Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
Matt, I miss you. I miss knowing that somewhere out there is a person who understands my every thought and my every action, and if I needed that person, he was only a phone call away. I think of your family all the time. I think of how their hearts must ache everyday. But I also think about how lucky they were to have you. No matter the situation, you could still make someone laugh. You wanted each life you touched to carry the joy you carried. I miss that encouragment. I miss that laugh. Your purpose, however, is greater than these things. Your purpose now is to stand as an inspiration to each of us--for us to be better, to believe in ourselves, to live each day as if it were our last, to love unconditionally, and to believe that miracles are possible.
May 1, 2005
Matt, Life is just not going to ever be the same without you here. I will never understand why this happened, especially to you. We needed you here, there's nobody else quite like you. So it's hard to figure out. You will always be a part of everybody that knew you. We laugh and we cry when we think about you, sometimes both at the same time. You are loved and missed.
Watch over us until we see you again.
April 18, 2005
Matt, please watch over us here in Harriman, as we continue to watch over your family. We miss you, and we have not forgotten.
Until we meet again...Greg
Det Greg Scalf
Harriman PD
April 6, 2005
I'm glad I was able to know you. You always kept us entertained at the academy. You will truly be missed.
Ranger Michael Hensley
TN State Parks
April 5, 2005
The loss of an officer in East Tennessee saddens us all--another hero has fallen. Ofc. Rittenhouse's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sergeant Joe Perkins, Jr.
University of Tennessee Police
April 4, 2005
Matt, I've been thinking a lot about you lately, especially on Easter. I remember on Easter last year I was just ending my shift at dispatch and knew you was working first shift so I called to wish you a Happy Easter. We talked about how you and your family had just seen The Passion of The Christ and how I should go see it. We said goodbye and I went home and had just gotten to sleep when my Nextel two-way started beeping. I didn't even have to look at the phone to know who it was because you was always doing that to see if you could wake me up. When I answered you said, "Happy Easter!!", and giggled. I said "Didn't we just have this conversation an hour ago?". You said "Yeah, I just wanted to wake you up but Happy Easter again anyway. Go back to sleep." This year I was leaving work and the sun was starting to rise and it was going to be such a beautiful Easter Sunday. That memory of our conversation from the year before came flooding back into my mind like it was yesterday. For a split second I wanted to pick up my phone and call you like before. It's funny how we can take something like a short and silly phone call for granted at the moment and then treasure it for a life time the next. I consider myself lucky to have so many of those kinds of conversations with you that, even though it brings tears to my eyes, I can still smile and laugh when they come to mind. In the short time that I got to know you, you was one of the best friends I've had. I'll always remember you that way.
Amanda Redmon
Pinkerton Govt. Services
April 3, 2005
You are never forgotten, Matt.
March 29, 2005
Matt, I think of you everyday. Your parents must be proud to have raised a son that was so young but had made such an impact on so many lives. We will be there in May to honor you, your family and all of our fallen brothers from last year. Please keep us safe out there.
Brother in Blue
March 24, 2005
Matt, the night I got the call and was told the news about you, I had to call another person just to make sure I heard correctly. All I could think about is how me and you started working in Law Enforcement together by working in the jail. I remember the first day I met you. You were sitting in the booking room on your first day and you had one of your hands covered in hand sanitizer. You took a lighter and light your hand and it just busted into flames. You automatically started giggling. You always done crazy stuff, but you were always doing them to make people laugh. We worked together for about a year or 2 then we both went to other departments to become Police Officers. After that we never did see each other as much, but when we did we would always talk about the things we used to get in trouble for when we did work together. Mine and Jennifers prayers go out to your family and our brothers in blue. I miss you brother, and I will never forget you.
Sgt. Melton
Rockwood Police Dept. TN
March 18, 2005
Matt.... Just wanted to say I still miss you alot and our talks. Thank you for being you, I love you.
Ex-Correction's Officer
Roane County Sheriff's Dept.
March 16, 2005
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me aughority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
Matt, you were born to be a police officer; You are greatly missed by all of us.
March 13, 2005
I was thinking of Matt the other day and I remembered yet another funny story about him. For the past few years our city has hosted the Emory River half marathon. Being officers that were issued mountain bikes we were assigned to work this function. There were a few of us there that day working the race. Matt, J Mynatt, T Bryant, and myself were on bikes if I remember correctly. The race went smoothly the first few miles all of us riding pretty close together keeping up with the runners. When we got through the downtown area the race took about a 3 mile long gradual climb. Well I lost sight of Matt, who had disappeared from the pack. I turned around about a mile or so later to go back to see if I could find him. I rode for a while and didnt see him fixing his tire or anything. So I started back toward downtown to see if I could find him, I rode a little farther and I heard someone calling my name. I looked over to my right and there was Matt sitting at Sonic with his mouth full of burger. I asked him what he was doing, and he said "Do you honestly think Im gonna ride 13 miles on that bike?...Yeah Whatever." So Matt and I sat there until the runners returned and we rejoined the pack like we had been there the whole time.
Ptlm. J Joseph
February 24, 2005
Matt--- I still think of you everyday. I remember all the times we laughed together and all the times we cried. You were always so amazing. There are a million memories that run through my mind. I remember how much you loved your family- how you always talked about your mom, your dad, Jenny, and Jessica. I know they must miss you more than words could even begin to describe. They are always in my prayers, and I know that you are watching over them always.
February 23, 2005
I heard this song by rascal flatts the other day that reminded me of matt. I never remember matt spinning his wheels or standing still. he makes me want to face my fears, live on the edge and leave something behind.
When The Sand Runs Out
I spent the morning at an old friends grave
flowers and amazing grace
He was a good man
He spent his whole life
spinning his wheels
never knowing how the real things feel
He never took a chance or the time to dance
and i stood there thinking as
I said good bye
today's the first day of the rest of my life
I'm gonna stop looking back and start moving on
and learning how to face my fears
love with all of my heart
and make my mark
I wanna leave someting here
go out on a ledge without a net
thats what im gonna be about
yeah, I want to be running when the
sand runs out
cause people do it every day
promise themselves, their gonna change
I've been there
but I'm changing from the inside out
that was then and this is now
I'm a new man, a brand new man
and when they carve my stone
they'll write these words
and as the cold wind blows
across the graveyard
I thinkn I hear the voice of my friend whisper in my ear
I wanna be running when the sand runs out.
Ptl. J. Brackett
Harriman Police Department
February 22, 2005
Matt, I have procrastinated long enough. I have not forgotten you, I just haven't been able to find all the right words. I think of you all the time though.
When it was Christmas time in 2004, I thought of you riding with the bike patrol in 2003 for parade security. It was freezing cold & raining and I was nervous, anxious, and stressed out trying to get everyone in there proper places for the parade. Then here you come, big burly Matt on a police bicycle with a name tag reading "J.Dangle" from Reno 911. I busted out laughing and was able to remain sane the rest of the hectic night because of you.
Shortly after the Christmas season, it was time to order the department calendars. Timmie handles that now, thank goodness. We struggled with our department picture so we decided to put nothing but you on the calendar for 2005. If you were here, I KNOW you would have autographed every calendar.
Today I received an email from the TBI asking for people to sign a petition for a postage stamp honoring fallen heroes and their families. I thought that was such a great idea. So I emailed everyone in my email address book and faxed everyone in my rolodex. Hoping to get the word out so everyone will sign that petition. Then we'll have stamps that everyone can lick in memory of you. I can only imagine how much you would have enjoyed that. :)
Monday is Valentines Day, Chief, Timmie, Kris, Jason, Eric Majors, Toby and myself are gonna take off work to help your family deliver flowers all day. I look forward to being with them. Maybe then it would feel like you were still here.
You are missed so much by so many people. Everywhere I go, someone is approaching me asking about your family and expressing how much they miss you. You have brought happiness to all of your family, smiles to the faces of everyone you've crossed paths with, and you have enlightened the lives of everyone here at the police department.
I don't like to think about the night you died. That was a very difficult and emotional night. I will never forget it. It hurts too bad to think about that night, instead I just try to simmer on all the crazy times we've had together. Thinking about you makes me smile so i'll just leave it at that. I bet your making all the angels smile now.
Oh yea, I just thought of another great memory. Toby and I were in my beetle headed to Knoxville, when a dark blue Explorer pulls up right beside us. The Explorer seemed to be traveling awfully close to us so I looked over to my thinking "what's this dudes problem". Not expecting to see your butt pressed up to the passenger window. Every time I pass the Watt Road exit in Knoxville now, I have been blessed with the memory of your white butt right in my face. One memory I wish I could forget! :)
Then there's the "tea pot" traffic stop with the juveniles. I hated it that you got in trouble for that, but it still was so funny. How the Chief could punish you with a straight face, I'll never know??
I also remember that one special DUI arrest. You and Benny were the responding Officers. You had the man standing up against his truck while you were talking to him and attempting field sobriety tests. When all of the sudden, he falls over and knocks off his passenger side mirror. He was obviously took drunk to stand so you put his tailgate down and had him sit there. You were talking to Central and Benny was searching the vehicle. Next thing you know, he falls straight back into the truck bed and was out like a light. That was one of the funniest traffic stops I've ever seen. :)
You've been like a brother to me and I miss you so much. We have many pictures that we look at over and over again. You still make us laugh today. I promise that we will try to care for your family to the best of our abilities. Please watch over all of the Officers across the world. As you know they have a job that not everyone was born to do. I believe the Lord picks certain special people to be in Law Enforcement. I'm glad he picked you, but I wish you didn't have to go home so soon.
I love you, Jess "Fluffy" :)
Jessica Fink, Police Secretary
Harriman Police Department
February 10, 2005
The storm was bad that night I know cause my nightly routine is to go to Knoxville and workout, but that night 9-16-04 something told me not to get out in that rain. Then I was woke up by the news on the TV I heard your name Matt I listened more that's when I discovered you were gone. That news hit my heart hard. I remember back to the day I met you at Roane State in History Class. We clicked right off. I remember back to how we passed History class too that idea I came up with was a good one. I also look back on when you asked me to help you train for the Toughman Contest at RSCC. Then after Roane state we kinda went our on ways I was building houses and you was working at the County. I never got to build you that house bro, but Matt I think about you a lot. I remember back to the prank call you made to me and how mad I was at the time I could not figure out who it was then when I found out it was you it was funny. This is a small world man I met the other party with you that day too she is a cool person. I miss you pulling up beside me late at night and flashing them lights. I remember the last time we spoke at the car wash in Harriman late one night in Aug I think it was. I wish some how your plans you told me about had happened sooner and you had went on back to school. Matt I wish also I had made you that walking tall stick you wanted, but I am sure a lot of of just wish we could have you back here with us. But thats not possible, I sometime hope I will get the chance to talk to you again. Matt thanks for the time I had with you, you were a great asset to the city of Harriman... peace and love ..represent Durty Burd Inc. up there Bro Man. see you soon.
love Blake
Blake Kirkland
Durty Burd Inc.
February 3, 2005
There's a HUGE rock (or small boulder) that's now in Matt's memorial garden at HPD. 913 hauled it over on a trailer and it took a backhoe to set it in place in the garden. When the rock was being placed in the garden, the irony and humor hit me...This rock is like Matt--big, rough around the edges but absolutely beautiful, sturdy, and solid.
February 2, 2005
Tonight is my last night dispatching at Roane Co 911. I've been thinking about the 2 years I have been there and all the memories that have been made. I guess one of my first memories would have to be the night I started dispatching for HPD on third shift. Although I didn't know it then, Matt had already called the other dispatcher and told her that he was going to see if I was going to make it or not. He ran tag after tag to see how well I could do it and how fast I could give them back. Hope told me later that Matt called her back and told her, "I think she'll be alright." I guess it was after that we became friends. I always had such a good time at work when Matt was working. One of his favorite things to do to me is catch me when I left my Nextel on speaker phone and scream while I was keyed up on the radio. He never failed to make it an interesting shift. I miss Matt every day, but I try to think about the silly things he use to do and say and it never fails to bring a smile to my face. So many memories that I now treasure every day. Until the day that we see him again, I know that he'll be watching over us and keeping us safe.
Amanda Redmon
Roane Co 911
January 20, 2005
Today I was cleaning a bedroom and happened upon our paintball guns and ammo. I immediately thought of Matt and his paintball playing. I told his dad recently how I always called him the "cheater." Matt could get shot 20 times and come out of the woods grinning and acting like he didn't have a mark on him. His back would be a multi-colored mess. He always acted like the marks had already been there since the last time we played. There would be a lot of yelling and fussing about it for a minute and back to the woods we would all go. It was so much fun. Matt was so big he was an easy target for everyone. We all miss our paintball games on the bluff with Matt. Matt, please help keep our guys safe out there.
Karen Joseph-wife and mother of HPD Offi
Harriman Police Dept.
January 15, 2005
I have been trying for sometime, to find the words to express how much Matt's presence and personality affected me and our department. I remember all of the fun and excitment that he was always seemed to be right in the middle of, but in the end I always find myself missing him, more ever day.
God Bless the few people in this world that have the ability to affect other peoples lives the way that Matt has, because there are so very few.
I love and miss you brother.
Ptl. Joey Brackett
Harriman Police Department
January 14, 2005
I was scrolling through the names in my Nextel, the other day and made it down to Matts name. I instantly was reminded of what used to be an almost everyday occurence.
Matt at one point was a School Resource officer so he knew pretty much when the bells at the school rang and when the halls were full of kids.
I am currently assigned to one of the schools in the city, and I always had my Nextel on speaker phone.
Matt being himself, almost everyday would wait until one of the breaks between class and use the Nextel two way and say something that would completely embarass me or something so completely off the wall that kids would stop and look at me funny.
The next thing I would hear was a goofy laugh coming from my phone.
January 13, 2005
It seems like only yesterday that we stood in my kitchen on my wedding night talking about married life, police work, family and things we have done since getting into law enforcement. It don't seem fair that you had to go. You have left with a lot of good memories. I will never forget the the way you would always joke and cut up, mocking the way I walked, the things I said and things you called me. It seemed like every time I turned around you were there either working overtime on patrol or helping Kris with narcotics. It's impossible to replace you because the mold was broken when you came along. Everyday I think about some of the crazy stuff we did. Most of all I will never forget the night of September 16, 2004 @ approximately 2300 hrs the phone rang while sitting downstairs opening presents with my wife. I knew something was wrong because I never got calls that late unless something was going on at the police department. Sergeant Whitson called and said Matt was in an accident. I immediately grabbed my keys and told my wife that I had to go because Matt was in an accident I could tell by Jarod's voice it was serious. While driving from my house to the scene hundreds of things went through my mind, being an Asst. Chief you always worry about the people you work with. I arrived at the scene within minutes of the accident. I ran down to Matt's car where Officer Graham and Sergeant Whitson were standing and crawled up next to the window, never have I felt so helpless in all my life. I knew then the Lord had already been here and took Matt to a better place. It sometimes make you wonder why it had to be Matt. It's really hard to put into words what it's like seeing someone you work with lose their life at a very young age. I still everyday think about the Rittenhouse family and can't begin to imagine the pain they still continue to go through. I know that Matt loved his family very much. Matt would tell me about going by his mom and dads house to eat and visit since he had his own apartment. Matt would also talk about his two sisters, telling people they were already taken and to stay away. Matt, I will never forget you and I will always cherish the times that we had. I will always be there for your family and keep them in my prayers so you don't have to worry, we'll take care of them. I'll see you when the Lord comes calling. In the mean time keep it safe up there.
Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peace makers
Assistant Chief Tim Phillips
Harriman Police Department
January 13, 2005
Sometimes it's easier to write the words that I can't seem to speak without having my voice waver. Matt's mom once said she didn't want anyone to forget Matt. Forgetting Matt is impossible. I went to Matt's accident scene to reflect and the Contemporary Christian song "Dancing with the Angels" came on, just as I had put my vehicle in park. So, of course, I cranked up the radio and instead of singing along like I usually do, I just listened. It was like this song was written just for Matt. There's a few lines in the song that really hit home, that says "you have love for family, love for all people, love for the father and son," and, "your heart will be heard through your unspoken word, through generations to come." So whenever I hear this song, I think about Matt and say a prayer for his family; and everyday when I think about Matt, I think about how his "heart is heard through his unspoken word" and know he'll never be forgotten.
January 12, 2005
Matt, you were one of the craziest guys at the academy. You made me laugh and you always brought a smile to my face. I was surprised to run into you at the bookstore in Oak Ridge that next year when I was just out on a road trip. That made my day. It was so good to see you. It's not fair, is it? How someone like you is taken away while bad people seem to multiply. I know that God had a reason for you leaving and it's selfish to think like that but I will miss you. In all my pictures from the academy, you're in at least half, if not more. I know that we'll see each other again. Until then, rest well. Your family and friends are in my prayers.
Patrol Officer Annette Dungey
Jackson Police Department
January 2, 2005
I'm Spending Christmas with Jesus this Year
I see the countless Christmas trees
Around the world below
With tiny lights, like heaven's stars
Reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular
Please wipe away that tear,
For I'm spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs
That people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can't compare
With the Christmas choir up here.
For I have no words to tell you
The joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description
To hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me.
I see the pain inside your heart.
For this is the first Christmas
We'll be spending apart.
I can't tell you of the splendor
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas
With our Savior face to face?
I'll ask him to light your spirit
As I tell him of your love. So then pray for on another
As you lift your eyes above.
So please let your hearts be joyful
And let your spirit sing.
For I'm spending Christmas in heaven
And I'm walking with this King.
Author Unknown
December 25, 2004