Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Christopher Waters

West Memphis Police Department, Arkansas

End of Watch Thursday, September 11, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Christopher Waters

Thinking of you always...
Love, Jenn

April 25, 2005


Please have a safe Easter. I know if you had one thing you would want this Easter for the Easter Bunny to bring you that it would be Mike to come home. I to hoped that as I woke up this morning that the Easter Bunny would have found a way to bring my Duke home. Continue to stay strong and remember that Mike is still with you this Easter and always.


P.S. Thank you for your reflection you left for Duke and I yesterday. I know my husband was blushing up there in heaven at the compliment you gave to him.

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

March 27, 2005


I have a Hero,
This person is one who gets dressed for work each day just like everyone else
I have a Hero,
Who kisses their spouse and children before they leave for work not knowing if they will return at the end of the day to hold them once again
I have a Hero,
Who must confort the scared, console the troubled, and protect even the gulity
I have a Hero,
Who arrives to a situation where a child has been killed and must remember that the suspect has "rights"
I have a Hero,
That puts on a uniform each day with a vow to Serve and Protect
I have a Hero,
Who was killed in the Line of Duty today, and with him a part of America died
I have a Hero,
Who goes by the name of Police Officer....

May God Bless all of Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters in Blue. While we honor the lives of those no longer with us.
-Your Brothers
Put-in-Bay Police

Put-in-Bay Police Department

March 26, 2005

I've been having a really tough time lately. I find myself crying almost daily. I don't really know why. Maybe there is just no room for denial anymore. It's been over a year. You're not coming back, and yet I still can't put away your toothbrush or put up your towel. They are both still where you left them. I don't even use your sink. That's YOUR sink. You should be here using it!
I was talking to Edd the other night and was telling him how unfair this all is. Out of all the people in the world, you definitely deserved to live your life. There are so many people here who don't even want to be here. They are unhappy and miserable and take things for granted. But you never did. You were always happy and had a smile on your face. You loved life, you loved your parents, you loved me. I hate it that you had to leave.
Your mom and I talk as much as we can stand (we get emotional). What helps get her by is knowing that you were happy, very happy. I'm glad your parents and I were able to give you the happiness you deserved.
Send a good dream my way.
I love you forever.
Your wife, Jennifer

March 19, 2005

Dear Michael, reading the ODMP as I do every day, I was prompted to Deputy Matt Herzog's reflections... There I found a poem written by another grieving Mom--Scott M. Bairds mom. After reading it, I had to copy for you... It's such a wonderful way to honor and remember a dear son--like you.

So, here's the poem...

The Etching On My Heart

Never had I dreamed
I'd hear your name called aloud

A hero I heard them say
A man for whom we are proud

To stand above all-
to honor, protect and serve

Your life ended swiftly
so much more did you deserve

Your name etched on a wall
for all of those to see

A fellow officer touches it
down on bended knee

They hand me your medal of honor
proudly which I display

Although it comes with sad reminders
of how my heart was broken that day

But we shall be together again
I give you my solemn vow

I had to let you go
for you sleep with the angels now

The Roll Call of Heroes is over,
memorial services done

But forever you live in my heart
My angel, my hero, my son.

All my love forever,


March 15, 2005

Hello Dear Michael..we had the priviledge of having the company of your Dad this past few days..uncle Jr. and him spent some quality time toguether and the three of us remember you in every moment and every conversation.Our heart is sad but I know you are with our heavenly Father.We pray for Mom and Dad..they miss you very much.Kevin feels very close to you. We will always love You and miss You. In our were the BEST.

Love Always..TiTi Lourdes

Lourdes Selva

March 10, 2005

There are seven of us going to Washington this year. The car door will be taken to place next to your name on the wall. It makes me feel good to know that your friends want to return to D.C. in your honor. They have not forgotten you and that's important to me. Even the new officers graduating from the academy know who you are. Even now, they all still enjoy telling Mike stories and I do believe that most of the officers feel as if you are their guardian angel, that you are their constant backup. I believe so, too.
We miss you.

My love always, Jenn

March 8, 2005

Tig, can you believe Dad is on his way to Daytona on your motorcycle? He says that he knows you are riding with him. So, stay with him and take care of him. I miss you!!!!

Love you lots, Mom

March 7, 2005

Hey Jenn,

I want to thank you for taking the time to write to me on my husbands web-page. As the months go on without my Duke, I am constantly wondering what direction my life is going to take. Right now, it has no direction. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with me regarding the second year. I hope that in time, you and I and the rest of the survivors will find that peace I know we are all struggling to find. Like you said on Duke's web-page, "God bless our husbands".

Love and hugs,

P.S.- I have one of those dry erase boards to. It is hanging in the kitchen under the phone. Duke was the last person to write on it and it says "I love you". It always makes me smile.

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

March 2, 2005

Jennifer, I visit this site daily and just came across your husbands. I am truly sorry that this had to happen to your family. I was reading through the reflections and had to chuckle when I read your "Mike Lowry" comment. I can tell that you and your husband both had a good sense of humor. I hope that when you are feeling down that you can look at those good times and laugh at the fun times you had together. I will be praying for you and your family.

Trina Brown
Marion, Ohio civilian

February 23, 2005

Another Valentine's Day without you. I miss my sweet cards! My favorite was the homemade card you surprised me with. It's still up on the fridge. I'm so glad I saved every card you've given me.
I still have the dry erase board on the fridge, too.
"I love you like a day at the airport". Only the two of us knows what that means.
I miss you.
Love always, Jenn

February 14, 2005

You are my sweetheart, forever!

Love you, Mom

February 14, 2005

Officer Waters, you will never be forgotten..after reading some of these reflections, I see that you died doing something that you really LOVED & ENJOYED..I also see that you are loved by your family - friends & co-workers, you are in my thoughts & prayers..Officer Waters, please watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!..we will take the watch from here on out..

Detroit Police Dept., MI

February 10, 2005

Hello, sweet prince. Yes, it's Mom again... I want you to know that on Saturday, February 5, Brian got back from Iraq, thank God! Titi, Dad and I went to receive him at Camp LeJeune and we just got back—long trip. Brian seems to be doing okay, I hope and pray that he is. He said it felt weird, that he kept waiting to hear bombs exploding. He says that you are his role model. That "he (you) did everything pretty much perfect." Of course we know you did not do everything perfect, but you always did what you felt in your heart was right. I told Brian that now we have 2 heroes in the family (you and him) and he reminded me that we have 3. And we do; we can't forget Dad's service in Vietnam. You always said that Dad is your hero and I am happy to see that Brian feels the same way.

I love you, son. You know I miss you…


February 9, 2005

Just thinking of you...
I miss you so much.
Most days are manageable now...but some days I wake up and just can't deal with this void I have in my life. Some days it feels as if losing you happened just yesterday yet it feels as if it's been years since I've seen your smiling face or heard your voice.
I've always wished that I had just one more chance to see you alive, to tell you I love you. Now I hope and pray that I get to see you in my dreams. If only we had one more day together ...but I know that one more day would never be enough.
My love always,

January 14, 2005

I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.

Rest in peace.

December 28, 2004

Feliz Navidad, dear son. I can't even imagine what it is to be celebrating Jesus's birthday with him! For us, the holidays will never be happy without you. We do have so many friends that are here for us, and we are thankful.

I am thinking this morning about some of your precious remarks on Christmas morning. Remember when you looked at your presents under the tree and you said, "Mom, Santa must really like me!"?

We love you!!!!

Mom and Dad

December 25, 2004

December is a busy month. Piper turned a year old, you had your 26th birthday and now it's Christmas. There's snow and ice everywhere and I know that if you were here, you would certainly be showing out.
Despite all the changes in my life, not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. Your memory and your love have been locked away in my heart forever and my love for you has no end. In my heart and soul, you will always be my husband, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Merry Christmas, Babe.
My love always,

December 24, 2004

Happy 26 birthday, sweetheart! On December 18 and every day, Dad and I give thanks to God for the most precious gift--you! We love you and miss you, forever...

Mom and Dad

December 17, 2004

Tig (remember when I called you that?), we have closed a chapter. The car driver's trial was last week. On Thursday, December 2, the jury convicted him of manslaughter and fleeing from police. He was sentenced to 60 years. I know it's not enough for what he caused, but at least he will not be roaming the streets and endangering others at least for a long while.

You would be so proud to know that so many of your police brothers were there with us and for us. I now know why you loved your job so much. We have learned to love them, too. Dad and I are trying to get through all this--sometimes it feels like it's just too much, but somehow we keep going on.

I know you know that our love for you will never die... We love you and miss you more each day. Rest in peace sweet prince!

A mother's love is forever...


December 6, 2004

Say Mike

Poem rephrased and based on the book "Saying Olin to Say Goodbye"
by Donald Hackett

The time of concern is over. No longer am I asked how I am doing. Never is the name of my partner mentioned to me. A curtain descends. The moment has passed. A life slips from frequent recall. There are exceptions...close and comforting friends, sensitive and loving family. For most, the drama is over. The spotlight is off. Applause is silent. But for me, the play will never end. The effects on me are timeless.
Say Mike to me.

On the stage of my life, he has been both lead and supporting actor.
Do not tiptoe around the greatest event of my life. Love does not die. His name is written on my life. The sound of his voice replays within my mind. You feel he is dead. I feel he is of the dead and still lives. You say he was my partner, I say he is.
Say Mike to me and say Mike again.

It hurts to bury his memory in silence.
What he was in flesh has now turned to ash.
What he was in spirit, stirs within me always.
He is of my past, but he is part of my present. He is my hope for the future.
You say not to remind me. How little you understand I cannot forget.
I would not if I could.
I forgive you because you cannot know.
I strive not to judge you, for yesterday I was like you.

I do not ask you to walk this road. The ascent is steep and the burden is heavy.
I walk it not by choice.
I would rather walk it with him in the flesh.
I am what I have to be.
What I have lost you cannot feel.
What I have gained you cannot see.
Say Mike, for he is alive in me.

He and I will meet again, though in many ways we have never parted.
He and his life play light songs in my mind, sunrises and sunsets on my dreams.
He is real and he is shadow, he was and he is.

He is my partner and I love him as I always did.
Say Mike to me and say Mike again.

I want to thank JV for this poem.

November 22, 2004

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I miss you so much. Yesterday would've been our 2 year wedding anniversary. Just knowing how happy we were 2 years ago - and how quickly everything was taken away - it breaks my heart.
It's time again for Project Blue Light. I've made up some flyers and have passed them out. I keep a blue light up for you all year long, but I'm adding extra blue lights for December.

I love you, Mike.
Hope to see you in my dreams - Jennifer

November 22, 2004

To Ofc Water's family I extend my deepest simpathies. I know the path you are on, I have been there too. I am nearly 12 years further down the road. My older brother, Todd Stone EOW 01-27-93 , was taken from my family in a vehicle pursuit accident as well. I can't go to work without a thought of what would things been like if only that utility pole had been 10 feet further down the road. Why did it have to be right in your path? But these things happen. As an officer I know tomorrow I could suffer the same fate and I wonder how my wife would cope with it. I think my comfort comes from knowing that Todd swore an oath to discharge the duties of the office of police officer to the best of his ability and it was in that endeavor that he fell. There is great honor in that. I hope Officer Water's family will remember that and take that as some form of peace. Never forget. Take the good he put in your lives and lock it away forever.

The watch is ours now brother.

Ofc Anthony Stone
Clinton Iowa Police Dept

November 2, 2004

October 29th was a very sad day. Our Rawlybear passed on. I know he held on as long as he could. But now I hope the two of you are together playing Zombie - and being lazy.
The house was so quite without Bear so I got a new puppy. His name is Tate - and I swear he has the spirit of Rawly in him! Labs aren't supposed to snore and pass gas, but Tate sure does. Rawly still gets the award for loudest and stinkiest, though.
Mike, I miss you so much. I have so much going on right now. I hope you are okay with my decisions - and I hope you know that I will never stop loving you.
My love always,

November 1, 2004

My dear Michael, found this in a catalog and had to tell you.

The Broken Chain

We little knew that morning that
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly, in death
we do the same. It broke our
hearts to lose you, you did not go
alone; for part of us went with you
the day God called you home. You
left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide; and though we
cannot see you, you are always at our
side. Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
but as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

Sweetheart, thanks for the messages and the balloon. I love you and miss you!

Love, Mom

October 26, 2004

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