Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
Hey Rittenhouse been thinking about you buddy. With your birthday coming up and the Washington trip almost here again my mind just keeps thinking about you. You may have left this earth but you have never left our hearts and minds. The garden at the police station is bright with flowers, I see your parents drive by to look at it. I would like to think my life would make a difference the way yours did and does.
Forever Protecting
Forever Serving
Forever in our hearts.......that's you 920
April 18, 2006
As Easter approaches I wanted to write and let you know, Matt, how much you are missed and loved. Our family is so incomplete without you. I understand your mom is having lunch for everyone tomorrow. I know how much you loved family gatherings, and I'm sure she continues doing this as a sign of love for you. I know you are proud of her strength and courage. I know you are proud of your dad, as well. He continues meeting all of his responsibilities, through his physical and emotional pain. Jessica is symbolizing her ability to endure by honoring you in a long-distance bike ride. What an act of pure love! Jenny and Scott honor you by keeping you ever present in their lives and in the lives of Ethan and Ella. I know you are in the presence of God. Please see to it that your family feels His strength and comfort. We love you, Matt.
Aunt Marta
Marta Nichols
April 15, 2006
I would have cried with you.........and that would have been ok.
Thank you for your reflection and letting me know you think of Matt.
The mention of my sons name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears.
My Friend, Let me hear the beautiful music of his name.
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.
Matt's Mom
April 12, 2006
My friend....I've thought a lot about you lately. I know it sounds crazy but I swear every time I look at a clock it's 9:20. I don't know if I just know when it's that time or if it's you. Probably both. I know that every time it happens I think about you and smile. The other day I was in the car and I saw something that brought a memory of you to mind and it wasn't a minute after that one of those songs you was always singing came on the radio.
I think about you everyday. I miss our friendship. I saw your mom in wal-mart and I wanted so bad to go say hi but I knew if I did I'd only start to cry and I didn't want to upset your mom.
I'll never forget you Matt. I'll never forget all the times we laughed together. I treasure those memories.
April 11, 2006
Mrs. Rittenhouse, thank-you so much for the kind words you left on my husband memorial page. It means a lot to know that people actually read the messages and that maybe, just maybe they are able to take something from them. Thank-you for sharing. As hard as it was to loose a husband, having two children, I cannot imagine the pain of loosing a child. I am so sorry for your loss. I read through many of the postings on your son's page and two that caught my eye were rather recent ones. In one you talked about your kids screaming and running around and it made me think of my two doing very similar things. The second was the one where the tire clerk gave you some night slips. I still have all paperwork that was in my husband's cruiser the night he died, even his log sheet. Little things like that, things we don't give a second thought to in our day to day lives come to mean so much when you loose someone you love.
Matt, continue to watch over your mom as I am sure you will do without reminding.
Thank-you again for the kind words!!!!
becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
April 5, 2006
I felt your presence so strongly last night I just stopped what I was doing and waited for you to walk around the corner.
April 3, 2006
Hey Precious Son,
I love you. I love you. I love you.
There are so many stories I want to write, so many things I want people to know, but I'm sitting here just thinking and remembering, unable to gather the thoughts into sentences.
Jason has been putting some of your stops onto tapes for us. It's so wonderful to be able to watch you do your work. Some are so hilarious they would be great on COPS. We watch the time on the camera and it is just stop after stop some nights. You were always so professional and CALM, your sisters are very impressed since you all delighted in seeing who could be the rowdiest and make me start screaming and going crazy that someone was going to get hurt. Jessica finally took pity on me and devised a signal to let me know if she was just screaming to egg you on or really needed rescuing.:)
When I was in college I came across a poem that one of the lines has always stayed with me. It said:
"If death and I met suddenly
And I were given choice
Of all the sounds I'd ever heard
I know I'd choose your voice."
When your voice came on in the first tape, that verse just burned behind my eyes. Watching you, hearing you...such a gift. And that laugh, what I would give to hear your laugh. Your laugh made other people laugh!!
Well Baby Boy, I love you, you know that. To eternity and beyond.
Your Mom
March 27, 2006
I got to work the road the other day for the first time in a while. Oak Ridge keeps me pretty busy and I don't get to come out like I want to. I went into the office and Jason had some of your videos looking at them and it reminded me just how crazy your were. Not that any of us could forget, its just nice to have the videos to laugh with! We miss you buddy, everyday. I was patroling through town thinking about the times you had loaned me your car to patrol when there were none at the P.D., you were always willing to help in any situation. I not only think of you everyday, but your family as well. Every now and then out of the blue an old memory from when we worked at the county will just pop in my head, and I just have to smile. We are trying hard to hold on to the good times and make it through, some days are easier than others.
Chris Massengill
Harriman Police Dept
March 26, 2006
JOSH'S MOM EOW 05/02/04
March 24, 2006
Dear Linda & Matt's Family,
Thank you so much for your heartfelt reflection on my husband's web site. I thank you for your kind words of encouragement and thoughtfullness.
Even though time keeps elapsing, I know that your lives will never be the same, as we keep taking 'one step at a time' forward. Often times, it feels as though we take one step forward and perhaps five backward. The most important part is that we keep trying to live our lives the best we can without our beloved officers. Their memories now live on in our hearts, minds and souls...forever.
God Bless You,
Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03
March 22, 2006
Dear Linda & Family,
Thinking of you always and lifting you up in prayer. I know that Matt and Josh are walking golden streets of glory together. Linda, your encouragement to other fallen officer's loved ones is a gift from the Lord. Again, you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I will always remember Matt's name and the sacrafice he made.
Much love,
(Josh's Kelly)
Kelly Gillain
*Josh Blyler EOW: 5.2.04*
March 21, 2006
Dear Matt's mom,
Thank you for your kind words on my husband's site; it's always such a comfort to find a new reflection there. It reminds me again that I am not alone in my pain - that others are with me who share my sorrow. That makes it more bearable.
I can't think of anything much worse than losing a spouse, other than losing a child. I can't begin to imagine your pain - your beautiful young son taken from you. My heart and soul aches for you.
Looking at your son's photo - yes, he and Jesse were probably built the same. Jesse was like a rock, he was larger than life in his physical presence and his personality. Everyone who knew him loved him. He was one of those unique people you only get to meet once in your lifetime, if you are lucky. He lived his life with such gusto, he gave 100% to everything he did. I miss him so much. The kids miss him so much. He lit up this house and made everything come alive; it isn't the same without him here. But I'm doing the best I can, I am surviving. I know he would want me to continue on and be happy so that is what I am trying to do.
I check the ODMP every day and am always so saddened to read of another line of duty death. I remember so vividly those first days after Jesse died - they were horrible, as I'm sure they were for you. My heart goes out to each family that suffers this loss. Noone should have to go through this.
But the truth is, it will continue to happen. Officers will lose their lives, mothers will lose their children and families will be broken. All we can do is help each other through it. I will look for you also in DC - I would like very much to give you a hug.
They are gone, but they are NEVER forgotten. You are Matt's mom forever.
Carin E. Sollman, surviving spouse
Officer Jesse E. Sollman
March 15, 2006
matt...sometimes when i have a really big challenge or decision in front of me and i'm not sure if i'm able to make the decision, i think of how you always had my back and would let me know that you knew i could do it. i miss you so much right now...i know you always have my back...and one day i'm gonna give you the biggest hug for that...(you're gonna get sick of how long i'm gonna hug you.) it's been too long matt. i love you forever...
your little sis,
March 14, 2006
We played this Chris Rice song at my mom's funeral last month, and somehow after I hear the words I am left with this amazing peace, knowing that one day we all will be togeher again---
Save me a seat at the breakfast table,
save me a dance around the Milky Way, and save me a thousand years to whisper in your ear all I've wanted to say.
Save me a smile and an angel's feather,
save me a walk down the streets of gold, and baby, we'll change our minds just like old times and maybe we'll just fly away, or maybe we'll stay.
Matt, I hope you and Momma are having a blast in heaven... I am sure it is more amazing than anyone could imagine.
Amy Butt McWilliams
March 14, 2006
To Matt's Mother,
I read your very sweet reflection that you left on my father-in-law's page. You must be a very special lady to be able to think of others when agonizing over your own child's death. My husband is a deputy for our parish, and had been off duty for four hours when his dad was killed. I'll never be able to forget having to wake him to tell him that his dad had been shot. As if that isn't enough to deal with, my husband was injured by buckshot that grazed him back in the summer when on a call with an angry, mentally unstable man. The man killed his friend and fellow deputy who was attempting to take cover on the passenger side of my husband's patrol car just before he shot at Bryan. Bryan keeps on patrolling, and we keep on praying for his safety every day.
I'm very sorry for your loss and do admire your ability to comfort others. From reading your son's reflections, it is apparent that he was and is loved by so many, and missed by many. May God continue to uphold your family and may He comfort us all.
Carol Linder
FPSO wife and daughter-in-law of Asst. Chief Bill Linder EOW 10-10-04
March 13, 2006
To Officer Rittenhouse, his loved ones, and especially his parents with whom I share the special agony only a parent feels when they lose their precious child:
On this the seventeenth month after your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is still with your family and I look forward to meeting them someday. Hopefully in D.C. You’re all in our thoughts and our prayers.
Matt, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Officer Matt Rittenhouse. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Matt gave to his community and the citizens of Tennessee, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 16, 2004.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
March 9, 2006
Hey Precious Son,
Sometimes it's just something out of the blue.
Mark at C and D Tire was cleaning out some stuff and came across some of the little building check slips that you guys leave on your night checks. He brought us the ones that you had signed on your shifts. I stood there and rubbed my finger across your signature and looked at the times.......1:33 a.m.,4:55 a.m., 3:09 a.m., 5:12 a.m...........and of course the tears just poured. I could feel you as I touched your name, I just need to see you son. You so loved the night shift. Do people realize that 24 hours a day you all are there, no matter what.
Thank you for being my son. Thank you for being you.
I love you.
Forever and Always, through eternity and beyond, I love you.
March 2, 2006
Matt... just reading some of the reflections folks have left...and I know I am so blessed to be one who knew you , for such a short time. Someone said it is not the amount of time you know someone, but the quality of time and how much you got out of it. Well, you made time spent with you worth it all. Just thinking about you....Love ya, and miss ya...Matt. Never, ever to be forgotten...
February 28, 2006
love you bro.
February 23, 2006
To Matt's Mom,
I think of you and Matt ever time I see a Matt sticker on a car. The story you told about driving in rain and having a bad day and Matt being there with you. We love you and Matt.
P.S. Thank you again for the picture of Matt it means so much to me.
Lavada Vance
February 14, 2006
Hi Rittenhouse Family,
i didn't know Matthew, but i roomed with Jenny at JBC. i was just thinking about you and decided to come look up Matthew on this officer down site again. everything that comes to mind to write here just seems kind of dumb, because nothing is really comforting. not even time going by, people say it heals all wounds, but i have found it not to be true. unfortunately.
i guess i just want to say that i know it's hard, no matter how many years go by, and i keep you in my thoughts and prayers. and i can't wait to meet Matt in heaven :-)
love you,
Miriam Reibold Hahn
February 10, 2006
Matt.....seems like forever since I saw you. Someone ordered a Double Quarter Pounder today and I almost lost it. I was on my way to work early this morning and a bright star was glistening in the sky and I thought of you, Matt. You were one bright star in every life you touched. I still wear your memory badge over my heart and a lot of folks want to know about it and I take the time to let them know just a little about you.
To Matts Mom and Daddy: know I care for you and will always keep you in my prayers. God blessed you with such a loving son. God blessed us for letting us know such a great person as Matt.
February 9, 2006
I love you Matthew.
February 8, 2006
I can sit back and remember the times that you made me and a lot of other laugh. You made Midnight shift almost bearable. I think back to the paintball fights on the bluff and the ghosts we heard at the papermill. Partner, you have no idea how much your missed down here. I saw you mom and dad a few months ago. Their pushing along. I know they miss you terribly but, they know your watching out for them. we will hold the fort down for ya....Tony
Tony Ruff
Harriman PD TN
January 23, 2006
There are days when I think of you and just cry and there are days when I think of you and laugh until I cry. About a year and a half has passed and not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I sent your mom some photos I found of us...though I promise I kept the really crazy ones out!! Hehe!! I just got National Lampoon's Senior Trip on DVD the other day and it reminded me of you, of course. Weren't we the only ones who found that movie to be so hilaious??!! I still laugh about that Star Trek guy every time. I finally broke down and told my mom about the Spanish book page we were obsessed about...I still have the page we each tore out (sorry, Mr. Strunk and the HHS school system!) to keep to remind us of our times in Spanish II. Remember when you dated my roommate in college??? Crazy!! I remember we came up to Knoxville because you got me Matchbox 20 tickets for Christmas. Of course, you knew that was my favorite band and that was the best gift ever!! We had so much fun, even if you did run into the back of my car with your massive truck that night!
What makes me hurt the most is the way I took our friendship for granted. I feel odd talking about this on a website, but I know that everyone reading this loves you like I do. Somehow, this is therapeutic which explains why I'm rambling on and on. I did take our friendship for granted because I just knew you would always be there. You had left me a message the night you died and I figured I would just call you the next day. Do you know how many times I beat myself up over that???? I think about your family all the time, how much they are hurting because of this tremendous loss and I know you are there watching over them. I read one of your mom's reflections about people always telling you "Matt would want you to go on." It's true, but like your mom, sometimes I just want to hit people who say that. Obviously, you wouldn't want us to hurt, but we can't help it. I know you understand. I got my first law school acceptance letter the other day...do you think people would have ever though I would be an attorney and you would be a police officer??? It's too funny...
I love you so much Matt, I know you know that now but I hope you knew that before you life was taken away. No one could make me laugh or entertain me the way you could. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you one day soon.
Love you,
Katie Smith
Katie Smith
January 23, 2006