Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
i was going through my training file a few days ago, and i found a copy of my fingerprint cards from when i started at Kingston, and i seen where you were the one that fingerprinted me. i started thinking back, as it was the first time i had met you. i thought this kids arrogant, but i soon learned it was not arrogance it was confidence in your job, and i came by frequently to shoot the bull. there is not a day that goes by that i don't think of you. I have a picture of you on my board at work, and one at home that your mother was kind enough to give me.I know we were not best friends, and we rarly had contact after you went to Harriman, but when we did see each other i could always depend on you for a good laugh. i remember you asked me to meet you at Pattersons one night for a 10-14. When i got there the guy was drunk off butt, and crazy as the day is long you laughed at me when i seen who it was. it took me days to get the smell out of my Jeep. I told you then i owed you one.unfortunately i never got to collect. You passed way before your time.You and Jones watch over us. This world get crazier everyday.
Ptlm Troy Wright
Kingston PD
May 17, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT.....sorry it is late but things as you know were crazy around here thursday. This is to soon to happen again. We love you and still miss you.
lavada vance
May 15, 2006
Matt, I meant to leave you a message on the 11th. It got really hecktic on the 11th. At least me and J. Mynatt made it up the hill to see you at about midnight on the 11th.
Im hoping your mom is doing ok today. We love and miss you greatly Matt.
Jason Joseph
Kingston Police Dept
May 14, 2006
Hey Matt! I haven't been here in a while, but I think about you every time I look in my wallet at the picture you mom gave me. Something told me to come here today and read your reflections and then I remembered that yesterday was your birthday. So Happy Birthday Matt!! Keep watching over us man! And we will see you again one day!
Chris Wilson
May 12, 2006
I didn't forget your birthday, I just got so busy at work that I couldn't leave a reflection until after midnight. I prayed for your family today as I always do, just today I asked God to supply a little more comfort than usual. I also asked him to help everyone remember the great times we all had together and help us through the sad moments. We miss you buddy.
Chris Massengill
Harriman City Police Department
May 11, 2006
Dear Linda and family, thank you so much for your posting on Tom McMeekin's page. He is my nephew, and had carried on a proud tradition in our family-- my dad was also a police officer, along with my two brothers and I. We will be there with heavy hearts this year, and will be thinking of your Matt also.
Capt. Michele Polk (Ret.)
Atl. City NJ Police Dept.
May 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Matt! We all miss you so much.
Amanda Redmon
May 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Matt!
K-9 Officer John Mayes & Christy
Harriman Police Dept
May 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Matt!
K-9 Officer John Mayes & Christy
Harriman Police Dept
May 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Matt. I love and miss you , Matt.
May 11, 2006
Happy Birthday buddy!
May 11, 2006
happy birthday matt!!
today will be a very hard day for your family, please send a few extra angels to care for them. we miss you every day and we love ya, fluffy :)
executive secretary, jessica fink
harriman police department
May 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Matt.
Blake Kirkland
May 11, 2006
I am packing to leave for D.C. in the morning and I keep getting distracted because it is your birthday tomorrow and it is all I can think about. I keep thinking there have to be photos of you, of any of us with you that I have not found yet... so I stop folding clothes and shuffle through mounds of pictures that I know have been searched many times over. I pull out pile after pile of memories looking for you in there somewhere. But there is nothing new. As sad as I am tonight I also smile-- I remember another birthday not so long ago. It will always seem like yesterday to me. As is our family custom to make a big deal over one's 21st birthday we planned the traditional fancy dinner at the Regas in Knoxville. And we waited. And we waited. And no Matt. So we all sat in the parking lot for what seemed an embarrassingly long amount of time until deciding to eat I-can't-remember-where without you. I can't recall what was ever the explanation for standing us up on YOUR birthday but I'm sure it was a good one. And remember that funny brithday dinner we had for you at Olive Garden? And your last birthday dinner at the Japanese place and I was terrified that Ethan would get third degree burns from that flaming grill thing at the table? But you just laughed and it was great. I love you and miss you.
Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn
May 10, 2006
I just wanted to tell you that you greatly missed, and there are things that come up daily that reminds me of how you were. On April 23, 2006 we had a half marathon 13.1 miles in your memory and I ran it beleive it or not. I thought about stopping at the sonic on the way through to keep the tradition up. The weird thing about the race I was listening to my MP3 player while running. We ran past the accident site and that song you requested that week before your accident came on by Alice In chains"Rooster". That helped give me the adrenline I needed to keep going. I finished 1st in my age group. The funny thing I was the only one in my age group. This past friday I went to a cook out at your parents house. We were there in support of Jessica, she has been training very hard to ride in the police unity tour. That takes alot of training/dedication. You have a wonderful family. Happy Birthday.
Assistant Chief Tim Philips
Harriman Police Department
May 10, 2006
I am wishing you a Happy Birthday a few minutes early; you know how crazy the world is and how we sometimes forget the most important things. And your birthday is one I didn't want to forget. I know that you will watch over your loved ones each and every second. I pray for your family all the time; I pray they find the peace that is sometimes hard to find hidden in grief. Take care of your mother this Sunday on Mother's Day; she is blessed to still have 2 children and 2 grandchildren, but NOTHING in this world could ever replace the love she has for you. Tell my mom Happy Mother's Day for me and that I love her and miss her more than anything in this world. I love you.
May 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Matt, I know you are one of the brightest stars in heaven shining down on us. I love and miss you.
May 10, 2006
Hey Baby Boy,
We are closing the shop, getting ready to go to Washington in the morning for Police Week. Celebrating your birthday flying to see your name etched on a wall. I don't mean it to sound as harsh as it does, but it's the truth. 27 years ago tomorrow I got the second of the three greatest blessings of my life. I laughed, Daddy cried, and the wonderful whirlwind that was you started. It never stopped for 25 wonderful years. We said over and over through the years how blessed we were to have you all. We still are.........it's just different now. We miss you so much I don't see how we go on sometimes, but we do, but never is there a minute you are not foremost in our hearts and minds. You changed our lives and world FOREVER by being YOU........JESSE MATTHEW RITTENHOUSE.
I had a dream last night, I was standing at the edge of a huge forest, the trees were SO thick, I knew if I could just get through it you would be waiting for me. I could hear God saying Linda you HAVE to trust me. I'm trying son.
You always wanted to be a Police Officer, you did it with honor, integrity, and respect.
You are the best son a mom could ever have. Thank you for never telling me I had to stop calling you my baby boy.
Son of my life, I love you forever and always, to eternity and beyond. Thank you for being born 27 years ago on May 11, 1979.
Always and forever, Your Mom
May 10, 2006
To Matt's Mom & Family,
Thank you for the reflection & kindness that you left on Todd's page. We too will be in DC to honor all of our heroes, with heavy hearts, but proud thinking about Todd. I read all of the reflections that were left for Matt & I can see how proud all of you are of him - he must have been a very great man. I can see how much you love him. He is very lucky to have you for a Mom. Happy Mother's Day (a little early) and I hope that we get an opportunity to meet you in DC.
Sister of Trooper Todd M. Larkins, EOW 07/08/2005
May 9, 2006
Thinking of you and your sacrifice today. I know you, Peter and thousands upon thousands of other fallen heroes are having a blast in Heaven, but sometimes it's so hard to miss you guys. Thank you for all you kid for your community. In the reflections on this page, I've read how missed and loved you are... God bless you and your family. I'm glad God lead them to this site to see how many of us across this nation will NEVER forget you. Say hi to Pete for me? Enjoy Heaven!
LEO Fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05
Louisville, KY
May 5, 2006
To Matt's Father,
I just want to say thank you for your presence at Deputy Mike Moore's funeral in Rockwood on April 9, 2006. Mike was a cherished friend of mine and I was heartbroken from his passing. Seeing you there was so inspiring. Law Enforcement Officer's and their families are truly one big family and I thank you for being part of that. Mike had a "920" sticker on his old truck in Memory of Matt. I'm sure Matt, Mike and Jason Scott are all protecting us from above as we speak. Once again, Thanks, and, if your family is in DC next month; maybe we'll see you there.
Cpl. Teresa Smith
Loudon County, TN. Sheriff Dept.
April 30, 2006
Your sister will be out here next week to make the trip to DC with us this year. She has told me how much she has prepared for our bike ride. I just hope that all of us can keep up with Jess now.
Wish us luck !
Joe Clark
Chief of Police
North Caldwell Police, New Jersey
Chief Joseph F. Clark, Jr.
North Caldwell Police, New Jersey
April 28, 2006
Matt-- I have been thinking a lot about you today, as I do most days. I miss opening my e-mail knowing there will not be one from you... I miss knowing I will never receive another call with your voice on the other end of the line. My sister told me something the other day that I shouldn't be selfish. She told me that those who are in heaven are happy and joyful, and they would not want their loved ones to live lives of sadness. I imagine you every day in heaven. I think about all the crazy things you must do, the people you make laugh every day, that adorable smile that warms every heart. I miss you so much. I miss you more than I thought was possible. But I go one because that is what you would want me to do. You would want me to think of all of the happy memories we had together and not linger on all the memories I know we will never have. I miss you... I love you.
April 27, 2006
Hey Son,
Wow, what a weekend. How many more things could happen. Don't even anwswer that. I'll do the good first. The race was great. Who would have ever thought there would be a marathon named after you:). The official title was "Rittenhouse Emory River Half Marathon". The t-shirts had that on the front with the bridge going across the Emory River and on the back in the center of the sponsors names was your Celtic Cross with your name on the base of it. We all wore them and manned a water station. Ethan and Ella loved it. Ethan was so serious about handing the runners the water cups which was a good thing because you know your sisters and I were too busy talking and carrying on to be of much help. Daddy shot off the starters gun after he gave a little tribute to you and how at the last race you were a part of you detoured to Sonic in the middle of it and they had to track you down. So the runners saluted Sonic as they passed it:). It was nice to be able to actually laugh as we thought of you. Also, it was pouring the rain before the race started, which I thought was fitting, but then it cleared up and was beautiful. ( I love you so much Son.) Jason rode your police bike as support and Jessica was supposed to ride with him but she hadn't shown up when the race started. Nobody seemed to have a straight answer as to where she was (actually it was just no one was telling me). Well, you already know, she had a wreck on the way to the race, in your car. Your buddies took care of her and she finally made it. Just another part of the story which is your story.
Just a couple of more weeks until we go back to Washington. Jessica has trained and trained for the Police Unity Tour. We will all be standing there as she rides in. Our love for you and each other is and always will be stronger than anything that this life throws at us. We just hold on to that and each other and you.
Loving you forever and always,
April 24, 2006
the rittenhouse / emory river half marathon is this saturday. your tattoo will be proudly displayed on all of the race shirts. i wish so much that you were here with us. i miss the silly things you would always do to make us all laugh. once the run gets started and i'm headed to work a water station, i'm sure i'll glance over to the sonic remembering the race in '04. you always had a special way of enlightening a dreadful or stressful situation!
yesterday an officer came by the station to get one of your window decals. i'm not sure what agency he was with, but he said he was assigned a new unit and needed another 920 sticker. that was a special moment of the day :)
please continue to watch over all of us. and please give me the right words to say to encourage your family. they mean so very much to our department and the city. it's hard to know what to say or do sometimes. i just want to be a help to them. we all want to help feel the empty hole in their hearts and lives. we miss you matt. you will never be forgotten. you have a special place in my heart. love ya, fluff
executive secretary
harriman police department
April 20, 2006