Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

New Jersey State Police, New Jersey

End of Watch Thursday, February 5, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

I'm only going to write good things on here! I love you and I miss you and I wish you were here on this earth with me still. You would be so excited to see all the things I have been working on to keep your name alive, because that is whats important. You have always taught me to stay strong and to not let anyone bring me down, and that is one of the most important things I have learned and carried on from you. You are a true hero Bert.

I just got together with a bunch of my friends this weekend and we all missed you and all of them still think about you and remember you in their own special way. I am so glad that you are in heaven, you are in a much safer and happier place. I love you Bert and I ALWAYS will. NOTHING will ever change that. But I already know you know that.

Love your wife, Denise

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-05

April 4, 2005

I came upon and wanted to share it with all:

I never dreamed it would be me, my name for all eternity, recorded here at this hallow place, alas, my name, no more my face.
"In the line of duty," I hear them say: my family now the price to pay. My folded flag stained with their tears; we only had those few short years.
The badge no longer on my chest, I sleep now in eternal rest. My sword I pass to those behind, and pray they keep this thought in mind.
I never dreamed it would be me, and with heavy heart and bended knee, I ask for all here from the past: Dear God, let my name be the last.

LEO Wife

April 4, 2005

If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. You are dearly missed by all who love you

April 2, 2005

I miss you so much. I wish you could be here to see how big our little mamasita has gotten. But I know you still see her, I just wish you could pet her and play with her. I found pictures of you and her from when we first brought her home, she was so tiny and you just loved her. She was the best present I have ever gotten.
I love you Bert and I miss you so much.
Love your wife,

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-04

March 28, 2005

Hello Bert -
It has been a while since I last left a message, but I have read every single message left on this site. It is such a blessing that your family has this to write to you. I think of you all the time and I feel as if I am still learning things from you everyday. All the things that have happened since you have passed have helped me to make better decisions in my life. I live every day as if it is my last. I cherish the important things in life . . . family and friends. This and nothing else is the most important thing in life. So many people loved you and are heartbroken by your passing. I pray in my heart that we all have learned to appreciate our family and friends - the good and the bad, because tomorrow they could not be here. Life is too short!!!!
I am actual writing because I would like to ask that you take some extra special care of Denise right now. We spoke this weekend and I know that she is really struggling with things right now. She misses you so much and it is soooo unbelievable difficult for her to watch all of her friends move on with their lives and relationships and she doesn't have you. Families are growing and she doesn't have you. My heart breaks for Denise and how hard it must be to see life happening around her and not be able to enjoy it as she would if you were still here. We are doing our best to encourage her to start living again, but it is so difficult when you are not by her side. Keep her in your prayers!!
I thank you Bert for all you have taught me. God Bless!!
Your Friend,

Nicole Useller
Friend of Denise & Bert

March 28, 2005


Happy Easter!!!! Like always you send me a sign to let me know that you’re there. And as I always do I look up smile and say thank you. I know you were there with us at Andrea’s house today. I know you watched your nieces and nephews as they did their Easter egg hunt. How cute did the 4 of then look. I often wish that you could be here in person to see how big they have gotten but I know that you can see that from where you are. I know you look down on Michelle, Jenna, Bobby, & Joey every day making sure that they are safe. I just wish that god didn’t have to take you so soon.

Yesterday as a family we went to your memorial down in Dennis Twp. I think what bothers me the most is trying to explain things to Jenna. She so young and really doesn’t understand all of this. One question she asked was what is this and all I could do is stand their trying to think of how am I going to explain this one to her. How do you tell a 6 year old the truth about why the memorial is there? As I stood their trying to think of what I was going to tell her someone called her. I know one day soon she will again ask me that same question and so until next time I will try to figure out what exactly to tell her. As you know Bob & I go down to Wildwood to the boardwalk a lot in the summer time and every time we go down their I will make sure we stop at the memorial site.

I really got freaked out today. I did something today that I haven’t done in a long time. I guess you can say it was just a natural reaction. We’ll I made it through yet another tough weekend. I cried, I laughed but most of all I missed you. I look at your picture and still can’t believe this has happened. It still just seems like a bad dream and I just haven’t woken up yet. Someone described you the other day as a ball of fire but to me you were “The Rock”. In spite of all your heartache and the lost that you too just went through you were a solid rock and keep our family from falling apart after dad died. You made sure we were ok and if we weren’t you found a way to fix the problem no matter how big or small. You did things for the right reason. You are a true HERO!!!

We’ll I hope you continue to look down on us. Your strength that you send us helps us get from one day to the next. You were a great brother and I will cherish forever all the memories that I have of you and all the time that we spent together. There is noone that can ever take them away from me. I hold them close to my heart. I LOVE YOU BERT!!



March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Troop

March 27, 2005

Denise and family, may you have a safe Easter. I sure hope that Bert's neices and nephews, and even his "furry baby", get something special from the Easter Bunny. Bert, please continue to keep watch over all your family, friends, and co-workers this Easter and always. God bless all of you.

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

March 27, 2005


March 27, 2005

Bert, this Easter will not be the same as any of the ones we were together for. And this Easter won't be able to top last Easter either with that HUGE sign you gave me. I was so sad last Easter and by you doing what you did, you made me smile.

My mom will be making turkey too, your favorite thing that she made. We always think of you whenever she makes it, and I always think of you whenever I eat it. Sounds funny but I do.

I found out this week that they will be taking down the pole at the site where you passed away. I am so sad. I like to be at that exact spot because that is where I knew you last were. When they take the pole down, Ill never know where the exact spot is. We have tried to mark it, but hopefully it won't be impossible to find. The troopers have saved your stuff that was at the pole and gave it to me, so when the new building goes up, I can ask them if I can put some of the stuff back to mark the spot.

I love you so much and miss you more than ever. Each day they say it gets easier, but I find each day it gets harder. I have gotten better in controlling it in public (you know me, I couldnt control when I was a disaster), but I know you are with me each day when I am alone and crying. That is how I choose to deal with the crying-alone. You help me to actually fall asleep at night. You are always my first thought when I wake up in the morning and the last thougth before I go to bed. I will always love you.

Love your wife,

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman 2-5-04

March 27, 2005

Happy Easter. We miss and love you very much.

March 27, 2005


I know you are watching everyone from up above making sure your mom and sisters make it through this tough time. Please know that you are thought of and missed very much by so many people. There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of and talked about. Please keep up the great job of keeping everyone safe. Happy Easter to you and your family!!

March 25, 2005


I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE & MISS YOU very much!! There is not a second that goes by that I’m not thinking of you. You will forever be in my heart!! This is a very tough week for our family as I’m sure you know. Just last month we had to get through the first anniversary of the day you were taken from us and this Saturday it will be 10 years since dad was taken from us. Please tell him that I LOVE & MISS HIM very much!! I was talking to a great person last night and this person was talking about you and described you as a ball of fire. It’s funny but that’s exactly what you were. The amazing thing that I have noticed is whenever someone talks about you they always get that sparkle in their eye. They talk about how great you were and how if there was anyone that they wanted to have on their side it was you. You had a reason for everything you did in life. Sometimes in the beginning we didn’t always understand why you did things but then as time went on we either realized why or gave up trying to figure out why.

I know you are up their looking down upon us keeping us safe. Please use your wings and be that Guardian Angel that you need to be. I know that wherever you are that you are safe. With Easter just 3 days away we will continue on with the traditions that we do every year but know that they are just not the same without you and dad here. But I know that even though you won’t be there in person that you both will be there with us in sprit every minute on Easter. I know that you will let me know when you are there. You will send me a sign like you always do. And like always I will look up smile and say thank you! You’re the best and I love you!!!!!!

Love you forever,


March 24, 2005

Dear Bert! you are still missed and loved by everyone still here. your mom and sisters miss you so very much, and while everyone is trying to stay strong, i feel sorry for only you. you are the one who lost your life way too soon. we will all be with you again som day, but it was still too soon for you to be taken from us. things here have definately changed, some for the better and some for the worse. maybe if you were still here, things would still be okay. but we can never go back and i guess its only forward on from here. continue to look down upon us and keep us safe.

March 24, 2005

Another holiday, and you are not with us. All I can say is your family misses you so much and at these times the most. We love you and know you are with us in spirit everyday and night

March 23, 2005

The person below hit the nail right on the head. "You would be so proud of some people" and one of them is your beautiful wife DENISE. She has never let you down and has been making sure your good name stays alive. If you REALLY want to know who isnt letting anyone forget about you and what you meant to everyone, you can count on your wife for that!
Through our many conversations we have had in the past, I could tell you LOVED her with everything you had! I could tell by the way you looked at her and by the way you spoke about her! Everyone else only makes up things to hurt her. She is such a strong woman and so many people envy her strenth and courage to stand up for what is right. I think its funny that someone would say since you've been gone, we see how some people really are and what is important to some, because that is SO TRUE! I totally agree! And I KNOW YOU KNOW that person was not talking about your wife. Some people should take a look at themselves. She has had such a tough year and still talks about you constantly and still wishes you were still here on this earth with her. I have never seen her in love with someone the way she was with you! She is a strong woman and doesnt let what people say bring her down because only SHE knows the truth. Keep watching over her and helping her with what you have already helped her accomplish. She needs only you and your strength, your love, and your faith in her...and thats exactly what she has.

March 19, 2005

I just want to thank you..... you have sent me what i have wanted for so long. I think of you every day and wish you were here to share this with me but I know you are here with me in spirit......thank you

March 19, 2005

Bert, So much has happened in the last thirteen months. I know you are happy right now and looking down on everyone! You would be so proud of some people. I will make sure that no one forgets who you are and what you meant to everyone. Since you have gotten your wings, it has been an eye opener to many of us as to how some people really are and what is important to some! Just know that there are MANY who truly love you and always will. I know that you will be waitng in Heaven and be reunited with those who you love.

March 18, 2005

Just too much to say. You are dearly missed and thought of all the time. Please continue to watch over us. We love you and wish you were with us all the time.

March 14, 2005


As you know Bobby turned 2 yesterday. I know that wherever you were you were wishing him Happy Birthday and sending him birthday hugs & kisses. Bobby may not remember things you did with him because he was so young when you were taken from us but as he gets older I will share all of them with him. He may not remember you but he knows who you are. When I point to your picture and ask him who’s that he says Uncle Bert and then he tells me Uncle Bert up in the sky & he twinkles. The other day I had on one of my State Police shirts with the triangle on the front and Bobby walked up to me and pointed to the triangle and said Uncle Bert. It was just so weird how he knew that. Every night before he goes to bed he goes up to your picture that is hanging over our fish tank to say goodnight and blow kisses to you.

I know that wherever you are that you know how much Jenna & Bobby LOVE & MISS YOU!!!! Please continue to look over them and keep them safe, as I know you already do everyday.



March 13, 2005

To the Family,

Please remember that you are not forgotten. From experience I know after awhile the media attention and public awareness will die down. The fact that you are a part of, "Our Family" will NEVER go away. I know that my brothers up there will take care of you. If you EVER need anything, no matter how small a request, all you have to do is contact me. I PROMISE that I will be there, with just myself, or an army of cops. We take care of our own and their families. God bless you and keep you.

Deputy Sheriff Luke Rehwoldt
Osceola County Sheriff's Office, FL

March 11, 2005

I have been thinking of you alot lately.
I really do not know why but I just wanted to let you know that you are in are thoughts and prayers always. Continue to watch over us and know that you are dearly missed

March 10, 2005

hi bert!
i went yesterday to the grave, i know you no that. it was mommys birthday, and you are right next to each other. that helps! anyway, i no you see another officer has been killed in atlantic city. i saw the news of the funeral on tv and thought right of you. we know the lose the family is feeling.
you are still here right in our hearts and always will be. still miss you boy!


March 8, 2005

I just wanted to drop a post to let Denise and everybody know that Bert is not, and never will not be forgotten. I was in a Police department the other day and saw Bert's card that was passed out at the funeral. I was both sad and pleased to see it at the same time. I keep a card in my locker and in our shift office at my department and I was glad to see others remembering him too. I see Bert's picture as well as other friends who have passed in the line of duty before each one of my shifts. I miss talking to him at the gym and around town, but i know he is in a better place.
Bert, as well as all who have made the ultimate sacrife is a hero. Always remember that.
My thoughts and prayers are with Denise and the entire family


Ptl. Ctaig

March 7, 2005

Just thinking about you today Troop, wanted to say hello and let you know that we all still think and talk about you all the time...

Keep us safe.


March 4, 2005

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