at work miss you very much. You and Rick take care until we all meet again. All your friends.
January 28, 2006
Can it really be almost a year since you were taken? It seems like it was only yesterday. You are remembered in someway everyday. Sometimes we laugh, others we cry. No one has escaped your death unscathed and I look forward to the day when there are only smiles when your name is mentioned. The trial is looming ahead. We all know it will be a difficult time to live through, but we will be there for Teresa, Evan and your parents. May God keep them and bless them. Watch over everyone.
January 23, 2006
You probably already know, but two buddies came to be with you within the past 14 days. Ray on the first and Ed this past Sunday. You boys take good care of each other and try to look out for all of us left behind to deal with the loses. What a hard hit that we have all taken this last year. They say it happens in threes, ask God to give us a break. Im not sure how much more we can all take.
January 17, 2006
Well Lar, we made it, the holidays are over. I wondered if they would ever end. I worked one and the other was my scheduled time off. You remember those days when you worked afternoons, when everybody waited on you to sneak home and then something happened. You might make it and you might not. Sometimes you were on your way and still something would come up as soon as you turned in the alley.
I havent had a chance to talk to Teresa lately. Now that things are slowing down and I am settling into my new job, maybe I can get back into a routine. I still dont like my job, but I have decided to give it an honest chance and stop belly-aching about it. Me, not complaining, imagine that. LOL.
I guess I never relaized it, but I think a lot of people read these reflections. Now that Ethan has joined you, I hear more and more units talking about this site. My friend Erica and I were talking about it just last night. She is getting ready to marry into the LEO Family, but shes already a dispatcher so she knows the risks ahead of time. Most people dont have that advantage I dont think. How hard it must be for those families.
Anyway, I have rattled enough for one day. I just got off work and need to get to bed for a bit so I can get up and do it again tonight.
I wont be off again until next Friday so Ill be down then to get you all caught up on everything.
I miss you more than you know my friend. Me.
January 13, 2006
It was truly the worst day of my career the day God called you home...but I have learned to accept his will, not mine. I am sure heaven is a much better place with you there. I can't help feeling that we let you down that night by not taking care of this guy before he got to you. One thing is for sure, your life here was an unbelievable inspiration for me. I can only hope to be half the officer you became. I believe the memorial service said it all, with the entire town in attendance, you will truly be missed in peace.
Fellow Officer
Chill PD
January 4, 2006
Happy New Year Larry. I wish you were here to celbrate it with us.
Miss Ya. Me.
December 31, 2005
I thought about you alot today Larry. "Carrol" found your old lock jock in the armory with your signature engraved in the handle and brought it into briefing and showed it to everyone there. Funny how something so simple as a lock jock of all things can bring back a flood of memories! We all miss you.
Ofc. Sandy Murray
Chillicothe Police Dept
December 31, 2005
Merry Christmas to you Larry and to your family. Keep watch over them and wrap your wings around them and protect them. Please try and ease some of their grief. Also, keep watch over those still out on patrol. You have not, nor will you ever be forgotten.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Mihcael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
December 25, 2005
Well Larry, here we are, Christmas Eve. How did it get here so fast? It seems like only yesterday you were here and now its been more than 8 months. Wow. I didnt put anything up for Christmas this year but the blue light I told you about. I asked some of the guys to put one outside their houses too. Hope you can see them from way up there. I know you can.
Our "boy" is driving. How did that happen? I still wish he was 6 years old. Ya know, I feel really old sometimes.
Dad and I talked about maybe going over to the races at Eldora this year. Of course I thought about you and almost told him I didnt want to go. I gave in and told him to get the tickets. Try to help me out with the rain situation if you can. LOL. You know what I mean too.
Well, I gotta go put in my "time" and keep the motoring public safe. Miss Ya.
Merry Christmas!!!!! Love Me.
December 24, 2005
Officer Jim Gilbert
Columbus PD
December 24, 2005