Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Alabama
End of Watch Sunday, June 22, 2003
Reflections for Conservation Officer James Lansford "Lance" Horner, Jr.
On behalf of Alabama Concerns of Police Survivors, we hope to provide healing for your family. Our mission is to rebuild shattered lives. It is another holiday season. I know your family is thinking of you. We hope they reach out to us at or on our Facebook page: Alabama Concerns of Police Survivors, C.O.P.S.
Alabama Concerns of Police Survivors
November 30, 2021
Lance: Daddy and I, Jessica and Jacob and Heath were invited to Montgomery to see the Memorial Wall for all of the 12 officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. You would have loved it.....! We miss you so much and one of these days we will be together again! We love you so much.
Mother---I have no rank
February 23, 2018
Lance and I worked together quite a few times and I always enjoyed the time we spent together either working hunting details, management area hunts, night hunting and illegal hunting over bait or checking creel limits, size and fishing license on he Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers. I was with the Alabama Marine Police and we covered some of the same rural areas and we worked together whenever we could. Friends are rare and Lance was my friend and I still miss him. He wore his uniform and badge with pride and honor and I like that. Lance was a fine Conservation Enforcement Officer and I am honored to have known and worked with him.
CEO Richard C. Miller
Alabama Marine Police
June 23, 2017
I was privileged to work in the same district with Lance, although we seldom got the chance to work together. He was a fine officer with a bright future ahead of him. The day we lost him was one of the worst of my career, and I think about him every time I drive past the cemetery in Thomasville. Most importantly, he was a Christian man who witnessed by example, and I look forward to spending eternity with him.
Sgt. Henry Lowery
Al. Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
June 22, 2017
We miss you so much, Lance. We were able to spend some time with Jacob during this Christmas season. He is just like you. We are so blessed! One of these days the chain will all be linked together again! Until then....... Mama
Susan Horner
January 7, 2017
Happy Birthday, Lance!
Your 45th birthday! We think of you each and every day that rolls around. So many priceless memories of you. Your friends still comment on you when we see them. You are still influencing people!!!!!!! I can only imagine what those Heavenly birthdays are like! Until we meet again.........Much love, Daddy and Mama
Mother to Officer Horner
December 14, 2015
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
June 22, 2015
Just remembering you today, my precious son. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. One of these days we will meet again! I love you so much! Mama
Susan E. Horner
October 23, 2014
Hey Lance, I was just remembering how when your scanner went off you would look at Joshua and say "come on squirt" and off the two of you went. You were such a good "big brother" to him.
Debbie Jackson
April 11, 2013
Hey Lance:
I think about you every day of my life and remember the wonderful times we shared. You were not only a co-worker but you turned out to be just about the best friend I have ever had. I pray for your family----they are such special people. Jacob is such a fine young boy (you know that!!) and he is a testimony to the love all his family shared-----such a special family---what always admired was the fact that you had such love for not only your family but Jessica's family, as well. I think you had two sets of parents---they all loved you so. I go by your resting place often----I drive in sometimes and just reminise and thank God that I was privileged to know you. Many times I have almost decided to go into something else for a living but then I always think about you and I want to be the kind of person you were so much---you, my special friend, were (and still are) an awesome "guide" for me. One of the days we will meet again.
Conservation Dept.
March 3, 2013
My dear Lance:
Another Christmas season is upon us. We think of you each and every day. To say that we miss you is such an under statement-----We hold you in our hearts until that day when we will see you again! You were and are such a blessing to so many people. Love you so much and until that day------
Love you so much,
Susan E, Horner
December 3, 2012
Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.
Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO
October 31, 2012
It is really hard to believe that you went to Heaven nearly 9 years ago. There has not been a single day that we have not thought about you. Jacob Lance spent two weeks with us when Jessica and Jacob came for Syb's graduation and he stayed. He is such a joy (you already know that, don't you) and is such a blessing to us. One of these days we will all be together again! Until then......................................
June 19, 2012
RIP Sir, A Hero for sure.
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
June 2, 2012
Hey Lance:
8 years ago today we were all on our way to Washington, DC for national law enforcement week. Think of you all the time!
I love you,
May 12, 2012
Yesterday when Daddy and I were at Harold Reid's funeral a man came up to me and said somebody he worked with was very close friends with you. He said his friend spoke very highly of you. Of course it was Keith!
Love you so much!
Susan Emery Horner
February 28, 2012
As Thanksgiving is coming up we think of you and remember how you always loved to stuff the turkey!!!!!! One of these days we will have Thanksgiving again----together!
I love you so much, son!
November 20, 2011
We will never forget you and always remember the good years, the good times, and i often smile when things that happen remind me of you!!!
August 20, 2011
Hey, my friend:
It would seem as time goes on that one tends to forget the wonderful times we had together!!!! Not so, friend! Many days I take my lunch to your beautiful place there below the trees and just think about all the good times we had. OH, my life has been so enriched having knowed you and you still effect mylife each and every day! I wish they would have made more of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until that day...............................
Your forever friend! Thanks you for all you have meant to me.
March 20, 2011
Tomorrow you will be celebrating your 40th birthday in Heaven! I know you have been celebrating everyday since you arrived there. We miss you so much but we know where you are and that one day we will be reunited with you and that will be such a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday, Son
I love you so much,
December 13, 2010
My friend:
I just want to tell you that I have really made a quality decision with my life. I have fought it for years--wanting to do my own thing---you know, living for me and doing what I felt like doing. Well, as of this day I am a new person and i know I know it is because of God but my friend it is because of you and your influence on me. To be honest with you there were times when things woul dhappen and you would just shake it off and I would think how in the world can he do that---he deserves to get even.
Thanks for being my friend and one of these days we will be together always. Thank you, Lance, for your life which is still living on i me and in those of us who were really "a little family of own." It truly was a special bond.
Thanks seems to inadequate.
September 23, 2010
My friend:
I thought about you on September 11. We were on our way to the district meeting in 2001
when we heard the news and you and the rest of us couldn't believe it. I remember you called your Mama and Daddy and of course, Jessie. Oh, that life could have been different but we are so thankfull for what time we knew you. We know you are not physicaly there with us but boy we knew you are there in our hearts. Think about you ever day.
September 17, 2010
I drive by your resting place everyday. Even though I know you are not really there I find comfort just going there. My life is what it is today because of you, my friend. I will be forever gratefull for all I learned from you.
August 26, 2010
Hey there, Lance:
Still miss you and find it hard to believe that it will soon be 7 years! We were so priviledged to have Jacob with us for a couple days last month and he is such a wonderful little boy (you knew that already, didn't you?) and we see so much of you in him. God is good!
My rose bush is blooming again!
Until that day-----------
I love you so much,
June 19, 2010
Think of you every day. Nothing will ever be the same since you left your buddies! I still have to laugh at some of the crazy things we did---not bad, just funny.
I still think about the rides we had on the river and was some of the happiest t imes I will ever know.
Look forward to seeing you once again!
A dear friend
May 5, 2010