Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh

Joliet Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Friday, August 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh

I can not believe next month will be a year. Some days I feel like it was yesterday that we last spoke, but at the same time I feel like you have been gone for an eternity. It was about this time last year that we sat on Humphrey's back porch and drank Corona's. What a comical night....I can't help but laugh when I think about the dilemma we all got into. It sure makes for a great story!
Going to DC for Police Week this past May was such an amazing experience. Seeing your name etched on the wall was heart wrenching, but at the same time it was a reminder of the heroism that you gave and will continue to portray within the Joliet Community.
You are irreplacable Jon, and I am so thankful to have been a part of your life. You taught me to live life to the fullest, laugh tons, and not worry so much about the little things. I continue to try and remind myself of these things everyday. I only wish I could thank you one last time for your kindness. I will forever hold you close to my heart Hollywood!
Miss you...

Jenna Crowther

July 19, 2005

I came across this quote in a newspaper article today. I struck me and reminded me of you and I came to this site to post it. It was from a fireman who was later killed at the world trade center, but I think the sentiment is right on.

"When you have a department whose men and women are expected to be ready at any moment to put their lives on the line, and go to the aid of a stranger — even when it means that you may put yourself in dire peril — I don't think that you could pay people to do that job. There has to be something beyond money that makes them do that.

"The whole department exists for one reason — the whole department exists simply to serve the people of the city."

Keep looking over all of us Jon.


July 13, 2005

Fourth of would have had a great time. Wish you were still here.

July 6, 2005

Weep Not For Me

For I Have Seen

The streets of Gold

and grass so green

Here the sun shines so strong

And the clouds so few

For what I've seen

I wish you knew

I am with you

My Brothers and Sisters in Blue

So be Kind, loving, and strong

And keep always true

Here I'll be forever more

Amongst the clouds

I've past through Heavens door

My friends and loved ones

Please understand

I am next to GOD

In his Promised Land...


July 5, 2005

Happy 4th of July Jon! I miss you.....

July 4, 2005

A note to let you know that you continue to be kept in my thoughts and prayers. I know that it is a lonely road without Jon. I have now walked the lonely road without Josh for a little over a year now, so I understand the pain you bear. Just know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm here for you always.


Kelly Gillain
Josh's Kelly

June 21, 2005

"Mourning is not forgetting... It is an undoing. Every minute tie has to be untied and something permanent and valuable recovered and assimilated from the dust."

~Margery Allingham

June 12, 2005

Well, the 2005 Memorial in Washington D.C. is over and with it I now have lots of memories and friends. It's strange, but now that things have slowed down a bit, I think about Jon even more. I had a dream about him last night and today I came across a card he sent me several years ago for Valentine's Day. I laughed out loud when I read it. Jon had just moved into his first apartment and he told me to stop by the "bachelor pad." He also joked around and said I should bring a gun for protection. As you might have guessed, the neighborhood was a bit rough!!

I miss my brother, but I am comforted by my faith in Christ.

Lisa Kralik
Sister of Jonathan Walsh

June 11, 2005

I saw your name on The Wall this year and it made me very sad. Although I did not have the wonderful joy to know you in this life, I have learned a little bit about you through your Tristen. I still think about how ironic it was that you went to my husband's funeral in December 2003. We are approaching the year and a half marker, and still not a day goes by that my heart doesn't ache for what our lives were to be, and what they will now, never be.
Thank you for your recent post on Bryan's site. I also think of you often and I truly hope that you are gaining a new hope and lots of love and support through the Significant Others group. I have met a lot of the women that make up that group, and you are all strong, beautiful women. I am praying for you as you and Jon's family approach Jon's EOW year marker. I will never tell anyone it will get easier, but please know you can call or email me anytime. (Those in the Significant Others group have my info.)
Thinking of you,

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

June 6, 2005

Today is Memorial Day and I join the rest of the country in remembering our hero's. Webster's dictionary defines hero as "brave, noble person, esp. a man". I believe that to be the perfect definition of you and the way you lived your life. You proved that by making the ultimate sacrafice a man could make. I think of you everday and I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity of knowing you. God bless you, your family, your family at JPD, and God bless America. I miss you 305!

Forever in my heart,
Mary Schu

Mary Schu

May 30, 2005

It was great to see all of the members of your family and your extended Police family that attended the Memorial in Washington DC. You truly touched alot of people and it was shown by their love and support of you at all of the memorials. Your family may have lost you, but I hope they have found alot of people that they can turn to if they need anything.

May 20, 2005

I love and miss you so much. Thanks for all the wonderful memories.

May 20, 2005

This last month has been so hard. I have had the chance to meet some amazing girls who, like me, are grieving the loss of someone special to their heart. I miss you everyday, and everyday I am reminded of little things you would do. I was flipping through the TV the other night and caught the beginning to you favorite show, The Shield. Immediately, I laughed remembering how when the music played, you'd dance around the room and everytime, I would laugh at you. It's starting to get so nice outside. I'll miss walking to Oberweis to get your mint chocolate icecream, or staying forever in Blockbuster trying to find a movie we both liked. Everytime we walked by "Monster" you'd always say, "that's what tristen looks like when she gets up in the morning" and everytime I'd roll my eyes at you. I miss all of time we'd cook out on the grill when you'd make me your awesome steaks, and when we'd lay in the sun listening to your "dance" music on TV. There are so many wonderful memories of you that keep me going. This summer is going to be so hard and so lonely. I know that you would want me to move on, and not be sad because you loved me, but I can not even bear the thought of being with anyone but you. My heart is still broken and until it is healed, I will continue to rely on my faith in God and the support of my friends to keep me going. Please continue to watch over all of us, as we are all still missing you so much. I love you!!

Jon's girlfriend

May 18, 2005

These past few weeks have been so overwhelming with all the memorials. I continue to pray everynight for all of your family and friends, as this must have been yet another difficult week for them. May God find his way into the hearts of the people who keep causing pain. Jon, let us look at your life as an example as you accepted Christ as a little boy. Help those who keep intentionally hurting those you loved. You would be more "impressed" by us following your example and living by Christ's word EVERYDAY, rather than just in front of a crowd. You would have been so amazed by how many of your family and friends traveled across the country to honor you. Those who were not there physically, were there emotionally, and spiritually. Jon, you have touched so many lives, whether we knew you a month, or a lifetime. Your spirit will continue live in all of us. It doesn't take courage or faith to write hurtful messages, especially anonymously. Any coward can do that. It does take a true good person to follow God's word and be the best that we can be EVERYDAY, not just in front of family and friends. I know you would not want us to be sad, but rejoice knowing you are in the Kingdom of God now. Please help the others to realize that the only person they are hurting are themselves. May God Bless them and all of your family and friends.

May 18, 2005

we all love and miss you so much! May God hold you in the palm of his hand always....

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me...

When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see

If the sun should rise and find your eyes filled with tears for me

I wish so much you would not cry the way you did today

While thinking of the many things we did not get to say

I know how much you love me, as much as I love you

And each time that you think of me, please try to understand

That an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand

And said my place was ready, in Heaven far above

And that I would have to leave behind all those I dearly love

But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye

For all my life, I had always thought, I did not want to die

I had so much to live for, so much left to do

It seemed almost impossible, that I was leaving you

I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad

I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had

If I could relive yesterday, just even for awhile

I would say good-bye and kiss you, and maybe see you smile

But then I fully realized that this could never be

For emptiness and memories would take the place of me

And then I thought of wordly things I may miss come tomorrow

I thought of you, and when I did, my head was filled with sorrow

But when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home

When God looked down and smiled at me from his great golden throne

He said this is eternity, and all I have promised you

Today your life on Earth is past, but here is where life starts anew

I can promise you no tomorrow, but today will always last

And since each day is the same way there is no longing for the past

You have been so faithful, so trusting, and so true

Though there some time you did some things you knew you shouldn't do

But you have been forgiven and now you are free

So won't you take my hand and share my life with me?

So when tomorrow starts without me, do not think we are far apart

For each time that you think of me, I am right here in you heart

officers wife
joliet police

May 18, 2005

You were thought about at Police Week by me and the other girls. I continue to pray for you, as your heart heals. Continue to reflect back on all your memories with Jon. I'm sending you a hug. :0) ~Kelly~


May 18, 2005

To the Walsh Family,
Although we have never met, my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers go out to you. I attended the ceremonies in Washington D.C. this past week and the outpouring of support for our fallen officers was overwhelming to say the least. As a survivor myself, I find strength in it as I hope your family does as well.

To Tristen,
I too am the "significant other" left behind. I am glad that you have found the strength to move on and find a new relationship. Having never met Jon, I can tell from all the reflections, he has influenced all those around him. Your new found mate seems to have very big shoes to fill. I pray he can support you in your time of need. Unlike you, I have not found the courage to forge into something new. Although it has been three long years, my heart still breaks just thinking about it. But maybe now you have given me hope that I too can move on one day.

Prayers and blessings with you all.

May 18, 2005

To Jon's Family -
We pray that you continue to find the strength and courage you need to face every new day. Know that Jon is in a happier place watching over and protecting all of you. Our prayers are with you.

To Tristen-
We are sorry you were unable to be at any of the three memorials honoring Jon. Know that those that truly loved him came from all over to support his family and friends during what was a very difficult time. Jon would have been truly empressed. We pray that you can find the strength you need in your new found relationship and may he help you through what must be a very difficult time for you. May God Bless you.

May 16, 2005

To.Mr & Mrs Walsh,
I was truly honored that you accepted the Police Unity Tour medal . His greatest sacrifice has not gone unnoticed,and will always be remembered.

P.O.James P Lisi#2794
Jersey City Police Dept.
Jersey City,NJ 07307

James P Lisi
jersey city police dept.

May 15, 2005

Jon, Thank you for the legacy you left behind. That is our love for one another. In reading these reflections, there seems to be a common theme, that bond that draws us all closer together. We are now celebrating and remembering your life in ceremonies in Joliet, Springfield and Washington. Your name placed on a wall for all to honor. Your name written there because of your sacrifice. That sacrifice the day you gave your life in service to your fellow man. I rejoice in knowing that your name is written in another place, The Lamb's book of Life, the place your name was written the day you accepted Christ into your life. Just as you gave your life in service, Jesus Christ gave his life so that anyone who believed in him and accepted his sacrifice on the cross, his death for our sins, would have their names written in the Lamb's book of life and would spend eternity in heaven enjoying Gods glory. A Glory that the bible tells us is so great that our earthly minds can not comprehend, a joy unspeakable. May others come to know Jesus Christ like you did, so that many more names will be added to his book of life.

Brian Lewis
Joliet Police Dept.

May 15, 2005

The time is quickly approaching for us honor you at the National Memorial in Washington. It is a bittersweet moment for me...actually, for all of us I am sure. I am filled with excitement to see our nation's capitol and the surrounding sites but I find myself feeling a bit hesitant and worried that I am not prepared for the breakdown of our/your extended police family and friends that we are all going to experience over the upcoming weekend. There isn’t a work event, a party, a night out with friends or even a day at work that passes without you in my thoughts. I am extremely proud and honored to experience this upcoming memorial with the JPD Family. We will think about you constantly and think about how different the experience would be if you were there with us. We’ll make you proud while at the memorial and I know you will be standing side by side with all of us this week…just as you have been everyday since you’ve been gone. Jon, please give us all the strength to make it through this weekend…it’ll be greatly needed.

Kacey Chizmark
Joliet Police Department

May 10, 2005

Officer Walsh,
I chanced to be in the area this past weekend to see your name at the National Law Enforcement Memorial. I was in town and I knew that the memorial was something I had to see. I put it off until the last day but I swallowed the lump in my throat and went. They were still engraving names when I got there, too many names. You were already up so I am fortunate that I got to pay my respect there. Meeting with the visitors and stewards of the memorial gave me a great sense of peace. It would be nice to try and get another quick jab of encouragement from you but a small bundle of roses and a prayer was the best communication I could come up with.

In a few weeks your close friends and family will come there to commemorate your life and sacrifice. With them will come many others who you never met but still think the world of you. When those days come I hope that your spirit spends some time there. I am sure that you will find yourself in good company.

I hope that all who read this who knew or were close to Jon are able to attend the memorial at some point and get the solace that I was able to. Nothing can take the pain of losing a young life, but being able to see for yourself that it was not lost in vain is worth a thousand tears.

Nick Forster

May 4, 2005

Jon -
Please watch over your buddies as they head to Springfield this afternoon. The last time we spoke, you told me that not many people understood the bond that was shared between police officers, and at times this really bothered you. You told me that they were your extended family, and you could not imagine your life without them. My heart sinks every time I play this conversation back in my head. I knew how much you loved your friends, and that was one of the many things I respected about you.
You brought so many smiles into my life Jon, and you continue to do so every day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, and for introducing me to your extended family, and your sisters......they are great women and so much fun! We will all be together in DC honoring and celebrating you, and all the other officers who gave their life for others. Please stay close as many of us struggle to get through these next few weeks. Miss you - Jenna

Jenna Crowther

May 4, 2005

I leave for Sprinfield Illinois in the morning and while I am excited to attend this memorial, I have a knot in my stomach. It's hard to know that the emotions will be intense and sad, but yet all part of the grief process. I know you experience it too.

Please know that while my family's last name is Walsh and we are recognized during these memorials, you're feelings and love for Jon are just as important. I'm proud to stand next to you celebrating Jon's life and his service to the people of Joliet.

Much love,

Lisa Kralik

Lisa Kralik
Jon's sister

May 3, 2005

Dearest Walsh Family: Thank you for raising such a fine man. He was an asset to the Joliet Community and is greatly missed by many. Your Family and all of Jon's fellow officer's will be in our thoughts and prayers the next few weeks as you attend the Police Memorials. God Bless.

Joliet, IL

May 3, 2005

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