Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

4-1 about 9:30 I heard a big pop outside, Eric left for work shortly after that and notice my car was in a hit & run. Eric waited until the next morning to call and tell me what happened to my car. Eric was working a double shift on 4-2 and told me what happened to my car. I just keep me car in excellent condition. After Eric called me I then call the City Police Department and I knew you were looking out for me, because your brother showed up to help me and it reminded me of you. Thanks for your help Cory & Brandy.

Michelle (Winders) Mosley
classmate from Tri-Rivers

April 5, 2005

Another busy couple of days. I am starting to get sick too. Landon is finally better. Your mom got it and was pretty bad for a couple of days.

Next month is going to be crazy. We have police week, the local memorial, the state memorial, VFW officer of the year award, and Cleveland memorial. I have been invited by several FOP's to their memorial services. I am a guest speaker at one of them. There is a policeman's ball at another one. I think Marisa is also going to that one. I haven't gotten to see her and look forward to that. There is a COPS benefit where they want me to speak. What do you say?? I know I will figure it out. Next week I speak at the Victims of Crime week ceremony in Cinci. I already wrote that speech but need to work on some changes. Mostly I want people to get a sense of who you were and what our family was and the sacrifice we made and the journey we have started. I know June will be a whole decompression month. I won't have time to think in May.

Jen asked me to go to something with her in Baltimore the day we arrive in DC. I am looking forward to that. Duke is being honored. I can't wait to meet Jen. She is so amazing.

I was thinking that April is the month that we met. We went on our first blind date. We arranged to meet on Rt. 4 at the White Swan. You were already sitting there in your little purple truck with the Klink license plate. I pulled up in my little green convertible. I remember you told me you thought, Wow what a hottie. We went to your apartment so you could get ready because you spent the afternoon practicing bowling. I rememeber thinking who practices bowling. Isn't that something you just do for fun. You wore that really ugly Tommy Hilfiger sweater vest with a T-shirt underneath and put on a ton of cologne, I guess some things never change. We went to Mikeli's and you ignored me all night while you talked to your friends. I couldn't drink because I wasn't old enough. Burdick was the only person that talked to me and you got mad because you thought he was flirting with me. So we left and went to another bar where you bought me a beer even though I wasn't old enough. Then we got Burger King. We stopped and talked to a city unit that was sitting there. Then we went back to your apartment. I finally got back to my car at 4 am. I will leave the second date, the funniest one for another time. I have to get a shower and balance the checkbook.

Love you. Smiling about those first date memories. Missing you as always.


April 5, 2005

Still can't believe your gone. Miss you every day!

April 4, 2005

We were thinking about you today. We think about you everyday, but today was even harder than normal. We sure do miss you...

Marion County SO

April 3, 2005

Hey, buddy. I was driving to work today and saw the huge hawk perched on a 30 foot streetlight looking down at me. I had a tear in my eye, but a smile on my face after that.
Love ya, partner.

Dublin, OH

April 2, 2005

I was out on my sisters porch watching that night if it was the same incident with the stolen car.

Brandy probably had a little doing with having to wait on backup. He was probably up there laughing his butt off at ya.

Take care of my kitty Brandy, we had to have him put down this morning from an illness.

Amy(Bush) Caldwell

April 1, 2005

We sure do miss you. Things are just never ever going to be the same. I was having a conversation today with a friend and we were discussing why Cory and I left Cleveland to move to Marion. It made me so sad. Cory wanted to move back here to hang out with you, so Cory could maybe work with you and someday have our kids play together and grow up together. In a moment all of that has been taken away from us. Cory can't hang out with you, he works midnights without you...and now our kids won't be able to grow up together like he dreamed about. All of our reasoning for being here is all gone. I know that your boys will only be a short drive away, but it is not the vision and dream that Cory and I had.

It just all makes me so sad. And Cory and I have talked about the fact that we are both only children now and that our kids will never have an aunt or an uncle...why did this have to happen?

I feel like we are all going to have to miss out on so much...all of these ideas and dreams we had...we would all go together and watch the kids play whatever sport they were involved in, cheer them on, grab dinner after the game, the kids would spend the night with us after one game and then with you guys after next week's game... we would be a it is all gone and done before we ever had a chance to start. It is so not fair.

It honestly hurts my heart to know that this is not how things were going to know that Cory's heart is broken...his big brother is gone...he has nothing left to hold on to to feel close to you. My chest seriously has a pain in it when I really think about it all. I feel like a bad situation has been made worse...and there is no happy ending in sight. But what can you do? Try to be understanding and keep working on moving on I guess. I don't know what else to do.

I do want to thank you for such a wonderful group of friends that I feel like I have now. I just wish that it didn't take this, ya know? But if that is the good that comes out of it, well then thank you. I know how important people and friends were to I know that you have passed that on to all of us to help us get through the rough times. So, thank you for all of them. There isn't a conversation that we have when we don't take turns telling a "remember when Bran did.." story. You just made everyone laugh and smile. You were such a great person...I hope that you know that and that everyone always remembers that and shares that with your boys. I know that Cory and I will every chance that we get.

Well, I need to get back to work. Things will never be the same without you, Bran. Cory and I both try every day to be good people so we can see you again in heaven and pick up where we left off...

Much love...and you know Cory and I miss you every day.


April 1, 2005

Miss you man, i recovered an occupied stolen vehicle the other night and backup took forever...i know you were with me.

April 1, 2005

We cannot see you, but you are here, I feel your presence. We will never forget you and the fun that we had together. Looking forward to seeing your smile at Heaven's gates.

April 1, 2005

Well Easter has come and gone and summer is on its way here! Ryan and I are busy with getting things for the house. Ryan's got himself a fish tank now. I think I've created a monster by allowing it! Ryan starts dive lessons Sunday, he is so excited! He had all his gear ready to go. He told me that the vest he has was yours, hes very honored to be wearing it! He misses you a lot and I know he visits you everday. We saw NASCAR last night at the K of C that plate on his bike is awesome! Ryan wants a bike so bad now! HAHA! Well I better get ready to start my day I have a lot to get done. Keep watching over all ove us!
We love you and miss you!


March 31, 2005

Well the warm weather is here. The boys got to play outside for awhile last night. They rode their battery operated motorcycle around the yard. Even Ty can do it by himself. Landon was still pretty sick. He came in early and fell asleep. Mom was here so she stayed with him. Tyler and I took Bacon for a walk around the neighborhood. Most of the neighobors were out also. I introduced them to Bacon. I also told them that we will be moving in a few weeks. They were all sad to see us go but I told them your parents might buy our house so they can still see the boys around the neighborhood. Bet they will all be glad that Gabby won't be roaming the neighborhood anymore. She has been taking off on me a lot lately. The boys let her out the door without me knowing and she bolts. The new house will have a fence so that will help. I just have to make sure the boys don't let her out the front door.

Landon is really sick. He hasn't been this sick in a long time. I took him to the doctor but they couldn't find anything so they thought it was viral. Now Tyler is starting to get it too. Landon has been sleeping alot and when he isn't asleep he is curled up on my lap. He was better today but started getting a fever this evening again.

We got the garage cleaned out. I was looking through all your stuff out there. All the license plates you kept and your tin can full of Marlboro miles. I asked Missy what I should do with them and she laughed. She said she found some Marlboro miles near the accident scene when she was looking around. She picked them up and saved them. Maybe we should add it to your can full of them. Did you ever plan on cashing those things in?? There are probably enough of them for a really big prize. Congratulations free chemo for your lung cancer. Your work boots are still sitting in the same place you last took them off. I looked in them and there are cobwebs in them. I can't bring myself to move them. I finally moved your flip flops from the laundry room where you left them.

I started looking through the closet and remembered that last night. You organized all your T-shirts into two piles. The good ones that you wore under your vest and your nasty ones for yard and farm work. You gave me a lecture on how to fold them and put them in the right place. I told you I would leave them in a pile and you could fold them yourself because I didn't want you complaining when I got it wrong. You were such an organization freak. Kathy, Brian, and I spent a night laughing at you when we were looking for lightbulbs. You had all the lightbulbs organized by size and type and little drawers for the small ones. I had to show them the battery organizer you bought. We all had a good laugh at your expense. But Brian was envious of your battery organizer. I have to admit it is very handy when I need a battery. The tester and everything is right there.

When we got our first house we had that little spat over the laundry. First you wanted me to iron your jeans and I told you there was no way I was going to iron jeans. Then you got mad because I folded them wrong and they had a crease in them. But hey I learned how to hang jeans and pants the right way so they wouldn't crease. I listened even though I pretended to be annoyed. I would get so frustrated over your little quirks but I have to admit that it did teach me things I didn't know. I guess I could never admit that when you were alive.

One thing everyone recalls about you is how squared away you were. Nothing out of place and everything polished. You were always so proud. Even your cruiser was spotless. I still remember you tearing the lightbar apart and wiping it down with windex. I thought you were crazy for doing that. But you loved it. You would spend hours cleaning that cruiser in the driveway while the boys climbed around inside. One night they had all the bells and whistles turned on. When you turned it on to leave the siren was blaring. You called me on the cell phone cracking up laughing asking if I heard you pull out of the driveway. I said, "Of course the whole neighborhood heard you".

I guess the warm weather brings back a lot of memories. We spent so much time outside doing things together.

I better get some sleep. The boys have school tomorrow. Hopefully they are well enough to go. Landon already missed Tuesday. Landon asked me tonight if you would be home on Thursday. He has been missing you a lot lately. He keeps asking for you to come home and talking about how much he loves you. We all miss you so much and we all love you.


March 30, 2005

Sara, I just wanted to tell you that I saw a hawk and thought of you and the many times you have written about seeing a hawk since Brandy died. I was going for a walk a couple of weeks ago with my sister (in our neighborhood) and turned to look at a house. There propped on a fence was a huge hawk. At first it looked like one of those lawn ornaments, but then it moved its head and we knew it was real. It just sat there, not bothered at all that we were in the area. Even though were made noise, it never left the fence. I have never seen a hawk in the neighborhood was very unusual. I know I don't live anywhere near you, but it was something that definitely made me think of you and your family. I know you had a court appearance this week and hope that you are doing well. I am certain from all that you have written that you are being closely watched and protected.

Becky Muncy
Widow, Sgt. Marc Muncy, Columbus P.D. (E.O.W. 04/05/95)

March 30, 2005

Take care of your mom today. I know you will be with her.

March 30, 2005

Happy Easter Brandy. Ryan was telling me about the biggest Hawk he's ever seen sitting on top the telephone pole outside our house this morning and I thought about you and letters that Sara writes you about seeing the Hawks. Thanks for watching over everyone Brandy. We know your out there.

Hey could you look Chip and Lisa up for Ryan and I and tell them Happy Easter and that we love and miss them so much?

Give your boys big bunny hugs today and make Landon feel better, I see that he's not been feeling well.

Ryan & Amy Caldwell
High School Classmate of Brandy

March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Brandy, please continue to watch over us. More challenges have been put in front of us. It's really been a tough few months. We think of you every day. God bless you and your family on this holiday.

March 27, 2005

Easter is done. The boys had a great day. Landon felt better.

It was weird to hunt Easter eggs without you here. We didn't have to wait for you to come home like we used to do. No watching out the window for Daddy....Landon raced all over the house. I hid both real colored eggs and plastic ones. When Landon would find a real one he would say Ohh, Mommmy look and put it back in the egg carton. It was funny.

We went to your parents house and then over to Grandma's house. The boys got to help your dad carve the ham. They thought that was great. They had a lot of fun. They were both really good. Cory brought Blue with him, Landon loves that dog. Then we went out to Mom's house. They had fun there too.

I found a picture on Mom's camera from the Spring game last year. I had never seen it before. It was of all of us. You looked so handsome. You had on your sunglasses and black OSU sweatshirt. You are holding Ty's hand. I will ask Mom to send me a copy.

The boys got an egg full of tatoo's in their Easter basket at Mom's house. Landon wanted them on. We put one in the middle of his back and one on each nipple. It was hilarous. We got some good pictures of them. He thought it was grand. Missy opened the basement door to go down and Landon had his pants down looking in the mirror at the tattoo on his back.

Landon has been talking a lot about you because he has been sick. He wants to know if we can go to the hospital and give you medicine to make you all better. He is still trying to convince me that you will come back. He always tells me, "When my daddy gets all better." He has a alot of questions about if policeman and fireman helped you. Why it happened. If you caught the bad guy. The list goes on and on. I try to answer all his questions as honestly as possible. It is so hard to give him such brutal honesty to those questions. I hate to tell him. No your daddy is not going to come back. He has been having nightmares about black hair. I don't know where that is coming from. He wakes up screaming that he touched the black hair. He refused to go back to sleep the other night.

It is getting late and I need to get some sleep. We have another court date tomorrow. I also want to try to get the carpets shampooed. They are nasty.

Love you. Miss you.


March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Bran. You would've laughed at Hayden this year, he had us up at 1:30, 5:00 and 6:45 to see if the Easter Bunny had been here. Finally we got up at 6:45 Logan could have cared less about the eggs or the tricycle the Easter Bunny left. She was too worried about eating that candy in the basket. She has a sweet tooth like her Daddy. She walked around hunting eggs with a little bottle of M&M's in her hand. She wouldn't put them down for anything. At least she didn't shove any of them up her nose today. Instead she shoved a marshmallow from her Froot Loops up her nose. Another yellow one - she must have something for yellow! Landon acted much better today. I got them bubble swords and they ran around on the deck at mom's and did bubbles. They had fun.

Well hope Easter in heaven is a wonderful celebration. We sure miss you here. Love you always.



March 27, 2005

Sara and family, may all of you have a safe Easter. I hope the Easter Bunny leaves something special for the kids. Brandy, please continue to keep watch over all your family, friends, and co-workers this Easter day and always. God bless all of you.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

March 27, 2005


March 27, 2005

Happy Easter. Another first without you. It is early. I just hid all the eggs. Tyler was first up. He is sitting in the kitchen munching on some Easter candy. We are waiting on Landon to get up. All the eggs are hidden. Ty hasn't even messed with them much. He is much more interested in the candy.

Landon is really sick. He has had a fever since Friday night. He was asleep on the couch last night at 6. Dad came over for pizza and a movie. Landon only had one piece of pizza. His fever was raging and I couldn't give him tylnenol for another hour. Hopefully he is better today. He had to miss your Mom's Easter Egg Hunt yesterday. He also missed bowling. Your mom and dad took Tyler for me and brought Landon home some eggs.

At least this year we don't have to wait on the Easter Bunny to get home. I still smile thinking of the look on your face when you realized it was Easter.

I have to get going. Tyler is yelling because Bacon is trying to eat the Easter Eggs that I hid.

Love you. Miss you.


March 27, 2005

Another busy day. It seems busier since I don't work anymore if that seems to make any sense. I guess I keep myself busy so I don't have much time to sit and think. Those are the worst times. Alone with my thoughts and memories. A person could seriously go insane. I find if I don't have plans that I end up at Missy or Mom's house. Better than sitting home. Plus the boys enjoy it.

We had dinner with Mom the other night. The boys had fun. Mom made homemade french fries. One of your favorites. Of course her homemade french fries are never as greasy as mine. We tried to watch the Incredibles but the boys didn't want to hold still long enough. Landon wouldn't even eat his popcorn which is unusual.

The boys are on Spring Break from school. Not much of a spring break. It was really cold today. I can't wait until we can get outside to play. They have been begging to go outside. We walked to the park one day but froze our butts off. We didn't stay long. It was just too windy. Nice weather is coming fast though.

There is another court date next week. Not sure which motions but that always takes a toll. The day after Easter at that. I met a lady today that was a widow at 21. Her husband was shot in a fight and the man only got 6 years. That is just downright scary. She also told me her sister was a police widow the year before she became a widow. How strange to meet these people. This all happened to her 30 years ago and she was talking about it like it was yesterday.

We took the boys to House of Japan today. They loved it. Landon wants to cook like them. He cracks me up with the big smile across his face looking just like you. He asked if it could be his birthday so he could get a pineapple with a sparkler in it. He thinks those are really cool. I still have that picture of your birthday dinner there when Landon was just a little guy. He has on his I love my daddy T-shirt.

We are coloring Easter eggs on Friday at Missy's house. I just have to keep Landon out of them until then. He loves the Easter eggs. I also bought some plastic ones to fill with candy. They look like baseballs and footballs. That will put a smile on their faces.

I found the home videos from Hawaii. I haven't been brave enough to watch them yet. I totally fell apart when I watched the wedding video. You and the camara never parted during that trip. There are two tapes full. Maybe I will watch them when the kids are in school one day.

I downloaded Polar Bowler today. Landon has been playing it non-stop. He loves the computer. I remember when we used to let him play that game online. He loved it so much. When I came across it today I had to download it for him. He was so excited.

Well I need to get some sleep it is past midnight now. Love you, miss you more than ever.


March 24, 2005

Hey its been awhile since I wrote to you, but I feel like I write the same ole' thing everytime. I still can't believe that this has happened. I ask myself everyday why he had to take someone that was so special and someone that we all love. I keep trying to tell myself that everything is going to get better. I just wish that the trial was over, I want this jerk to get the death penalty, thats what he deserves, especially or what he has done not just to you but to your family and friends. Sara I have not had a chance to get ahold of u but I do have your 2way so if u see a strange number it is mine. I will probally ball next week, oh yeah and happy belated bday to u and to the little one. Well Brandy I need to say goodbye for now but not forever. Make sure you watch over us and keep us safe. Love ya

Lindsey Wiley (friend)

March 23, 2005

Bran - Hey, it's been a while since I wrote. Last weekend Sara and I started to tackle the basement. I know you wanted to get it cleaned before you died, but never ever imagined that I would be helping Sara instead of you. By the way, you were such a packrat. You saved everything!!! - There is soooo much stuff down there to go through. In a strange way it was comforting to go through the stuff and see the things that you kept. Granted there was a lot of junk, but there were some cool things down there. Just things that were so you. Good thing you kept so much because now there is a lot of stuff to keep for the boys, things that will show them what kind of man you were. We looked through your box of wedding things, found your shirt from your bachelor party. It was better than what Rick came home with from his. I think you went with them, but he had a signed strip club shirt and his underwear band got ripped off during a wedgy and it was tied around Dave's head.

Sara found some videos that you had from work. We watched them, it was so cool to see you and hear your voice. I always knew what you did at work but really never thought of you actually doing it, so it was awesome to see you doing things you loved. The pursuit where the money came flying out the suspects car and then the car caught on fire was cool. Seeing you with all the guys you work with giving each other high 5's. The funniest thing was the guy resisting arrest and you just cleaned the back of your car, when you turned a corner he went sliding across the back seat. Just like you, have that car nice and clean and an idiot's butt sliding across the back seat. I know you probably loved that one!!

Well, easter is fast approaching and another holiday without you seems to be dragging everyone down a bit. Hopefully the weather will start getting warmer and we can get outside more with the kids and get in a better state of mind. Life without you won't be the same. I will always wonder, what would be going on with Brandy here? What would Bran think of this or that. Wouldn't he think this was cool. You'll never leave our hearts or minds Bran. Thanks for giving me a chance to see the videos, it was so comforting to hear your voice.

Well, Sara and I are taking the kids to lunch (House of Japan!!) today and then going shopping some more. So I need to scoot. Miss you as always, Love you,



March 23, 2005

Missy & I started to go through some of your stuff in the basement. It was hard. How do you decide what to keep?? I want to keep it all but I know that doesn't make sense. I am trying to decide what the boys would want to see when they get older. What things they might want to keep. I also need to decide what your parents and family would want. I found Spikes guns and slap jack. I know your Dad wants those. He was so excited when I pulled those out.

I found some of your cruiser tapes. I already watched a few of them but I found some that you had put away. I am so glad I have those. I can show the boys what you did and how you operated at work some day. It was so strange to hear your voice. I know what it sounds like in my mind but I haven't heard it in so many months. It was actually comforting to hear it. I am trying to decide when I should let the boys watch videos of you. They would probably love it but I am not sure how they would react. I am going to have them transferred onto DVD.

Missy and I watched the tape of the pursuit with the robbery suspect where he throws the money out the window and the car catches on fire. We were laughing at you because at one point you said Whoa flames. Someone else says, "Yeah we know". Nice observation dear. After the pursuit you were high fiving and talking with they guys. You were the first one to thank the Patrol for their help. Always the gracious one. I also showed Missy the one of the guy resisting arrest. Your favorite tape.

I let Landon have your Kensenth die cast to play with. It looked like a cheap one. Hope it was. I put the Dale Jarrett ones I bought you for Christmas back in their original boxes. I am going to display them with all your awards in the room I dedicate to you. Landon really wanted to play with them but I told him no. He is very excited to have the Kenseth car though. He keeps talking about having Daddy's race car. He has been carrying it everywhere he goes.

We didn't get very far on the basement. I had to stop. It is just too much. I will get it done though. The night you died you cleaned out the closets upstairs. Then you came in Ty's room and told me, "Our next project is to get that basement cleaned up."

This morning Ty was the first one up. We went out in the living room to watch the news and wait for Landon to get up. Ty was sitting on my lap singing Happy Birthday to nobody at the top of his lungs. It cracked me up. It was so cute.

Mom took Landon and Tyler to Walmart yesterday. Landon talked to her into a new cowboy hat. We are going to make him save it for the Kenny Chesney concert. He looked so cute in it though. He is begging to go get it at Mama's house.

Love you. Miss you.


March 21, 2005

I am exhausted today. The boys went bowling as usual. After they went with your parents to an Easter Egg hunt for the FOP. I came home to lay down for a bit. I don't feel well. I think everything is just catching up to me.

I can't beleive it is Easter already. We need to do eggs this week. I remember last forgot. I called your office and asked Monica where you were at. She said drinking coffee in the back. I said can you tell him 2 little boys are waiting for the Easter Bunny to come and Mommy locked them in their room until he gets here. She told me the look on your face was priceless. You made it home pretty quick after that. I laugh because I can imagine the oh crap look on your face. You were lauging when you came in the door saying you didn't even think about it being Easter. Ty will be big enough to really enjoy it this year. Your Mom's annual egg hunt is on Saturday.

All the flowers we planted last fall are starting to sprout a little. I can't wait to see how pretty they are when they finally pop up. We worked so hard on all the landscaping last year. You were so proud of our yard. Spring is coming fast. Usually I come out of the winter time funk about now but it isn't as easy this year.

I see that Powder left a reflection for you. Powder if you read often please get a hold of me, UCSO can get you my numbers. I would love to talk. Bran thought so much of you, even though he hadn't seen you in a while he still talked about you.

Missy just got here so I must be going. Love you dear. Missing you as always.


March 19, 2005

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