Harriman Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
hey bro, i got your two pennies you sent about a month ago...i love you and i felt you so close...
now it's your birthday (happy birthday, hunk) and in a few days we leave for washington...i love going up there...i feel so close to you, like it's just you and me (no matter that there are thousands of others...) i love and miss you everyday...
and even tho you're not physically here on earth, i still believe we make memories...and one day i'll run over to you and we'll start laughing as you pick me and swing me around~mom will yell at us and we'll laugh harder~when you put me down we'll start to talk about all the things that have happened throughout the years, and we'll never stop...
'lil sis
May 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Matt!
I was just talking about you yesterday. I still think about you when I look at a clock and it happens to be 9:20.
Miss you always!
Amanda Redmon
May 11, 2010
Happy birthday Matt.
chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office
May 11, 2010
We think of you often and tell some good 'ole stories about you...you still make us laugh. The one we talked about yesterday on Mother's Day was the "I'm a little teapot" story. Your family's strength and love continues to amaze us all. We try to help fill the harder times with a visit or a card but we know the void will never be filled. Your family's love has and will never fade. You are still remembered and loved by many. Happy Birthday!
May 10, 2010
Dearest Son,
Tomorrow brings the date of one of the happiest days of my life. Just typing those words brings a smile to my face. How we were so blessed to have you still brings that same feeling of awe and amazement and absolute hilarious joy when the dr said "You have a BIG boy"....I hope I always remember those words and that feeling when he laid you on my stomach and I laughed and daddy cried. We still laugh, and we still cry, and I love you more than ever. No one can or will ever be able to take your place in my heart and life. There are friends and family that hold you so dear in their hearts: and through their words and actions bring hugs and laughs and comfort that they know I need from you. So much goes on that you are a part of and that only happens because of you. We leave this week again for Police Week in Washington. Michael Moore's Mom, Susie, and son Will, and other family will be there. I know you and Michael will be working overtime with your big arms around us keeping us "settled down". Ethan picked your card up yesterday and said "I'll read this for you" and read it out loud providing his own comic relief for all the different things it said:); Ella's girl scout troop is planting a tree at her school tomorrow for your birthday; the marathon went great, the memorial dedication for Officer York was beautiful and meant so much to his family; Colton and Boston "Matthew" are both celebrating their 1st birthday's this month. (Thanks for directing me to the perfect gift for them.)
We sang a song at church yesterday that had a line in it that said "I know there are angels all around us" and I could see you and Daddy("Old Pa") so plainly. I know he is so happy to be with you, I will be so happy when we are all back together.
Happy Birthday My Precious Son, Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse, May 11, 1979. Beautiful Son, Beautiful Man.
May 10, 2010
Was looking over some papers from academy saw your name, you had a great laugh, always were good when we needed someone to keep us going, you helped get me through Brother, still hard to believe you are not here with us but know you are watching over us and keeping us safe.
May 10, 2010
As Police Week is here I just wanted to let you and your family know you are not forgotten. Rest in Peace Brother, we have it now.
Fellow Leo
Memphis, Tn
May 10, 2010
So many times I just have to ask "How in the world?" How many times did I say the day of the roadblock - "OH MY GOSH!" You know, your parents know, I know, and so do the others that were there. Two letters lying on the ground, M and R. So simple yet so meaningful to everyone there. What were the chances? So many things have happened even since that day; the Marathon and now today, so tragic but Officer York's name to be added on the Memorial.
May 2, 2010
Dearest Son,
Tomorrow is Easter, generally that is the day I feel the most hopeful, but today I just feel so down. I miss you so much. The past couple of weeks have been horribly painful with the deaths of the sons of two of our friends. Being with Joey brought back the raw pain and terror of losing you and knowing what lies ahead for their families. We try to be strong for each other and draw on your strength to help others but sometimes I just want to lay down and refuse to get up until I see you. Forgive me for being so sad today, but my heart aches for you. I'm trying to picture you in the beauty of heaven. My Son, My Life.
April 3, 2010
I don't think a day goes by where I don't realize you are not here with us. Instead, you watch over us--protecting us, loving us, believing in us. Today was a beautiful day. I sat outside for a few minutes to breathe it all in; I am sure I felt you right beside me...
March 30, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day my beautiful, smiling eyes, Son of My life. I'm sitting here listening to an irish cd daddy put on for me before he left. Thinking of you, loving you, missing you.....always.
This may post twice, but who cares. I could tell you a million times a day I love you and it wouldn't be enough.
March 17, 2010
Across all time and space there is still love.
NOTHING will ever take that away from us.
March 13, 2010
hey matt...just wanted to say i miss you...i know you know this. and i can't help but think you miss me too...
i love you~
'lil sis
March 12, 2010
Still touching lives even after all this time...
February 19, 2010
Thinking today of you and Matt and Don.
I know how hard it is missing them.
Tears still flow and hearts still hurt.
And I know at times it is still hard to believe that they are gone but I know they live in our hearts.
God bless you and your family.
Lorraine Bond
February 14, 2010
Your mother could and would be a mother to all of us. We miss you man.
A friend
February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day Precious Son.
Sarge and I went up to your hill this morning on the way to work.....a family of FIVE (of course :) deer were just leaving as we rounded the curve. Thanks for making me smile.
I love you.
February 14, 2010
My heart will always cry for you until I see you again.
February 6, 2010
Hey Precious Son,
Well, the page is turning to 2010.....I have nothing to say about that except I love you.
Yes, your presents were a big hit. Ethan just about lost it when he opened his from you. (so did Jenny :). And let me add, Ethan and Ella were both very entertaining at the dinner table with the "special" gift you sent. I am so very thankful that your spirit shines right through them.
December 31, 2009
Precious Son,
It's Christmas Eve....again....I've turned the lights off and am getting ready to leave the shop. I'm headed up to visit you AND Daddy this time....reindeer peeps for you and chocolate covered cherries for daddy, golly how can something so ridiculous make me cry. How does the Alamo look from up there? I love you both so much. Hope your presents for Ethan and Ella met with your approval, Jenny's face should be priceless when she sees part of them. But heck, they have always wanted that little present of yours that I keep in the buffet drawer, they take it out all the time and laugh at it. I figured they were big enough to have one this year. Hopefully, the fact that it is from you will save me.
Son of my Life, Gift of God, it's the birth of a son and the son, that makes the tears flow especially hard. I love you more than words will ever be able to express, but you know. That's all that matters.
December 24, 2009
Dear Linda ~
Thank you for your messages on Jesse's site - as you know it's always a comfort to get a new reflection, and to know that people are still remembering. Your sweet son is also remembered - especially during the holidays. I know it doesn't get easier.....we just get used to it.
I hope you are doing well, and that you find a way to enjoy the Christmas season. My wish for you is that Matt finds a way to comfort you during the holiday, that you are able to think of him and smile a little, that your heart won't heart quite so much. My wish is that you find peace, even if for only a little while.
Take care, Matt's mom forever, and know that you are being thought of with love.
Jesse's wife
December 24, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones as Christmas arrives once again. I know your spirit will be present for all those that love you and care about you. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and protect them. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 23, 2009
Thanks so much for rhe sweet message. I am sorry that this year has been so hard for you, but I understand your feelings of longing for Matt. The hurt never goes away and the pain, pride and love are forever.
Your friend
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
December 22, 2009
Dear Matt,
I am proud to know your parents and be able to give your mom a hug every now and then. We miss you down here, continue to watch over us and especialy your dad.
Friend and Officer
December 19, 2009
Dearest Son,
Last night was the PD Christmas party. Every time I would hug one of the boys and feel their vest I would close my eyes and be hugging you. Baron was presented the "Officer of the Year Matt Rittenhouse Memorial Award". Karen and I received "The Life of the Party" awards.....the picture they put on it was so bad I was told not to show my grandkids:). I was thinking about you later and hope you are proud of that award.....you know how important it has always been for us to laugh and be crazy.......and I remember thinking after your accident I will never laugh again. Amazingly, I do, we all do. The sadness is always underneath it all and it's a bittersweet life, but it is because of you and for you that we are determined to live out this life honoring your love,your life, your joy, and your laughter until FINALLY we are all back together again in each others arms laughing and crying (there have to be tears of JOY in heaven). So until that time comes, I will laugh and cry for you, my precious son of my life.
December 12, 2009