New Jersey State Police, New Jersey
End of Watch Thursday, February 5, 2004
Reflections for Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III
Happy Fathers Day honey! Jayda sends you hugs and kisses all the way to heaven. You were such a good "daddy" to her in the short time you had her, only 4 weeks. The last time you saw her she was so tiny. But you loved her and always said she was our baby. I know you see her and are watching her. She was the best gift I have ever gotten. She and I both love you alot and miss you so much. I know that you and your dad are spending this fathers day together. Just know that we are thinking about you down here every single day and not a day goes by that we dont talk about you or miss you like crazy.
Love your wife,
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 02-05-05
June 19, 2005
We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
We thought of you yesterday, and days before that, too.
We think of you in silence, we speak your name with pride, and we relive our memories of living side by side.
Your memory is our keepsake with which we will never part.
God has you in his keeping-- we have you in our heart.
June 18, 2005
Denise- girl where do I start. I meet you at a very sad time in your life. Things happen and we are not to sure why but I am so very proud of you as a person and as a friend. I can only wonder what my dad and Bert have to say about our friendship. As they take care of each other we do the same. You are a verys special person to me and I will alway be here for you, for good and bad times to laugh and to cry. I love you girl, and we will keep out loved ones alive together,
love you.
Sarah Lamonaco
Sarah Lamonaco
Daughter of Trooper Lamonaco
June 17, 2005
I just want you to know that Michelle, Jenna, Bobby, & Joey MISS & LOVE you very much!!!!!! You were not only an Uncle to them but a Godfather also. This Sunday is Father’s Day and because you were their Godfather they wanted to do something extra special for you. So Andrea & I decided we are going to plant a tree in her back yard in memory of you. I know how much those kids meant to you and now they will be able to look at the tree and think of you. Back before your headstone came in a temporary one was placed at your grave. I just want you to know that a GREAT friend of yours gave it to us the other day and when the tree is done being planted we are going to put it in front of the tree. When thinking of what we could do with it putting it away just didn’t seem right. Andrea and I wanted to keep it out so that me, her, the kids and mom could see it all the time. So when we decided about planting a tree we thought what a perfect place for us to place it. I know you will be there with us as we are planting the tree. But the kids will put the final touches on their tribute to you by putting the temporary headstone that was at your grave before the original one came in at their tree for you. I know you are honored to know that it is going there. I know you will look down with that great big smile and you will send us a sign from up above letting us know that you are their with us. Please continue to look over us!
Love your “Little Sister”
June 15, 2005
Hey Bert! Shawn Jr. is finally here! I know you were there with us during that day. I think back to when we all were married less then 2 years ago and you told Shawn and I ( at our wedding in the best man speech) that we were gonna raise all our children together and it makes me sad that it will not happen as planned. I wish you were here to know him personally but i know you'll be with him through the years. He looks JUST like me :)!!! Shawn and I asked Denise to be the godmother and we know that she will be a great one! Thinking of you as always and missing you here with us! Love ya friend!!!!!! Michele
friend of Bert and Denise
June 13, 2005
You and your parents have been in my thoughts, since meeting you in Washington last month. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you feel from losing your husband, but in your parent's eyes, I see the pain of losing a beloved son-in-law, and the pain of not being able to make everything better for their daughter. Your parents told me about the puppy that Bert gave you, just weeks before he died. What a wonderful gift. Brian often mentioned getting a Weimaraner puppy, once he was settled in his new house.
I hope that you are finding some sense of peace, now that the Memorial's are over. I suspect, that like Bob and I, as your heart was breaking, it was also bursting with pride. In reading the reflections left on Bert's memorial page, it is clear that you had so very much to be proud of.
Norie Haas
Mother of Brian Haas
E.O.W. 4/24/2004
Norie Haas
June 8, 2005
Hi honey, as I am sure you again knew before I did, different friends of ours also had their baby last night way too early. He is only a pound and a half. Please look over him and keep him healthy. Help him to get strong. I still dont understand why such sad things happen to such good people. We are all praying for him down here but he needs an angel now. Please watch over him as well as their parents. They also need a lot of strength right now.
Love, Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-04
June 5, 2005
Hi my honey. I just wanted to say thanks for looking over Michele and Shawn and the baby today! Everything went so well and everyone is happy and healthy! And Im sure you knew before I did but they asked me to be GODMOTHER! I am so excited and thrilled and totally honored! Thanks so much for being with them, although I knew you didnt even have to be asked since they were our best friends. I am even going to give Shawn the gift you bought him for his baby before they were even pregnant! I love you honey, and I miss you so much. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I will never stop loving you no matter what happens in my life. I know I have your guidance and your strenth to get through the saddness. I LOVE YOU!
Love your wife,
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-04
June 5, 2005
Denise -
I met you at Police Week this past May and just wanted to let you know I keep you in my prayers everyday. I still remember what you left at the wall in Washington and I remember the instant I saw it. I looked down and it was the most wonderful and sweetest tribute I have ever seen. You and your husband looked so happy. The look on his face was of true love. Priceless. Please take care of yourself and it was great to meet you in DC.
Bert - Thank you for your sacrifice. Please tell Daniel I love him.
- Jessica Ruhl
Fiancee of Police Officer Daniel Starks
EOQ 10.25.03 Ft Myers PD - FLORIDA
June 4, 2005
Hi Bert,
We stopped by the roadside dedication again yesterday. It seems like everytime we go by it's raining. It kind of sets the mood. I hope one day soon the sun will be shining brightly. Just wanted to let you know that you're in our thoughts. Continue to bring peace and strength to your family and your amazing wife.
Colleen Brandt
Proud Wife of a New Jersey State Trooper
June 4, 2005
I just want you to know that you are always in my prayers. I often think of you and hope that you are provided with much strength. I certainly admire you and Bert. You have all made the ultimate Sacrifice.
June 3, 2005
During our AIM yesterday, you picked up on the fact that I wasn't having such a good day without me saying a word. You don't know how much it meant to me that you sensed that and how your inspiring remarks changed my attitude after that. Bert is so proud of you for how strong of a person you are. I am absolutely positive of that. I never did tell you how wonderful it was to finally get to meet you in DC. That was a lot to ingest wasn't it? I saw how close your parents and the NJSP stood by your side the entire week and that comforted me to know that you have a lot of support. And of course we all know that Bert is still by your side as well and he always will be. And just remember, I will always be there for you to and if you ever need me, I am only an email, phone call, or road trip away. I will have to bring Sara up with me one day.
Love and hugs,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
June 1, 2005
Hi honey, today is Memorial Day and I just wanted you to know that all my family and friends are remembering you today in our own little way. We wish you could be with us eating all the hotdogs you want! My dad still makes one for you!
I also wanted to take this time to thank you for your ultimate sacrifice for the women working at that Wawa. You will always be remembered for being a hero, and although you cant physically be with us today or any other day, I look forward to the day I can see you again. I know I take you with me every step I take and that you are ALWAYS with me. I love you just as much today as the day I married you.
Love always and forever, Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-05
May 30, 2005
Just to let you know you are thougth of often and loved by all. Please keep an eye on all those that patrol and keep your state safe. Just remember you are loved and always will be our hero.
May 26, 2005
We have not yet met, but I come to this site often to read Bert’s reflections. I’m so saddened by yours as I find myself crying with you. So sorry for your loss. I have left a few but never signed my name, just ‘Wife of a NJ State Trooper’.
My husband Keith was the 119th and talks of Bert often. He has told me stories of how Bert helped him during their early morning runs at the academy and how the class came together to ‘pass the log’ while running on the beach. He was devastated when he heard of Bert’s passing but proud to have been a member of the 119th and able to share those many weeks of training as Bert’s classmate. During Bert’s funeral, he stood proudly with the other members of the 119th to pay respect and honor one of their very own.
This was our first year attending the Candlelight Vigil. It was such an amazing night and words cannot express how we felt. We spent a lot of time at the memorial taking pictures of Bert’s name and the many photos and flowers placed nearby. We saw Gary just after the Vigil and were happy to hear he was your escort for the week. So sorry we were not able to meet up.
At the 119th graduation, I took a picture of Keith and some other recruits sitting in their seats. They looked so scared. Not realizing it at the time, but Bert was one of those other recruits. I’d like to send it to you. We have not yet seen Bert’s memorial designed by Zach, but Keith was the point person for Troop B in gathering donations to help with it. Please know that although Bert was stationed in South Jersey, we in North Jersey think of him often. If you ever need our help or support in your endeavors to keep his name alive, please call on us.
Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain you are still feeling. I often remind myself “it’s better to have lost a love, than never to have loved at all”. I never believed in that saying until I lost my brother in a car accident. Please find comfort in knowing you may have only been a part of each others lives for a few years, but you formed a lifetime of memories during that time. Please take care of yourself and little Jayda.
I left the following in Bert’s reflections before, but feel it is powerful enough to leave once again. I hope you enjoy it.
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep
I am the thousand winds that blow
I am the diamonds giant on snow
The sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn’s rain
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft stars that shine at night
So do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there; I did not die!
- Author Unknown
Cheryl Roslan
Wife of a NJ State Trooper
May 25, 2005
I can’t even begin to put into words last weekend. It was just truly amazing. It’s something I think you have to see to believe. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families of the fallen officers that were in DC last weekend. Just walking along the wall down their seeing all the stuff that family members left for their loved ones just broke my heart. Unfortunalty I know all to well the heartache each of them feels. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is a great tribute to all those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice but never in a million years did I ever think that I would see your name on it. Before I went to DC I felt so alone. I felt like there was no one out their that understood or knew the pain I was going through. While in DC I saw that I’m not alone. I realized that there are many people out their going through exactly what I am going through and that share the same pain. National Police Week in Washington, D.C. is something that I will attend every year. I will go to not only honor you but also to honor all those who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice just like you did.
Yesterday we went up to State Police Headquarters for the New Jersey State Police National Police Week. It was such a beautiful day. On the back of the booklet they gave out was the Roll Call for May 2005. I look at it and seeing your name makes me so sad. I get a knot in my stomach and I swell up with tears. I just want you to know how proud Jenna is of you. We were in the car and she was in the back seat with one of her cousins. I could here her say look there is my Uncle Bert’s name and she began to tell her cousin that you worked for the State Police. Just by the way she said it I could tell just how proud of you she was. I don’t think she really understands why your name is their but I know she misses you more than anything and I know she would do anything to have you back. With Bobby everything was Uncle Bert. Every time you show him anything with the State Police symbol and ask him what’s that he will tell you Uncle Bert. I know you are with him every night as he sings to you. That is something that I started with him and something that I will do with him forever.
Bert please continue to look over us. I MISS & LOVE YOU very much!!!!!! I have a special place in my heart just for you and no one will ever take that place in my heart. You will also never be forgotten.
Love your “Little Sister”,
May 22, 2005
I just came on to let Bert know how much i still think of him and miss him, and to read some of the thoughts of everyone else who still misses him.
Denise when i read the one where you said to watch over Michele the next couple of weeks, tears poured out of me. I remember at her wedding when Bert made that statement in his speach of growing old with michele and Shawn, and having your kids together, will never leave my mind. That is why i know he is happy with Michele in picking you for that very special part of this baby's life.
I miss you still Bert, forever! I know you will be with us on that happy day!
May 20, 2005
Dear Denise,
I know this week and weekend were hard, but I tried to bring some humor in a difficult situation. Maybe after 2 years that's how I have learned to deal with Death!!!
I want you to know that I am here for you and your family. I LOVE YOUR PARENTS!!!!!!! They are great people and so are you. Even though our everyday life challenges us, I hope you know I am here for you and the Zimmermans, we have been dealt with a difficult card here, one we never envisioned would happen.
Lets make a vow to always be here for each other no matter what card GOD throws.
Much Love,
Lisa A. Scales,
Wife of Fallen Officer, Tpr. I Christopher S. Scales #4575
EOW 12/3/02
Wife of Fallen Officer
May 18, 2005
Bert, I never personally knew you - I retired from the PD shortly before you came along. But other cops that I know, that you knew, all say you were a good cop, a stand-up guy. I wanted to attend your Mass, but ended up saluting you at St. Joe's later. I'll someday have the honor of meeting you in person. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. RIP brother...
Denise, I can have no idea how you felt that fateful day or what you have experienced since, but I'm sure that it cannot be expressed completely in words. I was truly touched by the pictures of the funeral in the Courier-Post. I cannot imagine feeling the hurt that you expressed in that photo. All I can tell you is to hang in there, stay close to the support people you've already found. Remember, "He who is remembered is never truly gone".
I extend my most sincere condolences.
Ptl G Flint, GTPD (ret)
Gloucester Twp (NJ) PD
May 18, 2005
Hi honey. Although you can no longer be physically with me, you will always be with me in my heart and in my memories. ALWAYS.
You are a true hero and one of the nation's finest. I am so honored to have been the one you chose to spend the rest of your life with as your wife. I love you and I miss you so much.
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 02-05-04
May 17, 2005
I don't even know where to begin or what to say. Gary and I were so honored to have been a part of and witness to the events of this past weekend during National Police Week in Washington D.C. The candlelight vigil was emotional and touching. But I cannot put into words the overwhelming emotions of Saturday evening as you and the other survivors were marched down to the memorial and each of your husbands were individually paid tribute by a salute from the troopers as the rest of us stood in a moment of silence - except of course for the tears and sobs. I have tried to explain it to family and friends and there are just no words to describe it. I am still in awe of the fact that you chose Gary to be your escort officer as the nation paid tribute to your husband and his classmate. The program for the Memorial Service wrote "Never Let Them Walk Alone." Know that while it was Gary who walked you down the aisle to place the flower in the wreath, he did so on behalf of the 119th Class and the entire New Jersey State Police. And while this weekend is now over, alone you shall never be. We will be here for you always - we are only a phone call or e-mail away. And from meeting the other survivors, I know that you will never be alone. You are a part of an all too large group of truly extraordinary and amazing women - a group that I know you wish you were not a part of. In spite of their own grief, they welcomed Gary and I into their circle. We feel so honored to have been given the opportunity to have met and gotten to know them. While I know you do not feel like it, you have and will continue to survive this devastating tragedy. You are a truly amazing woman. After having the opportunity to spend so much time with your parents this past weekend, it is no wonder why. Not only have they lost someone that they loved like their own son, they have had to stand by and watch their little girl endure such pain. Continue to draw strength from them. We feel truly blessed to have you in our lives and by the friendship you have given us. We only wish that Bert were here to be a part of it. We wish you continued peace and strength and that one day your heart is filled with happiness. You truly deserve it.
Bert - I know you were looking down as Denise, your family and the nation paid tribute to you and the other fallen officers. I hope that you were as touched as I was. Continue to watch over and protect Gary and the other troopers and to bring peace and strength to your family and Denise.
Colleen Brandt
Proud Wife of a NJ State Trooper
May 17, 2005
Hello Bert I just wanted to let you know how honored I feel being your aunt.
After going to Washington and being there for all the ceremonies that they had to honor the men who made the Ultimate Sacrifice in life. This is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life and can carry with me forever. Your life was definitely cut short but we are all proud of you, for a job well done. Please continue to patol the highways of heaven and watch all those who love you dearly and pray for you often. I wish you were able to be there with us, that it did not have to mean that you gave your life in the line of duty. The life that you had was short but you sure touched many people that loved and adored you and we think of you always.
P.S Watch over us, until we all meet again.
May 16, 2005
Bert -
We just wanted to say that we stopped by your beautiful memorial on your highway on Saturday afternoon while we were down the shore. There was an older couple also there. They asked us if we knew what happened to you. They said that they were from New Brunswick, NJ and were on their way to the shore when they saw the memorial and had to stop to look at it. We told them what a great person you were and the unfortunate occurence that happened on February 5, 2004. They could not believe it. They kept remarking about how beautiful this memorial was and what a handsome man you were. They then thanked us for the information and said that they would say a pray for your family.
Keep looking over everyone. We miss you.
Christine and Dave
Christine Tierno and Dave Taitt
Friends of Bert and Denise
May 15, 2005
Denise, I've seen your reflection on Rodney's site and I wish I had read it earlier so that I could make arrangements to meet you in D.C. My sister and I were part of the support team for the VA Beach Chapter riders of Police Unity Tour 2005. My brother-in-law rode in Rod's memory. I stood at your husbands name and read all that was there on the wall. I would love to hear from you and see how you are doing.
Gina Pocceschi Boyle
Sister of VA Beach Fallen Officer Rodney Pocceschi
May 15, 2005
Thanks to all the NJ State Troopers who rode their bikes and motorcycles in memory of my husband. It is so nice to know he is not forgotten. You all did such a wonderful job!
Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-05
May 13, 2005