Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
I need to feel your arm around my shoulder extra tight as we walk this week.
September 9, 2009
I just wanted to stop by and say hey and let you know that I think about you everyday. You are sadly missed and very much loved.
Vickie Murphy
August 29, 2009
Ella saw my list of phone numbers taped to my lamp on my desk the other day.....(it's been hanging there over five years......because it still has your number listed and I refuse to change anything like that:), she said "Does Uncle Matt have a phone number?" And I said,"Yes", and she immediately said "Let's call him!" My heart just sank when I had to say our telephones won't call that far. I get so sad that you are not here in their lives, but then when something like that happens I realize..all over again..that you ARE with them....and all of us....always...you are always a part of everything that we do. (Even in the Badlands where I actually got mad just picturing you going out so far and scaring me!) It's just space and time that separates us; but nothing can separate us as a family. Ever.
Forever Loving you, my son, my life.
August 4, 2009
I see the Love you have for your children, it reminds me of how much I love my kids. I can see by you letters & updates to ur baby boy, that he was your everything. I can not imagine the pain that you must feel as each minute ticks by. I want you to know that even though I have not lost any of my children, I feel ur sorrow. I know that it sometimes must be hard for you to go on with your life. Please remember this 1 thing, GOD has aplan & he let u in on it when HE is ready for you to be apart of it. Matt is safe and God wanted Matt sittin beside him to help watch over us all. what a great choice for God to make! But, I KNOW that it doesn't make it any easier for those of us Matt left behind. please know that you are being prayed for daily by those of us who have read theses reflections. Take care sweetie. I WILL stop by your shop soon, just to give u a hug!
May the peace and love of God be wrapped around you in your times that you find it most difficult to live on.
Peace & Love,
Amy Keith
A mom
July 21, 2009
We head out to Mt. Rushmore in the morning! Oh how I wish you were going with us. I will find somewhere very special to leave a momento of you........maybe the Badlands!! I love you more than the world precious son of my life.
July 17, 2009
To "A Friend"
Thank you, for knowing what those words would mean to me.
Always Matthew's Mom
July 3, 2009
To Matthew and Linda:
The bond between mother and son
is a special one.
It remains unchanged by time or distance.
It is the purest love~
unconditional and true.
It is understanding of any situation
and forgiving of any mistake.
The bond between mother and son
creates a support that is constant
while everything else changes.
it is a friendship based on
mutual love, respect, and a genuine liking
of each other as a person.
It is knowing that no matter
where you go or who you are,
there is someone who truly loves you
and is always there
to support and console you.
When a situation seems impossible,
you make it through together
by holding on to each other.
The bond between mother and son
is strong enough to withstand
harsh words and hurt feelings,
for it is smart enough to always
see the love beyond the words.
It is brave enough to always
speak the truth,
even when lies would be easier.
It is always there~
anytime, anywhere~
whenever it is needed.
It is a gift held in the heart
and in the soul,
and it cannot be taken away
or exchanged for another.
To possess this love is a treasure
A love that goes beyond life itself
A love that has no measure.
Linda and Matthew, you are a lesson to all of us of the love between a mother and a son. What an amazing man your son was. He will always be in the hearts and souls of those fortunate enough to have known him.
A friend
June 30, 2009
I'm waiting for you to walk in the door today. Who's to say you won't.
I love you....more than than the world, to eternity and beyond, forever and always.
June 26, 2009
I miss you.
June 25, 2009
It's been awhile since I've been here. First, I want to wish you a belated Birthday. Things have been crazy that I just couldn't get here on time. I thought about you a lot that day though.
It seems like when things are going crazy for me, I think about you and it makes me smile. I went and saw Hope a couple of months back and I took the DVD your mom sent me. We had a good laugh with the video of the traffic stop at the high school. Then we just talked about all of the crap you would give both of us on the radio. We loved every minute of it though.
I never really know what to say here except that you are always missed and always loved.
Amanda Redmon
June 1, 2009
Ok, I got so excited having all those babies in arms and life I couldn't even spell!!!! So just let me say Leea Grace, Colton, and Boston Matthew, I love you already , so please forgive Momma Linda. :) I'm sure Matt is just rolling his eyes and shaking his head...as Jenny did when she saw my post. I found a card the other day that said "in raising my children, I have lost my mind but found my soul." How wonderfully true.
Forever and always
May 25, 2009
How precious was that when Eric Majors and his sweet wife came in today and brought 3 week old Boston Matthew Majors to meet us!!
When they handed him to me I just had to walk away and look at him and talk to him privately.....what a gift to my heart and soul, another little Matthew.....then Eric started telling stories of escapades you all were involved in....his mannerisms are so like you and the way he talks I was transported back in time. It was wonderful. Then who should also walk in......Heather and Jimmy with little one week old Colin !!(I hope I spelled that right).He was born while we were at Police Week and Jimmy was kind of in trouble for forgetting to call. John and Christy Mayes also had their baby this week, Leah Grace, I haven't seen her yet, but John texted a precious picture of her right after she was born. They are all starting on the most wonderful part of their lives. I never wanted anything other than to be a mother........I love you and am so thankful I had you, my life is what it is because of you, and Jenny, and Jessica. In you three Daddy and I realized our greatest dream..... of being parents. Our love covers us all and keeps us going on until we are back together again.
My smiling eyes,
I love you forever.
May 22, 2009
My reflections are not getting posted, but you know I love you more than the world, forever and always, I need to see you so badly.
May 19, 2009
Hey buddy, just wanted to stop by and check on things and say hey..
Ptl. Charlie Graham
Oliver Springs Police Department
May 17, 2009
You and all of your loved ones are in my thoughts as Police Memorial Day arrives on May 15th. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2009
Happy Late Birthday Friend. I miss you a lot and wish i could talk to you today. Know that you are loved.
May 12, 2009
Happy Birthday, baby brother.
Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn
May 11, 2009
Happy Birthday. I miss and love you.
Vickie Murphy
May 10, 2009
I am thinking of you on this Mothers Day and hold you in thought and prayer.
Your friend Phyllis
May 10, 2009
Matt, It has been a while since I have been on here. I think about you everyday. The marathon was great as always. Your family is truely remarkable. I love them as if they were my own. Its great to see your Dad out keeping the streets safe as you once did. Keep smiling down on us we love and miss you more everyday.
Vickie Murphy
May 4, 2009
Officer Rittenhouse,
Again, I saluted the Sonic as I ran past during the half-marathon last Saturday. It was a beautiful day, and your department did a great job.
Rest well, we will not forget.
Officer Long
April 24, 2009
God bless mate! You passed on at the age I started. Keep an eye on us in Ireland!
April 24, 2009
What a great day!! It could not have been more beautiful out and everyone showed up... runners and more runners, volunteers, explorers, reserves, officers, Chief Joe and Kelly from New Jersey, family, and on and on. I was thinking yesterday morning as I was unloading stuff at the park before dawn how sometimes people don't realize that while they are doing something for one reason it may mean something totally different to another person. The majority of the runners do not know us as a family, and will never have the joy of knowing you, but when they come to run this race it literally and figuratively carries us farther down the road that we have to travel every day without you. And the wonderful family at the PD that continues to embrace us, provides support that I could not go on without. The proceeds this year go to support the newly reorganized Explorers Post 920 (your number), and we also raised enough to donate to your brothers ,who are riding in the Police Unity Tour again, and also help with the race.
I know you just love watching Ethan and Ella!! Aren't they amazing. They had so much fun handing out trophies and door prizes (and eating); Jessica and Scott running this year(Jessica winning in her age group (her goal), and Scott beating the mayor(his goal), Jenny calmly doing her various jobs even more calmly knowing that will help keep her crazy mother a little more under control :), and Karen, anywhere, and every where. No wonder she needs three phones and a radio!(or is it four).
Now Washington is in front of us. I didn't want to go the first year, and then said I would not go back, but now I feel like a part of you is actually there, the feeling is so strong at the wall. I guess it's all of you all being in one place. I really can't describe it. Some things cannot be put into words.
I love you son, thank you for everything. Thanks for making me smile through my tears.
Forever and always,
April 19, 2009
So far, so good. Right now I'm watching Capt. Kenny wash his car in preparation for tomorrow's race. Your parents have been running around all day trying to get everything ready and tie up loose ends and I am still taking in entries. People actually drove here 8 hours from Mississippi to run this race! Smile down on us, our day will start early.
Karen Joseph
Harriman Police Department
April 17, 2009
Happy Easter Precious Son. This is the only holiday that I actually feel some peace in my heart and soul, knowing that I will see you and be with you again someday. The thought of how beautiful heaven must be just overwhelms me. Every year when we unload the easter lilies in the shop and the smell permeates everything I just KNOW that is what heaven will smell like.
You were in a dream the other night, I did not see you, sadly, but you spoke to me and kept me safe; it was very comforting to hear your voice.
Daddy and I will be going up to your hill in a little while; taking your peeps :); your cards, a lily....placing them at your beautiful cross........thinking about our precious son that we were so blessed to have on earth for such a short while, but your love and our love lasts forever.
April 11, 2009