Joliet Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Friday, August 20, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jonathan Edward Walsh
Heppy Birthday Jon! We all love and miss you so much. May God be with your family today and always. Watch over the other officers and keep them safe. Rest in peace always.
officers wife
April 7, 2006
Happy birthday Hollywood!!! We will all be together tonite and toast your life. I miss you and think of you all the time. God bless you Jon and your family. Forever in my heart....
Mary Schu
Joliet PD
April 7, 2006
I wanted to say Happy Birthday to you. We went to Double J's last night and saw that they have put up a license plate that was in memory of you up near your picture. At first when I came in, I didn't see your picture and was upset and then saw that they had moved it to make a corner just for you. Although oyu never seemed like a "corner" person, always the cneter of attention. Remembering you!
girlfriend of a jpd officer
April 6, 2006
In loving memory of P.O. Jonathan Walsh: When I first looked at your
picture I couldn't stand it. It is so hard to read about any l.e.o. losing his life, but the young ones just send me over the top. You are the age of my daughter. I couldn't even begin to put down my thoughts in writing until I had some indication that you were a follower of Christ while on earth so that you can be with Him for eternity. Now that I have that assurance, I can cope with your destiny. According to these reflections, you knew Jesus personally and that blesses me greatly as I know I will meet you face to face one day and be able to
thank you for your sacrifice. There is none greater than Jesus Christ, our
Lord and Savior. We don't get to Heaven based on what we do, but by the sacrifice He made on the cross for our sins. AMEN! Thank you for your fine example to those that worked with you and knew you. There is now a huge void that cannot be filled, but as you are remembered, thoughts will turn to
your exemplary life and we will be filled with pride and respect and love
for the man you became. You were a wonderful testimony to the Lord you
served. God be with all those who mourn and may His promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come. I am reaching thru this computer and giving a big HUG to your family, both at home and
at work. I wish I could erase your pain, but it is God-size and He's
the only One up to the task. God sure
did make you pretty and you are one
of the few that I can't get off my mind.
Time has not diminished your
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
April 6, 2006
I recently went to D.C., for a work related conference. While I was there, I viewed your name on "The Wall" and reflected. I am still grieving but rejoice with having known you...
Joliet P.D.
April 4, 2006
It's been a while since you left us. Still miss all the fun we had (especially at the "Green"). Just wanted to say an early happy b-day. Found it a little eerie that your birthday falls on the same day as JPD's first fallen brother, Sgt. Walter Weiss (EOW 04-07-24). I was looking over the reflections of JPD's past heros. I'm guilty of not leaving reflections to the other officers and everyone needs to remember to help fill their files also. JPD lost two heros in April, Sgt. Weiss and Det. William Loschider (EOW 04-02-70). Jon was a big supporter of going to fallen officers funerals and memorials. He would have wanted JPD's heros remembered. God bless you Jon and look out for us!
Officer Pete Van Gessel #114
Joliet Police Department
April 1, 2006
I will never ever forget you. Though I have tried my best to move forward, I think of you every single day. There are many ways in which people have kept your memory alive, and those that knew you best know you will never be forgotten.
This page is a way for some to express how they felt about you and how you touched their lives, but this page is not the true way of keeping your memory alive. Instead it is in the way you taught us to live our lives as caring & honorable individuals & to love our friends & families to the fullest. It is in the way all of your fellow officers wear their uniforms with pride every single day. It is in the way we laugh when we think of funny "Walsh" stories from the past. You are a LEGACY Jon and will never ever be forgotten!
March 23, 2006
If it's true that Angels can see us and hear us, then Jon knows that we have not forgotten him. I cannot believe how this loss has affected me, even though I know that he is in a better place. When I'm alone, usually on my way to work, is when it's the worst. Where no one can see my tears or ask what's wrong. I don't have people in my life that knew Jon and what a great guy he was, people I can share my feelings with. I only met some of Jon's friends when we were together and never met his family, so I was never close to them to share this grief. If the brief time that we had together has marked MY life so profoundly then I know that for those of you who knew him much longer, it is even harder. I will never forget Jon and what he meant to me.
March 22, 2006
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and that amazing smile you had on your face constantly. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Your brothers and sisters in blue consider it an honor to wear the same uniform you did. You were an amazing police officer dedicated to your community, your family, and your friends. Everyone who knew you fell in love with those blue eyes and that amazing smile. Keep watching over us! We love and miss you, Walsh. 305 will never be forgotten.
March 21, 2006
Its so sad to see the reflections slowing down on this site. No officer that has layed his life down should go one day without a thought. I know that people go on with their lives and as time passes and people tend to forget but as a leo wife I would hate to see that my husbands sacrifice would be forgotten in two years! John, you are not forgotten!!!
March 21, 2006
We love you Jon, you are missed and loved by us all. There is not a day that passes that I am not thinking of you. Rest in peace and know that you are a man of honor always.
officers wife
joliet police department
February 14, 2006
Officer Walsh,
I feel remiss that it has been so long since I last posted here. I have read the many posts since and they still touch and inspire me. More importantly though, I finally got through my path to becoming a Police Officer. I had the privilege of going to the same Academy as you and got to meet some people there that knew you.
I can't say it in person so I might as well say it here; Thank You for being a guiding light to follow. I can't imagine my life any other way than wearing the badge. Without meeting you and learning from you, I would never have had the courage or the stamina to make it through. For me you are a hero and you will always have a special place. I know I will have to get in line behind many others to pay tribute to what your spirit and compassion meant to me but that makes it all the more worthwhile.
Continue to rest in peace and look over all of your brothers and sisters in blue.
Ofc. Nicholas Forster #702
Shorewood Police Department
February 12, 2006
Thinking of you Jon and missing you so so much!
January 19, 2006
Jon...I miss you soo much, and I know that Tristen does to. The holidays were very rough but thank you for getting everyone through them. I often find times when Tristen and I talk about things you used to do and it makes me upset that you had to leave us so soon. I know that we would have had many fun filled years, but I just wanted to say thanks for everything. Keep everyone strong this year. Thanks.
Love ya! -Ashly
Ashly (Tristen's sister)
January 14, 2006
The holidays have come and gone. And they were no easier for anyone than last year. I came to visit your grave, it seems as though you have a lot of visitors, and that made me happy. I get the feeling that losing you will never get easier, we will all just learn how to deal in our own ways. Someone told me that once when my father passed....and they were right. I wanted to tell you so badly about school. You always pushed me to go back. I always joked with you that I'd for sure get straight A's. I did. I still don't know how. But telling you at your grave somehow wasn't enough. I needed a "good job, kid" from my friend.
I miss you everyday and wish all the time that I had five more minutes to tell you goodbye. But no one could have anticipated what would happen. I know that you are still around though, and am grateful for the many ways that you are watching over everyone. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, and being such a pillar of support. I wish I could tell you how much you still are.
January 13, 2006
Hey Jon
Happy New Year. I think about you every day. The trial is over and as usual the Justice System didnt give any justice.
Billy is getting a tatoo of your star. Becca wrote a paper in school about your loss to us and to everyone who had ever met you. Take care of your Pops. Love Uncle Bill
Uncle Bill
Worth PD (retired)
January 12, 2006
Thank you for helping me through the holidays. It was so hard without you, but I could feel with me the whole time. Thank you for continuing to look out for me and keep me strong. I often see you in my dreams. It always feels so real, and then I wake up and you're not here. I miss and love you so much... forever yours
January 10, 2006
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them. Missing You!
Asian Lisa
January 6, 2006
Why is it every time we talk about you, someone laughs and shakes their head, then starts a story 'remember the time....' We still laugh about you, we definitely still cry about you, but most of all we remember you. I just had one of those moments, remembering one of the many hilarious things you did. You can still make me laugh after all this time. I know you already know this, but I think about you all the time, it reminds me to be a better person.
Please keep watching over your 'brothers and sisters', you've done some incredible work protecting them since you've been gone.
Dad Walsh, Mom Walsh, Lisa, and Deb-you are in my thoughts and prayers always.
January 4, 2006
Dear Jon,
Today is my 40th birthday and how I wish you were here to help me celebrate. I know you would've been kidding with me all day about it!!! You would've come up to radio and jacked around with me and I know I could never be mad at you because you would've just had to look and smile at me and all would've been forgotten!!! The party is on Saturday and I'll be thinking of you and wishing you there. I'll have a drink for you or maybe a couple!! You would be proud of Schu, he's been so sweet to me all day, even though he's married to an old lady now!!! As always,my friend, forever in my heart.....I miss you 305!!!!
Mary Schu PSDII
January 3, 2006
The start of the new year is just not the same without you. Please continue to watch over you brothers and sisters in blue who miss you so much. You will always be an example to all of us. God bless you Hollywood and your family. As always, forever in my heart.....miss you 305!!!
Mary Schu PSDII
Joliet PD
January 1, 2006
Merry Christmas to you Jon. You are in our thoughts daily, may God bless your family! You will always be remembered, Rest in Peace....
December 30, 2005
Merry Christmas Jonathan. I heard about how the trial ended, it really disturbed me how the individual responsible for all the pain your family has suffered received a slap on the wrist. Please keep watch over your loved ones.
Bob Gordon, father of
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas Jonathan. I heard about how the trial ended, it really disturbed me how the individual responsible for all the pain your family has suffered received a slap on the wrist. Please keep watch over your loved ones.
Bob Gordon, father of
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
December 25, 2005
Merry christmas Hollywood!! Thinking of today and always. God bless you and your family. As always, forever in my heart.
Mary Schu PSDII
December 25, 2005