Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

New Jersey State Police, New Jersey

End of Watch Thursday, February 5, 2004

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Reflections for Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

Hi honey. I just wanted to say thank you to Lt. Marybeth Mahlman of the NJSP (she has been extremely supportive)and Donna Lamonanco for running in honor of you this year from Philadelphia to DC. We were at the Philadelphia Navy yard for the kickoff again this morning. The turnpike troopers raised money to give a donation to the national law enforcement memorial in your name!! I am leaving for dc today and I am looking forward to you receiving all the honors you deserve. I LOVE YOU! I MISS YOU! Love, your wife Denise

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

May 11, 2005

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your family this week. Take care Troop!

May 11, 2005

Hi my honey. Some very sad sad news. As you already know, friends of ours had twin boys and unfortunately one of them passed away. Little Jack couldnt fight anymore. His little body gave up. He was so tired. I know how much you loved children, especially little boys, so I am asking that you take care of Jack up there. His parents are obviously devestated, but I think they would be comforted in knowing that you welcomed Jack to the beautiful place you are in and that you will take excellent care of that little guy. I loved watching you with children, you were so good, and thats why I am asking you to take care of this precious little one. I love you honey and I miss you. Please watch over their family during this most difficult time.

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-05

May 10, 2005


Yesterday was Mother’s Day and like always we went to Georgians for Dinner. I know you look over us every day but yesterday I know you were with Mom. I know how much you loved her and how much she meant to you. I know that part of her was happy yesterday but I know deep down a part of her was very sad too. Please continue to look over her.

This week I will be going to Washington to honor you. I can say that you totally deserve it. In the past 15 months so many people have honored you. I just wish it didn’t take a tragedy for you to be honored. You are a true HERO!! I know that this weekend will be something that I will never forget. It is a weekend where I will be honoring you and everyone else who has made the Ultimate Sacrifice.

I want to thank you for the sign you sent me today. I know you heard Bobby tonight!!! I know that even though I cried when he said it that you were smiling at him. Bobby & Jenna love and miss you very much but I don’t have to tell you that because you already know that. You were a great Uncle & Godfather to them and you loved them both very much.

Please continue to look over all who loved you. I MISS & LOVE you VERY MUCH!!!!




May 9, 2005

I can't wait to see and meet you in a few days! Although our separate tragedies are what are uniting us, I am so glad and honored to call you my friend.
Take Care and I will see you soon,
Much Love,

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

May 8, 2005

I can't wait to see and meet you in a few days! Although our separate tragedies are what are uniting us, I am so glad and honored to call you my friend.
Take Care and I will see you soon,
Much Love,

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

May 8, 2005

Hi honey. This is the week I have been looking forward to and dreading all at the same time. I am dreading it bc its another realization that this all really happened and that you are not coming back. I am looking forward to it bc you truly deserve this honor and respect and remembrance. I know you will be with me during this upcoming week and you will be there to help wipe away my tears just like you always have been for the 6 years we were fortunate enough to have together. I love you and miss you. Love always, your wife

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 02-05-04

May 8, 2005


Today is Mother's Day and I know for sure that you will keep watch over and comfort those mom's that are special in your life. If it weren't for you, Denise wouldn't have her "furry baby" that you brought home to her, and if it weren't for your mom, we wouldn't be honoring such a wonderful man here on ODMP. My thoughts are with all of you today.

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

May 8, 2005

I've followed your relfections for over a year now, never leaving one of my own, never being able to find the words to write. After having read so many, I feel as if I know you ,your wife Denise and friends. God Bless them for their strength and God Bless you for your service and upholding the tradition. Please watch over me and the rest of the troops. Well, time to get ready for another night shift.
-Take Care

NJSP - 136th Class

May 5, 2005

I LOVE YOU BERT!!! As my brother I looked up to you and knew that I could turn to you any time. We’ll in the past 15 months since you have passed away I can say my life has definitely changed. I went from having the best brother in the world to having you taken away from me so young and being left feeling empty & heartbroken. Yes I have pictures and memories of you but it’s not the same as having you here with me. Little by little it’s starting to hit me that you are really not coming back and it scares me to death. For the longest time after you died one thing that bothered me was seeing a State Trooper car and because as you know I take the Atlantic City Expressway during the week to work I saw them all the time. But as the months went on when ever I would see one the tears turned into smiles and I would pray that whatever trooper was driving that car that you would look over him/her and keep them safe.

After dad died I thought my life couldn’t get any worse. But boy was I wrong. When dad died I felt very angry and cheated. You know this because I had this conversation with you many times. I was 17 years old and 3 months away from graduating high school. It broke my heart to know that when I graduated my father wouldn’t be there to see it. In 1998 I got pregnant with Jenna. On 2/8/99 I had Jenna and once again even though I was happy to have Jenna in my life I was sad at the same time because dad was not there to share that day with me. Two years later on 2/26/01 I married Bob. I think out of everything I did after dad died that was the toughest for me. Here I was getting married and new that I wouldn’t have my father to walk me down the aisle. A little girls dream growing up is to get married, where a white dress, have her daddy walk her down the aisle & give her away and of course there is always the father/daughter dance at the reception. But that dream was shattered for me when dad passed away. Then on 3/12/03 I had Bobby and once again dad would not be there to share this day with me. On February 5, 2004 my life became a nightmare. There is so much in the past 15 months that you have missed. Like you nephew & godson celebrating his first birthday, your niece & goddaughter Jenna playing soccer & softball for the first time and to see her on her first day of Kindergarten. I know that wherever you are you are a very PROUD UNCLE!!!! There are times that Jenna does things and it is so you. I think to myself your Uncle Bert would be so proud of you right now and would probably give you a high five. And Bobby there are times that I look at him and all I see is you.

On February 2nd as you know I got a tattoo but this tattoo was in honor of you. On my lower back I have the State Police symbol with you name and badge number. Yes it hurt but it was totally worth it. After I got it done you were the first person that saw it. I came to the cemetery to show you. I wanted to get it done many months before but I just felt it wasn’t the right time. On February 1st just a few days before your 1st anniversary I was driving home from work and something told me that it’s time. So I went and made the appointment. They did a great job on it. Everybody has his or her own way of honoring someone but this was my way of honoring you. It is something that I will always have and will never go away. You are with me forever. Every time I look at it I think of you and remember the Ultimate Sacrifice that you made in the early morning of February 5th, 2004.

Besides Bob & Bobby there are three men in my life that I am so thankful for. You know who those men are. I thank god every night that they are in my life. Without them I don't know how we would have gotten to where I am today. I know that if I ever need anything they are only a phone call away and would be there in seconds to help me. I can see why they meant so much to you and why they were part of your life. In spite of the heartache that the three of them are feeling they always put others needs ahead of their own. They remind me so much of you because that’s exactly what you did you put others first. They may not have the Zimmerman last name but they are and always will be a part of my family.

15 months has passed and I still hurt as much as I did they day I found out that you died, my heart is broken and I miss you more than anything. After your funeral most people went back to their normal lives but I was left feeling empty and knew that my life would never be normal again. Seeing people at work, at stores, or basically anywhere being happy or laughing made me very angry. I guess I thought because I was hurting so bad so should they. I would say to myself how do they get to go home every night to a normal happy life with their family when my family is being shattered and ripped apart. I’m not as angry as I was then but there are times that it still hurts to see people happy & laughing. I wouldn’t say I have great or even good days yet but I’m still trying to keep hope that one day I will. Until then I just take it one day at a time.

I just want you to know how proud I am of you. On Sunday mom, Aunt Sue, Michelle, & me went up to New York where you were honored by the New York Shields. You were honored at a breakfast aboard the USS INTREPID, which is docked in the Hudson River. You liked everything big we’ll you were honored on a 900-ft-long Aircraft Carrier. How’s that for big. You were the first New Jersey State Trooper honored by the New York Shields and I am so glad that I was there to part of that special day. We’ll, as you know next week I will be going to Washington. I am going to Washington to honor you. You are being honored because you made the Ultimate Sacrifice. In the past 15 months I have met some great people. Some people that I know I would never had met if you were still here. What an honor it was to meet these people but I can say that I would rather have you here in my life than to be given the chance to meet them. Please look over us, as we are their honoring you as a True Hero!!!!

Please continue to look down on all who love you. Say HI to DAD for me! I LOVE & MISS YOU BOTH VERY MUCH!!!




May 3, 2005

Until We Meet Again

Unknown Author

Each morning when we awake

we know that you are gone.

And no one knows the heartache

As we try to carry on.

Our hearts still ache with sadness

and many tears still flow.

What it meant to lose you,

No one will ever know.

Our thoughts are always with you,

your place no one can fill.

In life we loved you dearly,

In death we love you still.

There will always be a heartache,

and often a silent tear,

But always a precious memory

Of the days when you were here.

If tears could make a staircase,

And heartaches make a lane,

We'd walk the path to heaven

And bring you home again.

We hold you close within our hearts,

And there you will remain,

To walk with us throughout our lives

Until we meet again.

Our family chain is broken now,

And nothing will be the same,

But as God calls us one by one,

The chain will link again.

I can't wait to finally meet you in D.C. next week! I am so saddened by WHY we are meeting, but I really feel like we have a lot in common. I think of you and pray for you often.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler

May 3, 2005

Hi my week is National Police Week. I am both happy and sad for this week to come. I am so so sad because I desperately want you back here on this earth with me and I wish that you and I would be going to an awards ceremony to honor you in your life while you were still living. I am happy and proud because you will be honored as a hero, exactly as you should be. I have already seen your name engraved on the wall, thanks to a sweet friend and another widow, and I cried and cried. It made things so much more real for me. Almost like how I felt when your headstone came in and I actually had to look at your name on there. My parents and I will be going and will be thinking of you and remembering you, not only of your heroic sacrifice, but of the memories we were fortunate enough to have of you.

I already have met 5 wonderful widows I will be meeting up with who are all in similar situations. I am really looking forward to meeting them.

I miss you more than you will ever know. I have been having a lot of dreams about you lately. I love you honey 7777777

Love your wife,

PS. Please keep watch over Michele in these next few weeks.

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-05

May 2, 2005

Dear Bert,

Thank you for answering my prayer.

Love, Mom Petrelli

Vicki Petrelli
Bert's Mother in law

May 2, 2005

Just wanted to say hi and let you know that everyone misses you and you are always in our thoughts. Keep everyone safe.

May 1, 2005

Dear Zimmerman Family,
I am a Detective with the Beaverton, Oregon Police Department. I will be riding with the Virginia Chapter of the Police Unity Tour in a couple of weeks, a three day bicycle journey taken by law enforcement officers to raise appreciation and funds for the law enforcement memorial in Washington DC. All of us ride for all law enforcement officers that have ever lost their lives in the line of duty, and each of us also rides in memory of one particular officer that gave the ultimate sacrifice in the year preceding the ride. I will be riding in memory of Trooper Zimmerman. I have read the posts on this site and some news articles I found about him. I am touched by your loss and your continuing dedication to him. I will be reflecting on Trooper Zimmerman and your family during my ride. I wish to respect your privacy, but also want to let you know that he is very much not forgotten, and to remind you that there is a nationwide family of law enforcement officers that remember him and still pray for you. God Bless.

Respectfully, Det. Misha Sashayvich

Detective Misha Sashayvich
Beaverton Oregon Police Dept.

April 29, 2005

Hey Denise,

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about Bert's name being on the memorial wall in DC and how it just jumped out at me while I was standing in front of the first panel I came to step in front of. I could not believe out of all those names on that wall, Bert's jumped out at me like to say "here I am, take a pic of me for Denise" and I was so glad I was able to take a picture of it and send it to you. My dad was talking to the guys who do the engraving (while we were watching them engrave Duke's name into the wall) and they said that incidents like that happen around there and they can't really be explained. I believe Bert was there with my dad and I that day to make me see his name and to get that pic for you. Cherish that photo always.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

April 26, 2005

Hi Bert! Just wanted to let you know that everything went great on Saturday! The baseball team named in memory of you loves there new uniforms and are excited to play in your name! Denise and the senator were there and everything was great! I am so glad your name lives on and people still respect you as much as they did while you were here. Denise is doing excellent with keeping your name alive! We love and miss you dearly as we always do...........hope you are with me over the next few weeks!

Friend of Bert and Denise

April 10, 2005

Bert -
Just thinking about you a lot today!! Wishing you were here to fix all the problems. Please keep all of your loved ones in your prayers so that one day they may find peace in their hearts again. My prayers are with your entire family.
God Bless!

Nicole Useller
Friend of Denise & Bert

April 8, 2005



April 7, 2005

Uncle Bert,

To the BEST "UNCLE" in the world. I love & miss you very much!!! I have one thing to say to you "YO UNCLE BERT"!!! You always use to say "YO BOBBY" to me whenever you would see me. You are up in the sky and are the brightest star up in the sky. This song is for you and mommy & I sing it to you every night before I go to bed.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a dimond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!!!

Sweet dreams Uncle Bert. Big HUGS & KISSES from me to you.




April 7, 2005

Dear Denise,

I am so glad I got to know you, may you find comfort in knowing that I will always be here for you, through the good, the bad and the ugly. We have a special friendship bond and utmost respect for one another.

May you can continue knowing I am here for you and your family, and pray for Bert to find Peace.

Love, Lisa

Lisa A. Scales, Wife of Tpr. I Christoph
Surviving Widow

April 7, 2005

Everyone can now see for themselves what you were talking about Denise. We all will always support you and be there for you. No one can ever put down the job of a police officers wife. I am proud of how strong you are. Your husband helps you through that everyday. Please ask him to keep us all safe, its dangerous out there.

April 5, 2005

Dear Bert,
Although I was never fortunate enough to know you throughout your short journey on this Earth, I have recently had the wonderful privelege of meeting your wife, Denise. Of course you know the reason of WHY we met, and that reason is one that only very few can understand. The reason that we met is that we share similar roles now; that of police widows. This walk is one that only few women walk and we walk it with pride because our hearts continue to overflow with our love and adoration for you, even after death. Denise and I are similar in that we were both only married a few short months before our husbands' were killed in the line of duty. I am one of the few that understand what your wife has had to deal with in addition to your death. There are the huge myriad of broken dreams, the lost hope and the loss of fulfillment for so many other things, including the loss of someday having a beautiful child with our one and only beloved husbands'.
I am so sorry that I never had a chance to know you, but I am fortunate enough now to be seeing some of the awesome photos and to hear of the great memories that your beloved wife has of you.
Rest Easy Bert, and please say hello to Bryan as you both patrol Heaven's beat.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

April 5, 2005

Denise, I am so sorry for your loss. I come to this site often and today I happened to click on your husband's name...I am at a loss for words..I read your reflections and I pray that you are finding God's comfort and that you can go on with life with the wonderful memories and love that you had with Bert. I dont know you and I dont know your life story..but I know the love a wife and husband share is like no other...I hope you have so many happy days in your future...I have felt loss..Not like you...I have lost my father and 2 sisters all within 3 years...and let me tell you..God is my only comfort..My life as gone on..I miss them..I cry..but I know they would want me to be happy..and you should and sound like you know that Bert would want you to be happy...anyway, I just wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss and just know someone in Arizona is praying for you..God bless you.


April 5, 2005

Bert - Continue to look over your loving and devoted wife and to bring her the strength and courage she has demonstrated during the past 14 months. She has truly honored your name and memory.

April 5, 2005

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