Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Ty's ear is looking better. He is such a tough little guy. He never complains about it. Every now and then he tells me, "No touch my ear mommy."

The other night one of the nurses in the ER had your pin on her name tag. Ty thought that was neat. He recognizes the pin. He always says Daddy when he sees the pin.

The meeting with the Sheriff went well for the most part. I think the door is open to start communicating. It is a start at least. I talked with my counselor about it. She had some good advice. I know my life is entering a different realm and sometimes I have to view things a little differently then I did in the past.

Of course it is hard to remember how I thought of things before you died. My views have changed so much in the past 3 months.

Your brother came over yesterday to borrow some tools. I told him to take what he wanted. I won't use most of them anyway. He would get much more use from them than I would. He was finding all kinds of stuff out there. That eagle hard hat...he came to the door with it on. He said he used to make fun of you with your hard hat and headphones. I told him to take the headphones if he wanted them. I know he probably wishes he had you here to help him with his house. You had learned so much about fixing stuff up when you built our house. He was working on his bathroom. Your big brother advice would have come in handy for him. You would be so excited to have him on 3rd shift with you. I know you always talked about wanting to work the same shift with him. Two Winfields on one shift and the whole town would have been in trouble....

Next month they are giving you officer of the year. I find a lot of irony in that. You deserve it no doubt. Not for dying which is probably the reason you got it. More for the pride and love you had for your job. That is the reason that I will accept it. Also for all the guys and community; they want you to have it. The 3rd shift crew is going to present it to me.

Grandma Peddicord is about to join you. She is hanging on though. I talked a lot with the counselor yesterday about how to approach this with Landon. I am not sure how he will react. But I think he is making a connection already. He asked me the other night if Grandma caught the bad guy. So I think he realizes that she will be with you soon.

I have a lot to do today so I better get started. Missing you as always. I love you.


January 27, 2005

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and I feel so honored to wear the same uniform. God Bless you brother.. You touched so many people.

January 26, 2005

miss you........

January 26, 2005

Your tough little guy has his first stitches. Ty fell at bowling tonight. We were all done bowling and the boys were taking turns throwing the ball before we left. Ty ran behind me to give everyone five. He tripped on the step, fell and hit his ear on the steel part of the bench. He got five stitches in his ear. As always I freaked out at first. I calmed down once we were in the car on the way to the ER. Ty stopped crying and that eased my nerves some. He was a brave little guy. After we got to the ER he didn't cry again until they put the stitches in. They gave him a popsicle which he thought was great. Landon ended up spending the night with your parents. Luckily everyone was there tonight so I didn't have to worry about taking Landon to the ER with me. It was hard being there. I cried a little at first because it was just getting to me. I kept staring at the doors where the nurse came out and told me you were dead. We weren't near the trauma area where they had you so that helped some.

It is so hard to go through this kind of stuff and not have you here with me. Cory, Lindsey, and Matt were all there, I am thankful for that. It just isn't the same as having you there to reassure Ty and me that he would be fine. I know how upset you would have been seeing our little guy hurt though. You always had a hard time when they did all the tests on him for his kidneys. I know you hated to see him in pain. Poor Ty, now he has a gray tooth and will have a scar on his ear. I guess we could call it his first sports injury, a bowling injury....I so wanted you there with me tonight. Even if I am surrounded by all the people in the world it just isn't the same as having your love and support in times like that. I know everyone tries very hard and I do appreciate it. It just can't replace you. Matt did great with Ty. Of course he is much more used to that kind of stuff than I am. It is really hard when it is your baby. If that had happened at home how would I have loaded up both kids, kept Ty calm, and drove to the ER. Thankfully everyone was there when it happened so I didn't have to worry about that.

On a more positive note, I finally beat Cory and Matt at bowling. They really sucked their last game. We had fun tonight up until Ty's fall. We have formed the we suck at bowling support group. We are hoping to boost our self esteem and lend support to one another. I did some plumber bowling for entertainment purposes only, it boosted everyone else's self esteem. Sarah managed not to fall down and break anything. So it was a good night. The sad thing is we did all of this without getting drunk.

We didn't get home from the ER until after 11. Ty stayed up for a bit and we watched Blues Clues. Hopefully he sleeps okay tonight. I hope his ear heals up okay. I know it will probably hurt pretty bad tomorrow. Maybe I will take him out for some special Mommy time. On top of that he is getting a cold and coughing a bunch.

Missing you as always. Love you.


January 25, 2005

God, Brandy we miss you so much. God Bless your family.

January 24, 2005

Ty and I are both getting sick. I think we both have sinus infections. My head is killing me. At least there is Tylenol Sinus left in the medicine cabinet. You used to use it all up and not tell me.

I have a meeting with the Sheriff today. I am keeping an open mind. I am not sure how you would feel about this. I think I am following the right path. At least I am hoping that you would be proud so far.

We met for the poker run yesterday. I think it is going to be awesome. I requested that the boys lay the wreath at the cemetary. I am hoping that the monument is up by that time. I am going to call and request that they try to have it up by that date. I also requested that we ride through Richwood. Past our first house and the FD.

1 week until Ty's birthday. Time has been flying these past few months. I keep thinking back to his birth. It was so much easier than Landon. We weren't nearly as nervous. Landon slapped Ty in the face when he was 10 minutes old. Not much has changed in 2 years....Only Ty hits back now. I just got done breaking up a fight a few minutes ago. I am going to start buying 2 of every toy so they can't fight over them.

I watched Landon sleeping last night. He wanted to sleep in our bed and I let him fall asleep in here while I got a few things done. When I came into the bedroom he looked just like you lying there. He was rolled up on his left side with his mouth open just like you used to do. We would get home in the afternoon and I would send both the boys back to wake you up. They would jump on the bed and bounce all over you. It was rare that you ever got to wake up on your own. I got that picture developed that I told you about. The one where I went to look for Landon and found him curled up alseep in bed next to you. I told you about it but never got it developed in time. There were also pictures of the boys helping you work in the yard. They had their little wheel barrel and shovels out helping you dig in the dirt.

Landon is fixing things right now. I bought him a toolbox for Christmas. He broke off the tail on the horse he bought for me. He is standing on a kitchen chair right now with a hammer and measuring tape trying to fix the tail. I just asked him to do something and he told me when he was all done working. Boy is he ever like you. The other night he told me he was too busy to do something. I couldn't help but laugh at that.

I must start the day once again. Another day without you. Miss you as always. Love you.


January 24, 2005

Hey Bran - Thinking about you a lot today. Sometimes I will be just sitting watching T.V. or something and you come wandering in to my mind and I cannot believe this happened to our family. I can't believe it was you and not somebody else like we always heard about on T.V. I feel bad that we never really knew how badly that "other" family felt until now. I would rather have never known. I think it's so unfair that Sara, Landon and Tyler were dealt such a raw hand. My old neighbor's 20 year old step-son just died from a brain tumor and I took dinner to them yesterday. I was talking with his mom and I understood some of the emotions she is going through, granted that was her son, but I have seen your mom and dad and their hurt and I saw it again yesterday. You feel so helpless because there is nothing you can do to take the pain and hurt away.

I kept the boys Friday, I wanted to take them to Hayden's science night at school Friday night. They had fun, they launched rockets, submersed and raised submarines, did balloon rockets, and we had ice cream floats. Tyler had a balloon that wasn't blown up and he tried for an hour to blow up his balloon, he had spit dripping from that balloon, all over the outside of the balloon. It was funny, in a funny kind of way it reminded me of you because he wasn't about to give up until he got it right.

I haven't been out to see you since we brought you the christmas wreath. We are coming up to Ty's birthday party this weekend, so I think I'll swing by and see you. Doing that is hard, I don't know if the marker will make it better or worse. Maybe because we will be able to see your picture it will be better. I don't know if I'm prepared to see you and my sister's name on a grave marker though.

Sara said she was going to meet with Chris about a poker run for you. I would like to find a way to ride in it, however, I have always been a little afraid of motorcycles. Something your mother-in-law passed on to me. But for you I would conquer my fear and do it. I'm sure it would be fun. Sara and I were talking about if Rick would ever get a Harley and I reminded her that you didn't call Rick "Shorty" for nothing. He can barely reach the ground to hold one up!!! - Thought you would get a good chuckle out of that one. I can see you now with that big grin on your face, ear to ear. I'm smiling just thinking about it.

Thanks for all the memories we made, we always had fun when you were around. I had another fun night with the boys, thanks for giving us them as well. Landon looks so much like you, I love it.

Miss you buddy.



January 23, 2005

This always seems so formal when we write to you and we all know that was not how it was when we could talk to you in person. We went out with Shawn and Teresa Friday. At Mikelis they were talking to Mike about the call off before the bagpipes begin to play. I had to smile because Chip and Teresa jumped a mile when they did that at your funeral. It was hard to talk about we all would rather be telling your latest joke. We wish all of our schedules would have allowed us to get together last fall like you wanted. That night when you stopped by with Officer Bice you mentioned what a good time all our boys would have playing together. We joked about how two tall goofy guys found two short girls named Sara(h). I still work with Zempter's mom so helps to hear the stories Ryan and Amber tall her. They sure adore Sara and the boys. Well, Chip got the job working EMS in Delaware. I'm sure you were "helping" with that. I'm going to call on one more favor from you PLEASE be with Ryan and Chip as they are out there doing what they do! Let them both feel your arms around them. Better go for now. Rest easy our friend! Love and miss you!!

Chip and Sarah Myers

Chip and Sarah

January 23, 2005

It has been a busy few days. It snowed quite a bit. I actually drove in it and I wasn't that scared. I had a few moments where I felt nervous on the way home from Missy's house. Last night I drove to bowling and home in it.

I took Landon to bowling with me. He bowled 18 games while we bowled. He was soooo tired by the time I brought him home. He got a strike once though. Saturday is Ty's birthday party. I rented 4 lanes at Southland. Landon is very excited for Ty's birthday. He keeps saying he wants to have a party.

The boys are at the window watching the snow plow in the driveway. Someone has been plowing the drive for me. Not sure who, maybe someone from Johnson's. It is weird not to hear you be all excited about the snow and plowing.

We have a meeting to plan the poker run honoring you today. Chris really wants to make this very nice for you. I am going to ride in it. It will be my first experience on a Harley....I told you I would never let you buy a bike. It would be a waste of money. Your brother wants to get one, I think Lindsey even gave him permission....

Last night I was thinking about our anniversary trips to Niagara. I started thinking about that stupid haunted house that we went to for some reason. I remember I had my face buried in your back. As soon as Jason popped out with a knife I made you get me out of there. We laughed for an hour about what a chicken I was. We were like a couple of newlyweds on those trips. No worries in the world just having a good time. Those were always the best times with you. When we weren't worried about what life was sending our way. We were just happy to be together.

Someone said, "Hey girl" to me the other day. I almost jumped out of my skin. It made me long to hear your voice again. Nobody ever called me girl but you. Or at least not the way you said it.

It is going to be a busy week. I have several meetings. One with the sheriff. We will see how that goes. I am keeping an open mind and will really try not to let my anger boil up. I want to make sure you are honored for the sake of the other guys if nothing else. At this point I think it will be a morale booster for all of them. It can't be easy facing each day at that office knowing they won't see you come strolling through the door again.

The Marysville FOP is donating money to COPS. We are all going to their meeting in February to accept the donation. It will be nice to see a lot of the guys down there. I haven't been down that way in a few weeks. I miss all those guys.

I stopped in Richwood the other day and visited with Monte Ray. I walked in the PD and he was sitting at the computer playing on the computer and smoking a cigarette. I said, "I see Richwood hasn't changed a bit." I also stopped to see Mama #2 Billie. I didn't get to stay long because I had to make it back to pick up the kids.

Well I need to get motivated to face this day. I just noticed Bacon had an accident in Landon's room. Yuck!!!!

Miss you so very much. Love you.


January 23, 2005

It is late at night. I can't sleep. Nothing unusual these days. I am starting to get farther on my list of things to do. I finally got the toys organized tonight. Amber and Ryan came over to help. As long as we could get Ryan to stop playing with the toys we were doing pretty good. At one point I had on goggles, a construction hat, and a Mr. Potato tongue sticking out my mouth...hey who said cleaning out toys couldn't be fun. I think Ryan really wanted to take the captain feathersword home with him.

Ryan was envious of Bacon. I told him to buy one and we could name it Lettuce. If we could find one more friend they could have Tomato and we would all have a BLT. Oooh I am so funny.

I had Brian blow up the bouncy thing I got Landon. Landon bounced all over the house on it. Ty tried but he isn't tall enough. He would get on and roll right off. It was quite comical, you would have laughed yourself silly over him trying.

I also had Stanley Steamer in today. I got a call into a maid service. Ever since you died I am into convenience. Or else I have just gotten lazy....I figure if I don't have to I won't do it. It will be one less thing to worry about.

I am getting family pictures taken this week. I am going to pull out some of your old uniforms to take with us. I thought the boys would look cute in some pictures with all your gear. Most of the stuff is in evidence but I can get some pictures taken with what I do still have.

It is hard telling when I will ever get that stuff back. Maybe they will be kind enough to get it professionally cleaned this time before giving it to me. Brian had to clean most of it before giving it to me last time. Rather insensitive if you ask me. And they wonder where all the anger comes from. I want to say to them, try staring at a bloody pen or lighter that was in your dead husband's pocket for an hour and see how angry you are. All that stuff is in a baggy hidden away. I could fit the personal belongings I got back in a ziploc baggie. At some point I want to go see the cruiser but from what I heard it is wrapped in evidence tarps right now. I don't know if I would actually be able to look at it though. I get sick just thinking about it.

I don't know that life can really move forward until the trial is over. I don't think it will happen in April even though it is scehduled then. I want it over with but I don't want to go through it.

I went a little mental the other night. I was in CVS looking for invitations for Ty's birthday party and they have out all the Valentine's Day cards. I actually started looking at them and bought one for you. I have no idea why. It's not like I can give it to you. I just had to do it. Somewhere in the depths of our basement that I still haven't cleaned are all the cards we ever bought one another.

I still have my note in my purse that you wrote to me. I found it right after you died. I had forgotten that I even had that. You wrote it like the 3rd week we were dating. It has been in every purse I own and it will be in every purse I ever own. I pull it out every now and then just to read it and remember those words. In those words I sometimes wonder if you had a premonition that you would some day have to leave me.

I better try to sleep. I have some meetings tomorrow. Miss you more than ever. Love you.


January 20, 2005

Being in Law Enforcement, I check this website every day hoping there are no new postings. Unfortunately there was another HERO taken from us yesterday. As I was reading the memorial for him I noticed your reflection and I went to Brandy's memorial. I was amazed to see how many pages there are and to see you have left a message everyday since that tragic day. You truly are a strong woman and Brandy was a very lucky man. I can see you loved him so much as did so many other people. I want you to know I feel safer knowing there is an angel like Brandy watching over me.

Bother Brandy,
You truly are a HERO, you made the ultimate sacrifice and for that you will never be forgotten. I want you to know that I will do my part to keep Sara and your boys out of harms way by taking criminals off the street here in Florida. Until we meet, Rest in Peace my BROTHER.

Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, FL

January 19, 2005

Hey, buddy. It seems like I miss you more everyday, a lot of people do.
I just had a flashback of when you were living with me and we'd have a movie night where we'd grab a couple movies from our respective collections, order pizza and relax. You introduced me to Total Recall and Billy Madison, and I introduced you to The Crow and Batman. Those were good times, man. We'd have movie nights 2-3 times a month. I'd give anything to have another of those with you.
I got ahold of a blue Brandy Winfield ribbon for my car, going to put it on as soon as I can.
Sure do miss you, partner.

Dublin, Ohio

January 18, 2005

Hey Brandy,

I stopped by to see ya yesterday. I was there visiting mine and Ryan's best friend Chip Rife. I put a balloon and card on his grave. His 29th b-day was yesterday. You should remember him from High School. He passed away April 8, 2003. I'm sure you two have ran into each other up and our looking down watching after all of us. Tell him I love him and miss him so much. He was the brother I never had.

Your wreaths are beautiful. I can't wait to see your headstone. I bet its gonna be beautiful. I'm sure Sara went all out for you.

I still come on here and read the letters she writes you everyday. She sure does love you a lot. You sure got ya a strong lady there Brandy.

Keep watching over us from up there.....

Ryan & Amy Caldwell
High School Classmates

January 18, 2005

I have decided I just can't bowl at Star Lanes. I bowl so well at Southland and suck at Star. I am starting to feel like you, making excuses for bowling bad.

Monica & BJ came out last night. Brayden is getting so big. You always thought he was so cute. You would get a kick out of him toddling around looking so much like his daddy in his little OSU jersey.

Jared stopped and watched the boys bowl for a bit. We talked about how much Landon looks like you. He said that he reminds him of you when he bowls. Grab the ball and go straight to the foul line. I told him you would curse him last night for saying that.

I am thinking about looking into going back to school. I have no idea what I want to study but I am sure it will come to me. I might look at starting in the spring. I also want to continue working with COPS. My life has changed so much in 3 months. I never thought I would change this much but I feel so differently about life in general. It is weird to me and I am trying to get used to it. I have talked some with the counselor about it.

Landon is getting worse. He talks about missing you all the time. He keeps telling me you are going to get better and come home from the hospital. The other night I got out pictures of you. We looked at them and talked about how much you loved all of us. I told him if you had a choice you would be here with us. That you loved us more than anything and never wanted to leave us. I try to remind him of how much fun we had with you. Also that you would want us all to be happy and continue to have fun and remember how much daddy loved us. I get so angry because I can't give him his daddy back. I wander if that jerk will ever know what he took from our family. All of Landon and Ty's life they will be reminded that you were taken from them and they will miss so much because of that. It is not fair to them because they are such happy children. I don't want them to grow up sad because you aren't here to share our lives. It just isn't fair. I hope that I can help them to understand how wonderful you were. How do you explain the essence of a person to children as they grow? How do you show them who you were and what they meant to you? I can tell them but I can only hope that is enough. Every picture of you and the boys you can see the glow of happiness in your eyes. I hope that they see that and know that you loved them so very much. Both of the boys are still such happy boys. They love to play and have fun I just hope as they grow they don't allow this to consume their lives and become angry and bitter. I know I will play the biggest part in that. However I am still so angry and bitter about it all. I try not to let the boys see that side of my emotions. That would be like letting the jerk take more of me and I have said I won't let that happen.

Brian and I are working on a peace making mission with your office. I have been doing a lot of soul searching about how you would want me to proceed with this. I know how you felt but I feel like I have to make peace in order to make sure you are honored the way you should be. I so wish you could give me advice on what to do. I know you wouldn't want all your buddies to suffer and be stuck between me and the sheriff. No matter how angry and bitter you had become I know in your heart you loved the people you worked with, loved the job itself, and loved this community. I feel like I owe it to all of them and to you to make sure we work together on this. Maybe I can facilitate some of the changes that you had hoped would come. Maybe I can make help to make it the place you had dreamed to work at. I also want to make sure they are prepared if something like this ever happens again. I hope they will listen to my perspective.

I am going today to get another tatoo. I am going to get the 6 with angel wings that Monica dreamed up. It is so pretty. I had it made into custom jewelry to give to people close to us. That way they can wear a little piece of you everywhere they go. You would be appalled at all the tattoos honoring you. I know how much you hated them but I think you are smiling a little about it. Everytime I show someone the hawk on my back they say WOW that is big. By the time I am done I will look like a biker babe. They are addictive though. I want to change the one on the front that you always hated. I remember our first date. You asked to see it when I showed you, you said what is it a spider. I was so offended. The little flower that turned into a bouqet when I got pregnant. What in the world was I thinking at 19 when I got that thing. The one I have to honor you is much better work.

I better start facing this day. Another one without you that sucks as usual. I think I will get the memorial video pictures up to Legacy today. I still want to add some at the end but at least they can get started on it. I also need to go to the cemetary. I need to meet with him about the monument. I still haven't done a rubbing of your name on the wall there. I was teasing Jim about the picture on the police memorial the other day. I told him I had to look at his ugly mug everytime I go out there.

Miss you. Love you.


January 18, 2005


Just wanted to tell you that we missed you this weekend. Ryan goes on his own and back to thirds in a week. Help him out bud, he's ready, but yet he's not. We miss you so much. I can't even bring myself to watch TV anymore, I'm afraid of hearing another police officer was killed. The first night Ryan's out by himself I'm going to be a wreck. I don't know how Sara did it I really don't. I hope that I can be that strong for Ryan when he needs me. I'm going to have a lot of sleepless nights ahead of me and a lot of phone calls to Sara. As long as Ry has you to guide him through his nights he'll do great. Well I'm going to call it a night and let Ryan type his know how fun reports are! We love you and miss you so much.


January 17, 2005


I have never met you nor Brandy, but I have visited this website daily after a very good friend of ours was taken from us last year as well (Officer Mark Sawyers EOW 6/5/04-Sterling Heights PD, MI). I find myself scanning through many of the reflections of the officers that I have never met. Your husband's reflections have caught my eye and I often make his site part of my daily visit along with Mark's.

I can't imagine the pain you must be going through and I think its wonderful how you keep your husband's memory alive by speaking to him in the loving way you do. I, myself, will be a new mother in about 7 weeks and I can see that you are a wonderful mother by the way you speak of your sons. I hope they will realize the significant and impact their daddy has had to so many, even to those who have never met him.

May you always stay strong, and know that even people who have never met you are thinking of you and hoping you are able to get through each day with more strength.

Jennifer Brozowski, Detroit, MI

January 17, 2005

Uncle Brandy,

I miss you soooo much. I went bowling with Landon and Tyler yesterday. Landon is getting really good at bowling. Tyler can pick the bowling ball up over his shoulder before he throws it. Sometimes it feels like your right next to me on my shoulder watching over me Uncle Brandy. Aunt Sissy bought me a Robosapien for Christmas and it is extremely cool. She also got me Spiderman 2 playstation game, I have gotten really far on it. I really love you and miss you. I hope you get this letter in heaven. Just in case you do, Aunt Sissy, Landon & Tyler really miss you. Everybody misses you. Even the firemen.

I will never forget you. You are very special to me.

I love you always,


Brandy's Nephew

January 16, 2005

I too just discovered this website recently, as a result of Officer Bryan Hurst's death. I am ashamed to say that it took that tragedy, and the subsequent reading of postings by your family, to remind me of your courage and sacrifice.

My best buddy serves with a neighboring department and back in October he told me the details of your story. At that time I was filled with rage upon discovering that you stopped to help people who seemed to be in need. That same rage has come back as I remember you because human depravity doesn't get much lower than to lure someone into harm by appealing to their mercy.

Rest easy now, as your work is done. I will never stop praying for those whom you love and those who love you.

Columbus resident

January 15, 2005

I had a 159 tonight. You would have been so proud. I drove around for an hour after bowling...crying because I miss you. I listened to the CD I made for the memorial video. I thought back on all the good times we had and everything we had accomplished in our lives. I have to go, your mom just called to say their car won't start. They took the boys to a basketball game. Talk to you later dear.....

I miss you so very much....I love you.


January 15, 2005

I can't tell you how hard it is to come to the fact that i won't see you on the road any more, every time i pass a cruiser just out of habit i am looking to see if it is you, knowing that it won't be. I will never forget the days of harassment as an explorer that i got from you and the nights that i rode alone with you. You are my hero, those nights that i rode with you and you would get out of your cruiser in the pitch black of the night and check for a suspicious person and the night that we found a drunk on david's street and i swore he was dead but you re-assured me that he was not, it's just really hard not to have you here to harass. Bran i know you know already but you have a wonderfully strong wife, I tell you she has be standing tall just like you did.

I am going to go now man, I still love ya and miss ya alot.

Kasey Williamson

kasey williamson
former explorer at mcso

January 15, 2005

It is Saturday morning. The boys are watching cartoons and I am trying to wake up. They got into the candy, Ty just brought me a bag of M&M's that he wanted me to open. A little over 3 months ago we would have been waiting for you to get home. I always told the boys to watch out the window for daddy.

We have to get ready for the boys bowling league soon. I can't wait to give Ty his bowling ball on his birthday. He will be so excited to have his own ball.

I shopped for the 3 month anniversary. I bought a ton of CD's. I find so much comfort in music. I bought all the CD's I needed to finish the memorial video. I have it all ready to go. I just need to add a few pictures for the end of it. I bought so many CD's that the credit card company called to check the activity on the account.

I am forming a plan in my mind for a memorial service for you. I think it will be in July. I wanted to have a big 30th birthday party for you. So I think I will reserve a nice place and have a memorial service instead. I want to play the memorial video, have people talk about their memories of you, have a nice dinner, and maybe a DJ.

I called and got Ty into EI as a typical. He will get to ride the bus like his big brother. Maybe that will help with his Mommy's boy nature.

I haven't made it out to the cemetary recently. I don't want to take the boys with me. I will sometime next week. I need to get them the rest of the stuff for the grave marker.

At times it is still a shock to the system that I won't see you again. Going through all the pictures brought back so many memories. Yesterday your mom was watching videos of your 5th grade graduation. You were so cute. Chris Smith came walking across in a real doozy of an outfit. I cracked up laughing. I wish you could have seen it so you could make fun of him for it. Sometimes I still think in my mind I would like to tell Brandy that, he would love it.

Next I need to start making decisions with what I am going to do from here. I need to make new goals and dreams for myself. All of them before involved you. I still want to accomplish a lot of the dreams we had, I just have to do it without you.

Love you, miss you more everyday.


January 15, 2005

Bran- Yesterday was harder than the last two months for me. Not sure why. Sara came up to watch the kids while I took Rick to the Dr. She took them to Walmart and K-Mart and spoiled them a little. Hayden had fun with her, he always has. She bought him a Playstation 2 game and we didn't see him until about 9:00 last night. She was in good spirits, but had been working on your memory video she is making. She played a song for me that she is putting with you a Ty's pictures and I broke down crying. After that I cried every time I looked at a picture of you and the boys. It's so strange how greif works in people. I usually don't get sad looking at pictures and then bam today I couldn't look at one without crying. Little things that you think don't bother you and then all of a sudden they do for just a day. I think seeing how much your boys adored you and looking at how little the boys are in your arms and seeing the sparkle in your eyes when you were around them and it's over, one second and it is over. Seeing how alive you were in those pictures. I don't care who you are, we all live life everyday and take it for granted that it will always be there. Even still, after this has happened, we leave each other and of course say, Be Careful, Love You. But we never think its the last time we will say it to that person. I remember and will never forget seeing you guys pulling away in your van from Olive Garden that day. Never realizing that was it. I would never see your bright smile again, unless it was in a picture. 1/4 of our first year without you is gone, don't know where it went but it also seems like a lifetime. We still miss you. By the way, I came home the other day and Rick was missing you terribly. He had fun with you Bran, he was remembering the time you guys had come up for a birthday party or something and we were all hanging out on the deck and you and Rick were half ripped and Sara and I were getting mad because you were the typical smarta__es that you could be around each other. Always some funny comment. We never got to do that enough.

Now that I have remembered that day and I am smiling, I will sign off, just want you to know how much we miss you.

Rick & Mis


January 15, 2005

It's been three long months today. We thought it would get it easier but it hasn't. Tears are still flowing and hearts are still breaking. I hope everyone remembers what an AWESOME man and friend your ARE. There are so many questions we keep asking but if God is answering he needs to speak up.
We pray for your wonderful family each day! Today is Chip's birthday, I'll do what I can to make him smile today of all days. Thanks for the hawk at Trevors funeral.We love and miss you!

Thinking and praying for you today!

Love, Chip and Sarah

January 14, 2005

Sara - I had a chance to finally speak (for the first time) with Jennifer Aaron (wife of Duke Aaron EOW 7/20/04). We had a great conversation and talked for 3 hours. During the course of our conversation, she was telling me that she has been talking with you at times as well. I just wanted to tell you that although we have never met; you, your family, and friends are all in my thoughts and prayers. Brandy has begun his new life journey & as I was explaining to Jennifer, our husbands are a gift from God. They are the best of the best & nothing will ever compare or replace them. But, try to focus on the positive and on your children, knowing one day soon you will be with Brandy again. I cannot and do not want to imagine what you and everyone else on this website are going thru and will go thru but try to hold your head high because you are one of the strongest group of people I have ever encountered. Please know that you have a lot of people looking after you - even ones you don't know.

Brandy - Continue to give Sara and the rest of the family the courage to get thru all their battles. It's going to be a long road for them as you know so please watch over them & have them dig deep to find that strength to continue. Give Sara and the kids angel kisses each night as you tuck them in. Rest easy Brandy & say hi to Duke for me and my husband.

With Sincere Regards,

Wife of an MDTAP Officer & Friend of Jennifer Aaron

January 14, 2005

Deputy Winfield,
I would have left you one of these sooner had I known about this site. I only recently found out about it and I am sorry for that. I recently meet your wife Sara after my daughters mother was killed in the line of duty her and Lind Pope and Angie McDowell came to my house to assist me in filling out the mounds of paperwork, her and lanie played on the floor while we worked on the paper work. She was wonderfull! If you were anything like she is you had to be a great guy and I only wish I had got a chance to meet you too. By now I hope you have gotten the chance to meet Melissa she is a good woman and if you will show her the ropes and tell her I love her and miss her, Well I etter go for now this isnt as easy as I thought it was going to be.

Be safe
Robert Thornton

Robert thornton

January 14, 2005

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