West Memphis Police Department, Arkansas
End of Watch Thursday, September 11, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Michael Christopher Waters
Just to tell you one more time how much I love you and miss you....
October 6, 2004
You painted a picture of Mike with your loving words. Mike would be so proud of you for speaking in front of all those people. (we both knew how nervous you were!)
This year has been so tough. I didn't want to go on without Mike, but something you said always stuck in my head. You told me to be thankful for the time I had Mike in my life. And I am! I am so glad I had the chance to know that kind of love and to marry the man who fit me so perfectly. Mike told me a few times that we reminded him of you and Rocky. I always thought that was a good thing - even through all ya'lls fussing, you could still see the love between the two of you.
I want you to know that no matter where my life leads me, Mike will forever be a part of me. He will forever be my love, my husband, my best friend. He will never, ever be forgotten. He will always be my first thought when I wake in the morning and the last when I go to bed. Mike is such an important part of me, and every chance I get I will share his story and let others know how special he is to me, you, and Rocky.
I will always love your son with all my heart.
September 22, 2004
Sweetheart, I can't believe it has already been a year since you left us. It still feels like a horrible nightmare. Dad and I went to West Memphis on September 11. There, they remembered and honored you by placing a plaque in the conference room of the new Police Substation and by naming the street in front of the Substation the "Michael Waters Lane."
On September 16, we went to Little Rock. The Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police had their annual conference and you were honored for making the ultimate sacrifice, giving your life protecting the community. There, with God's help, I finally was able to speak about you, to tell a few things about you.
For the benefit of those who were not there, I am going to tell them what I said about you...
"Good evening. Thanks to the Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police for honoring our son. In his short career, Michael worked hard to be selected officer of the month. He would be so proud! Since most of you didn't know Michael, I want to tell you a little about him. We are blessed to have had him as our son for almost 25 years, and for that we give thanks to God.
Michael is our only child. We moved to Houston, Texas when he was 18 months old. He was a very wise child. When he was about 4 years old I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he looked at me like I was out of my mind. He said, "grow up?, I don't want to grow up, I want to stay a kid and play." And that, he did. Michael played soccer, baseball, flag football, tennis, basketball, golf; he built and raced remote control cars, he played computer games. He loved riding his bicycle, motorcycle, swimming, fishing, hunting and muddying in his big monster truck. He had a passion for trucks, cars and motorcycles. At one time or another he owned more than one of each.
Michael served the community well. He was a Boy Scout, an altar boy in our church. He walked and raised money for the March of Dimes, helped clean and paint homes for the disadvantaged elderly, helped clean-up Texas beaches. He had a soft heart for the less privileged. As a young boy, he saw a man with a sign saying he was hungry and said, "Mom, isn't that sad? Let's give him some money so he cant get something to eat." I recall at least two other occasions later on, while he was living im Memphis, as we were on the phone--and we talked to him at least once a day--I heard a lot of background noise. When I asked him where he was, he said he was at the McDonald's drive through, that as he was leaving the office he saw a man with a sign that said he was hungry, so he told him to wait, that he would be back with something for him to eat. In West Memphis, representing the Police Department, I know he volunteered to go to the school and talk to the children; at a mother's request, to the house of a young man who needed some guidance; and, just a few days before he was killed, to attend the funeral services of a Memphis Police Officer. He would be the first one to respond to a call for backup for a fellow officer.
He graduated from St. Thomas High School in 1997. He attended Sam Houston State University and the Houston Community College. In March 2000, he moved to Memphis to, with a partner, start his own business. After a few months, it turned out that this wasn't what he wanted to do. By this time he had met his wife to be, Jennifer, who is from West Memphis. So, he moved to West Memphis and decided to pursue his dream--he applied to be a police officer. I can't tell you how many times he told us how much he loved his job. Michael and Jennifer were married on November 21, 2002.
Michael loved life. He was the happiest, most loving, caring, honest, joyful, kind, generous, trustworthy, loyal, brave, thankful human being. He thanked us for everything, all the time. He told us time and again how glad he was that were his parents. Of course, he knew the joy is ours. He was not a follower; he stood for what he believed. I am sure you are thinking that's his mom talking, he had to do some things wrong. Well, he did, but they were all minor and always very soon forgotten.
In his short and blessed time on earth, Michael loved lots of people. I know he loves God, he loved Jennifer and Rawley, he loved his grandparents, uncle, aunts, cousins, his friends. I know he loved me and, this I want to emphasize, he adored his dad... His dad was his best friend, his confidant, his hero. Now Michael is our hero. We are so proud of Michael and love him and miss him immensely. He is our pride and joy!"
I know there are a few things about you I did not mention, like the forever smile on your face and the twinkle in your eyes, and how much you giggle when you watch The Simpsons or any funny program; about you being respectful or your love for animals. But, I think they got the picture.
It is very hard and heartbreaking to realize we can't see you smiling, hear you laughing and giggling or be with you...yet. We miss you!!!
Love you forever and ever, Mom
September 20, 2004
Officer Waters,
I just came across your memorial and wanted to say thank you for making the streets of West Memphis safer for your family, friends, and community. As the 3 yr anniversary of 9-11 approaches and we all try to come to terms with that, I felt a urging to say thank you for your time here on Earth, even though I never knew or met you. Please contimue the watch from the streets of Heaven and shine down on those still here!!!! God Bless You ALL!!!!
Tonya Stephenson, Private Citizen
Delaware County, PA
September 9, 2004
Hello, sweetheart. I know you probably already know, but I want to tell you anyway. Eva had her baby... a beautiful 8-pound baby boy that she named Sebastien Michael (Michael in your memory). I will be seeing him soon and I will tell him about you.
You would not believe the number of people that have been in touch with us lately. I got a letter from Nicole and have heard from Sharon. They both miss talking with you. Dad went to Dallas with Cliff to attend a motorcycle and 4-wheeler auction. Cliff volunteers with Big Brothers and he asked dad for your picture to show the young men he helps what a young man should be. Darrell was in town and stopped by the house and visited with dad for a good while. He owns and drives 18-wheelers now. Larry has called at least twice that I know. Greg (from Mullins Air) has stopped by a few times and wants dad to go motorcycle riding with him. That's right, dad got his motorcycle license, can you believe it?
Everybody remembers you with love and admiration. You know we were, are and always will be so proud of you!
Each day we miss you more--we miss being with you, talking and laughing with you, sharing things with you. Hopefully, we will one day soon join you and be with you for eternity!
Love forever and ever, Mom
August 30, 2004
I wouldn't say that justice has been served, but two of the suspects did receive jail time today - 8 years to be exact. They pled guilty to theft and agreed to testify against the driver. The driver is to be charged with first degree murder.
I felt nothing but hate for those two guys. It's not fair that their bad choices led to your death.
I miss you. You are always in my thoughts.
My love always,
August 17, 2004
You paid the ultimate price Michael.
You're a true hero.
Watch over your colleagues, family and friends.
Rest in peace
SC Brad Taylor
Metropolitan Police (London)
August 9, 2004
Just missing you...Love always, Jennifer
When I think of you, I smile and my thoughts drift away
Then reality's chill brings me back, to the heat of today
As time has gone by, one would think it would ease
The pain should go away, like dry leaves in a breeze
The numbness of shock, like a shot of Novocaine
Saved me from dealing and protected me from pain
But as it wears off and pins and needles come back
The reality of each day becomes a full-blown attack
I am not the strong one that everyone says I am
I put on a good act, but in truth it's a sham
I am hurting inside and at times get so damn mad
I wish I could hold you, smell you, feel what we had
We had something special that I thought would last forever
I realize now life is always changing, just like the weather
But know... you are part of me; I'll always love you
No change of the forecast... can make that not true
I know that new storms will be coming my way
Missing you so, is the price that I pay
But it's worth every penny, to have had you in my life
Your joy and your love; I was proud to be your wife
So I pray to the God that took you from me
To give me guidance, strength, and to please help me see
I tell him it was you that made me become whole
And I thank him for sharing your love and your soul.
~ © 2000 - Marc A. Turner, all rights reserved ~
July 28, 2004
Fifteen years ago I met Michael when I first moved to Texas. I was 14 and Michael was 9; a bit of an age difference but we still had fun together. I remember the night we arrived and his mom picked us up from the airport. My first memory of him is him telling his mom that a cop was behind her when he felt she was driving too fast.
The last time I spoke to Michael was March 2003. That was the first time in a long time, but the memories are still good.
God lives, so we will remain strong.
Greg Phillip
July 23, 2004
I read reflections left on other officers' memorial pages and it is so sad - and it's not fair. I wish you were here and that the bad guys had been taken away. I can't understand why you had to go. I can't believe that it has been almost a year. I can't believe I'm still here, breathing and living, without you. It still hurts.
My love always, Jennifer
I found this poem on another officer's ODMP:
A million times we've needed you,
A million times we've cried.
If love alone could've saved you,
You never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
No one else will ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone.
Part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
July 9, 2004
The other day I said "Jackie Chan". It startled me for a moment because I realized the last time I said that was over nine months ago - when you were here. Sometimes it's hard to remember all the little things we did and said. That scares me the most. I don't want to forget all the fun we had - we were always laughing, sometimes at each other but mostly with each other. I don't want to forget all the silly things that only you and I understood. I don't want to forget anything about you. I miss you more and more everyday. Your absence is still so profound.
The girls miss you, too. Gracie asks about you a lot. She says that she sees you and talks to you. It's strange hearing that from a 3-year old.
You are missed so much.
My love always,
June 18, 2004
You died a hero!!! Thank you!!!!
June 15, 2004
Houston County
June 13, 2004
A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hards at rest... God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best.
As always, I am thinking about you and missing you.
Love forever, Mom
May 21, 2004
Jennifer, I just want you to know that everytime that I come to this website my heart aches, but especially aches for you. I want you to know that I pray for you and hope that your pain will ease. My fiance is a police officer and I cannot imagine life without him. May God bless you and your families and help you through this rough time.
May 18, 2004
hi son, mom and i just returned from DC where they had a wonderful memorial service for you and the others who gave their all last year. Wish you could have gone to one before you . As proud as you were to be an officer, they would have made you prouder still, everyone was so kind to us, helping us in anyway they could, they reminded me of you and the kindness you showed to everyone. Your name is on the wall and mom and I spent most of our time there being with you. I really hated to leave but I know you are with me wherever I am. Did not see and pickups in DC worth mentioning, mom and I are going back in Sep and I will drive big red and show them what a Texas pickup looks like. Know now why you liked it so much, i get more tumbs up with that than with the hemi. Especially the girls, one wanted to buy it, another said "that's a auwsome truck mister". When ever I drive it I know you are in it with me just like we use to be. I put Tx tags on it with "Ponce" on them, Mom has "My Son" on her truck. Mom, Jennifer and I could not be more proud of you. Hope to see you soon.
Love you man,
rocky wates
May 18, 2004
This past week has been very emotional. Seeing your name forever engraved on the wall of fallen heroes was a painful site - I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. But at the same time I felt so proud of you - you are being honored exactly the way you should be because you are a hero!
Your parents and I quickly noticed that your name was the biggest name etched into the Little Rock Memorial Wall. We all knew you were smiling about that!
It's still hard for me to believe that you're gone. As I was driving home tonight, I saw a police officer pull someone over. I did a double take because it looked just like you stepping out of the police car. If only it were you...I miss you so desperately. I'm just not me without you here.
I'm not the only one having a difficult time living without you. Watch over your Dad - let him feel your presence and send some peace his way. He's lost without you.
And take care of #283 - he misses his best friend.
I will love you forever and ever.
Your wife,
May 18, 2004
My dear son:
We just got home from a very painful trip. We went to Little Rock, where you were honored by the placing of your name at the State Law Enforcement Memorial Wall; to West Memphis, where you were also honored with the unveiling of a plaque dedicated to you; and from Washington, D.C., where we attended the National Law Enforcement Memorial honoring all fallen officers. You would've loved the police escorts, the VIP treatment, and the family atmosphere. It was like a huge family reunion--with lots of love and tears. The Law Enforcement Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., is very impressive. Dad and I were there most of the time. You are on Panel W-15, Line 24.
Jennifer, your friends, Dad and I were there for all of it, so proud of you! It goes without saying that we wish that not only us, but that no family would have to suffer the tragic loss a loved one. Unfortunately, that's not the case and I will continue to pray that God will protect all His children, especially all peace officers. That He will bless us with His peace, His mercy and His grace. That He will give us all strength and courage to go on.
We all love you and miss you so much!
May 17, 2004
Though I did not have the privilage of knowing you I feel that all of us share a special bond. My heart goes out to your wife, I can't even begin to imagine her pain. I hope that she can somehow draw strength from knowing that she is not alone in this. This profession is a family and she will always have a place in it. You are missed by all, but forgotten by none.
Officer Melson
Ponder Police Department
May 13, 2004
My heart is saddened as I look at the reflections left in honor of Officer Waters. I Know he must have been a great person and polce officer. My son was in an accident,while on duty, just a few days after Officer Water's accident. He passed away on November 2, 2003.
My heart goes out to His family, friends and fellow officers. I truly know the heart wrenching pain they feel everyday. My love, thoughts and prayers are with you all.
The general public does not know the sacrifices these brave young men perform on a daily basis to keep us safe. My prayer is that one day Michael, Greg and the other officers that allow us the freedom we have to walk the streets without fear is given the true honor they greatly deserve.
Liz Medlin / Officer's Mother
May 12, 2004
Officers Waters you are not nor will you be forgotten. I will be riding with the Police Unity Tour Chapter IV to the NLEFOM in your Honor.
Ret. Mike McCann
Hampton Police Division
April 30, 2004
Dear Jennifer,
Although I did not have the privelege of knowing your husband, as you had mentioned on Bryan's web site, it sounds as if you and I have a lot in common as women who were married for such a short time prior to our husbands' untimely and tragic deaths'. It seems that you and I share a lot of similar pain, as with their deaths', the hopes and dreams of so many unfulfilled plans died with them. Jennifer, I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet and talk in D.C. this May. I am truly looking forward to meeting you then.
Juli Verkler
Wife of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03
April 29, 2004
We met four years ago today. And I'll never forget the first thing you said to me. I knew right away that you were going to be challenging and fun - never a dull moment.
Knowing what I know now, I would still do everything the same. You gave me the best years of my life and I am so thankful for the time I had with you. Someday we will meet again...I started with you and I'll end with you.
My love always,
April 8, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 6, 2004
You being gone still hurts so much. My heart feels heavy.
I'll leave you with a verse by one of our favorite singers.
"I'll start this morning like all the rest. The first thing every morning that I do is start missing you. Some broken hearts never mend. Some memories never end. Some tears will never dry. My love for you will never die."
My love always,
April 5, 2004