Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
it's christmas eve, and nothing really seems right here. my aunt just brought in a picture of my brother, and i realized again just how much i miss him and hate this world that doesn't have him in it. matt and i would always be the first ones up christmas morning. since he was working at the police station, he would come over after he got off of work...we would still get up just like when we were little and go to check out the presents and he would always tell me what i was getting...even though i never wanted to know. we would talk for a while and wait for everyone else to get up. then we'd all start the day.
but it's hard to even start the day anymore...regardless of if it's just a monday or if it's christmas day. matt and i would talk everyday on that stupid two-way nextel phone. whenever it beeped odds were that it was matt. i miss his voice. his caring. his protection. he always protected us. his girls, my mom, sister and me. never let anyone hurt us and made sure that we always had everything that we needed. i miss him. he was one of a kind and no one will ever really know how special he is...
jessica rittenhouse, matt's little siste
December 24, 2004
December 24, 2004
Matt went to the academy with my wife (then girlfriend). He was a great light and a constant joy during hard times. All his classmates looked to him for a smile when things seemed at their worst. God bless you Matt and may we see you again in Heaven.
James A Kubic
December 17, 2004
It took me almost three months to write because I have so much to say, but don’t know where to start… We made so many memories. I didn’t realize the impact you had on me until it was too late. I had so much to tell you starting from how was my day and to tell you what was going on around town and asking you who had you taken to jail today. You will always be my superman during the day and my batman at night. I will never forget you… I thank God everyday for putting you in my life and letting me spend the time and make memories with you… If I never told you, thank you for everything, and I mean everything. You were so special to me and everyone else you had an impact on… I know God has a better plan for you, I think he just needed someone to take care of the people up there with him, he needed a super hero, and you were definitely a super hero..
I love you,
Chasity Johnson
December 14, 2004
Matt, almost 3 months have gone by since you were taken away from us all, it seems like just yesterday that I left the apartment to head to work and said goodbye to you for the last time. When I got the call that you were pinned in your car I thought, what I'm sure everyone else thought, it's Matt their gonna get him out then you'd be home. I even drove to the crash site and just had a calm feeling like you were ok because you're Matt, Superman, nothing could happen to you, but then I got the call that you were gone. But, I have no doubts that you are in Heaven doing God's work, I miss you and I love you, you're still my boy.
I love you,
Kasey Mynatt
December 14, 2004
Matt was a good police officer, a good person and a good friend...He never failed to put a smile on your face..One night my partner and I had got off from work and wanted an ice cream...We pulled into the drive thru at McDonalds..Matt was in front of us placing his order..We start blowing the horn and yelling at him to hurry up..We ordered our food and continued to aggravate Matt..He was spot lighting us and yelling back at us...He got his food and pulled up and stopped..holding a McDonalds bag out the window of his patrol car..When we pulled up to the window...The cashier said "Matt has your food" I asked the cashier why he put our ice cream cones in a bag? The cashier got all tore up...He started yelling at Matt not to leave..Then he went running outside to stop him..See Matt had asked to the cashier to give him our food...He was going to get us...But the cashier had accidentally gave him the peoples food behind us..We got our ice cream and laughed all the way home....
Matthew you are deeply missed! Please watch over and guide us all! God Bless You!
Annette Stubbs
Roane Co. 911
December 14, 2004
I've wanted to write for awhile now, at first I couldn't, then I didn't know what to write, but I knew I wanted Matt's family to know that there are ALOT of people out there that Matt touched. I wanted to add my reflection to all the other touching and funny ones I had read. Matt and I worked together at the Sheriff's Dept when He and I were both just getting started in Law Enforcement. Matt was a corrections officer and I was on the road. Matt would call me on his off nights wanting to come in and ride with me. He'd call early (sometimes waking me up) and say "don't fill my spot I'm riding with you tonight." As soon as he got in the car he would say "lets go get into something!" That sums up Matt about as well as you can! He always wanted to be in the middle of the action. Matt let me borrow his car last year during the christmas parade and he rode his bike in the cold, he was just like that. It was that same bike that he used to pass me as I was struggling to run up Pansey Hill during our 5K run, of course he aggravated me the whole way up the hill! It seems like just yesterday that we all were at Bob's having a burger during a break in training. Memories far to little and far to short. The day we layed Matt to rest I was downstairs of the church getting something to drink, several other officers were around and as I put the cup up to the despenser it blew coke all over me. A small smile came over a few of our faces at a very sad time. Then one of the other officers made the comment that I bet that was Matt trying to get you wet, because you know if he were here he would have tried to do something like that to you. We all smiled a big smile then and agreed. So that is how I am going to choose to remember Matt, whenever I get sad and heart broken I am going to remember the practical joker, the generous heart, the good times, and then I am going to smile a little smile, because that is the way Matt would have wanted us, with smile on our face. We won't forget you brother, watch over all of us till we see you again.
Chris Massengill
Harriman Police Dept.
December 5, 2004
Dear Matt,
I was copying the roster listening to the call that night praying without knowing who, that all was well. I will never forget when I heard it was you, a friend someone I had long talks with and shared many smiles and laughs. All I could think of was Dear God please let him be ok. But God had other plans. He needed a bright flower to light up heaven and you were the prefect choice.
We all miss you and your stories, your smile, your sense of humor (I'm a little tea pot).
There was no one like you, I love you and miss you daily.
From your spot looking over Harriman watch us and guide us to one day be with you again.
Lavada Vance Corrections
Roane County Sheriff's Dept.
November 29, 2004
Matt, thanks for the laughs in the short time I knew you... I count that time as golden and I shall never forget you... I rest in the assurance that you are watching my back as I carry on here and you patrol the streets of heaven...
Deputy Sam Harvey
Roane County Sheriffs Dept
November 23, 2004
The “Officer Down Memorial” is one thing that we have up in the Kansas City Police Academy. It’s actually on the opposite wall where my locker is. It was brought to the class’s attention today by my class coordinator that someone on that wall had the same name of an individual in our class. Of course I was thinking, “What are the odds?” Classmates were coming back to me after break telling me that it was my name on the wall. Reading into it, it’s eerie how similar things really are beside the name. I too have been called the “gentle giant” due to the fact that I’m 6’7”. I’m roughly a year and half younger than he was. I believe I have the same goals as Matt, to simply try to make a small difference in a world only police officers can see. After reading the responses left by friends and family, I only hope that this Matt Rittenhouse can live up to be such a stand-up and admired person. I will continue to work hard to become part of the brotherhood of those in blue. My heart goes out to the family of Matt, and remember what God says about peacemakers…….
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9
Entrant Officer Matt Rittenhouse
November 4, 2004
Matt, you don't know how many times I have thought of that night when we were dispatched to come help. I have never in my life felt so alone and helpless. But, I know in my heart that there was no other place you would have wanted to be. I know that there is a reason for everything, and just like we talked about under the bridge that night we all have to be ready, and no regrets wheen the time comes. Matt, I know you were ready, and even though things seem hard for us right now, I will never forget you my friend and I know the city will never forget the service you gave them. Until I get to see you again Matt, watch over us, and help us when you see us in need.. Chaz...
K-9 PTL Charlie Graham
Harriman Police Dept.
November 1, 2004
God Speed, Brother.
Union PD, NJ
October 25, 2004
Your family means the world to me. Thier love for each other is... in a word... amazing. I thank God that you had the chance to live a life in thier presence. Your dedication to them will be a reminder of how I should live among those I love. Your dedication to your job will be a reminder to your friends that protection comes at a high cost... and one that you were willing to pay. You have not only left us with memories of you... but the legacy of you. You will be missed... you will be admired... and you are loved.
Tres Wyatt
October 18, 2004
It's been a month since you've gone and it seems like only yesterday we were talking about where we were going in life. Sometimes there will be someone key up on the radio and I have to stop because it sounds just like you. As much as it hurts to think that your gone it gives me the same amount of joy to know that someday I'll see you again and have one of our talks that always left me smiling. We miss you everyday and love you forever.
Dispatcher Amanda Redmon
Roane Co 911
October 17, 2004
It has been a month now, my baby brother. And I know that you know things are not any easier for us with you gone. But I see you, Matt. I see you in the magnificence of the sunsets- I see you in the greatness of the mountains- and I feel you in the wind each time it blows past me. And I thank God for you, because I know it is in these ways He is reminding me of your love. That even in the hardest moments, love will bring us all together again. So we are each doing the best we can, Matt. To love God and each other and always, always you.
Jenny Rittenhouse Guinn
October 16, 2004
Matt is my nephew that I love very much. He was, as his Grandfather Rittenhouse said, "A gentle giant." Thirty-one years ago my sister, Matt's mom, gave me a book titled "To See a World in a Grain of Sand". Long ago, I circled the selection "The purpose of life is not to be happy-but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make a difference that you lived at all." Matt was only 25 when he passed from this life, but he made a difference. After talking with friends and reading hundreds of cards, it appears he made a difference in the lives of more people than anyone realized. You see, Matt didn't boast or even talk about people he had helped along his way. It seems, he was wise far beyond his years. You are missed, Matt. Your humor and hugs can never be replaced. We think about you daily and wonder what Heaven is like. I'm sure you have made your presence known through a practical joke or two.
"The road of life winds on, and we like travelers go
From turn to turn until we come to know
The truth that life is endless...
I love you Matt. Give Granny a bear hug!
Aunt Marta
Aunt Marta
October 14, 2004
Matt Rittenhouse was a wonderful man. When I found out he was becoming an officer, I could think of no profession more fitting. He knew he was meant to serve others and to set an example of excellence and strength. Matt had a heart of gold. Even though he no longer walks among us, he will continue to watch over all those he knew and loved just as he did when he was alive. To his family, friends, and department-my prayers are with you all.
Amy Butt McWilliams
Macon, GA
October 8, 2004
Matt Rittenhouse was a wonderful man. When I found out he was becoming an officer, I could think of no profession more fitting. He knew he was meant to serve others and to set an example of excellence and strength. Matt had a heart of gold. Even though he no longer walks among us, he will continue to watch over all those he knew and loved just as he did when he was alive. To his family, friends, and department-my prayers are with you all.
Amy Butt McWilliams
Macon, GA
October 8, 2004
Memories Are Treasures
No One Can Steal
Death Leaves A Wound
No One Can Heal
To Some You May Be Forgotten
To Others you Are Of The Past
But To Those Who Loved And Lost You
Your Memories Will Always Last
Matt I'll always remember the 10-86 on Henderson and our talks at Riverfront. You touched a lot of lives and you will never be forgotten.
October 6, 2004
I was one of the officers that went to the accident sight where Matt was. Our Chief Stockton was there and he came to me and told me not to leave the sight without Matt’s badge. His badge was somehow missing from his uniform. Members of the Harriman Police Dept., Rescue Squad, Hwy. Patrol, Harriman Fire Dept. and others spent hours in the pouring rain looking for it. It was not to be found. We waited for them to move his vehicle to see if his badge might be there. It was not. I called the Harriman Utility Dept. to see if we could borrow a metal detector from them because we would not leave until it was found. I just happened to look down and found a shiny penny on the ground. I immediately thought of the story they had just read in my church the week before. This is the story…..THE PENNY… Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house.
The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband's employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely.
As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment.
Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts. Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny.
He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up?
Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She causally mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value.
A smile crept across the man's face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this?
"Look at it." He said. "Read what it says."
She read the words "United States of America."
"No, not that; read further."
"One cent?" "No, keep reading."
"In God we Trust?" "Yes!" "And?"
"And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!
Immediately, I knew I would find his badge. Approximately 6 inches from the penny was his badge. It was under a chunk of grass that had been ripped up like a piece of sod and laid back down. We had all walked over it for hours in the rain. Coincidence? I think not.
Major Benny Joseph
Harriman Police Dept.
October 5, 2004
I never got the opportunity to know Matt but my heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family, friends and his family at Harriman Police Dept.
Cpl. Teresa Smith
Loudon County, Tn. Sheriff Dept.
October 3, 2004
To all Family, Friends, and Co Workers of this Officer:
On Behalf of myself, and the Family of Police Officer Daniel Starks (Ft Myers Fl, E/O/W 10-25-03) we want you to know that you are all in our prayers! The Lord will sustain you as you go through this difficult, and trying time, but just remember your loved one is being cared for in Heaven, and is now eternally safe. We hope that you all remain as strong as possible, and know that we are all thinking of you. No words are quite ever adequate, but Police Officers make the ultimate sacrifice everyday, and our hope, and prayer is that they will always be remembered for their heroic efforts, and kind hearts.
Jessica Ruhl (Daniel’s Fiancée) & the Family of Officer Daniel Starks
October 2, 2004
Matthew was, is, and forever will be, our nephew. Words cannot describe the hole left in our hearts with your passing. We do not pretend to understand why you were taken so soon, but we know God has promised that 'all things work together for good for those who love the Lord'. We love Him and hold on to that promise. The last family get together we had we were supposed to stay at church for homecoming but we came to the family event instead. We are so glad we did for that was the last time we saw you, the last hug we gave and received. We know you are watching over us and now walking with Jesus. What a privilege! and what a privilege we have had in knowing you. We love and miss you terribly.
My Guardian Angel
When angels walk the earth
They guard you unawares
To keep you safe and happy
Part of your life they share.
But sometimes they come to bring
Love in a special way
God allows them to be known to us
And live throughout our days.
But angels are very special
And when their work is through
God calls them back to heaven and says
"I have a new job for you".
Look after those you've come to love
They need to feel you near
They're saddened that you've gone away
So your purpose now is clear.
I've met my special angel
He's my guardian now you see
For my angel's name is Matthew
And he's watching over me.
Uncle Brad & Aunt Marsha
October 2, 2004
I worked with Matt at Harriman. He was the kind of guy that could make you laugh on your worst day, even better, he could make you laugh at yourself. He didn't go into the job to draw attention to himself. He never said "look at waht I did." Matt did the job because he liked people. He liked helping people.
I have attended several Officer funerals in my tenure, but never for someone I knew or someone that I have worked with. Never someone that I have entrusted my life to. It was one of the low points of my life. Matt will be missed more than he could have ever imagined.
To his family: I love you all and pray for you continually. To the officers of Harriman Police Department: You lost a brother and a friend, I sympathize because I know your hurt.
God will provide the healing in his time.
Godspeed Matt...I miss you...Well Done.
Officer Brian Farmer
Metro Knoxville Airport Authority
September 27, 2004
My first memory of Matt was when I spent a couple nights at his parents house (being his oldest sister's good friend), and the whole time he was trying to impersonate me. He got into my bag and put on my clothes and also tied a bandana around his head like mine. When his sister told him to take my shirt off, he did, but sat there the whole night half naked. Every time I visited his home I looked forward to playing basketball or joking around with this kid who made me feel important by the way he seemed to look up to me.
In saying all this, I can't help but wonder how many people, kids, etc., looked up to Matt as he grew up and matured into a man but retained his child-like heart. Rest assured, Rittenhouse family, that Matt impacted people in many great ways. Too many, in fact, to write down.
You are obviously missed, Matt. It was good to see you at the wedding this past June. I wish we could've played one more game of basketball.
Jeff Hurst
September 27, 2004