Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield


I only learned about this website last week when one of my fellow officer's was killed in the line of duty. His name was Officer Bryan S. Hurst, I am sure you have met him, and we went to the Academy together. Bryan worked on 12 Pct. for a while when I worked on 11 Pct. so we got to see each other quite often. He had just taken a new job assignment, he was coming inside to be a detective in the Juvenile Bureau. He would have been investigating sexual abuse cases involving children 15 YOA and younger. He would have been working with me and five other classmates. Oh gosh, I am rambling. All the would have's, could have's and should have's that we don't get to.

Anyway, I want to thank you for holding the thin blue line and dedicating your life to protecting and serving your community. But I also want you to know how very lucky you are to have a wife who is OUTSTANDING. As I have gone to each of these pages, dedicated to other fallen officers, she has religiously entered reflection's to those officer's families and friends. Even though when I read your reflections, she is tired, lonely and heartbroken, she makes time to do it. She is an inspiration to me. You can be as proud of her as she is of you.


I am just blown away with how huge your heart is. I just can't imagine how incredibly difficult it is to go through your tragedy again, so soon, by selflessly helping Bryan's wife through this. In all the reflection's that I have read, Brandy was the strong one, the take charge one, the "get 'er done" one. While I am sure that that is true, so are you. I know he is in heaven with that big grin on his face, just beaming. Busting out with pride for you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, as you have been since back in October.

We will see Brandy again at the FINAL ROLL CALL. Until then rest easy, Brandy. I'll be watching for the hawk.

God Bless You All.

Officer Jody Grube
Columbus, Ohio Police Department

January 14, 2005

Deputy Windfield-
Its late at night and I am sitting here at my computer and I started thinking of you. The day this tragic event happened, I was off duty and was working inside my garage. I had came inside to check the forcast and learnt of the shocking news. I had met you at the county line a year or so ago to pick up an inmate. This makes no sense, but God must have needed you upstairs. Everytime I am towards Marion, I make it a point to drive past the scene and say a small pray for your family you left behind. Words don't express the sadness I feel for all your friends and family that greive your loss. The day of your funeral, I worked in Marion County, so your closest brothers could attend your funeral and when I heard Sara sign out -5100 6 1/2 was 37 at the colesium,I pulled my patrol car to the side of the road and cried many tears on your passing.

Rest in Peace

Deputy Michael Hoy
Wyandot County Sheriff's Office

January 14, 2005

My husband is a Columbus Police Officer. I honored Brandy at his funeral. It was quite an amazing tribute to a man who seems very very special. I want you to know that I am thinking about you and praying for you daily, especially tomorrow on the 3 month anniversary. It was one week ago today that Bryan was killed. I'm sure that Brandy, Melissa and Bryan have all met up and are protecting us up there, and probably having a few good laughs.
I got chills when I read the message about the hawk. I saw that hawk at the funeral as we parked the cruiser, he was checking things out really low. I even commented to my husband about it. I wish you could have seen it. My husband has always said that the hawk is the cops bird because it patrols the roads too. It is his favorite bird and my father-in-law's (former trooper) favorite bird.
Take care of yourself. You are doing a wonderful job with a situation that is not easy. Landon and Tyler are very lucky to have you for a mom. I think you gals from OH COPS are doing an amazing mission. It can't be easy for any of you but I have found there is healing in helping and you are. I was glad to see you met with Rob and Lanie. Isn't she precious!? We had talked about getting her a CPD badge necklace because at the FOP Christmas party, she was admiring my friends necklace. Maybe we could do that for her. What do you think?
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the boys!
Blessings to you Sara,
Columbus Police Officer's Wife

Tonia Drake
Columbus Police Officer's Wife

January 13, 2005

Tomorrow will be 3 months. It seems like a ten years and yesterday all in one. I still haven't accomplished my list of things to do. I am starting to feel like you, a million things to do and never getting them done. I have thank you notes to get done, the house is a mess, Christmas toys need organized (some are still in the boxes), the computer desk is a wreck. So what am I doing, writing to you and avoiding it all. You would have a fit over the state of the garage. You can't even get to your work bench. I am giving Brian the mower. I won't use it. The dryer that broke the week before you died is still sitting out there. I have a pile of bills sitting in front of me to pay and I just don't even want to do any of it. I know I will get some stuff done today before I go insane.

The house stinks because of Bacon. I bought a bunch of smelly stuff at the store to try to help. Leave it to me to buy a dog that smells bad....Landon and Ty helped give him a bath the other night they thought that was really funny. I didn't have any dog shampoo so I used their baby shampoo. He still stinks though.

I went into the grocery store today to pick up some lunch for the kids. I walked out with $200 worth of stuff. I went past the caramel rolls with icing and thought of you. I didn't buy them even though I wanted to.

I am considering Vegas in March with Angie. She is going to the race. You always wanted to take me to a race. I thought Vegas would be good because we never considered going to that race. We always wanted to go to Michigan or Bristol. Nascar said he would take me to some races this year. Get me the royal treatment.

I need to call today to reserve the bowling lanes for Ty's birthday. I can't beleive he will be 2. He is such a big boy. Landon is still convinced you are at the hospital and are going to get all better. He was talking to you this morning while he was eating breakfast. I had to tell him you aren't going to get all better. He just doesn't get it. He saw the coverage of Bryan's funeral on TV and wanted to know if the bad guy was in jail. At least I get to tell him that. He is afraid the bad guy is going to get Mommy and him. I wish I could tell him the bad guy was dead. We could go spit on his grave together.

We saw the hawk on the way to counseling yesterday. I thought it was going to fly right into the car.

Love you dear. Miss you.


January 13, 2005

The last time I saw Brandy he must have been just starting his shift. We saw him in his cruiser at a gas station so we pulled in next to him to say hello. After we both rolled down our windows our vehicle was consumed with the smell of Brandy's cologne. We laughed so hard that he had so much on we could smell it in our car. There was some kind of comment made about knocking the bad guys out with the smell, or something like that. Anyway, Brandy teased back about me still being with "that fathead" referring to my husband. The other times I saw Brandy, he was with Sara, and I remember thinking that it was so nice that every time I saw them, they were together. I had that good memory of the evening at Speedway and just wanted to share it.

January 13, 2005

Brandy was truly one of the good ones. I met Brandy a long time ago, he was one of the sweetest people who always had a smile on his face. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. God Bless Brandy.

January 12, 2005

It was a rough day yesterday. I was rock solid as usual except for the bagpipes. Everyone wants to know how I do it. I tell them I won't let the jerk take anymore from me. He took you and that is all he can have. I also know that all those people paid their respects to you. And if you were still here you would have paid your respects to Bryan. I was told that Bryan attended your funeral. It was the least that I could do to honor him the way he honored you. As we parked the cruiser on 23 Jim said we could stay in the car if we didn't want to get wet. At first I thought about it, but then I thought if Bryan went to your funeral he stood in the pouring down rain to honor you. Why shouldn't I do the same for him? I have made a promise in my heart that I will honor you in every way possible. And I will continue to do that. Please guide me on this path it is not going to be easy. If all the people that talk about how strong I am could see me at home they would know....but it is about honoring you and everything that you stood for. You wore your uniform proudly. Now that you can no longer proudly walk out that door every night I will honor you and serve you proudly. I will not let people forget the sacrifices our families have made.

I read that you were there flying about to keep an eye on all of us. I knew you would be. I didn't see the hawk but I knew you would let me know somehow. Thank you for whoever put that on here. Now I know that Brandy can still come to honor those that come after him.

Love you...miss you.


January 12, 2005

I sit here and wonder what in heck has happened to this world. It has lost all respect. Is it the parenting of today's world or just the complete lack of respect for what our law enforcement does?
I will tell you that we have taught our children about respect and what you are doing out there everyday, protecting us and 'keeping the bad guys away'. How do I continue to teach them this when there are so many that do not know what respect for our law enforcement is? I thought I have faced my biggest battle with Daric's cancer, but now I wonder what else we have to battle to keep our country and kids safe. Sara, it is people like you that make a difference in the future. You can make the difference in how others think. Teach parents, teachers and children to respect law enforcement and show them why they are there.
Your family remains in our prayers everyday.


January 11, 2005

I have read briefly your letters to your dear husband and have seen a hawk been mentioned. I thought about you today as we pulled up to Bryan's funeral. A huge red tailed hawk flew right in front of our cruiser. It was so big and close that we screamed! It circled around the lot full of cruisers. I wonder. I want you to know how much I admire you! You have shown so much to support to our officers and families in Columbus while dealing with your own heart ache. You and the boys are in my prayers everyday, as well as Melissa's family and Bryan's family. God Bless you!
CPD wife

Co,umbus PD

January 11, 2005


I am at work and can not focus at all today. My mind and heart are with the Hurst family as they put Bryan to rest today. I just keep thinking about how bad they all feel...who would have thought that our family would be able to relate to that?
I know that you are all having a great time in heaven meeting each other and taking turns watching over us down here.
It still seems so unreal...
Sara called last night and it was good to hear from her. I know that she has been busy in Columbus. She is strong for being able to be there for another family when all of this is still so fresh for our family. I have no idea how she does it. I have been worrying about her, so I was glad to hear what she has been up to and that she feels as okay as she can.
I guess I really wanted to let you know that I am missing you today.
Keep watching....
Love you!!!


January 11, 2005


Hey, well I've had one blow after another today. I went home to get Rick and Hayden lunch and when I left someone dedicated the song Go Rest High on the Mountain to Officer Hurst. I haven't heard that song since you died. I was so sad, today is Officer Hurst's funeral and it is a rainy gloomy day just like the day of your funeral. Then I went to 5/3 bank to deposit money into Officer Hurst's trust fund and when I got back into the truck He gets that from you by Reba was on the radio. When I hear that song I think of Landon and Tyler and it just made me even sadder. When I sit here and realize that there is another family out there beginning their journey on this terrible path without the one they love just like we have, it breaks my heart. I just don't understand this world and why people don't see the other side of your badge. What stands behind your badge. Why did this happen? I just wish we knew what happened that night, it drives me crazy. I want you to know I am proud of you and the courage you had. Whatever happened that night, while your loving family lay safe in their beds sleeping knowing you were protecting them, I am proud that you were brave and courageous and an outstanding man. Mom, Rick and Hayden are getting better each day. Thank you for watching over them. Show Bryan the ropes up there and have fun together, I know you will, you were always fun. We miss you down here terribly, life will never be the same without you.

We love you



January 11, 2005


A special kind of woman.
A cut above the rest
Always rating her
among the very best.
How many goodbyes are shouted
without a fond embrace.
As duty steals her man away
for the dangers he must face.
How many meals are ruined
or tender moments disturbed.
All for the call of loyalty
to which her man must serve.
She can push the mower,
or paint a room in need.
How she can stretch a dollar
is a miracle indeed.
She's a mother, a lover,
a chauffeur and a nurse.
A living symbol of the phrase
for better or for worse.
Rich is the man indeed...
That become this Woman's life.

-Author Unknown-

January 11, 2005

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." ~John 15:13~

If I Knew

If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear.

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

January 11, 2005 are in my thoughts. I see that the trial is getting underway. I pray that justice will be served for Brandy. I pray that he sends you the strength and courage you need to make it through the long days ahead. I pray that your boys will always know that their daddy died a hero that night. I pray for you.........every single day!


January 11, 2005

I've never met you, but my children and I pray for your family every day. We are asking God to give you peace and strength, especially while going through the trial. Your article is beautiful - you are amazing. God bless you and Brandy.

Former LEO Wife
Delaware, OH

January 10, 2005

We have been thinking about you a lot lately with all this happening to Officer Hurst. I'm sure you're up there welcoming him and Officer Foster with open arms and keeping them well entertained. Let them know we are keeping their families in our thoughts and prayers.
Miss you more each day. Please keep watching over us and keep us safe.
We love you and miss you!!

Your article is amazing. So is your strength. Brandy definitely knew what he was doing when he married you. How peaceful he must be knowing the boys are in your hands. We are keeping you and your family in our prayers. Hope they are all feeling better. We haven't had the chance to tell you THANK YOU for sharing Brandy with us. What an angel you gave to us all!!
All our love and prayers!! (You know how to get a hold of us!)

Chip and Sarah Myers

Chip and Sarah Myers
PTFD friends of Brandy

January 10, 2005

Sara and Missy,

Please know that we are all thinking about you and your family. I hope they are getting better by the minute. Take care and God bless.

January 10, 2005

miss you brother..........

January 9, 2005

Well, the trial starts tomorrow watch over us and give us all the strength we need to make it through theses next couple of months. It is so hard to believe you have been gone for almost three months now and it hasn't gotten any easier. Bryan's passing only brought back all the deep emotions all over. Every time the story airs on the news all I think about is that thursday morning back in October. they got the guy today that shot Bryan, I haven't felt this much relief since the night we watched your brothers take in your killer. Watch over us buddy and give Sara the strength she needs to get through the trial, not that she can't be any stronger already though.

A Freind

January 9, 2005

I am reminded every day of the loss that has filled our circle of friends. With the sudden passing of Officer Hurst, it seems like all the hurt and the pain are coming back at full speed. It's so hard not to cry and think about what happened to you every time they flash a picture up of him. I hope that the two of you have met in Heaven and are looking after one another.
I know that I'm not the only one who is feeling this pain. There are people that want to go to Officer Hurst's funeral but it is hitting so close to home they think they won't be able to handle it. Please give us strength to make it through this, not only is this another loss of a hero but a reminder of what we went through. I pray every day that they have the close knit circle that we have of friends to help them get through this. There road is just beginning..
I know this has to be hard on Sara, give her strength. Although she is probably the strongest person I have ever met, I worry about her.
You never leave our thoughts dear friend...............


January 9, 2005


It has been a crazy two days. We met Bryan's lovely wife, Marisa today. It really brings back what those first few days were like. I recognized that look in her eyes. I know it all so well. Give me strength to get through the next couple of days. I know you will be there with all of us.

I am forging that path...I know what I will spend my life doing now. I am really tired and probably won't get to post for a few days. It will be crazy but it keeps me from sitting alone thinking about all that I have lost.

I took the boys to bowling with me tonight. They were really good. Ty had a few moments but he will be in his terrible twos in less than a month. Landon brought his ball and bowled. One game he had 3 spares. I think I could of left him down there alone and he would of been happy. Aunt Lindsey sat with them while they bowled. Landon wanted to bowl all night. I was above my average every game. We were discussing your bowling form tonight. It made me miss watching you approach those lanes, swing that arm way back, and kick out that leg. It sounds so goofy but I do miss watching you. I miss turning around to see you sitting at the edge of the lane and showing me what I did wrong. I know you were really just looking at my butt the whole time and making up what I did wrong....

I went out with Angie last night. I found another song that gets to me. I had to get up and run to the bathroom when the band started playing it. reminded me of the hawk. Vette said she saw you flying near the scene the other day. After our trip to Linda's I saw four hawks flying together.....

Keep watching us dear.

Miss you. Love you.


January 8, 2005

Miss you so much brother....

January 8, 2005

I have been reading Brandys memorial page for quite a while. A deputy friend of mine was lost last year also. It's still so hard to go by everyday knowing that he's not there to be with his family and friends. It's still so unbelievable. I can't begin to understand what you're going through, but it helps to read your reflections. Everything you write makes me tear up. I've never met you, I probably never will, but I feel as though you're my neighbor. Your article was written so well, I felt almost as if I were there with you. I'm so sorry for your loss also. You posted a poem on my friends reflection page and I appreciate it. That's how I was informed of Brandys page. You are so fortunate to have friends and family to help watch over you. I know they aren't the only ones. I keep you and your boys in my prayers and hope your family recovers soon from their illness.

January 7, 2005

Missy and Sara,

I am praying for your family members who are ill. I hope they get better soon.

Amy Caldwell
Marion, Ohio

January 7, 2005

Watching the news these past couple of days is bringing a lot to the surface that we have all been trying to get past. Please watch over Officer Hurst's and Officer Foster's families and friends as you have been us.
God must have some awesome task for you guys to take so many heroes so close together. We're sure your entertaining them all!

Please remember that we are still keeping you in our prayers! You are truly amazing in your strenghth. We are praying for the rest of your family too. Hope they get healthy VERY soon! Please call if you need anything at all (Chip is 6'4" and is great for changing light bulbs) also our boys would love to play with Landon and Tyler if you need a sitter.

God bless all of you!
And may our heroes rest in peace!
Chip and Sarah

Chip and Sarah Myers
PTFD friends of Brandy

January 7, 2005

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