Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Christopher Waters

West Memphis Police Department, Arkansas

End of Watch Thursday, September 11, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Christopher Waters

Today the lady from America's Most Wanted finally called me back. They are doing a promo Saturday night on your case!! She said the letter I wrote was very touching and that they might use a line from my letter and post some pictures of you. I hope they do. If not, though, your case will be on the America's Most Wanted website along with your pictures, the letter, and the warrant for the guy who is still at large for your "murder".

I know that God only takes the flowers and leaves the yucky weeds here, but it is so not fair that you are gone and he is here to continue to rob and hurt others. I'll never understand why you are gone.

I love you and miss you so much.

Love always,


Jennifer Waters

September 29, 2005

Today Michael's memorial was posted under We Remember.... seeing it was an Arkansas officer and being from Arkansas I went to view it. As I scrolled through the reflections I could not help, but to cry. I was over whelmed with emotion as I read all the passages left by Michael's wife and Mom.
Jenn, I can't image the pain that you must feel everyday. Nor do I want to. From all your post I get a great feeling of the officer that Mike was. I can tell that law enforcement is missing a great man from our ranks. But, what I found most from all your postings is that you haven't let this tragedy destroy you. You've gotten up and gone out to get support and show support for familes of fallen officers. Most importantly you still have HOPE. And no matter what, that is something you have to hold onto. Remember that Michael is waiting just inside those beautiful pearly gates for you and that you will see him again. I know he has to being smiling down upon you and all you do. May the Lord bless you and give you the strength to carry on!

God bless

September 28, 2005

Well, Dad and I drove to West Memphis again this weekend. This time to attend Corporal Mark Carthron's funeral--we felt we needed to. Jennifer sat with us. All so familiar, yet so different. Ms. Bailey (Glen Bailey's wife--bet you've met him also) made a comment that rang so true. She said: "The price we pay for law and order is too high." I hope that law makers and judges get the message and start making decisions that will make a difference and stop this madness. I don't want anyone else to suffer the loss of a loved one because of the stupidity of the law breakers and because the ignorance and carelessness of the ones that can make and enforce the laws to stop them, and don't.

On our way back home, we saw the most beautiful sunset and, can you believe it, the biggest, brightest and longest-lasting shooting star we have ever seen! And we thanked God. You know what that means...

As always, all my love, Mom

September 19, 2005

Dearest Jenn,
I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you on Mike's 2 year EOW date. I think of you often and I apologize for the belatedness of this message.
I really enjoyed meeting you in D.C. and I hope to possibly see you at the Spouse's Retreat.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

September 19, 2005


I am so sorry I haven't written sooner, but things were hectic with Duke's situation with the courts and all for the longest and now that everything is over and I am able to think clearly, I wanted to leave you a message. First, I would just like to say that I think about you often and I didn't forget about you. I know that it is just over the two year mark that Mike was taken away from you. I found the first year with Duke being gone that I was counting months, now like you, I find myself counting years. On September 11, 2003 while you were mourning the loss of your husband, unknown to me, I was on the last and final vacation I would ever get to spend with mine ever again.

Life has gone on for us, but remember every day that we live and get through is one day closer to being with our husbands again. And I know that both of them loved us so much in life that they would want us to continue to move forward and smile as often as we can. If you ever want to talk or email or need anything, please feel free to get my info from ODMP if they will give it to you.

Love and hugs,

P.S. Duke and Mike should have invested in stock with the Twinkies it sounds like LOL.

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

September 15, 2005

My dear son, I hope you enjoyed the candlelight vigil Jennifer organized. A great number of your friends were there, even the Major. Bet you got a kick out of that. Nola also was there. Dad pretty much summed up our feelings when he said, "we lost everything when we lost Ponce." Unfortunately, we experienced the same situation Sunday night when State Trooper Mark Carthron lost the battle for his life by 12:31 a.m. (September 12). You can imagine how we all felt. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. We know how they feel, their great loss.

You know how much we love you and how much we miss you. Someone at my work made a comment right after you left us, saying that I was about the only person he knew that if anyone knew me, they knew you or about you, because I always talked about you. I haven't stopped--you are still all I talk and think about.

Until we meet again, with all my love, Mom

September 14, 2005


As far as I know, I never had the honor of meeting you in person. I was a WMPD officer for 4 years, and have some of the same friends that you do. Through them I have learned a great deal about you, especially Jennifer and Edd.

I was at the candle light vigil last night, along with all your friends and family. I can honestly say that you are blessed with some of the most caring people I have ever known, and you will always be loved.

I am proud to have those same friends, and to know you through them. You watch over them, and take care of Jennifer. God Bless. T.

Patrolman T. Hill
Memphis Police Department

September 12, 2005

There was a great turn out for your vigil. JC made the hottest chicken ever and that was the topic of conversation for a while. Then we got the news that a trooper had been in an accident and all concerned turned to him. We were all shocked that once again on September 11 another officer was fighting for his life. There was a pursuit in progress and he was laying down stop sticks and was run over. I heard the air wing fly in to get him. We said a prayer for him and his family, hoping he would pull through. He died during surgery. He left a wife, too. They live right around the corner. I see his car parked in the driveway every day. It was just all too familiar - the circumstances so similar. I wanted to go to The Med so bad, but I just couldn't walk through those same doors again and see another woman going through the pain I was going through two years ago.
You take care of Mark. He died a hero just like you.
I love you,

September 12, 2005

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. It's unbelievable to me that you have been gone two years.
We're having the candlelight vigil for you tonight. Your parents are on their way in from Houston. I hope you're able to see the blue lights on the police cars and see our candles glowing. We're going to light the candles as close to 8:17 pm as possible. That's the moment you were taken from us. I wish He'd give you back, but I know that's impossible. But I can keep wishing, can't I?
I miss you so much. Always know that you hold the key to my heart.
All my love...
Your wife,

September 11, 2005




September 11, 2005

The two year anniversary of your death is approaching and I wanted to leave a reflection to let you and your family know that you have not been forgotten and are a true hero. I know their pain and even after two years it is hard for all of them. Keep watch over your family and try and ease some of their grief, God be with you.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Asst. Chief, Retired
Riverside PD, IL

August 26, 2005

Dearest Jenn~
Thank you so much for your beautiful reflection. I think of you often as well and I realized that I don't have your address or email. I am especially thinking of you as you approach Mike's 2 year marker. It seems so strange how our lives have taken such bizarre twists and turns since our husbands' EOW dates. I was so glad to finally meet you in D.C. and I look forward to seeing you again in 2006 at NPW.
I did not have the great privelege of knowing your Mike, but I have great faith in my heart that he is looking down from Heaven with great pride and love for you.


Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

August 23, 2005

Jennifer,you have been a inspiration to me and Im sure many others,what a strong and admirable woman you are.We lost one of our own in a tragic accident 2 months ago today in the state of Ar as well,the accident happened right in front of me,my husband and 14yr old son,Deputy Griffin said his last words and took his last breath in my hands,I have had really hard time with that,then I read your reflections and you give me inspiration.What a husband to be so proud of! What an officer giving it all.I know I dont know you but I think of you often and pray for you daily!
God Bless you!
Tonia Hale Paramedic and Wife of Lt.Norman Hale White County Sheriffs Dept.

Tonia Hale Paramedic

August 21, 2005

September 11 is coming on fast. It will be two years that you've been gone. It still hurts. I still miss you. I still cry for you. I still want to believe it is all a bad dream. I know that some people see the changes I have made in my life and see that I am moving forward and they wonder why I still write messages to you. They just don't understand. I did not want you to go - you were taken. I am forced to live my life without you and the decisions I have made I believe you guided me to. I know I shouldn't feel like I have to explain myself to others. You know that I love you with all my heart and truly, that is all that matters. But I still find myself telling others that no matter where I go or what I do, you will always be my husband. Not a second goes by that I don't miss you and need you here with me. I think the only ones who really understand are other widows -and your mom, of course. She's been great to me. I know you would really be happy with how good we get along. She tells me over and over that you would want me to be happy. And I know that. That's all you ever wanted. But I will never feel whole without you here. I know that I can have happiness in my life, but there will always be something missing - you. I will always miss your love, your laugh, your hugs, your "Jackie Chan" moves and your nose smiles. Oh yeah, don't forget the sprinkler. Man you were a bad dancer! Hee hee.
But I miss everything about you.

I'm selling the house and will be moving soon. You're welcome at my new house. I will set up a display case with your ashes and flag, and all your medals and plaques. Michael Waters Lane will run right through the center of the house. I'll leave the blue light on in the window so you can find your way.
I'm planning a candlelight vigil for the 11th. You're parents are coming down. We'll eat, of course, cause that's you're favorite thing to do. I might see if Edd can tell some funny stories to keep things light. I know you wouldn't want us crying. You would want us to celebrate your life. That's what we did at your funeral and that's what we will continue to do.
I love you forever.
Your wife, Jennifer

August 8, 2005

Hey Babe.
Today has been horrible. My cousin was killed in a car accident this morning. I spent most of today with his wife. I can feel her pain as if it were my own. It brought back so many memories. He was taken to the same funeral home and was placed in the exact same place you were. They have 3 children and today was his son's birthday. His daddy died on his birthday. He will never have a normal birthday again. Amanda asked me how long you had been gone and I told her almost two years. She then asked why this happened to her husband. I didn't have an answer. I wish I could say or do something to make it better, but I can't. My heart aches for her. I can't believe this has happened. It's just not fair. I miss you now more than ever.
Love, Jenn

(It's my birthday too but you probably thought it was last month, huh? Ha!)

July 18, 2005

Dear Waters Family:

I know the pain you feel and the sorrow of not having Michael with you. Our lives will never be the same and we are all part of the same family now. Maybe Michael and Greg are friends in heaven now. I hope so.

I was hoping to see you all in DC this past May, but did not find you.

May God bless you all...

Liz Medlin/Mother of Fallen Officer

July 7, 2005

May you sleep in the arms of the father.
May you wake to the face of the son.
May your precint be the jurisdiction of heaven.
Until we meet when our work here is done.
Rest easy my brother, I have the watch tonight.

Detective Corporal Donnie Manues
Searcy Police Criminal Investigation Division

July 4, 2005

Just want to remind you that no matter where I go or what I do, I will always love you. Not a moment goes by that I don't miss you or wish you were here.
I miss your laugh - thankfully I can still hear it when I close my eyes and think of you. It's so hard for me to believe that it's been almost two years since you've been gone. I never thought I could make it one day without you, but I have. It hasn't been easy and my heart is still broken. I will never be the same person I was when I was with you. But I do believe I am the person I am now BECAUSE of you. You have made me so much stronger and you taught me to stand up for myself. You gave me strength to make it in this world without you. How did you know to do that?
Gosh, I feel like I've just rambled on and didn't make any sense. But if I know you, you're just nodding your head like you got it all just so I'll hush. Ok, I'll stop.
I love you, Jenn

June 22, 2005

I wrote this poem about you a while back. I placed it on the wall in Washington in 2004. I've actually written several poems about you, I just haven't gotten around to posting them yet. I'll leave this one for now.

Left Behind

My husband is gone, my life is over
"I'm all alone" I cried on her shoulder

How do I live without you by my side?
I don't want to go on without you in my life.

We said we would always be together
So we took our vows and promised forever

I cry and I pray for God to take me away
Just let me be with Mike and I won't ask for another thing

There are cops who die every single day
I wish that were me, I would gladly take their place

But I wake each morning with a broken heart
And I feel as if my soul has been torn apart

Why did He choose you, why did you have to go?
We were just beginning our life, I don't understand His goal

"He was one of the best" I hear everyone say
That's why I don't understand why you were taken away

Maybe it's selfish for me to want you here
For now you're in Heaven where you'll shed no more tears

If there's one thing I wish, it would be this
For you to never see our tears but just know how much you are missed

If I had the choice I would do it the same
For you are the love of my life and that will never change

I love you, Babe.
I miss you every second of every day.

May 25, 2005

I know you would have been so proud of your Jenn as she returned with some of your co-workers to honor you again this year in D.C. I finally got the privilege to meet her and I was so blessed to do so. She is and will continue to be an beautiful inspiration to me.
Thank you for all of the things that we shared in a short amount of time. I will definitely be in touch with you in future days, and I am so proud to call you "friend" :)
Love Ya,

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

May 20, 2005

Attending Washington was a little easier this year, but it was still very sad to see the new faces who now know our pain of losing a loved one.

I went to Washington with a group of your fellow officers. Boy, was that an experience!! They are great guys though and they miss you. We all miss you. Charlie, Vance and Jason got a memorial bracelet in your honor. It says "Fallen Brother". Edd still wears his "Bad boys for life" bracelet. They will never forget you. You really made an impression on all of them.

And I was so excited to see that some of the things your mom left you last year at the wall was in the police museum this year! You would be so proud. Even with never meeting you they know how special you are!

I miss you more and more with each breath I take. Even though things seem to change on a daily basis, my love for you will remain steady and true. You will always be my #1. Always.
Love, Jenn

May 19, 2005

My precious, beloved son:

Jennifer, Ed, Shelton, Jason and Drema, Vance, Dad and I went to Washington last week to honor you and all fallen peace officers. It is an incredible, awesome memorial; sort of bittersweet--we are so proud of y'all, yet we are all broken-up and hate the reason we are there.

We are thankful for this new big family we feel we belong to now... they understand how we feel... they know this pain is never going to go away.

But, most of all, we are so thankful for you and all the wonderful memories we have. We love you and miss you more each day!

Love you forever, Mom

May 18, 2005


Please make sure that everyone who is going to DC to honor you has a safe trip.


I can't wait to meet you although I wish it have been under better circumstances. But how great it will be to honor our husbands and to honor the husbands of the rest of the ladies that we have met through our tragedies. Have a safe trip and I will see you in a couple of days.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

May 9, 2005

I saw this poem on another officer's ODMP and wanted you to see it.

Do believe I'll never leave you
Always I'll be in your heart.
Don't forget my soul is near you,
And so we'll never be apart.

As the days come and go and the world moves on, I know you're still here, you'll never be gone.

On the night the Angel came and took your hand, We cried as you left for an unknown land.
But Heaven rejoiced as you came into sight, For your soul was a diamond, shining so bright!

You are now my blue angel above.
I love you so much.
Your wife, Jennifer

May 5, 2005

I just wanted you to know that as I am getting some things together for D.C. next week I am thinking of you and your family. I hope that we can finally meet face to face in Washington this year. I watched the DVD that was sent by the Secret Service of you putting your carnation on the FOP wreath for Mike. My heart was breaking for you as I watched.
I am sending prayers of safety to you and Mike's Family as you travel to D.C. next week.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler

May 3, 2005

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