Hendry County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brian Andrew Haas
Dear Brian, Our son Josh Died 10 days after you. Similar cases. I have met your parents through C.O.P.S. as you already know they are wonderful people. I wanted to share with you we finally had the wonderful experience of becoming grandparents. Our little Jaina has the same birth date as you. How special is that? Send your parents a hug. God Bless Jean Blyler
Jean Blyler
April 28, 2010
Hey Brian.....It's alot to take in, that it has been so long....We celebrated your birthday, as you know....and honored you yesterday...Thinking of you (always)- I know you are close, because I feel your love when I'm talking with other Officers and their families who had loses....Thank you for giving me strength! You are so loved and with the angels.....I wear my wings for you! Stay close - I'm loving you! Aunt Trisha
Aunt Trish
Aunt & Uncle
April 25, 2010
Brian, It's hard to believe six years have gone by since we've seen you. Please look after your family. We love and miss you so very much. Love Always, Aunt Bonnie
Bonnie Cannedy
April 24, 2010
It's hard to believe it's been six years since we've seen your smiling face. I still remember like it was yesterday. Watch over your Mom and Dad today. They love you so. You were and still are a son to be proud of.
Kathie Bergquist
April 23, 2010
It's hard to believe that last hug and "Love you Mom", was six years ago. It feels like yesterday. Dad and I miss you so much.
Love, Mom
Norie Haas
April 23, 2010
As I begin, it is 10:09 PM, and exactly 27 years ago you were born. Dad and I were determined to make today a happy one, a day to celebrate the short time we had together. I can't say we were entirely successful, as the thought of not having you here to celebrate more then twenty-one birthdays with your family is very sad. It also was a day to wonder where you would be, what you would be doing, and what you would look like had your life not been taken so young. Dad had to fly tonight, so instead of having a big "birthday" dinner in your honor, I made some pancakes. When you and Amanda were little, you both liked the occasional nights that we had breakfast for dinner. It was even better when you could talk me into making pancakes. With that memory in mind, I ate way too many pancakes, (swimming in syrup), and washed it all down with a big glass of milk.
Your best friend, Doug, got married last month. Dad and I, Manda, Mike, and Kaitlyn all flew to Texas for the wedding. It was very emotional. There were over a dozen Groomsmen and Ushers, but the Best MAn was there only in spirit. That's because you were the Honorary Best Man. There was a picture of you at the church and your name was in the program. It meant so much to us that Doug included you in his wedding. While we were in Texas, we went by the old neighborhood, the school, and even the community pool where you and Amanda spent so much time on the swim team. There are so many good meories from the years we lived in Texas.
Back in Florida, Dad and I attended graduation at the Academy. One of the C.O.'s from H.C.S.O. attended the crossover on scholarship from your Memorial Trust. He got an award for the highest GPA in his class. We were very proud that we had been able to help him attend school. The ceremony brought back memories of your graduations, and reminded us of how proud we were when you got the Top Gun in your class. We also got to see many of your friends at the graduation.
Six years ago, on your 21st birthday, you worked a 6:00PM - 6:00 AM shift. How I wish we had a big celebration that year, but you didn't want one. I made a cake for you, and most of your presents were either law enforcement gear, or something for the new house you were waiting to close on. How drastically everything changed a few weeks later.
Happy Birthday my precious son. I love you and miss you terribly.
Norie Haas
March 3, 2010
Happy Birthday. It's hard to believe you would have been 27 today. I often wonder what your life would have been like if you were still alive. I know you would have done great things and accomplished much. A coworker of mine son died in a car accident today on your birhtday. My heart just breaks for the heartache that family is going through. Please look after him. We love and miss you so very much. Aunt Boniie
Bonnie Cannedy
March 3, 2010
Happy Birthday partner, I miss you so much. So many things have changed, but no matter what I think of you every single day! I wish I would have taken that call.
Love, Your partner T. Arnold
Tiffany Arnold
March 3, 2010
It's hard to believe this was our sixth Christmas without you. Though we've come a long way from those first couple of very painful holidays, your absence still brings much heart ache. How we wish you were with us as we shared Christmas with Amanda and her family. One of Kaitlyn's presents was a handmade wooden toy of yours, saved all these years for the children you never had a chance to father. Kaitlyn would have loved her Uncle Brian so much, just as you would have loved her.
It is New Years Eve, always a good time for reflection. So much has happened since April 24, 2004. Many of the amazing events in our lives are bittersweet, tinged with saddness that you are not here to share them with your family.
Though we cannot be together, you will always be loved and forever missed. We are proud of you, our son.
Mom and Dad
Norie and Bob Haas
December 31, 2009
Today is Thanksgiving, and we truly have many things to be thankful for. At the top of the list is the twenty-one years we had you in our lives, and Amanda and her precious family.
You will always be loved, forever missed, and never forgotten.
Mom and Dad
Norie Haas
November 26, 2009
I wanted to stop by and thank you for your service and a job well done. Even though it seems so unfair to us left behind, I can not think of a more honorable way to leave this earth than to lay your life down trying to save others. My Brian and you had a lot in common and when I asked him why he wanted to be a Military Police Officer he said he wanted to make a difference in this world and to help others. I believe in my heart that it is a special calling on someone's life to be a policeman. Most people are not willing to do with what that job calls for and are not willing to give their own life up, if needed, for someone they do not even know. Thanks to your mother's kind words left on my son's page, I now know about you. We will keep your family in our prayers for we know how much of a struggle each day brings without our child and our life on earth. I try to remember that our children are still very close to us, in fact, just one breath away.
Tammy Persin
Mother of fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000
August 10, 2009
Your dive boots, (still kept in one of the boat compartments, just because), came in handy yesterday afternoon. Dad and I ran aground off of Chokoloskee trying to out run a big storm. It took both of us out of the boat pushing, to get off the sandbar. Though your boots were quite a bit too big, I was very glad to have them.
Dad and I miss you so much. It just doesn't make sense; you were so young and had so much life left to live.
Love, MOM
Norie Haas
July 30, 2009
Rest in peace brother, may god bless your friends and family.
A hero is never forgotten...
Deputy Sheriff
Glades County
July 10, 2009
We had a big family get together in South Carolina last week. You and Nonnie were dearly missed. Dad spent some time fishing with your cousin, Spencer. Except for the blonde hair, he reminds me so much of you at his age.
Kaitlyn met her uncle, aunts, and cousins for the first time. I have already begun to talk to her about you, her Uncle Brian. You will never be forgotten.
Love, MOM
Norie Haas
July 7, 2009
Dad and I spent yesterday fishing down in 10,000 Islands. It's not the same, nor will it ever be the same without you there. Dad always wears your sight fishing glasses, and I can see the sadness in his eyes everytime he pulls them out to put them on. There are many good memories from camping and fishing trips our family took down there, but it is so sad that you, who loved it so much, can no longer enjoy being there with us. I spent the entire day reliving those precious memories. I miss you so much.
Love, MOM
Norie Haas
June 10, 2009
My thoughts are with all of your love ones. I know the daily struggle they face every day without your presence. The first thought of every day when they awake each morning is of you and the last thought every night before they drift off to sleep is of you. You will never be forgotten. Continue to watch over all of them.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 26, 2009
Thinking of your loved ones today and everyday. I know the daily struggles they face without you and the terrible pain within their hearts. God, wrap your loving arms around them and help them with their grief and let them feel your presence.
Your sacrifice has not been forgotten.
Brenda Lucas
Mother of Chief Anthony D. Lucas, EOW 2-4-2005
April 24, 2009
Brian, Tomorrow is five years since you left us so suddenly. We miss you so much and think of you every day. In a few months I will get to meet your niece for the first time. It is so sad that you will never get to be an uncle to Kaitlyn. I know you would have been a great one. Please watch over your family especially around this time of year. We love you and miss you so very much. Love Always, Aunt Bonnie
Bonnie Cannedy
April 23, 2009
I woke up this morning with a heavy heart, and all day my eyes have been on the verge of spilling tears. Early this evening it will be exactly five years ago that Dad and I said goodbye to you for the last time. You climbed in your squad car and began your 6PM-6AM shift. Less then four hours into tomorrow you were gone.
Most of the time I can smile at the good memories of the twenty one years you were with us. I try not to focus on the horrific early morning hours of April 24, 2004, and the week that followed. Today, the horrible picture I have in my mind; all of your things strewn in the median and your body broken and bleeding on the ground, will not go away.
Five years is such a long time to be apart from someone you love. There are still days that Dad and I do not know how we have survived this long. We will miss and love you forever.
Love, MOM
Norie Haas
April 23, 2009
Brian, Happy Birthday. It's hard to believe you would be 26 years old today. We think about you every day. Please watch over your family. It's so unfair that they can't celebrate with you today. We love you and miss you. Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, and Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
March 3, 2009
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy 26th Birthday.
Norie and Bob we are thinking of you, and here if you just need to talk...
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville P.D. E.O.W. 1-14-04
March 3, 2009
Tomorrow we should be celebrating your 26th birthday, the same age Dad was when you were born. Since your death, I always have so many conflicting feelings about your birthday. The day you were born, March 3, 1983, was one of the best days of my life, a day that should always be celebrated. Yet, it is so sad that there will never be any more birthdays to celebrate with you. It is also a reminder of how short your life on earth was.
The best I can do is smile at the memories of the twenty-one years we had, and cry from the hearthache of missing you more then I ever could have imagined.
Love, MOM
Norie Haas
March 2, 2009
Hey brother, well as you know we lost another one this morning. I am sure that you and Sgt. Horne are already having a great time. Watch over us as we carry out your dreams. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
D/S J. Woods
Hendry County Sheriff's Office
January 27, 2009
I know your mom and dad. Your mom didn't even know me and got me the greatest gift ever-she done an etching of my dad's name off of the wall in Washinghton. I wish I could have met you just so you know your parents are awesome people.
Tiffany Carpenter
daughter of Oscar Carpenter
December 29, 2008
Brian, Another Christmas has arrived without you here. I still remember the last Christmas we celebrated together. I still have the picture your dad took of all of us. I look at it every day with fond memories. Please watch over your family and fellow officers. Merry Christmas! Love you always. Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, and Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
December 25, 2008