Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
I just wanted to thank your mother for leaving a candle and remembering Clint at the wall in D.C. Linda I still have Matt and Clint's pictures together, that you sent me a couple of years ago. We will never forget Matt and the sacrifice that all of you make everyday without Matt here with you. Like Bob said we could all fill a huge pond with all the tears (silent and aloud) that we have shed for our babies. And I know that I would trade places with Clint without even blinking and eye and be so happy to do so. But since that's not going to happy, I know that we all have such wonderful memories that hopefully will carry us till we are all together. And you know that they are all watching over us, I know that I can feel and since Clint alot of times.
Thanks again Linda, we will never forget.
Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04
June 9, 2008
Thankyou so much for remembering Michael with the candle at the wall in D.C. I know that it means so much to all of us that our sons are remembered and that they are not just a name on a wall that others walk past. There is no doubt in my mind for the love you have in your heart for Matt and I the same for Michael. We would trade places with them in a heart beat so that they could be here to carry on their lives that were cut short. I also know that if we saved all the silent tears that we have shed from our broken hearts, we could put them together and have a small pond that we could all sit beside and remember all the wonderful memories of our beloved children. Again, thank you for the candle. Matt, continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and protect them and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
June 5, 2008
Thank you so much for the candle for Larry...it feels like you were embracing him for all of us here. I would have loved to have seen you in Washington but had to cancel my plans after having a heart attack in April. The doctors said it was caused by stress which is understandable given the last three years. Hope to see you next May.
This morning I sit with tears streaming after reading your mother day memories and reflecting on my own. They are like precious pearls to pull out of our pockets and bask in their glory and magnificance. I have my own special jewelry, and all those cards, many written in a childish scrawl. Larry's " I'm a Momma's boy - So What"
card was used by our D.A. in the penalty phase of the trial last Fall, but only after the defense filed a writ to the appellate court seeking to keep it out.
This year I did have the joyful experience of hearing Cody say for the first time "Happy Mother's Day, Grandma".
Linda, your mother's love for Matt is so powerful it lights
up the world. May your beloved Matt rest in peace.
Always embracing you in my heart,
Phyllis Loya
June 4, 2008
Thank you for leaving a candle for Mark Sawyers in DC. As Mark's friend and co-worker, I truly appreciate that His memory lives on within people that never even met him. I am certain you feel the same way. We are preparing a memorial for Him tomorrow, as it is the 4 year "anniversary" (I hate using that word)of his passing. Please keep us in your prayers, as you are in ours.
No one should have to endure this agony.
911 Dispatcher
Sterling Heights PD
June 3, 2008
Could you maybe help send the girls team at least one par today?
May 24, 2008
Remembering you and all your family as they are in Washington this week honoring all the fallen hero's. Until we meet again.
May 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Matt! I'm a few hours late but I'm here at least. Miss you!
Amanda Redmon
May 12, 2008
I have been awake for 20 hours (and praying that the day would fly by)-I have not been looking foward to today-for it is the day the world celebrates and remembers the two people I miss most in the world. I lost you...then I lost my mom...I miss you both so very much. I carry you in my heart today and always. I love you.
May 12, 2008
My Dearest Son, Matthew,
So many things to think about today, so many things to remember. Of course the tears came when I first woke up this morning........how could it be your birthday and Mother's Day again without you here......I reached over and got a stack of your cards that you had sent me over the years and laughed and cried my way through them...the card with the little boy covered in spaghetti just like the time you pulled the garbage over on your head and covered yourself right after your bath, the ones signed "your smiling eyes", the ones that said I was the best momma in the world.....thank you for taking the time to write all those cards to me....I look at your handwriting and remember.......all those years of love and joy that was you. I still have that love and I try to hold on to the joy, it is just so hard. I got your card today reminding me that you are right here with me always, and I know you are, but I just miss you son. Before I left for church I got out my "diamond" bracelet that you got me for Mother's Day when you were about 10, I'll never forget your face when I was opening it, you were so excited, then I got out my "Mother's Necklace" with the little baby booties and birthstones in them and put it around my neck. I just stood looking in the mirror, laughing now, because remember, when you all gave it to me you had 5 booties put on it.........3 for my 3 beautiful babies.......and one for the dog and one for the cat!!!! So here I went with quite the collection of jewelry today, my diamond bracelet, my "momma" necklace, my necklace with your cross, your pin, and my mothers ring. Makes me sound like a gypsy, but made me feel totally loved and surrounded by all my babies. My greatest joy.
Thank you for my mothers day present yesterday. I heard you so plainly, it was just what I needed. I know you are laughing your head off and rolling your eyes at our "golf team". Can't wait to see what happens with that.
We leave for Police Week in the morning. Really can't believe this is the 4th time we will have gone. Doesn't seem possible. Jason, Kris, Timmy, Tony, and Michael are riding with the Unity Tour so we will meet them tomorrow when they ride into DC. There are so many officers and their families that have come to mean so much to our hearts, we are all bound by our love and pride for our beautiful sons and daughters, husband and wives, brothers and sisters, and friends that have given all that could be given.
I love you my Son, you know that, Forever and Always, to eternity and beyond, MORE than the world.
Thank you for being born 29 years ago, thank you for the joy of being your momma, thank you for being the best son a momma could ever dream of having......MY son.........Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse.
May 11, 2008
I want to say that we miss you and that Kris, Jason, Tony and me are riding in memeroy of you and other fallen officers. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office
May 11, 2008
Between now and then
Until we see you again
We will love you.
Linda and Jesse, remembering you and Matt today on Mother's Day. I know this is one of the hard days, but we share this together.
Never forgotten.
Lorraine Bond
May 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Matt! Today is mothers day as well, you know this will be even more difficult on your mom Be sure to send her some extra hugs today. I know there will be allot of people saying allot of prayers for her and your family today. We still do our best to help take care of them, but the funny thing is that most of the time they seem to lift us up.
Deputy Chris Massengill
Roane County Sheriffs Office
May 11, 2008
Its you birthday..... its 0109hrs and we were thinking about you... got to see your parents today as they were making flowers for mama mayes...Mom asked for a hug from a son and that she would give one from a mother in return and it was very welcomed....We miss you more and more and there is not a day that goes by we do not talk about you. We miss you Matt!!!
John & Christy Mayes
May 11, 2008
Happy Birthday buddy!
May 10, 2008
Praying for your mother and family. As Mother's Day approaches we think of you all more and more---if that's even possible to think of you all more.
Kay Wood, Glen's mom
Kay Wood
Mother of Deputy Marshal Glen DeVanie, 4/2/2003
May 7, 2008
Matt, hope I can call you that. I feel as though I have been acquainted with you for sometime now due to Karen talking about you and your family so much.
I had the distinct honor of meeting your parents and 1 sister this past weekend. You have a wonderful family. Your mother and father were the nicest people. Your mother rode with Karen and I to take me back to the airport. Karen had someone to ride back with her retrun home that way. We had a good time visiting. They all miss you very much Matt, you must have been a wonderful person to have touched so many.
friend of a friend
April 30, 2008
Hey Baby Boy,
Well, the 2008 Marathon is over, everyone said it went very well, we had a great turn out, and after the required rainstorm passed it turned out to be a beautiful day. Every thing like this is such a..........what's the word....actually I love working on these events and making them happen, but then the reality of why we are doing it is always there and I just have to shake it away and go on. I know you saw how many turned out, not just the runners, but your brothers in blue, and your friends,and relatives, and people that didn't know you before but do now. Honestly, I will say it until the end of time......I couldn't do this without them. One of my precious police boys came up and gave me a hug in the middle of it and said, "You know I love you", and I said "I love you too", and he said "we're all family", and we are. I also had to shut the door on one of them the other day because he was being so aggravating I told him I couldn't listen to him anymore because he was acting so much like you! It made us all laugh because it was so true!! ( And then of course, he was such a big help with everything, but still never let up with the silliness.)
Anyway, you are always in everything I do, I love you, I miss you and I am so thankful for you.
April 20, 2008
Tomorrow is race day! We have so many more entries this year and it just keeps growing. Your mom and Jessica have already been to the station trying to tie up loose ends. The shirts are ready to wear and they are so cute. With you and the other fallen heroes in our hearts and minds, the Memorial is closer to reality.
Harriman Police Department
April 18, 2008
The race that bears your name now is coming up.....wish you were here so we could sit at Sonic and eat a burger....miss you brother.
April 14, 2008
Officer Rittenhouse I met your dad the other night while he was on patrol. We talked about you and I told him I came to the church for your funeral. I didn't know he was a police officer, he is very proud to be your father and following in your footsteps.
April 12, 2008
Matt, I havent visited in awhile. Got to thinkin about your Mom and her devotion to your memory and all she does for the community. She is a very special lady and you are
lucky to have her as your Mom. I also am glad to see the visitors here are all good friends and family based on the regular postings. Wish I could have known you too.
I know everyone is blessed to have known you.
DT Wilson
April 4, 2008
The pd has seen a lot of changes since you have been gone, but you are not forgotten. Sometimes I swear I can hear your goofy giggle in the hall, I have to look to make sure. I walk past your wall with the pictures and plaques, you are missed Matt, you are missed.
April 3, 2008
Tomorrow is Easter, how I long to see your beautiful, smiling face and eyes. I'm headed up to your hill with a Easter Lily decorated with superman eggs and a box of peeps with a police car egg, I was so happy to find that. I had a pile of peep stuff laying on the work counter the other day and a customer said, wow, your kids must love peeps! I said, no, actually they hate them, it was always a joke every Easter that I would make sure you had peeps after I found out none of you could stand them! So, lucky you, you still get them too! I love you Son of My Life, someday we will all spend Easter together again, until then we will picture you and all your other friends in Heaven, big and beautiful and stronger than ever. I can feel your arms around me with that hug that only you can give. I love you Matthew, I will never be able to say that enough.
March 22, 2008
I miss you so much. I wish you were here to make me smile and laugh. You always knew what to say.
March 22, 2008
Officer Rittenhouse , Rest in Peace brother and show my (to be) son in law Josh Norris the ropes in heaven. A little guy , but he has a big heart.
Mrs Linda Rittenhouse
Thank you for the words on Josh's page, he was not my son and the pain I feel with his lose, I can not even imagine the pain you and your husband feel with lose of a child. Reading your letters to Matt, hope you do not mind me using his first name, have helped me. I write to Josh and find the need to keep him informed, for awhile I starting to think I was a little crazy doing so and th eonly one that did it. Hopefully I can return the favor, I have told my daughter that Josh is only a whisper away and seeing your letters hope you see the signs Matt gives you he is still near. It is those feelings you get that warms the body and soul, the kind a good hug gives, that feeling of protection and safety even in a crowd. So you may not be able to touch him, he can still and does touch you.
To both Mr and Mrs Rittenhouse your son just by taking on the challenge of police work speaks volume of him, not many go into a job that is low paying, short on complements and friendly encounters. Reading comments from family and friends I can see that your boy was a person that makes a parent proud and a great Police Officer, which I know you all ready now, but just had to say it. Mr Rittenhouse understand the call of duty, with Josh the deal was I would retire as he started his career and i would give him all my stuff. Since he left can not seem to give it up just yet. Welcome to the Service and your place in the blue line, I'm proud to serve next to you.
Deputy John Latour
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office
March 20, 2008