Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
Just had you on my mind today and wanted to let you know that I love and miss you so much. All the times you made me laugh and cry, all our good and bad memories. I just really miss you.
Jennifer Cronan
April 8, 2009
Just been thinking about you Matt. Today is Michael Moore's EOW. Strange, all you big guys gone, but never forgotten.
Former HPD officer
April 3, 2009
Hey brother, its been a while since Ive left you a reflection. However I talk to you often. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and your family. I know you already know that we take care of our own. We finally caught the guy who would try to destroy the honor of the sacrifice that you and the others have made for this community. I sleep well at night knowing he has been brought to justice. We do this in your honor. Love.
Harriman PD
March 30, 2009
I know you were watching your "Brothers" this morning and saw how everything came down (did you smile just now at my police talk). JJ and D did it perfectly. I love them, and I love you, always.
March 29, 2009
I miss our times riding together, talking and discussing the future. I watched you grow to a man and learn discretion as it was meant to be used. I miss you and I have always been very proud of you.
March 23, 2009
Ugh! I miss you so much right now...I wanna go listen to some music, grab a green beer, and let you laugh at me and my life! I'd give anything to feel your arms around me right now...
It is, of course, St. Patrick's Day, and right now I remember walking around the streets of Ireland with you. You're walking along much greener streets now...oh, I suppose I mean golden...but I really like the thought of there being a lot of green up there. At any rate, I bet you won't get as many blisters as you did that night in Ireland...
I love you...and miss you...of course.
your 'lil sis
jessica lynn
llittle sis
March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day my beautiful "smiling eyes" son. I am trying to picture how green the green must be in heaven. I miss you so much. I miss your laugh, and your silliness, and your sweetness. I miss your hugs, and your care, and your phone calls. I miss cooking for you, calling to wake you up for work (which I forgot half the time and only now with Daddy working night shift do I really understand why you would need me to call sometimes).
I miss ten thousand wet towels on the floor, the notes you would leave me on the fridge, the milk left on the counter, and the cards that always told me I was the best mom in the world. I miss hearing the door to the side room open and turning around in my chair and seeing my son walk in, my big,beautiful son. I miss seeing my 3 beautiful children, together. I miss us...Matt and Mom.
"May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we are together again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."
March 17, 2009
Dear Officer Matt Rittenhouse,
From the reflections written in your honor, you sound like you were a stand-up guy here on earth. God always has a plan and even though we often have a difficult time trying to figure out the whys and hows of His plan, we find out eventually that there is always a reason. You are now part of an elite group of heroes who will forever be remembered as individuals who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to keep the rest of us safe. Your chosen career speaks for itself, the reflections left for you speak for the person you were, the friend you were, the brother you were, and the son you were. May your family rest in the peace of knowing that your memory can never be taken away and that you will always be a hero. HEROES LIVE FOREVER...
LEO Wife and Mom
March 13, 2009
Hey brother, i was just thinking about the "teapot" and felt the need to write you a note. The days still pass but my memories of you don't pass i still keep them close to me. And i still cry like a baby when i look at this page dedicated to you. Jess and Linda please know that i will always love you!
Ptl. Mark Steinmann
Crossville Police Department
March 6, 2009
There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever and not for better
Some are gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With people and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
But in my life, I loved them all
But of all these friends and loved ones
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and friends that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
But in my life I loved you more
I loved you more.
Always missing you
February 27, 2009
Happy Valentines Day My Beautiful Son,
The shop is too quiet without you today :). I miss you, I love you. Always.
February 14, 2009
I can hear the pain of missing your precious son in the reflections you have left, and it puts a fear in the pit of my stomach. I'm the daughter of a fallen officer, and our life will never be the same, but I can't imagine losing a child. I have 3 sons, and my oldest, Matt, is planning a career in law enforcement. At 17, he's getting closer to the goal he set when he was 5 years old. I pray that I never have to write to my Matt as you do yours. I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you and your family. Your Matt died less that 2 months before my daddy did, and it never gets easier. You are in my prayers tonight. God bless you and your family.
Lori Johnson Rowley
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, NC
February 13, 2009
It will never be a real life without you here.
February 4, 2009
Dear Officer Rittenhouse and Family,
Our department is honored to share one of our patches to be displayed at your department memorial wall. We viewed the video on your website and have read many of the reflections left for you. It's not hard to read between the lines, you knew your job and did it well. Rest in peace Officer Rittenhouse, may your fellow co-workers and family find peace in your memory, and honor in your performance. We stand proudly with you from across the country.
Officer McAbee
January 30, 2009
Matt I turned on the tv today and there was Jim Dangle and the Law Enforcement Cheetah episode. I'll never forget you walking around saying the same thing and the J. Dangle badge you made at your parents store before the parade. I still have the badge you made me. No one could make us laugh like you could. I miss you.
January 29, 2009
Happy New Year Matt. Could use some laughs down here.
January 1, 2009
Merry Christmas Matt. Miss you, miss hanging out with you, miss your laugh, just miss everything about you.
December 26, 2008
May the love of the Heavenly Father surround you and your family. May you and they be ever Blessed by Him.
December 26, 2008
The kids are so excited. They have written and rewritten their letters to Santa all month long. Ella finished her last draft just yesterday. She's really hoping for that stuffed Bolt. I told her to wait and see and keep her fingers crossed. She will be thrilled to be getting it from you. --smile--
Ethan's hair is so long he almost seems like a different boy. I thought it would be wavy like yours when you used to grow your hair. But instead of curly it is sooo thick and straight. Very cute. He also wrote very earnestly to Santa. --BIG smile-- I love him so much. He seems to grow up at warp speed these days. Yesterday he was so little. Now he is all about his dad and football and silly dancing and trying to eek more video game time out of me.
We miss you. For the big things and the little things. You are always a part of it all, but it sure would be nice to hear you say something. Ella sat with Scott and I in "big church" Sunday and during the service she drew a picture of herself, her brother and you. With the names above each drawing. She gave me a huge smile as she held it up for me to see. You are a huge part of her life.
I love you.
Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn
December 24, 2008
Matt, I know this is the hardest night of the year for your family, I know they are missing you so much.
You will never be forgotten.
The Bond Family
December 24, 2008
My Son, My life,
Once again it's Christmas Eve and I'm closing the shop down. Thinking of you, missing you, wondering how another year has already passed and we are still here without you. Nothing changes how much we love and miss you, we just move through the days doing various and sundry things. Some meaningful, some not, but we keep going, feeling you beside us, behind my shoulder, smiling at us, looking at me from your picture that I only have to raise my eyes to see as I sit here typing. The love will never change and neither will the pain until I walk into that big hug that only you can give. I love you baby boy, more than the world, forever and always, to eternity and beyond. Thanking God for the Gift of you.
December 24, 2008
I know you see what is happening down here. Would be nice to have you here to have your perspective. No bull, tell it like it is, confident in how to handle things. Miss you buddy, every day.
December 23, 2008
heyy Matt!
Merry CHRISTmas!
im sad that ur not here 2 celebrate it here with us, but
its a good time of year, & 2 remember the real reason 4 the season...JESUS CHRIST!!
ok bye. =]---<
Olivia Hardie
little cousin
December 22, 2008
Dearest Linda (Matt's Mom),
Thank you so much for your heartfelt reflection on my husband's ODMP. It truly means more than my words can convey that I (we) haven't been forgotten within the survivor community. Sometimes, after many years go by, it's easy to feel like it's been a certain amount of "time", and I should be moving "on", whatever that means. It is so remarkable that you are upholding your son's memory and how amazing his life was the short time that he was on this Earth. I can clearly see how close the two of you were, through your reflections to him although I never met either of you. God Bless You and may God uphold you with his strength and love through your times of grieving and loss.
Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03
December 21, 2008
Officer Matt Rittenhouse,
Just wanted to leave a note and let you know I was thinking of you and your family. I passed your parents business and saw your little Christmas tree decorated with blue lights and red, white and blue christmas ornaments. I know they miss you terribly, but they show such strength to the community, they are a blessing to us that were fortunate enough to know you and miss you too. You are never forgotten 920. I know you are still watching over your family and all of us.
God bless you and your service.
Merry Christmas.
citizen of Harriman
December 12, 2008