Joliet Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Friday, August 20, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh
April 10, 2005
April 9, 2005
I hope you are enjoying yourself today and not causing too much trouble in Heaven. I thought about you constantly today, remembering last year when you were so excited to open your presents. I will never forget you sitting at the kitchen table with tears in your eyes saying it was your best birthday. It was the first time I had ever seen you get emotional, especially over a card. We then went to a nice dinner, the one and only time you'd ever let me pay. When we came home you gave me the biggest hug ever. I just remember looking right at you and saying that this was the first of many birthdays together and teasing you for being "old". So today, I tried my best not to hold on to the fact that I miss you so much, but to celebrate you and all the memories you have given me. I love you so much. Happy 28th!
April 8, 2005
Happy Birthday, Jon!!!!
April 7, 2005
Happy Birthday Walsh!
We all miss you and love you so much. We are thinking of you today on what would have been your speacial day. I pray that you are getting a chance to celebrate your b-day in Heaven as we will be celebrating you and all you meant to us down here.
Love, MARY
Mary Kroeger
April 7, 2005
Happy birthday Jon! I know that if you were still here with us we would all be celebrating your special day. It is still hard to believe that you are gone. It seems like yesterday that you filled out your deferred comp application to transfer your account over. You joked with me that I better send you a thank you note, and I rolled my eyes. You never received it, but I sent you one the day before you died. I wish I had one last chance to thank you for being such a special part of my life, for making me laugh so hard, and for bringing so many wonderful people into my life. I have gained so many great friendships because of you, and I now know you were brought into my life for a reason. A bunch of us will be heading to DC in May for the Memorial. I am looking forward to it. It is going to be such a wonderful experience, but at the same time it will be a tough few days. I know your spirit will be with us. I miss ya Jon, and I think of you every single day. Please look over all of us as we try to live each day to the fullest - just as you did. I am sure you are celebrating today with a few bacardi o's. Until we meet again-
Jenna Crowther
April 7, 2005
Happy Birthday, I'll always remember this day since it was the day before mine. I think about you all the time and still can't believe you're gone. I always thought that I'd see you again, but knew that wasn't to be after the day I saw your picture in the paper. You had a large impact on my life and I will treasure the brief time we had together.
I am very sorry for all of Jon's family and friends and all who loved him, I lost my Dad two weeks after Jon, on September 11th, so I had a rough couple of weeks. There is no time limit on grief and take strength in the fact that you loved someone so much that it hurts this much when they're gone, no one can take that away from you. Sometimes the more time that goes by just makes it harder because it's just that much more time that you haven't had that person to share your life with and things happen and you don't have that person with you to talk to. I pray for all your friends and loved ones and hope that they can go on and keep your memory alive, I know they will.
Going to your wake so was so hard, I was so awestruck by all your friends and fellow police officers, I had no idea that there would be so many people there. I knew I had to go though, just to have closure and say goodbye.
I love you and thank you for the joy you brought to my life. We will all miss you.
April 7, 2005
Happy 28th Birthday Jon! I am sure you are having a great time celebrating in heaven. We are all thinking about you today.
April 7, 2005
Happy Birthday Jon!
Wish that I could send you a card or give you a call instead...I miss you every day, my friend!
Keep watching over all of us. We still need you so much.
Love you and miss you,
Tiff :)
Tiffany Tapella
April 7, 2005
Been thinkin' bout cha. Yep, you are
still loved and missed. Just what I
thought.. I'll meet ya when I'm changed in the "twinkling of an eye".
"For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in
Christ will rise first. Then, we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus
we shall always be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 Halleluia!!
THAT'S OUR HOPE! May all those
still grieving look to Jesus for His
healing, both physical and spiritual.
God Bless You All!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
April 4, 2005
It has been so long since I last saw those adorable blue eyes. It has been so long since I have felt you next to me. These months have past and I keep thinking that this is a dream and that the pain will go away, but it never does. I miss you so much, it's hard to be here without you. You were my best friend, my soul-mate. This time last year we were enjoying the beaches in Miami and you promised we'd go back this year. I remember teasing with you that we should move to Miami, begging you to try to get a job with the Miami PD. We had so much fun, our first vacation together. I have so many goofy pictures of you on the beach, getting that "hollywood" tan. Who knew that would be our first and last vacation together... I wish I could have really convinced you to move to Miami, maybe then you'd still be here with me. I love you so much. I know you would want me to stay strong. You always said you admired that about me, but it's hard to stay strong when I don't have you as my support. I know you are with me everyday in my heart, and for that I am so thankful. I will never forget all the memories we had together. You will forever be in my heart. I love you so much, Jon. Please keep looking over me and over your family and friends. We still need you.
March 31, 2005
March 27, 2005
Happy Easter Jon. You are still so very missed by everyone. We all love you and know that you are watching over us. You never leave our thoughts.
March 26, 2005
This is not goodbye it's I'll see you later. In thy darkest hour be strong in faith. God Bless
Elburn Police Department
February 21, 2005
I have looked at this site many times, but have not been able to write. You are a great man Jon. I will never forget you. You always had a great big smile on your face, which seemed to make the day go better. We all love you and we know we will see that smile again. You are my brother's well as many others. Take care of him....we know you will. Love Always, Kelly
Sister of Officer Steven McNamara
February 15, 2005
Part of America Died
Somebody killed a policeman today
And a part of America died....
A piece of our country he swore to protect
Will be buried with him at his side.
The sector that he walked was a battlefield, too
Just as if he had gone off to war;
Through the flag of our nation won't fly at half-mast
To his name they will add a gold star.
The suspect that hit him will stand up in court
With counsel demanding his rights,
While a young widowed mother must work for her kids
And spend many long, lonely nights.
Yes, somebody killed a policeman today..
Maybe in your town or mine,
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors
A cop put his life on the line.
Now his ghost walks the sector on a dark city street,
And he stands at each new rookie's side;
He answered the call...of himself gave his all,
And a part of America died...
Author Unknown
Miss you....
Love you....Jazz
Cadet Jasmine Baez
Joliet Police Dept.
February 12, 2005
Jon, Growing up with you in the Chicago Ridge Cadet program, CRPD, and E.M.A. we worked together, hung out together and went to school together. Rest in peace Jon, you will always be a part of us!
Commander Bryan Pudinoff
Chicago Ridge Police EMA
January 6, 2005
Dear Walsh,
Happy New Year! The past month or so has been very tough with all the social events going on. The Jaycees dinner for you, the dedication of the NOPT sculpture, Thanksgiving, the FOP Christmas dance and after party, Christmas and then New Years Eve. I couldn't help but think of you last night. We all went out together again, like last year. It was just as fun but you were of course greatly missed. We all noticed right away in the limo ride that the back window said HOLLYWOOD in big block letters. Just yet another sign that you are with us always. You are missed more than words can ever express. Please continue to be a guardian for the men and women of the department as you have been lately and please continue to show us that you are still a part of everything we do. The little signs mean so much to us all. I love you and I miss you dearly.
Mary Kroeger
January 1, 2005
Dear Jon,
Merry Christmas! I am certain that you gave us all an early Christmas present by keeping all of your brothers and sisters safe this past week. We had a scary moment the other day during a pursuit--someone came across the radio advising there was an officer down. It was on afternoons, and our first thought was of you, and I just know that you were our guardian angel that day. You kept everyone safe, and somehow I can't help but think it was your spirit that gave those injured officers the adrenaline to get out of their wrecked squads and chase down the suspects in true "Hollywood" style.
Jon, I find myself thinking about you a lot lately. I wonder how you are, what you are experiencing up in Heaven. I have to believe that your Heaven must include JPD, because your presence is still felt as strongly as the last day you patrolled our streets. So thank you for being our guardian angel, keeping your brothers and sisters on the street safe, and guiding your girls upstairs as we do our jobs every day.
Love, Theresa
Theresa Saracco PSD II 890
Joliet PD
December 25, 2004
Dear Jon,
I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I guess it's because of the holidays and all of us getting together alot. Schu and I had our pre thanksgiving party and it was weird not having you there. The first time you have to go through the holidays after loosing a loved one is a tough thing to do. My heart aches for your family because I know how hard it is after loosing my brother Patrick. The guys are holding up pretty good as far as I can tell I know you're watching over them after the week they had!!! Continue to watch over and pray for them. You are still an inspiration to us all. You're always on my mind and in my heart. 305....we miss you....
Mary Schu
Mary Schu
December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas Jon. Everyone misses you so much. The holidays won't be the same without you here. Keep watching over us.
December 24, 2004
To Jon's Family and Friends:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope this Holiday Season brings you some peace. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
December 22, 2004
Four months is too long for you to be gone, Jon. It's getting harder for everyone as the holidays approach, even though we know in our hearts that you're here, it's not the same. We miss you.
To Jon's Family,
May you have a Merry Christmas, and may God bless you all. Even when your faith is strong, the holidays are always difficult in the absence of a loved one. Know that Jon will be very alive everwhere this Christmas, as I know that everyone will have a story about Jon to share...there's so many great ones! There may be some tears along with them, but without a doubt those tears will be followed by a laugh or two. He made us smile when he was here, and he continues to do so on a daily basis. I'm sure that Jon is smiling down on all of you and so happy that you are able to see the amount of lives that he touched...though recognition was never his motivation. I hope that you have the best holiday possible, and a wonderful New Year.
Merry Christmas,
Tiffany Tapella
Tiffany Tapella
December 21, 2004
I can’t believe it’s been four months since you’ve been taken from us. I still say taken from us because I still think that you should be here. At work this past week we had our Afternoon Shift Christmas party, it was a great time, except the fact that you weren’t there. We toasted you, said that we know your still up there watching us, but it wasn’t the same. I still find myself, when out with the group expecting to see you walk though that door, late, cursing dispatch for sending you on another late call, but you never show up. I know you are in heaven watching over your guys and girls upstairs, or so you used to say, but we miss you here. I know it is sounds selfish but it’s a fact. So much has been done around town in your memory, it’s a great tribute, but sometimes it hurts to see. You have done a miraculous thing by giving your life and it’s brought everyone closer. I would like to take the time to send you and your families my prayers and wishes to have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season. Keep your watch over us, your friends, your family and your extended JPD Family, we’ll all be thinking of you during this Season. You take care, I’ll see you someday in heaven, but until then I’ll keep you in my heart and prayers and remember the saying,
“13’s takin’ a ride!”
With Love, Kacey
Kacey Chizmark
Joliet Police Department
December 21, 2004
Tomorrow will be 4 months, and what a long four months it has been. There have been numerous times that I have felt your presence. There are so many signs that your spirit is still with us. Over the last few months, many wonderful things have been done in your memory. The memorial dinner, the unveiling of your statue, and the candlelight vigil at the cemetary. Each time I attend something like this I feel pain, but at the same time I am reminded of the wonderful person you were to so many people, and how you inspired so many people's lives. One of the speakers at the candlelight vigil gave such a great talk. He reminded everyone that the lights put up during the holiday season stand for "Hope". As hard as the holidays will be without our loved ones who have passed on, we must look to all of the beautiful holiday lights and have "Hope" that things will get easier. I remember when your dad spoke at one of the memorials he mentioned how you told him: "Pops look at the lights" as your drove over the Joliet bridge. I have lived in Joliet all of my life, and never once have I thought to myself: "Wow look at the lights", as I drove over the bridge. Now, everytime I see the lights of Joliet I will smile, and I will think of you.
Everyone misses you so much Jon. It is tough to be out with all of your buddies, knowing that you are not going to walk through the door. So many times I ask myself: Why Jon? why him?, but I know in my heart that they needed you in heaven. I ask you to lend us your helping hand, and guide us through each day. You will never be forgotten Jon. Thanks for all the wonderful memories! Until we meet again - Jenna
Jenna Crowther
December 19, 2004