Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Harriman Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

I've been so sick. Yeah, again. And you know how when you get past the point where you should go to the Dr. but you just think you can power through it... then your mind starts playing weird games and at night the dreams get more and more bizarre. My dreams have been terrifying the last few days. Some very scary and other just super strange.

So to back up a little (my stories AWLAYS have a backstory-and you love it!) I was realizing the other day how life gets rolling along at times and days pass and there might be a week or ten days when I have heard nothing of or from Jessica. So then I say, in an off-hand way, to mom "What's Jessica doing?" or "Where's Jessica been?" The response is usually the same-- working, studying, house-sitting, car broke down...

Really, not much to this conversation. It happens periodically and ends with a nod of the head or some other mundane reaction.

So I don't think I am actually dreaming it, but rather in the middle of the night when I am half alert, but not quite conscious I 'dream' that I keep trying to have this regular, mundane, boring conversation about you. The thing is, I suppose, is that I NEVER say these things anymore about you. And I want to say these things. I want to say them in the most off-hand way. I want to hear a casual response- taken for granted like we say every day about each other.

I'm rambling on and I know that it's partly because I don't feel well. I'll probably wish tomorrow I had just stopped typing. I just want simple back. Regular, every day, same old. Some people will misunderstand if I say boring. I miss the weird things.

On a side note, Olivia's birthday will be this weekend. You always showed up in the middle and fell asleep halfway through due to your crazy midnight shifts and overtime. Yeah, I miss that too.

I love you. We all do. Can't hardly stand sending Ella to Kindergarten without telling you all the funny and precious stories. She's amazing. They both are. And they know you love them. The most important thing of all still makes it through.


August 22, 2007

Dear old buddy,
I miss you a lot.
I don't see why you had to go so quickly.
I miss doing pranks on people.
I can't do it without you.
I miss you, but atleast your with God now.
Anyway, I miss you cous'.
Olivia Grace & Anna Beth

olivia hardie
little cousin

August 20, 2007

Jesse, I had a email from your Mom today and it prompted me to visit here again. As has most often been the case a message from her was the most recent posted.
I can only try to understand how she feels. I have a son who is 28 and cant begin to know what her pain must be loosing you. From what I've read you were well known and thought of and a very fine young man.We have friends here who have lost a child and still we do not know how it must feel.
I know your Mom is a wonderful lady and honors your memory every day.
Rest in Peace

David T Wilson
Mother's old friend

August 20, 2007

Hey Beautiful Son,

Wow these last few weeks have been rough. I guess it's the road to September. I think I could cry 24 hours a day, which I hate, because you know we were always about laughing, like hyenas, most of the time. The night of the meteor shower I sat outside with daddy about two minutes and then I couldn't look up at the stars any longer because the feeling of being separated from you was just too overwhelming. I HATE having to live this life without you here, I feel like the way the astronauts look when they are connected to their ship with those long cords... just floating through life.

Ethan was at the shop the other day when a lady came in and I walked up to wait on her. He walked with me to greet her and then stayed right beside me, I mean RIGHT beside me, actually touching the side of my body the whole time I was waiting on her. I wasn't paying attention to him at first but when he didn't move away from I said "Bubby, what are you doing?", he looked up at me and said so sweetly, "I'm just here if you need me Ma." Instantly I pictured you when you would stop in while on patrol and come up behind the counter while I was waiting on someone and stand right behind my shoulder, not saying a word, just stand there. It was always so funny, like I had buzzed my personal body guard and you just appeared. If it was someone that didn't know us they would just keep looking at you out of the corner of their eye, waiting to see what in the world was going to happen.

There's so much going on right now, I think we all try to see how much we can cram into our lives. Old Pa is really struggling right now, he'll say "Linda, I just don't understand," and I have to say "Daddy, I just don't understand either." That's a hard way to live, not understanding.

I was thinking the other day about an old song we used to sing at church......Heaven will surely be worth it all....All I could think was, I hope so, I hope so. Because life here is certainly not what it used to be. I miss you my precious son, I always knew you would be there for me, standing by me, surrounding me with your amazing life and love. I'm looking up at your beautiful smiling face right now and can hear you saying it's ok momma, and for a brief second it seems like it is.

I love you forever and always,
To eternity and beyond,
More than the world,
My beautiful smiling eyes.


August 16, 2007

i love you--


August 10, 2007

Matthew, you never cease to amaze me.

I love you.


July 27, 2007

Officer Rittenhouse,

Just wanted you to know that people like you who choose to enter a career where you put yourself on the line every day for average citizens like me, will forever be remembered as someone who truly wanted to make a difference. And you did.

As I say "thank you" with deep gratitude, it is not just a casual way to pay tribute and then sign off. It is a heartfelt thank you not only to you, but to your family who stood behind you, as you left the house each day, wondering if you would return safely. You represent the true meaning of courage and integrity. You made your life matter. You made the world better and safer. You will forever be remembered, by family, friends, community, and even by people across the country.

Thank you.

July 26, 2007

it's no longer
"i'll cut out your gizzard..."
now it's
"i'll shoot out your gizzard..."
i love you forever-
and i am the luckiest little sister in the history of little sisters.
thank you for being my big brother.
always. love.

'lil sis

July 17, 2007

Just wanted you to know how much you are loved and missed.

July 7, 2007

Hey Precious Son,

Well, our family 4th of July celebration just ended, tons of food, lots of laughs, and ENDLESS know the kind we like best......tanks, chickens that lay eggs, parachutes, screaming flying saucers, and thanks to your Uncle Brad, about a million bottle rockets. Ella is five now, I know you so love her.....when we are in the car going somewhere and she sees one of your stickers she yells "Ma, there's one of Uncle Matt's friends!!!!!!, they have an Uncle Matt sticker.!!!" I love it.

I hope you can see the flag dad put up at your cross. When I rounded the hill this morning and saw it it made me laugh it is so big. I walked up to it and touched it and your cross and thought so big and beautiful, just like my son.

It doesn't get easier, every day without you it is harder and harder to keep going. I do the best I can to keep it all together but I just miss you. You are the precious son of my life and I love you........more than the world.


July 4, 2007

Matt, I was just talking about you the other day. Was telling someone how you came to dispatch to meet that Hot girl I miss you hanging out with us. You were always a hoot. Noone could ever possibly stay in a bad mood around you. You were a joy to work with. I see your dad from time to time. He still always gives me a huge hug. To the Rittenhouse's, thank you for still caring about all of the crew that worked with Matt, even tho some of us have moved out of Law Enforcement. I think of you guys all of the time. One day, I keep telling myself, I am going to drop in the shop and check on you and see if I can do anything. Just remember, we will all always love you Matt! Thank you for being an incredible friend!

Michelle (Currier) Ownsby
Former dispatcher

June 28, 2007

I was thinking about you today and how you never changed. You always had time for your friends, your family, or anybody that came across your path. You could drive a person crazy with your antics, but be counted on to be there in a heartbeat if you were anyone, for anything. Your laugh/giggle defused more than one tense situtation. You are missed more than words can say, but at least we know when we see you again you will be the Matt we love and know . Time can't and won't take you away.

old friend

June 23, 2007

Hey Matt,

Haven't written in a while, but that doesn't mean I don't think about you. It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 years, unbelievable, your still at the pd, we hear your laugh in the hall sometimes and just wait to see you come around the corner. What do you think about your dad being an officer!! I think he loves it. And your mom, she cooks for all of us on our birthdays and is in and out of the pd carrying on with Karen and getting hugs from us. Sometimes I wonder how your family does what they do. I know they miss you so much, we all do. The cars are being painted and your badge with your name and number is on the side of them. Time passes but we have promised we wont forget. 920 will never be forgotten.


June 22, 2007

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I havent forgotten about you. Love you always!

Vicki Puckett

June 20, 2007

I love you.

June 19, 2007

Hi Matt!
I'm really perky today!
I love you!
Bye now!
Olivia Grace

Olivia- His lil' cousin
Little cousin

June 14, 2007

Dear Linda ~

Thank you for your reflection on Jesse's page, and thank you for remembering him in DC and honoring him at the Wall. I really wanted to go again this year - I planned on going right up until I received the registration forms in the mail - but realized that I just couldn't. I couldn't go through all those emotions again. I couldn't stand there and see his name etched on the Wall - seeing it there is so permanent and so final and so forever....I just couldn't do it again. I need more time to get myself stronger, mentally and emotionally, before I can go back there. I'm actually thinking of taking the kids for a weekend in the fall, when it's not Police Week, so we can just sit and absorb it all alone as a family - a broken family, me and my fatherless babies.

It is so hard to accept the finality of this situation, to really accept that this is our life now. Each day that passes takes us further away from Jesse and pushes us into an uncertain future - I'm so afraid to stop looking back but even more afraid to turn and look forward - I am in a limbo that seems neverending.

Your son, Matthew, is also not forgotten. I burned Jesse's candle on the 15th not just for him - but for all the fallen officers and their families. When I do get to DC I will be sure to stop by Matt's name as well, I will take a moment to honor him as you have honored Jesse. They are true heroes and heroes never die, they live on in our hearts and in our memories.

Take care and thank you again for reaching out to me.
Warmly ~
Carin Sollman
Jesse's wife

May 29, 2007


Tonight I was coming home from my sister's house and when I passed the PD and you immediately popped in my head. I started thinking about how I was doing the very same thing one night and you got behind me without me noticing then called on my cell phone. You was like "Hey listen to this!" The next thing I hear is you holding the phone up to your radio and my tag info being read out by dispatch. You were always doing stuff like that. If you knew I was coming through you would always hide and then pop out when I wasn't expecting it. I passed up all of those places and by the time I got to Rockwood I couldn't help but be in tears.

It's hard for me to believe sometimes that you're really gone. I want to wake up and that night be a very bad dream. I just miss the silly conversations we would have and the crazy questions you could come up with. You always made me laugh.

You're always being thought about by so many that you touched. We miss you everyday!

Amanda Redmon

May 27, 2007

It's memorial day weekend. It's such a strange world, what I would give to be able to forget for just one day that you are not here, and that things would be like they used to be. Just a plain old, normal, ordinary, wonderful day, with all of us back together again. I miss you so much I can barely breathe. I love you Matthew, I need your strength to keep me going.


May 26, 2007

Sometimes the way is lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if you sky is dark and pours the rain, then
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus and live!

O, and when the love spills over
And the music fills the night
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus and live!

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side, and
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!

Just remembering you Matt and how you loved life. You have taught us a lot with your life. You are still with us , we see you and feel you in so many things. It's hard to believe it has been over 2 and a half years since that night. You have not and never will be forgotten.

Roane County

May 23, 2007

I just got back from the Unity Tour ride to DC. Thank you for keeping the rain off of us and I hope you had a nice birthday in Heaven. I am sure you heard your name mentioned often during our ride.

Chief Joseph F. Clark, Jr
North Caldwell Police, NJ

May 15, 2007

Today is May 15th, National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. I salute you for your heroism and dedication to law enforcement. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 15, 2007

I just moved to the area in February (2007) so I didn't ever get the privilege of getting to know you. I do know that being here a few short months that your presence is felt through out the community. I see signs of the many lives you touched everyday. God Bless the Family.


Joe Thornbury

May 14, 2007

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Although we never met, I know you were special and your family and loved ones miss you every day, but some more than others~ like today. God bless you and all those who continue to love you. Rest in peace, and keep watch on those who still protect the thin blue line...

Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, FCSO, NC

May 11, 2007

I was running around like a crazy woman at school today, and I needed to write a student a pass. I asked her the date, and she quickly told me---May 11th. My thoughts immediately went to you. Today is your special day,your birthday. Our loved ones who have called home are remembered everday, but it is on the special days like birthdays and holidays that memories seem more vivid and the loss more real. I think of you everyday and know that you and my mom are having a ball in heaven. And I will never forget the birthday you spent in Macon!! My gosh, we were telling me you had finals and couldn't come for down for your birthday, and then I find you standing at my pharmacy counter. Well, actually I was running around like crazy, trying to get something done, and it took me like 3 minutes to realize it was you standing at my counter! Matt--Always full of suprises!
Happy Birthday!!!

May 11, 2007

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