Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
Just thinking about you on thanksgiving. Miss you everyday!
Amanda Redmon
November 23, 2006
Thank you for being the son of my life.
There are no earthly words to say what you mean to me, but our hearts always did and always will know what we meant to each other.
November 22, 2006
Matt- Things I am thankful for. You. The kids. Our family. The memories. Heaven. Deviled eggs :) (gotcha) And you.
Only for now we live in separate places. But we are NEVER separated.
I love you,
Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn
November 22, 2006
I only met you a couple of times while you where on duty so I did not know you very well, and I am a new police officer to the Harriman Police Department but I got the opportunity to meet your family at a gathering at the police department and they are all remarkable people.
Matt I have been put in charge of creating a web site for the Harriman Police Department and one of the pages on the site is about you. In order to make a complete and accurate web page about you I have been reviewing photos, videos, and peoples commits about you on this web site and talking to officers who knew you well.
What I have learned is that the life you lived is not too different from my own, anyway I hope the web page I created about you can accurately reflect what I see here at the Harriman Police Department everyday in the hearts of the officers around me; that your spirit is here with us always.
Kenny Humphrey
Kenny Humphrey
Harriman Police Department
November 18, 2006
Once again the shop is ready for Christmas, of course I stood in the side room remembering...........you would act like it was pure torture to haul those trees up and down the stairs. And then when you would have to get up on the ladder and put the bows on the tops and the ornaments that I couldn't reach even with a ladder, the sweat would pour off of you and I would laugh myself silly. I love you Matthew, I would give my life a thousand, a million, times over to have you back. Whatever it would take......I just wasn't given the chance......I don't know what in the world heaven will be like, but I beg God to not take away being your momma forever. I love you forever and always, to eternity and beyond. Precious Son of My Life.
November 17, 2006
Matt loved his fellow brothers and sisters in blue with a passion that was amazing. Always ready to back-up, assist, work for--give his heart, time, money, and blood--didn't matter. Matt was always there for us. And always ready with a crazy joke to lighten everybodys day. I am so sorry your family has to be without your precious son and brother. My heart breaks for you. Matt's passion to be a police officer is a badge of honor that you should hold in your hearts that have been broken by his sacrifice.
Brother in Blue
November 9, 2006
Matt---always loved,never forgotten. I miss you everyday.
November 6, 2006
Matt - You are still not forgotten. Not a day goes by that your friends and loved ones do not think of you. We still pray for your family daily. We still miss you the same as we did did that night. God has just supplied Grace to help us deal with it. I just felt it was important to let you know, WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!
Chris Massengill
Harriman Police Dept.
October 28, 2006
Hey Precious Son,
You know I wish a thousand things, but today I wish you had been here to see Ethan play baseball. Last night was their last game, he hit four home-runs and after the game they called his name over the loud-speaker and asked him to come out to the mound. He didn't know what in the world was happening and he was thrilled when they presented the game ball to him. (Jenny said he slept with it last night.) He always has such a sweet spirit about him. The game ended tied 16 to 16 :) and when he looked at the scoreboard he yelled whoo hoo we both won! It was a very exciting game, Daddy called him Matthew in the excitement of hollering which brought tears. When he ran out on the field for the first game of the season as I watched him it turned into you that I was watching so many years ago. You are always with us in everything we do and you always will be. Son of my life, I love you and I miss you terribly.
October 27, 2006
Hi Precious Son,
It's a rainy, dark, day out today. I miss you so much, I just need a hug. Two different people that we don't have very much contact with called today and both brought your name up and talked about what you mean to them and everyone that knows you. It is such a blessing and comfort when people do that. I know life goes on for us and other people, and I said that to the person I was talking to and she said life does go on, but Matthew will never be forgotten, she said every life that was touched by you will always remember you. What a gift.
I'm sending you this poem that another parent found, Dad Gordon, his son Michael arrived right before you did.
In the hallways of my memories and in the canyons of my heart, Matthew I will always remember you.
In the soft snows of winter and the hot spells of summer, Matthew I will always remember you.
In the dawn of spring and the dawn of fall, Matthew I will always remember you.
When I am lonely and tempted to be bitter, Matthew I will always remember you.
When I am discouraged and confused, Matthew I will always remember you.
When good news is too good to keep to myself, Matthew I will always remember you.
I will remember the gifts you gave.
I will remember the gift of Love.
Matthew I will always remember you.
I will always remember you, My Son.
I will always remember you.
October 19, 2006
I love you Matthew.
October 13, 2006
The second anniversary of your tragic death has just passed and you continue to be remembered and honored for your service and sacrifice. May you rest in peace in the loving arms of the One who created you and loves you for eternity.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
October 10, 2006
Matt , your Mom came by the restaurant and gave me a dvd dedicated to the memory of you. I took it home and watched it although I couldn't see most of it for the tears. I realized I had almost forgotten the sound of your voice. Oh, God, forgive me for that. You have such a sweet, kind and considerate mother. I know where the kindness you showed everyone came from. I finally made it through the dvd
and really enjoyed watching it. I could tell a lot of love went into the making of this dvd. May God continue to keep your family safe and watch over all of us. I love you and miss you Matt.Never to be forgotten.
October 4, 2006
Hi..Matt, It's been 2 years now and we still miss and love you very much. I was out of town on the 16th but I thought of you often. Just wanted you to know I still care about you.
Hope your family is doing well, I have not talked to your mom in a while.
GOD Blessed us all with you.
Lavada Vance
October 2, 2006
Hey Baby Boy,
Well, it's finally the last day of September, we have pushed our way through it. A lot has gone on this month. We met with the mayors, police chiefs, and sheriff and officially presented the Fallen Officers County Memorial plan. Everyone was very supportive and ready to get moving on it. The police department had a get-together for us at the pd. Sheriff and Timmy presented us with your police badge they had made for us, we immediately hung it around Daddy's neck and he wore it the rest of the time. I loved it when Sheriff said whether he was the sheriff or a bum we would always be a part of his family. I know you got a big laugh out of that. Just can't see Sheriff a bum :). You know how wonderful the new Chief has been to us. I'm so glad he knew you. You're truly still a part of the pd and everyone's life. Everything is so hard down here but you are amazing. I wish I could tell you that a million more times and hear you say "settle down, Mom". Remember when I made that second crazy trip to the hospital and I told you I would love you to "eternity and beyond" and you started saying it silly just to make me laugh?
Always and Forever you are the son of my life.
I cherish every second of every minute I had you on this earth and I will long for you every second of every minute that I am left on this earth.
Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse I love you Forever.
September 30, 2006
i have not wrote in a while. I would like to say its hard to believe its been two years since the last time i saw you. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and your family and have not forgot you guys.
Blake kirkland
Blake Kirkland
durty burd inc.
September 28, 2006
To Matt
September 16th was the second anniversary of your line of duty death and I know that all those who care for you missed you deeply that day as they do every day. Your memory is honored and revered, and to all those who love you there is a piece of their heart that you alone own.
May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire.
With gratitude and respect for your service to man, community and country...Rest in Peace, Matt.
To his family, loved ones, and friends: May you be comforted by your faith and your knowledge that you will be with Matt again one day. The physical body is but for a lifetime, but his spirit and soul will always be intertwined with yours.
Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05
September 28, 2006
Matt was one of the best and most loving people I ever knew. I watched him grow from a little boy to the man he became. He will always be remembered for that great smile. Matt will always be in our hearts and on our minds. Watch over those still serving and protect them. We will one day see you again.
Donna Grisby
September 26, 2006
Well, yet another day goes by that you of course are on my mind. I miss you so much and will always. I went to my mailbox Saturday expecting the normal junk mail but there was a package from your mom. I ran in the house opened it as fast as I could and realized it was a DVD. I put it in and watched it with my husband that never got to meet you. It was great because he got to see how you were. Those drunk stops you had were so funny. I laughed and cried. I took it to mom's on Sunday so Jody and she could watch it they really liked it too. I will definitly cherish that video. Linda thank you for sending it to me.
With love,
Jennifer Cronan
September 26, 2006
Dearest Cousin,
I went down to Tenn this passed weekend to visit you, Aunt Lennie, Uncle Jesse, and the rest of the family. It worked out perfectly. As I drove up to see you, there the whole family stood. As I was walking up they didn't even recognize me! I was like Hey it's Sarah! I would like to think you'd of know who it was right away! It was kinda funny. It was so wonderful to see everyone. It makes me realize how much i care and love them all. it also make me think about how there is and forever will be a huge void that cannot ever be filled. your garden at the park is beautiful. I am going to get your tattoo very soon. I am so excited about it. sweet cousin of mine i wish we could just have one more conversation and let you know how much i love you. I wish i could just have one great big hug. I wish i could just sit and listen for hours to you telling stories of your work. i regret that we couldn't of shared more times together. I watched the video that aunt lennie and uncle jesse gave to me. I laughed and cried. it was an awsome video. i will cherish it forever. i love you.
September 21, 2006
You are remembered and honored for your service. My heart goes out to your mother for I know her pain.
Kay Wood,
Mother of Deputy Marshal Glen DeVanie, EOW 4/2/03
Alexandria, Louisiana
Kay Wood
September 21, 2006
I thought about you all day today. All day at work I had to sign paperwork and date it 9/20 and thought of you. Somehow I even looked at the clock this morning and it was 9:20. So you can imagine my surprise when I got home and checked the mail to find a package from your mom. I came straight in and opened it to find a dvd that had some of your stops and pictures on it. I didn't know that I could, at the same time, laugh because of what you was doing and cry because I miss you so much. It even had the stop of the drunk falling and hitting his head on the mirror of his car. I'll never forget the night you came up to dispatch and showed me that. I laughed just as hard at it as I did then.
I can't believe it's been 2 years since you've left us. Time seems to have flown by but I can stop and remember all of my memories of you like they were yesterday. I'm so glad that I have those memories and now I have this dvd to watch anytime I want to remember you just the way you were. I love you and miss you everyday.
You can't possibly imagine how much this dvd means to me. I think that the best part of it is being able to hear his voice again since that's what dispatchers always know about their officers.....their voice. Thank you so much for this. I will treasure it always. Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers.
Amanda Redmon
September 20, 2006
I can't believe 2 years have past since you left us. It does just seem like yesterday. I think of you so often and all the fun Kasey, you, and me had. I also have those fun memories of when we were in junior high and going to church camp those were the days. You were always like a brother to me. I so wish you were here with us but you are looking down from Heaven at us daily still protecting us. In Nov. I will have a baby girl I so wish she could have met you, but she will hear stories about you when she is older. You will always be in my heart and never forgotten. I continue to pray for your family to get them through each day because I know there are easy days and there are hard days. I miss you so much.
Love ya,
Jennifer Cronan
September 20, 2006
Matt...anniversaries and holidays seem to be the hardest times when we have lost someone we love. It is during these times that your memory floods our minds. I can't say that time will heal the hole left in my heart when you died, but I can say that God will find ways to make that hole feel a little smaller. You are an amazing man.
To the Rittenhouse Family- you all are in my prayers everyday especially week.
September 19, 2006
Matt...what do I say? Last night I watched the time turn from 11:59pm to 12:00 am and I thought "ok, here comes year three". Yesterday marked year two. So long, too long in fact without hearing your voice, without giving a hug, without getting a hug, without hearing you laugh. I wanted to be surrounded with everyone that loves you so much yesterday. I love you and miss you. Forver. I'm glad we were put in the same family...I can't imagine anyone else for a brother...and I've never wanted anyone else for a brother (even when we were fighting like banchies)!!
I love you...
Your Little Sister Forever,
Jessica/ Matt's Little Sister...Forever
September 17, 2006