Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield
Just thinking about you tonight Brandy. If it is going to get easier, I wish it would hurry up. Not a shift goes by without me thinking about you. We all miss you.
February 15, 2005
Happy Valentines Day!!! We never got each other much for Valentines, but the little things we did meant so much. I usually made dinner at home. Something special for us. I got you a card. I pulled it out today and read it. I think I will just keep it. I thought about putting it at the cemetary, but decided someone might take it. I also didn't want it to get rained on. It was something private anyway. You always got me a funny card. I think last year the card had a rhino on it with big eyes and said, "I'm Horny". Jen can appreciate that one. We were talking about those little cards like that the other night. It got a laugh out of her which she needed.
I took the boys to the cemetary for the first time on Saturday. I had discussed this with the counselor in the past. I told Landon it was just a custom to bury people when they die. I showed him all the stuff people left for you. He wanted to know if you were going to come out of the ground. I told him, No. I showed him all the headstones and told him we would have one for you. We had some Scooby Doo valentines that he left in my purse for me. I asked if he wanted to give them to you. We left them on your grave for you. Hope you liked them. After we left Landon was a little upset he wanted his Valentine's day cards back. They are both lying in my bed, we were just talking about the Valentine's Day cards we left for Daddy. They are both happy about it now.
I went to the doctor today. He thinks I have carpal tunnel in my wrist. My elbow and arm have been hurting. Ironic I finally quit my job where I type all the time and end up with carpal tunnel. I have to wear a splint to bed at night.
It has been the longest and shortest 4 months of my life. So much has changed. I don't feel like the same person. Everyone talks about going back to NORMAL. Well there isn't a normal anymore. I am trying to make a new normal. It is so hard to make these decisions without you. I want your advice so bad. We always weighed all the options together and agreed on the decisions ahead of time. It seems so strange to do this myself. I am doing it though.
Missing you more than ever. Love you. Happy Valentine's Day in Heaven.
February 14, 2005
Thinking of you today... Things just don't seem to get any easier as the time goes by. You are so very much missed. I can't believe it's been four months. We miss you Brandy.
February 14, 2005
Happy Valentine's Day Brandy!! Thinking of you Sara. Your family loves you.
February 14, 2005
Happy Valentines Day Brandy
February 14, 2005
Bran, Just wanted to say hello!
and let you know you are being thought about everyday. I singed Lindsay up for bowling. You were probly cracking up at her when she would go to throw her ball. When she would'nt hit any pins she had the the reactions like you and Cory when you were kids. Well it's been 4 months today and not getting any easier. I take 423 to work everyday and honk at you everyday to and from work to let you know I'm thinking about you. Great Grandma is with you now, so take care of one another. You both are missed very much. Happy Valentines Day!!
P.S We watched the boys bowl sat and they are cute to watch Ty got a strike and was very exicited, Landon was cute to clapping for himself.
Love Ya!!!!!
February 14, 2005
Hello, Brandy —
You don’t know me, but then again maybe you do. I’ll introduce myself anyway, just in case.... my name is Janice Winslow Harper. I am the lady who designed your obituary memorial cards here on earth. I wrote the verses for each one of them.
Making the memory cards is my business, a service I perform for all the funeral homes here in Marion, the town where you lived and worked, and your family still live. When I retired from the outside work force, I needed something to do to keep me busy. I expressed that need in prayer and presto!, I was in the memory card business. God is quick like that, especially if it was all His idea in the first place. I have been blessed in making the memory cards, not in monetary gain, but in matters of the heart.
I believe we all have a talent and we are suppose to use that talent to please God. I am a writer of inspirational verse, this in itself is a blessing. But with the memory cards, I touch people in their very souls. My writings are, and have always been, my way of feeling the touch of God’s hand. With the memory cards, I feel His love for those who grieve.
My greatest blessing in creating your memory cards, was the fact that God recited the verses to me. That may seem a little much to some, but believe me I know when God moves my pen ( He’s a much better writer than me).
I feel I know you well, as we have spent so much time together in the past few months. Your image in the clouds, watching over all below, is forever embedded in my mind. Though you are greatly missed, all is well down here. But you know that, as you are “Still On Watch”.
I will leave you now, and though you will live in my heart forever, I will not write again.
Janice Winslow Harper
P. S. My husband went home to be with Jesus nineteen years ago, his name is Larry Harper. He has a red bushy beard. If you meet him take the time to know him, he’s a really great guy.
Janice Winslow Harper: writer
Janimac Publications
February 14, 2005
Bran - Thank you!!!! - I had asked you before Christmas to help me out with the lottery tickets, and thought I had only won a few bucks on them. I pulled them out yesterday to go cash them in and on one that I thought I won $5 on I realized I didn't scratch off the bonus section. It was a x7 prize bonus. So I won $35 on that one!! Then I tallied up the rest plus one that I had played Friday night and ended up winning $75 total. You had a hand in this, I totally believe that.
Officer Hill wrote in a reflection to you that he refuses to let this be anything but a true Hero's story. It really is...especially to those two awesome little boys that call you Daddy. You are a HERO to everyone that knew you, not very many people realize that the men and women in blue who put that uniform on every day know what kind of risk they are taking and still do it because they love the job so much. It takes a Hero to do that. Whatever happened that night, we all may not ever know, but I do know that you were brave and strong. You loved your family and will always be with them.
4 months tomorrow and time has passed so quickly, but so slowly. We all miss you terribly and love you so much.
Much love,
February 13, 2005
I have been thinking about You a lot lately. I didn't realize how much this was affecting me until last week. I guess a little of it is that I have two baby girls. The other is that it just sucks. I know that God has a bigger plan than I can see right now. I really believe that Brandy. You never know the affect someone has on you until they are gone. That is something we are all guilty of. The end of it is that I just refuse to accept this whole thing. I will however, never forget the sacrifice that you made for the better of us all. No matter what you will live on and this is in part because your legacy cannot be held hostage by anything. I refuse to let this be anything other than a true Hero's story. Brandy, you have paved the way for another Hero to step into the role of gaurdian of the weak and keeper of the peace. For when your story is told it will inspire strength in the weakest of our brothers and sisters. It will give us all a reason to be content at heart. It will give us special course to be proud of the Hero we knew and the friend we will meet again when we walk the beat of Heaven hand in hand. "Poi si 'torno 'all eterna fontana." "(For Then I am returned to the eternal fountain.)"
Ontario Police
February 12, 2005
The other night when I was writing to you Landon came in the room. He asked if I was talking to you. I told him I was writing a letter to you. He wanted to talk to you. I tell him stories about you. He always wants to hear the toast story. I tell him that you would use a whole loaf of bread making yourself toast in the morning. You would make him a piece of toast and cover it in cinnamon and sugar. You both would sit at the kitchen table and eat all the toast. Then when Mommy wanted to make a sandwich all the bread would be gone. He loves that story. He laughs about his Daddy and says he is funny.
We went out to eat last night. Missy and I took the kids to Der Dutchman. Then we went to K-Mart to buy Shark Tale. I let the kids pick out some stuff. They had a lot of fun.
They are starting to play together better. They still have their moments but for the most part they do well.
Yesterday Landon wanted to take a shower all by himself. He thought he was such a big boy taking a shower alone. He is growing up so fast. He is really into bad words right now. He keeps saying "My buttocks". He thinks that is really funny. I bought a bar of soap and am going to make him bite it if he doesn't stop soon.
I have to be going. We need to get breakfast. Missing you as always. Love you.
February 12, 2005
Yesterday when I was coming back from lunch, I saw this huge bird standing in the grass area in the middle of the highway. I was in awe of its beauty but didn't know what type of bird it was until today. I searched on the internet and the first bird I searched for was a hawk (I will tell you why in a second). Sure enough, the bird I saw yesterday was a hawk. I don't know if you ever listen in on Sara and my conversations (hopefully you have had the chance to meet Duke by now), but for some reason, when I initially saw that bird yesterday, I automatically thought of you and felt like you were with me before I ever knew what type of bird I was looking at. I also got this feeling that everything was going to be alright. If that was you yesterday, thank you for traveling all the way to Maryland to give me that reinforced reassurance (even though I know Duke gives me reassurance every night) that everything will be alright.
You know I am so glad that we met (even though is was under the most unfortunate of circumstances). You are truly a strong and amazing woman. I can't thank you enough for everything.
Love and hugs,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
February 11, 2005
I did it. I drove there myself. I was a little nervous. I printed the directions and just followed it. It wasn't exactly rush hour traffic but at least I did it. I think I will try counseling by myself next week. How goofy is it that I am proud of this??
Tyler did great. He held still during the ultrasound and let them do their thing. One of his kidneys is better, the other is still the same. I discovered that Tyler doesn't like elevators. He was scared of it. This morning I asked Tyler his name, he said, "Landon Riley". Later he started saying "Me" whenever I asked him. He wore big boy underwear all night and went on the potty several times. He is so proud of himself.
We made all our Valentines tonight. Landon had a great time doing that. He kept hiding them in my purse so I could find them later. (He showed me where to find them though).
I am really tired tonight. I am going to the doctor tomorrow. I did something to my elbow and my whole arm keeps going numb. Probably lifting Bacon because he is getting so fat...
Missing you as always. Love you.
February 10, 2005
Hey Bacon, just wanted to tell you how much we all miss you. I keep telling myself that it will get easier but i'm not so sure. I miss that big smile that lights up the room. I find myself starring into space when im sitting at my desk, all i an think about is you and how could someone do this. I know that your watching down on us and making sure that we are all safe, please continue to do so. I haven't been able to go visit yu yet, for some reason I can't make myself go. I guess i am scared. Well I better let you go, just wanted to tell you that we all miss and love you. Rest in peace!!!
Love Lindsey Wiley
Sara, i just want you to know that i think about you and the boys everyday. I want you to know that im here fo you if u ever need someone to vent with. I don't know how you do, i guess your stong, im not. I find myself sitting at my desk thinking of Bran, you and the kids, and i find myself starting to cry. Well I better get going. Feel free to call me anytime.
Love Lindsey Wiley
LindseyWiley (Friend of Bacon & Sara
February 9, 2005
Well I did it (you know what I'm talking about). Let Brian and Melissa know that I wouldn't do it for just anyone. (The ribbon was awful) You guys hold a special place in our hearts. We had to go to Childrens the other night with my niece and I saw someone who looked just like you. After reality set in it kind of made think you were watching over us. Chip was yelling at you the other day (I'm sure you got a good laugh) something about you leaving all the light bulbs together and he didn't know which were the old and which were OK to use. (It gave him a good laugh too THANKS) Miss ya!
Chip and Sarah
February 9, 2005
Thinking of you man, feel so empty knowing you are gone....but know you are in a better place.
February 9, 2005
Bran - Sara told you about dad, just watch out for him. We have had one streak of really terrible luck pretty much since my 30th birthday party. I think we are becoming numb to bad news. Dad really misses you too, he said he thinks about you every day, just like all of us do. He always liked you so much though... who didn't? Just bring us something good. I saw the hawk again today. That's always something good=^}
Sara and I have been talking about going to the new indoor waterpark at Cedar Point, mom and mike will probably come too... a nice family getaway, we never got to do stuff like that before. The kids will probably have a blast. I asked you and Sara to go to Cedar Point with us last summer and you couldn't get off work to go. I wish you could have... although we are getting so old that after about 4-5 big roller coasters we were so beat up and both had headaches we were ready to go home. Just not as much fun as when we were young. (Quit laughing at me - you weren't much younger than me)
Miss you. - Mis
February 8, 2005
I took the boys to the movies tonight. It was Ty's first movie. He did really well. He fell asleep on my lap towards the end. Landon loved it, but it was about horses. He has been acting like a horse ever since we got home. Landon is cracking me up. He told me tonight to "Be Patient, Mommy". Such a little man.
I tried to leave Ty at EI by himself for a bit today. He cried, he didn't have a fit though. I think he will be fine once he starts riding the bus there.
Dad called tonight. He has a tumor they are going to remove and test for cancer. Hopefully everything turns out okay. I could tell he was a little nervous. It scares me, but we were able to make jokes about it and laugh a little. He will find out more later this month.
Ty has his annual Children's visit on Thursday. I am going to try to drive there myself. I know I need to start doing this stuff on my own and become more independent. I wish we could go together. It means filling out more forms that always ask for father information. I always put it because you are still his father. It just hurts to put deceased next to it and not include all the phone numbers and such. I guess you never think about that kind of thing until something like this happens. I never thought a simple form could make me think like that.
Missing you as always. Love you.
February 8, 2005
Sara, you don't know me but I think of you daily and pray for you with everything I have!
February 8, 2005
We spent the day at Missy's house. We had a really good time. The boys played all afternoon. Rick cooked, something you could never do.... I bought a bunch of stuff to snack on and we all watched the Super Bowl.
Much better than sitting at home alone all afternoon. It is good to get the kids out of the house. I know I will keep busy this summer and it will be better.
Missy took a picture of the hawk in her yard. It is beautiful. I saw it flying with my car the other day. She is supposed to e-mail the pictures. I looked through the pictures on her camera. There is one of Landon where he looks just like you. I was watching him play tonight and realize how tall he is getting. He will probably be built like you tall and skinny as a rail.
Missy's neighbor e-mailed me the pictures from the party. They made me cry. I thought about how much fun we had that night. That goofy cowboy hat that you just had to have. You went shopping on your birthday, you just had to have a hat like Kenny Chesney. It is still in the closet. We had so much fun that night.
Missing you more than anything. Love you.
February 6, 2005
I stopped by to see you at the cemetary. I do that on days that you are on my mind a lot. Saturday Ryan & I went to get paper work done on the house and on our way home the hawk flew right beside the truck for a while. I saw it last weekend when I was working on Ty's room too. Just another reminder that you are always with us. We miss you so much and think about you everyday. Im going to get off here. Keep flyin High and watchin over us. We love you.
February 6, 2005
Hey Brandy,
Just wanted to say Hi and tell you I seen the biggest Hawk sitting high up in a tree when I was driving down 423 on my way back home from Polaris Mall on. It gave me chills when I seen it because it was not far from where you were.
Keep smiling down over your family.....
Amy Caldwell
High School ClassMate
February 6, 2005
Bran - Hey - I just wanted to say thanks for sending the hawk by today. We were sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch and talking about Sara possibly watching Logan this afternoon for a little while and it flew right by the window and landed on our fence. I took some good pictures of it sitting on the fence. I told Sara I would e-mail them to her later on. Those pictures Sara and the boys had taken are soooo good. I don't know how she will pick them. Landon was the little poser in them. They are getting so big, all the kids are. We went out to eat last night with mom & mike and Logan would yell papa in the van and then Ty and Landon would chime in... it was so loud I told my I would like to have had a decibel measuring device in the car. It was really funny and everytime mom would try to get them to say mama, Logan would start yelling papa and everyone would follow with papa. You would have got a kick out of them. Landon laughs at everything papa says, just like you did. Little Brandy I tell ya!! I've really enjoyed all the kids lately.
Just wanted to tell you thanks for sending the hawk by today to let us know your with us. Miss you lots, love you
February 5, 2005
The boys are at Disney on Ice with your parents. I am sure they are having a good time. I am attempting to organize a few things. I took advantage of having them out of the house and took a little nap first. Now I am beating myself up for not getting things done while they were gone.
Ty did well at EI again. He participated this time. As I was watching him I was so proud of how well he was doing. He is really getting to be a big boy. He is doing so many new things and talking so much more.
Everyday it seems so strange to be doing things without you. Each time I do something I haven't done yet without you I feel sad.
Angie and I talked today about how long it takes to get rid of all the stuff. All your clothes are still in the closet, your shoes lie where you took them off, and your toothbrush is still in the same spot. I don't know when I will be able to part with anything. I have only let a couple of people take things. I know at some point I will have to go through it all. I just don't want to because that will be like it is really final. Am I going crazy for being attached to a toothbrush? Angie said some stuff she didn't part with until they moved into a new house.
I got our family photos back. They are great. I will have such a hard time deciding which pictures to get. They are all so good. I so wish I had pictures of all of us together taken like this. We never had the extra money though. You worked your butt off just to have what we did.
Valentines is coming up. I am not looking forward to that day.....Then we have Landon's birthday and mine the next day.
Love you and missing you as always.
February 5, 2005
Hey Bran. I noticed no one posted any messages for you yesterday. I just wanted to let you know that there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about you (as many have confessed already). It's too bad we get too busy with day-to-day things & don't stop often enough to reflect on life and the people that are in ours (and what they mean to us). It's obvious how many people you touched while you were here, and I know a few people that will ALWAYS have your memory with them, in everything they do. I didn't get a chance to know you like many others did, but like everyone else has said, you didn't know a stranger. Even if Matt wasn't with me, we'd talk like he was. You always made me feel like I wasn't just your buddy's wife, but a friend too. Thank you for that. Just thought I'd drop a little note to let you know that. Rest easy "Bacon".
February 4, 2005
God Bless you man...
February 2, 2005