Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh

Joliet Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Friday, August 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh

God has called you home. Thank you for all you have done.

S.B.S.D - Calif.

September 4, 2004

Jon was just a sweetheart when I first met him. Every time I saw him, he always seem so happy. He always treated me so special in his own way. My coworkers thought he was gourgeous and wanted to meet him, but never got the chance to. I told them that if they ever met Jon that they would fall in love with him, because of his great ways of just being himself was so incredible! I loved Jon for always being so nice when Alvarez and I were not speaking to each other. He once said to me to just hang in there, that everything would work out fine between us, that he would always be there when I needed to talk. I hardly knew Jon but every time he saw me he was so wonderful to me. I will always remember him as someone who really cared! He really was a great person and always happy as can be! I love you Jon "Hollywood" You"ll always be in my heart! Thank you ever so much for being in my life!

Lucero Del Real
Officer Alvarez 172's Girlfriend

September 4, 2004



September 3, 2004

Rest in peace brother your in a better place

P.O. Suroviak
Downers Grove

September 3, 2004

I seem to keep returning to this page daily to read all of the reflections and memories about you that everyone have left. It's good to see all of the wonderful memories you've left behind. It's so hard for Maryn and I to be away here in San Diego and not able to share this time with everyone to reflect on your life and times with all of us and laugh about all of the good times. After all, you were one of my only connections left to keep me up-to-date on all of the news going on back home! What will I do without you! Sometimes I'm still sure that my phone will ring and I'll pick it up to find you on the other end. You touched so many lives in so many different ways, Jon, I only hope that I can accomplish half of what you have and leave a mark on people's hearts as you did. What an amazing legacy you've left behind. Everyone carries a part of you with them everyday. I'm sure that you can see all of this, and you are smiling. I once told you how much I respected and admired your love for your work and just the all-around person that you were in general...not until now did I fully realize the impact that you had on everyone around you.
The memories will always keep you with us, Jon. Just today, I had to laugh remembering your "Zoolander" poses while I was going through some old pictures with friends! Too funny!!! I've even made it a point to smile at everyone I encountered this week...just like you always did! I even smiled at the customers who didn't tip me for their drinks...and you know how hard that has to be for me! But, it's good to see how contagious and worthwhile a simple smile can be. We all can learn some lessons from you!
It's not going to be easy for anyone to come to terms with losing you...I pray for all of your friends and your family everyday. But, we are all so fortunate to have been included in your life. I'll only ask one thing of over all of us...your family, friends, and all of "your boys" at the JPD. Keep them safe, and bring them home each night. They've got an angel on their shoulders now. You take care of yourself, stay outta trouble, and I'll talk to ya later kid.
Love, Tiff

Tiffany Tapella

September 3, 2004

It took me some time to leave this reflection because it seemed appropriate for me to allow others who knew Officer Walsh better to say their good byes and share their good times. I knew Jon only briefly but he had a profound effect on my life that I didn't truly realize until I heard of his passing. Although I never got to know the fun or playful side that everyone is reflecting on, I did see in him a deep and noble spirit and strong dedication to his job and for the people he worked with as well as the town that he served. My time at the JPD was almost comically short, but after my second day there, it seemed that I would run into him as he was entering and I was leaving each day. He recognized me as a green recruit and took time to ask me questions about my experience and share his own. I have never met anyone who approached their profession with such deft ease, nor who had such a calm demeanor while understanding the true perils that he dealt with daily. He explained his perspective on police work to me, his likes and dislikes, and even offered suggestions for making it a rewarding career. I didn't know the value of those words then, and like so many others, I wish I could hear them again. At the time, law enforcement was a job to me, something that I had pushed for but never truly appreciated. Now that I think back, it is something that grows on you in many ways, particularly by the passion and compassion of fellow officers. Today I look at the world with a renewed confidence in myself and others fueled by the memory of a noble officer who took some time from his busy days to help and support someone that he barely knew. I have learned from other postings here that this was not unusual for Jon, but it certainly seems very special to me. I know that no path is easy and that no job is perfect but I am sure of one supremely important thing. No matter what life throws at any of us, and when logic and training fail, we could all do a great deal worse than to ask ourselves "What would officer Walsh do here?" My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who knew him and loved him, particularly his family and his extended family at the Joliet Police Department.

Nick Forster

September 2, 2004


It took me a while to figure out what to say since it was so heart-wrenching saying good-bye to you.

It was the the night before you left us, to be with God, that I last talked to you down in the "Commons". It was the end of your shift and the beginning of mine. Of course you had one of your "well known" smiles on your face as you said good-bye to me & to have a good night as you left to go home. If I only knew that would be the last time I seen or talked to you, I would of said a lot more to you than, "have a good night."

Now you are in a better place, but we all know that you are watching each and everyone of us at JPD, and we know you have one of your big smiles on your face.

Just know you will always be on our minds, in our hearts, and in our prayers.

Rest in Peace Jon, you will be greatly missed by all of your friends at JPD.


September 2, 2004

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and co-workers of Jon. While I never had the privledge of meeting Jon, I feel as if I worked with him everyday.

Although I am not yet a sworn officer, I hope that someday I will have an impact on a fraction of the amount of lives you did.

"To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord." Rest in peace.

Park Service Officer Justin Gist
Naperville Park District Police

September 2, 2004

You'll never know how much you are really missed and loved by all. I'll miss the lunches, working Evergreen (the foot pursuits), and that "lighten up the room" smile! It's hard to believe you were only with us for three and a half years (it felt like twenty!). Maybe it was fate when Adam's car broke down and we rode together to Springfield for the Law Enforcement Memorial. It's gonna be hard going down next year without you, but I know you will be with us in spirit. Your Dad has been awesome! Without his strength a lot of us would probably not be able to handle this tragic incident. You will always be remembered by everyone at JPD. Love you, God bless you, see you on the other side, and you owe me lunch!

From a fellow FNG!

Pete Van Gessel
Joliet Police Department

September 1, 2004

It has taken me all this time to bring myself to write these words Jonathan; as though if I waited
long enough it would become easier. Or perhaps, meaningful.

Thoughts, emotions, passions, pain and pride have been part of daily experience Jonathan. While I will always feel the void that was opened in life since your death.

What comes to me is that your life was lived to the full and finest. Length of life is a poor measure because it seems to me, it places unreasonable limitations on life. It is not the beginning nor the end that count. Rather, it is what has been accomplished in between.

You have given me a true sense of service, of diaconia. That is really the spirit of a police officer.

From the time you were able to think, you took on becoming a police officer as life’s objective.

The measure of how well you met that challenge was seen at the close of your human life in the
presence of alleged gang-bangers as well as judges, of a family in blue as well as your human
family, in television stories but more so in hand made cardboard signs, all mourning your loss to us but celebrating your life.

In the end what I have come to see is that my fear of being meaningful has already been relieved.

That is because your life was meaningful; and, as a person of God, I know that it continues to be meaningful; not ended, but only changed in a way I cannot explain; yet believe.

Thank you Jonathan for being my nephew, for being the man you were and continue to be and
returning to me the pride in the profession we shared. We both tried to make a difference. You

I love you Jonathan.

Uncle Chuck.

Lieutenant Charles M. Walsh

September 1, 2004

Hey Jon...Wow! What a week 1/2 this has been.
You were truly a GREAT person to have known. Though I didn't get to know you as much as I had wanted, I will never forget the times that we did get to share together. The softball games, parties and the bars were all a blast. That smile of yours could put anyone in a good mood...LOL.
I'll never forget the one serious talk that we did have...about you telling me to follow my dreams...well, this last week 1/2 truly makes one think, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Make my dreams come true.
Jon, I hope that you have a blast up there and I hope that you look down on us from time to time. I know that your family and some dear friends of yours will need it.
Take care "lil' boy" and I can't wait to see ya again.

Love Ya,


Stacy Gayhart

September 1, 2004

On behalf of myself and fellow brothers and sisters of the Port richey Police Department, we wish to extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Officer Walsh. It was wonderful to see that contagious smile of Officer Walsh in his memorial picture. If anything can be learned from these unfortunate circumstances, it will be to cherish each other every minute of everyday. What a wonderful officer, and held in such high regards by his fellow officers, dispatchers, friends and family. Godspeed to Officer Walsh, and many prayers to his loving family and friends.

Tammy Bully-Schuck
Port Richey Police Department

August 31, 2004

I did not know Officer Walsh, but reading all your tributes and memories leaves my heart heavy with sadness. To his family, friends, and Tristen, my thoughts and prayers are with you. To the JPD, you all make us proud. Thank you.

August 31, 2004

To my sweet brother Jon,

I remember when mom and dad brought you home from the hospital. I was almost eleven. It was over our Easter vacation so I could get up in the middle of the night with you and feed you and hold you. I sang to you (off key I’m sure) and smelled the sweet smells of a new baby. Deb and I were so happy to have our own “real” baby to play with.

As years went by, you grew and when you were just twelve, my son Eric was born. You were a great uncle to him and later to the girls. Of course, Eric has always talked about being a police officer like you and Grandpa. Now his determination is even stronger. It’s just in our “Walsh” blood, I guess. The JPD was wonderful for Eric’s 15th birthday last Tuesday. It was incredible to hear 200+ officers sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and we were overwhelmed at the gifts and generosity of the whole department.

I always knew that being an officer, especially at JPD, was important to you and after spending the last week with your “brothers in blue,” I have a whole new respect and understanding for it. I have a new insight to the ties that bind you together. The men and women of JPD did so much for our family. All the men, especially those on the family detail, honored you while they did their jobs. Words cannot express our gratitude. Each day I now pray for the safety of these men while they patrol and keep us safe.

Mom and Dad have been so strong during all of this. We all miss you terribly, but the ‘peace that passes all understanding’ has overcome us all at this time. I have peace. God gave us a great gift when you were born and we are honored to be your family. We love you and know we will see you in Glory!

Lisa Kralik
Sister of Jonathan Walsh

August 31, 2004

Hey brother, Stew here. I didn't even really want to come to this page. Since you left it feels like my heart was ripped out of me. As far as a partner, you were one of the best, as far as a friend, you were the best. Ive cried harder over the past week than I have in my last 30 years. Your loss has brought your family, including Eric, into my life. I am truly blessed for that. I know you are now looking down on us saying "whatcha got for me." It was an honor to know you. So hang tough "COWBOY" you got the title and you earned it....

Special Agent Mike Steurer
Joliet Police

August 30, 2004

Officer Walsh , thanks for your dedication and service. My prayers go out to you, your family, and co-workers at the Joliet Police Department. You are a true hero, God Bless and rest in peace.

Explorer Sgt. Jason Malson
Woodford County Sheriff’s Department, IL

August 30, 2004

you died the same way our brother did in chicago, Now we that theres two of you looking out for us. To the family, we feel your pain, and to you upstairs, see you soon, well keep the watch for you.

p.o. lara

August 30, 2004

Goodbye brother you will be missed. See you again in the last battle, till then rest in peace.

Police Officer Scott Parker
Pelican Bay Police Department, Texas

August 30, 2004

I'll never forget the day that you got my K-9 his biggest marijuana find to date!! I'll never forget the look on your face when you open the suitcase and saw that dope. Your smile that night could have lit up all of Collins St. Godspeed brother and Rest In Peace. You are gone but will not be forgotten.


August 30, 2004

Thank you to the ODMP staff and donors for providing this forum. I did not know Officer Walsh but it is obvious he touched a great many lives.
Rest in peace.

R. McCluskey
Manhattan P.D.

August 30, 2004

You will be missed, but never forgotten. You and Your familey will always be in our prayers. on behalf of my family, god bless you and Rest In Peace my brother.

Jason Camarda #239

Officer Jason D. Camarda #239
Joliet Police Department

August 30, 2004

It is difficult to put into words the severity of what your loss has done to our department. As a dispatcher you feel responsible for getting each and every one of our guys home safe every night, and the fact that we couldn't do that for you that last night breaks my heart. I do take solace in the fact that your brothers and the men from the fire department did more than humanly possible to keep you with us. All I can reason is that God needed you more that we do, though that doesn't seem possible right now. He must have needed one hell of a bodyguard up there because he sure found the best. Who better to pick than superman? And you were that, Jon. I might have gotten a few gray hairs from some of your pursuits, but was nonetheless amazed at how efficent you were at your job, and what joy you took in coming to work every day.
Work aside, I feel most priviledged to have know you outside of work. Never have I seen someone work a crowd better at a bar, or charm so many people simply by being in their presence. After my accident I remember you calling me and telling me you were going to look out for me for your boy while he couldn't and that I could call you for anything I needed. That exemplified your true character. If one of your friends needed you, you were there any time, for whatever they needed.
Jon, I don't know that we can ever truly recover from your loss, but I can say I have never been prouder to work for Joliet PD. To see everyone come together and hold one another up through all of this is a true testament to the impact you have left on everyone who knew you. I will take solace in the fact that we will have a guardian angel watching our backs as we do our job, and I know you will help us get your brothers home safe at the end of the night.
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."

Theresa Saracco PSD II *890
Joliet PD

August 30, 2004

You touched so many people in so many ways. I am glad I was one of them. I will always remember your smile, which you always seemed to wear, and your enthusiasm for life and the job you loved. I will miss hearing you say "13's takin a ride" or "13's goin" when they needed a backup or gave out a hot call. Thanks for all you did
D Meyers #261 and K-9 Astor

patrol officer Dennis Meyers
Joliet Police Dept

August 29, 2004

The legacy left behind by Jon Walsh will always be the way he treated all of us. Jon would always first greet you with a big smile, then he would say "how ya doing", not like a passing greeting, but he really seemed to care how you were doing. Jon was the real deal. You never heard him say anything bad about anyone. His positive attitude seemed to rub off on anyone he came in contact with. He gave us all great joy and happiness in his short life. So lets keep Jon's legacy alive in the way we treat each other. Next time you see someone, smile, say "Hi", ask how their doing (and care how their doing) just like Jon did. These simple things will give us all hope that someday the world will be a better place because Jon's Legacy has become our own legacy. God Bless you all and continue to love one another.

Det. Brian Lewis
Joliet Police Dept.

August 29, 2004

On Behalf of Chief Miller and the Palos Park Police Department, we extend our condolences to the Family of Officer Walsh. Jonathan, rest assured and peacefully that you are in our prayers, and you will NEVER be forgotten. Thank you for your service, dedication, and pride. We know that you will always be by your fellow Police Officer's side, day and night. To the Family of Officer Walsh, you will always have a family at the PPPD. God Bless....

Chief Joe Miller and Fellow Ofc's
Palos Park Police

August 29, 2004

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