Joliet Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Friday, August 20, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh
For those of you who don’t know me, I am one of Jon's cousins.
I've been to this website countless times. I've cried and smiled, and always leave with a sense of having gotten to know you just a little bit better, Jonathan.
You came to our family at a time when my family was in a bit of a crisis, you were a light that shined so brightly, we were blessed whenever you were around. Thank you for being that wonderful gift.
I missed a lot of your growing up years, which is normal when you’re 15 years apart. I got to know you as a boy, just not as well as a young adult and adult. Despite that, I’ve always been proud to be your cousin, proud of the man you became and proud of the officer you became.
I look forward to our annual gathering on Christmas Eve. This year will be hard, but we’re going to be together and I think that will be good for all of us. I am so happy we’re going to keep that tradition, and although you won’t be with us physically, you will be with all of us in our hearts.
I love you, Jonathan. I know you know that, but I need to verbalize that love.
Laura Walsh
December 18, 2004
It’s a week before Christmas and as I sit here amongst the wrapping paper and tinsel, my heart aches. I miss my brother. I watch my parents, with their hearts broken, celebrating the birth of Christ knowing their son is celebrating with the Son. Still it’s hard…hard to understand why…and even if I did, my pain would be the same. Do you feel that way too? Do you wonder if there is more to it than this life? Inside you are more than just flesh and blood…you are soul and spirit. The real you. That’s the way God created us. We are eternal creations in a mortal body destined to live forever.
At 7:00 p.m. on August 20, 2004, where were you? Were you working or at home, trying to hear the words make sense?? At that moment, when the shock of Jon’s death was sinking in, Jonathan was more alive than he had ever been before!! If Jon could have five minutes with you, he would tell you that there is so much more living on the other side of death than there is here. And the only way to get there…to Heaven…as Jon did is to believe. Believe that God sent his Son Jesus to earth as a baby the Christmas story. That Jesus lived here on earth over 2000 years ago and died on a cross for our sins. Jon believed that and accepted that gift when he was around 10 years old. Of course, like all of us, Jon wasn’t perfect. After accepting the payment for sin from Jesus Christ, we will still struggle with sin, make mistakes, maybe even turn our back on God. But once this gift of salvation is accepted, it can never be lost.
All of you…Jon’s friends…spent every day with him, loved him, worked with him. You have questions and want to know that he is okay and you want to know if you will see him again. Like I said earlier, if Jon could have five minutes with you he would tell you how to get to heaven. In my heart, I don’t want to let Jon down…I have to tell you…about the reality of what happens to you one minute after you die. You will either see God on His throne, with Jonathan standing there….or you will feel an indescribable weight of guilt and abandonment. There is no midway destination. If you want to know for sure you will be in Heaven when you die…just like Jonathan…here is a prayer you can pray that will forever guarantee your eternity.
Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing I can do to save myself and get into heaven. At this moment, I believe that Jesus Christ alone died on the cross for my sin and that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. Thank you that He was raised from the dead, and I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. I can face death now that you are my Savior. Thank you for hearing this prayer, Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, please tell someone. There would be no greater joy than knowing that Jon’s death here on earth, moved someone to faith in Christ. Tell one of the policemen that you know is a Christian. Tell my parents…they would be overjoyed!!
I love you all and I want you know that even though my heart aches…it aches with hope and assurance that I know I will see Jon…one minute after I die. Merry Christmas!!
Lisa Kralik
Sister of Jonathan Walsh
December 18, 2004
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I"m still close beside you
in a new special way
I love you all dearly
now don"t shed a tear
cause I"m spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year
Poem by John Wm. Mooney Jr.
Sylvia Daniels
Allegan, Michigan
December 17, 2004
I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintry nights
I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I"ll even remind you
to please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
to stay in his grace
I came here before you
to help set your place
You don"t have to be
perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I"m still close beside you
December 17, 2004
I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintry nights
I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I"ll even remind you
to please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
to stay in his grace
I came here before you
to help set your place
You don"t have to be
perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I"m still close beside you
December 17, 2004
I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintry nights
I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I"ll even remind you
to please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
to stay in his grace
I came here before you
to help set your place
You don"t have to be
perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I"m still close beside you
December 17, 2004
May God Bless the Walsh family during the holiday season.
December 7, 2004
Jon-- Happy Holidays! It doesnt seem that long ago.. But just last year you were at Rosie's Christmas program at the High School! That was the first time some people in the family met you! To bad that they didn't get to meet you more then that! Thanks for coming to that last year! Happy Holidays once again..You will never be out of our hearts or minds..We are thinking of you all the time! Love you!
Ashly-Tristens Sister
December 4, 2004
Happy Holidays Jon! You'll be missed by everyone, but you'll be close to our hearts as always, and never out of our thoughts.
Love, Tiff :)
Tiffany Tapella
December 3, 2004
Happy Holidays Johnny, we'll all be thinking about you...
Joliet PD, IL
December 1, 2004
After reading all of the touching tributes that were left for you by your friends, co-workers and family, I realize that we lost two great cops in you and Mike "Flash" Gordon. As a college student wanting to be a police officer, I read this and thought of you and Mike:
Our Greatest Fear
Yet once again the Thin Blue Line is diminished,
an officer’s final tour of duty is finished.
"Officer down", it’s our greatest fear,
and once again, I hold back a tear.
They patrol in the state, city, county and town,
in uniforms colored white, green, blue and brown.
The shape of their badges may vary,
but it’s a symbol that they all, proudly carry.
They leave for work with a kiss goodbye,
but some don’t come home, no matter how hard they try.
To uphold the law is the job that they pick,
with such high aspirations, why must some die so quick?
They leave behind loved ones, family and friends,
after their lives have met tragic ends.
Some die in crashes, others hearts not too stout,
to many have been lost when gunshots ring out.
Our Heavenly Father has called them home,
no more these dark streets do they roam.
Through trial and error they have given their best,
please Lord, now grant them eternal rest.
Yet once again the Thin Blue Line is diminished,
an officer’s final tour of duty is finished.
" Officer down", it’s our greatest fear,
and once again I hold back a tear.
God bless you and your family.
Brian Greenenwald
A Friend of PO Michael Gordon
November 20, 2004
Have you been here long enough?
We wonder at God's pace.
Original pretty boy.
We loved your style, heart and
Let us praise your life in the highest.
Legendary smile on your face.
Love cannot describe what your
brothers have for you.
Yet despite all of the sorrow, the
eight guided you through.
Wood, your family was a pillar...
but please, 305, help us all
Out of sight, but never out of
heart, you'll live in eternity.
Ordinary? Never, extraordinary we
all could see.
Dedicated to you, Jonathan E. Walsh.
Love forever, JPD...
Officer's wife
November 7, 2004
Have you been here long enough?
We wonder at God's pace.
Original pretty boy
We loved your smile, heart, and grace
Officer's wife
November 7, 2004
So many you have fought for,
Fought for you that eve,
So many of your loved ones,
Remember you and grieve.
You've shone a light in many lives,
And touched so many hearts,
Been a friend to all you've met,
No matter what their starts.
You've helped so many people,
Been loved by one and all,
Had smiles for all who crossed your path,
Whether role was big or small.
Your life has not been lost in vain,
You're with us in our hearts.
Every smile, touch, and hand we give,
Is one of which you're part.
November 5, 2004
You would be so proud to see how the JPD took care of our family since August 20th. I cannot say enough about your friends on the JPD during that time. They made Lisa and I feel like family even though we have never met them before. I enjoyed hearing Jon stories and I bet they wished they had heard some of ours before all this...
I just started reading this web site last week and it has brought me so much comfort. Sometimes I laugh out loud when I read things like The Afternoon Cowboy Shift, Whatcha Got for me, and You can't stop us, you can only hope to contain us. All these phrases sound like my brother to me and that makes me happy.
Right about now I should be calling to harrass about your Thanksgiving plans or lack of them. I miss that.... I hope your friends at the JPD don't mind if I happen to show up at some of your favorite spots once in awhile.(I will share Jon stories)
Jon I miss you I love you and best of all I will see you again.
Love Debbie
Debbie Stephenson
Jonathan's Sister
October 28, 2004
Everyone grieves differently - know that each reflection left was said with tears and a hearfelt memory of Jon.
Know that your love for Jon is shown in how you LIVE LIFE
Jon is not the first young person to leave this world - and horribly as it sounds - we know he's not the last - & with this horrible knowledge - we know we have to go on - we have to live - but that doesn't make the grief any lighter or easier
We all know we have been blessed to know him - to know his smile - to know that he was genuine in everything he said and did -
With a heavy heart - we all have to accept God's plan - and know that there is a reason and lesson in everything that happens -
Jon was born to be a cop - and we are all so blessed to have been touched by his spirit...can't imagine what a life could have been not knowing him - and that's a special privledge all of us have - and we get to carry that with us forever - and we get to share his memory - share his life - share his spirit and joy with people who never met this wonderful man...that's his legacy - and we are so lucky to be able to share that with others
Jon - watch over us - and give us the stregnth to carry on your memory - to grow and live and yes - even love again - and yes - laugh about how wonderful a memory you gave each and every one of us you touched ...
Jon - please watch over our everyone who serves and protects - our lives are richer and fuller having known you -
You are missed ... more than anyone could ever describe - We are so lucky to have known you -
October 27, 2004
I never knew Jon, but from what I gather he seemed like a wonderful person. I have found that many of these reflections have shown what a great person Jon truly was. It makes me sad when I read some reflections and find they are written just to make that individual feel better about themselves. Let's keep this reflections page as a memorial tribute to Jon. I believe that Jon would want it this way.
October 27, 2004
Jon is very missed by so many people, and I think that the reflection that said that we should all learn fron this tragedy and not reflect solely on the impact of Jon's death, but of the impact of his life was very well written. Jon had so many different and unique relationships with so many different people and touched so many hearts in so many different ways. This page should be a tribute to his life, not a bulletin board to throw daggers at one another. Jon wouldn't want that. For all the ways that he inspired people, for the million different smiles he gave to everyone, there will be a million different ways that his death will be dealt with. I know what kind of person Jon was in my life and the ways I'm inspired by him. The memories I have of our friendship can never be taken away from my heart, and will remain there with me. They're are my memories, and everyone has their own personal special memories of this wonderful man that we are all blessed to have known. I think that it is wonderful that Jon's family is able to see the amount of lives that Jon has touched in one way or another, and my prayers are always with them, they have suffered the greatest loss.
October 27, 2004
I just finished reading your last message to 'Hollywood.' I want you to know that I took a class with him, and he was very much devoted to you. He loved you and don't let anyone take that away from you. The people who say or do mean things to you are nothing more than jealouse and caddy. It is kinda funny, I am not an officer, my husband is and we have been talking about me going and applying to become a deputy. Well, the whole reason I came to this page is I had a dream last night with hollywood in it. He had made refrence to the fact I would be a 'good officer.' Which is why I had to come and read his page again. I know how petty people can be, please don't let them bring you down. I meet Jon a handful of times, but in those few times we talked and he meantioned you. When he brought your name up, his eyes sparkled with love for you. You hang in there, it will be hard, but Jon will guide you through this. Hang in there and ignore all the jealousy of others.
October 26, 2004
Jon- You were a very special person and I am glad that I knew you. I am glad that I could spend time with you, and I am glad that I can have memories with you! You were a very wonderful guy. Whenever I saw you, you had a smile on your face and you were ready for whatever was coming next. But I dont really know what all to write but I wrote a poem when I was thinking of you!
**Rushing immeadiately to your call, thinking nothing would happen. Nothing at all. Not knowing the worst thing was happening to you, hitting that car and into the crane you flew. People tried to help, not knowing what to do, But they were trying their very best to save you. Now you're looking down from Heaven, watching your loved ones 24/7. Knowing you won't see them for a while, you sit and watch with a smile. We miss you so much we don't know what to do. We will have to move on, but we all love you!!***
Jon I miss you and I wish that we would have had more times to spend together. Unfortunately God had different plans for you. But that is okay because I plan to see you again someday! * I love you*
Ashly-Tristen's younger sister
October 25, 2004
I think it is important that we all focus on the wonderful life that Jon lead, and how he affected so many people in the short time he was here with us. Jon had a deep love for so many people, and shared a special bond with a lot of individuals. I do not think we should solely focus on the role that Jon played in our life at the time of his death, but instead let us try to learn from this tragedy and become better people. Everyone knows that Jon was one of a kind and for the 27 years he was around, he played a huge role in many people's lives. He was unlike any other individual, and he shared special memories with a lot of people. He shared many special moments and conversations with many, and he made each person feel like they were the most important individual to him at that moment. When Jon talked to you, it was as if you were the only person in the room with him at that moment. He never took his eyes off of you, and he always listened to every single word you would say. He cared about only YOU at that moment. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone, and loved life. Most of all he loved his friends and the bond that they shared. Let us pray for Jon's family and friends.....that he helps them through this tough time. Let us remember the fun and crazy times we all shared with Jon. Let us treasure the special converstations we shared with Jon. Let us become better and more mature people because of Jon. It does not matter how you knew Jon, or how long you knew Jon, or what type of relationship you had with Jon. Let us just be thankful for the the special moments we shared with him throughout his life. So many people were fortunate enough to have met this outstanding man. All that Jon wants for each and every one of us right now is peace and happiness. Let us find comfort in everything that Officer Walsh shared with this community, and all that he has taught each one of us. We can all become better people because of him.
October 25, 2004
I can't believe it has now been two months since I last saw you. You don't know how much I miss you and love you. Everyday its harder and harder to wake up without you next to me. Every night is harder and harder to fall asleep without you there. I still find myself waiting up for you, or checking my phone to see if you've called. I hate falling asleep because you are always in my dreams and then I wake up expecting to see you, and you're not there. Everyday something reminds me of you, and for just a split second I feel you with me. I know in my heart you are watching over me and trying to help me get through this, but it is so hard without you here. Jon there are so many people that have turned this tragedy into a show to get attention. It really is so sad to see people using your loss to diliberatly hurt other people. I just pray that they find it in their heart to stop. Your parents have been taking such good care of me, hon. They are amazing people. Spending time with them has been so comforting. I see so much of you in them. We all are having a hard time that it is nice to be together and share memories of you. I recently went to your house with them and the three of us stood in the kitchen, held each other and cried. We then sat down and for a few hours we talked about how wonderful you were. Your parents told me so many stories of you growing up, I feel I know you even better now. Your dad has been a pure angel, reminding everyday how much you loved me. He told me something that keeps me going everyday. I never knew that when you went to the baseball game with him that you told him how serious you were about us. I know we had some problems, but you dad said there was no doubt in your mind that we would have been married. When other people try to bring me down, that's all that I keep in my heart. I know how much you loved me, I saw it everyday in your eyes, I felt it everyday when you'd hold me. It's just hard to remember when other people try to make you forget. I wish we would have had more time together, but God had other plans for you. I miss you so much, but it's selfish of me to want you back. I know you are having a way better time in Heaven. Please keep watching over me and your family and friends. You'd be so proud of your guys taking care of me. They have been so great. I know they are experiencing the same pain I am, yet they (Matt, Paul, Kevin) always call to check on me. You were right when you said that policemen had a special bond. For them to even think of me when their pain is just as deep is something that I'll forever be grateful for. Please keep them safe. I love you, hon. Goodbye for now.
Tristen- Jon's girlfriend
October 24, 2004
I miss you more everyday. The memory of you never seems to fade! Thank God for that. I love you and I miss you.
October 16, 2004
I find myself reading your reflections often. You have touched so many people in so many ways. I'm getting ready to go to Paul and Nicoles wedding tonight, I was looking forward to see you there. The race in Joliet was dedicated to you last month and I'm sure something nice will be said about you tonight. I will have a drink in honor. Please, keep watch over me and my girls.
October 16, 2004
"People come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME"
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something that will bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered, and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.
Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons: things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
Hollywood: You were in our lives for a REASON, and many a SEASON. We will never forget your beautiful face and shining smile. Thank you for all the happiness, joy, and selfless acts of kindness you gave to so many. You will never be forgotten!
October 12, 2004