Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Harriman Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Rest in peace Officer Rittenhouse. We will pray for you and your family.


August 13, 2005

Reflecting back when Matt was a child, I was quite a bit older, but remember how he was such a, "go-getter," as a youngster. His adventurous nature was so evident, and his smile was always noticed.

I can only imagine how your family must feel, and how they must miss yoru presence here on earth. The pain for your parents has to be unreal, but yet, they are terrific examples of what God's word guides us to be. I read your mothers Birthday message to you which brought me to tears. As a mother, like I say, I can only imagine, but cannot say I know how she must feel.

I will continue to pray for your family. Because we're in this unsure and sometimes seemingly cruel world we live in, we appreciate your continued watch over us.

I know you were a terrific young man whose adventurous style guided you to choose a career you obviously loved. If you could only read these messages, Matt, you would see the wonderful memories of you continue in so many hearts.

We will see you again someday.

The Hill Family

Family friend

August 12, 2005

Matt, I work security at Roane State in Oak Ridge now and I pass your cross everyday. I really miss you. You and your family are in my thoughts daily.
Thank you for watching over us.
love you & miss you

Roane State Security

August 7, 2005

Hey Matt,
I saw your little niece and nephew the other day, they have smiles as big as yours :). You are loved and missed but never forgotten.

A Friend

August 6, 2005

I was a bike rider in memory of Matt with the 2005 Police Unity Tour. This was my first year on the tour and riders were given a chance to ride in honor of a fallen officer for that year. When I first signed up for this 300 mile long bike ride from New Jersey to Washington, I really did not know what to expect. But then a week before I left I was given a band with the name of Officer Matt Rittenhouse on it, from Harriman Tennessee. I now had a reason to make this trip and it became personal for me. 300 officers from all over the country met in Livinston New Jersey. We set out every day at 7:00 and rode for about 9 hours. Before we left, I contacted Matts department and made sure they knew that he was a part of our tour and on the minds of officers who never even met him. After meeting the members of his department and his family and reading all of your posts I know he was a great Son to his Mom and Dad, A good brother to his sisters, a loved uncle, a well respected officer and treasured by so many as a good friend. So Matt every day I think about you as I walk in my office and see your picture. My 10 year old son and my 8 year old daughter wear the same wrist band that I gave to your family. And as I leave again in May of 2006 I will remember you each and every day on my ride back to Washington.
So in closing I was so very honered to ride in memory of you Matthew. I consider myself lucky to meet your family and your fellow officers. Matt has now given memories to me that will last forever. God Bless all of you.

Chief Joseph F. Clark, Jr.
North Caldwell Police, New Jersey

July 18, 2005

Matt--The other day I was sitting around talking with my girlfriends about all the crazy things we have done in our lives and how insane we must have been in our college years to have done some of those things. And then I thought of my most vivid memory of young insanity... and there you where!! 18 years first visit to Knoxville (4 1/2 hrs away) and everyone at home thinks I am spending the evening diligently studying in the library. Man, the things that could have happened!! And did! Thank you for showing me how to live life, how to enjoy the small suprises, and how to deal with the big events. Even when our phone calls ceased and e-mails were exchanged on occasion, you always made everything better. Your compassion and love helped shape a great part of the woman I have become.

Mrs. Linda and Jesse, thank you for raising one of the finest men I have ever met. Jenny and Jessica, thank you for being such amazing sisters. Matt loved his family more than anything in this world. We were all so blessed to have him in our lives. Not a day goes by when Matt is not in my thoughts and the Rittenhouse family in my prayers.


July 12, 2005

I see your face here and I still don't understand how this can be our reality. I am so proud of you and I miss you so very much.
Ella turned three this weekend. Ethan is getting ready for first grade. They are having fun this summer and I know that makes you happy. I know you are part of everything we do. I know you are well and whole and happy. I know you must smile alot, that gives me comfort. You were always the best smiler- and now I watch my children and think of you every time we are gifted with one of their brilliant smiles. Thank you for your love- thank you for the memories that hold fast. Thank you for going ahead- the first of us to receive his reward- to help lead us home. I thank God for taking care of you...I thank God for you.

Jenny Rittenhouse Guinn

July 5, 2005


I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I thought I was going to have to go through another loss again. Of course you already know about dad because I'm sure you and God was side by side watching after him on the day of his accident. When they called me at work and told me that he had been hit by a car I thought I was going to lose it but they told me he was talking and was going to be ok. To see him that night you wouldn't have believed what he had went through. We watched the tape that the trooper behind him had recorded. I don't know how the man got up and got out of the way before another car hit him. But the more I think about it...I'm sure you was on one side and God on the other pulling him to the other side. Keep on watching after us. I love you and miss you everyday!

Amanda Redmon

June 30, 2005

Hey Matt, just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you today. I took Zoe up on the hill this evening before I came into work, I remember how you enjoyed playing with her and making her smile. One day when she is old enough, I will show her the pictures we took down at Riverfront. Well man I hate to run off, but it's that time. Watch over me, and keep me safe (Remember, I gotta take care of little bit.)


June 29, 2005

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world will cry, and you will rejoice."
(American Indian Prayer)
We cry for our loss, we rejoice for your gain.


June 25, 2005

Matt, Every time I get in my car, and I see that decal in my window, I always think of how crazy you are. I think of how you came in to McDonalds and always made everybody laugh, and you always ate a Double Quarter Pounder! We definately miss you.

I was going through my wallet not long after you left us, and I found a card in it. It was you card that you had given me the night before my brother, Nathan, and I were going to the Ludicrous concert. Nathan and I were standing in the Mcdonald's parking lot late one night, and we saw a poilce car pull in. It came around and it was you. And of course, you stopped to talk. We talked about what we had been up to. We told you about going to the concert the next night. I know you thought it was funny that I was going to a Ludricrous concert. But you gave me your card and told me that if we "got into any trouble" to call you and you would come help us. It was always like you to want to help someone when they needed it. I will never forget that, and I still have that card in my wallet.

I love you man, and I will never forget you.

Chris Wilson

June 12, 2005

There are but two persons who protect the sinful human race from destroying itself. One is God's Holy Spirit. The other is the Peace Officer. Without them, we would all perish at each other's hands.

You were called into this profession and our Lord and Savior has blessed you because:
According to Romans 13:1-5...
God ordains the Peace Officer's profession.
The Peace Officer is sent by God.
The Peace Officer is vested with Go'd authority to enforce the law.
A Peace Officer's badge is to be honored by us, because it is honored by God.

You gave the ultimate sacrifice for your fellow man, your life.
While serving, defending, and protecting others in your community.
Rest easy Brother, We have the watch now.

Though our badges and uniforms may be different, our mission is the same. We continue the fight in your honor.


June 8, 2005

I miss you, Matt. The pin, in memory of you, I got when they came out and have had it on every day since. We at Mickey D's miss you so. I would tell you I was gonna charge you double and you would say I better watch when I go home...Ha Ha. I see your Mom often. I know she misses you more than anyone. One of these day we will be back together again.When I see someone cross their arms like you always did, with sadness, I think of you. You are one of a kind, there will never be another. God has blessed us just to know you.
God Speed my friend.


May 23, 2005

Washington was outstanding. One of the days that we were there we went to the Smithsonian. Toby and I rode both simulators. They were ok. If only we could have been locked in there with you. Your sense of humor would have thrown us all out on our faces at the end!! LOL

We took a tour of the White House too. Chief had to jump through hoops to get us there, but we made it. We only got to see one level. Fancy pictures and rugs. Nothing that spectacular, but still something I hadn't done before.

The candlelight vigil was really neat. I've never see so many candlelights lite at the same time. It was really awesome, actually breath-taking. I met Chief Joe Clark there too. He's the one who rode 400 miles in your honor. He wore your blue metal wrist band the entire tour and prior to the starting date of the tour. He gave me a patch and id card from his department, I'm going to put them in a memory box on your wall at the station. Chief Clark was a very kind and loving man. I met his wife too. They were both very dedicated to the remeberance of each and every fallen hero.

The memorial service was very honorable. Each uniformed officer was dressed in their finest class a uniform. Some looked like they stepped out of the civil war era. :) I was standing next to Kasey during the ceremony. Darryl Worley was there to sing "I miss my friend"... goes something like this...
I miss the look of surrender in your eyes
The way your soft brown hair would fall
I miss the power of your kiss when we made love
But baby most of all

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss the colors that you brought into my life
Your golden smile, those blue-green eyes
I miss your gentle voice in lonely times like now
Saying it'll be alright

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss those times
I miss those nights
I even miss the silly fights
The making up
The morning talks
And those late afternoon walks

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with

Kasey's eyes filled up instantly with big huge tears. We all felt your loss during the entire song. We miss you Matt every day. And we ALL look forward to the day we see each other again. I bet you're even making the angels laugh in Heaven! :)

Love ya, Fluff

Jessica Fink, Clerk / Receptionist
Harriman Police Dept.

May 21, 2005

Matt made such an impact on everyone's life who knew him. He had wonderful parents who raised him that way. You could always see a little bit of his mom in him and a little bit of his dad in him. He was so caring(his mom) and yet he was sooooo funny at the same time(his dad). He didn't care where you came from or how much money you had to be friends with you because Matt never judged people. That's why everybody knew and loved Matt!!! It's so hard to believe that he is gone and I can truly say that we have lost a great friend and a good officer.
He will never be forgotten!!! I have great memories of Matt and I thank God that I am blessed with those memories of his grin and the way he liked to play jokes on people. It won't be the same without him!

Kallie Fink-Dagley

May 20, 2005

Matt, we made it back from DC. Thanks for watching over us. You deserve that kind of honor every day of the year. We still miss you greatly. I find ease in knowing that your name has been etched into eternity. You will never be forgotten, "Heroes live forever".

Jason Joseph

May 17, 2005

To Uncle Matt- I love you. You are the most special policeman. Ethan

Ethan Guinn

May 16, 2005

Matt, we just got back from D.C. about an hour ago. The trip was amazing, esp. seeing you name on that wall and hearing it at the final roll call. I can't tell you how much you mean to my family and myself, you were, are my best friend and I know that no one will ever replace you. We are all being strong for you and your family right now but it seems like thier the ones comforting me most of the time. I went to Brian's on your birthday and got your tattoo with Eric, we were all laughing how even after your gone your still getting me in trouble with my parents, but thats ok, I would'nt have it anyother way. I love you and will never forget you.


Reserve Officer Kasey Mynatt
Kingston P.D.

May 16, 2005

Happy Birthday Matt. Its hard to put into words how much you are missed. You was a true friend to me and I miss you everyday. Cause of you I have gained two good friends since your left us. We are planning to come to the wall in DC over the summer, Road trip to honor you. well Matt until I see you again I want you to know while i am here u will always be in my heart..and ur in the heart of many people..peace.

Blake Kirkland
Durty Burd Inc.

May 12, 2005

Matt, today is your birthday and, although we think of you and miss you each and every day, today seems even more difficult. Your brothers and sisters at HPD miss you terribly. We are placing birthday balloons at your grave site and your family will be placing a memorial plaque at your garden at the police department today. We'll be there too. Tonight, we will be boarding a bus to go to Washington to watch your name being added to the Fallen Officer's wall. Although you were with us for what seems like such a short time, your good work has made such a positive difference in so many lives. We are proud to have served with you Officer Rittenhouse and we are honored to call you our FRIEND and BROTHER.

Chief Stockton
Harriman Police Department

May 11, 2005

Happy birthday, Matt. Today will be difficult for the MANY, MANY people that love and miss you. We miss you, we miss your big heart and your laugh. How amazing is it that your birthday falls during National Police week, AND that your name is being dedicated to the Fallen Officer's wall this week. It's one more reminder that God has a plan for each of us. So, as each of us think about you and miss you so much on the anniversary of the day you were brought into this world, we also cherish the brief time we had you in our lives and your good work lives on in each of us! We love you! :)


May 11, 2005

Happy Birthday, Matthew. We think of you every day and can only imagine the birthday celebration you are experiencing right now when God is the event planner. You are forever in our hearts. Keep watch over us till we meet again and save a hug for us. We love you.

Uncle Brad and Aunt Marsha

May 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Matt.

Amanda Redmon

May 10, 2005


May 10, 2005

"In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing."
Thank you for your service.

May 2, 2005

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