Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Alabama
End of Watch Sunday, June 22, 2003
Reflections for Conservation Officer James Lansford "Lance" Horner, Jr.
We will always love you and you continue to live on in our hearts every day. We see you in so many things. You left such a legacy to all who knew you. You will never be forgotten! May God continue to bless your family and friends!
Until then----------
Your special friends!!!!
April 29, 2007
Dear Uncle Buddy:
I want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and I pledge allegiance to the flag! And, I love God. And, I love you!
Love you lots,
P.S. I have a new puppy, his name is Mickey!!!!
February 14, 2007
I was just reading your Mama's reflection about the Christmas sign. You were such an incredible family and I am so happy that I knew you and only wish I could have known you longer. We did have so many fun times and I still think about them. Talking about the sign, I rremember your telling me about it one time during Christmas when people were putting up their Christmas decorations. You didn't say a whole lot about that sign but I gathered that it was special to you, too. You were so fortunate to have such a precious family and I think about you every day and remembered you on your birthday. We will be together again one day!!!!!
Your 'ole buddy
January 6, 2007
Dear Lance:
Well, son, remember the Christmas sign Daddy made so many years ago? Like this year was number 19. Well, needless to say, it gave us the ghost. So, he is going to come up with something else. You will "see" it, I am sure. It was a little sad (a little sad!!!!! to say the least but Daddy disposed of it and will be doing a new one!!!!!
We had a good Christmas but of course it would have been so much better with you here but my son, you were in our hearts and always will be. You are a job and we were so fortunate to have you for our son, and Daddy and Lori and I talk a lot about the fun times we had and even Sydney talked about her Uncle Buddy and you were think Kendall knew all about you and she talks about you a lot.
We look forward to seeing you again and remember how much we love you!!!
Until we see you again!!!!! Remember how much we love you!
I love you,
January 3, 2007
Happy Birthday!!!! We miss you and love you.
December 15, 2006
My dear friend:
Day in and day we come and go. Sometimes I think I am just going thru the motions-----you were a mentor to me (even thoug you was younger than me. When I get down and think if I want to stay in this job I see you in my mind and know that I do want to do this job. You are still special to me and so many people and we miss you more during this season but I know you are still in our hearts.
We will see you again, my friend!
I don't understand things that happen to good people but I do this, one of these days we will be together forever and you are responsible for my committment to serve Jesus the Saviour. Thank you for so many things and I pray for your precious family---all of them---they loved you so much and you are so lucky to have such a caring loving family!
Thank you again!
November 21, 2006
My dear friend:
You are still with us day in and day out. The memories of your quiet ways are always formost in us. Getting ready for this season is still not the same and we think of you every day. You have left us a legacy and we intend to life up to it in every way.
November 1, 2006
Rest in Peace, Officer Horner. You are not forgotten.
Officer 11169
September 4, 2006
We will always love you and you will always be so special. The summer of 1996 will always be special and even though it was for a short time, I treasure the time that you were a part of our everyday life.
July 21, 2006
I just wanted to let you and your family know that it still hurts, but I know that this is the way to good Lord has written our's lives. To your Mother and Dad--- Lance will always be in my heart. TO Lori------ You know I will always be there for you, nothing has change from the time I made the promise in the front yard! To Lance's wife and son--- Lance was a good friend and even if we haven't really met, I would still do anything in my power for yall.
I will see you, Lance, when the time comes. Just keep looking after me, because there has been times when I know that an angel was looking after me.
Ofc. Chris Watson
Dothan Police Department
Twelve years and counting.
Officer Chris Watson
Dothan Police Department
July 17, 2006
Dear Lance:
It seems impossible that it has been three years!! We still miss you as always but you are always with us in our hearts and thoughts! We are so very proud of all that you accomplished on your job and especially as a husband and Daddy! You were everything we could have wanted in a son and you gave us so much joy.
Until we meet again, I love you so much and treasure all the "precious memories" of you.
Because He Lives We Can Face Tomorrow!
I love you!
June 21, 2006
I think of you so many times as I ride the river---especially this time of year. It hardly seems possible that you have been gone nearly 3 years now---not a day goes by that we don't think of you and still have to laugh at some of the things--------that little boy of yours is a carbon copy of you-----he is so much like you and his Momma.
Remember, we will meet again!! Thank again for you and all that you meant to us.
Your "deer" friend!!!!
June 7, 2006
Lance:Just want tyou to know that you are still influencing your fellow workers each and every day!!!!! The other day I was in a dilema----but I finally thought thru it and know what I had to do and that I would not make brownie points but I keep seeing you the whole time and knew I couldn't dissapoint you!
I will always treasure your Godly influence on my life as well as so many others and the fact that you never pushed your beliefs on everyone was just the fact that you lived what you believed and it was so wonderful to have you as our example---also my family knows how you lived you r life!
I will do my best to do the right things just as you did!
One of these days we will meet again!!!!
Thank you my friend!!
April 2, 2006
Well, I have thought about you a lot these past couple months! I have decided to do a little something different in my career and I have really hesitated alot but I have thought so much about what you would do, and after much thought, I have decided I am going to pursue this.
I can just hear you say "got for it."
Thanks agin for being such a wonderful friend to me---I miss you and all the funny things we have done at times!! I will see you again!!!
March 2, 2006
Well, deer season is nearly finished for another year!!!!!! We still miss you each and every day and I still can't believe it has been 3 seasons now.
We still think of you each and every day. Once again, thank you for all you have done for me. Your friendship is a blessing----you notice I said "is a blessing" because I still "feel" you and thank God everyday for the wonderful gift that he gave me for the priceless friendship!!!!! I will see you again!!
Your 'ole buddy!!!!
January 25, 2006
I can't believe it's been almost 3 years. What it must be like to see Jesus everyday!!! finally made it through EMT school--I felt like you should have been there this time. I see your mama + daddy every time I pass through. They seem to be doing well. I know they miss you so very much. just wanted you to know your still in my heart + I still miss you alot. can't wait until I get to heaven + can bug you again... :)
January 10, 2006
We will always love you. We miss you very much and we will always cherish the years we had with you. You meant so much to us as you did many others.
As we get ready to begin another year, please know that we think of you everyday.
December 26, 2005
I was just reading the reflection from your Mother. From the time I was a small boy I don't ever remember my mother saying that she loved me. She took care of me and did all the things a mother is suppost to do but she never said the words "I love you." I longed to hear those words and sadly on the day she died I realized that Ihad never ever heard her say that to me. I know she loved me but it would have been so great to hear her say it. I have been around your family and I know they loved you so and your love for them was very evident as you talking about them so much!!!! I just want to tell you one more time how blessed you are. I told you that several times in the past years. God has been so good to you and your family and my prayer is that he will continue to comfort all of them.
I look forward to seeing you again, my friend!!!!! I was just thinking the other day of the last time we were together and the funny things you could say at times. It was such a joy to know you!!
December 22, 2005
Dear Lance:
Your third Christmas in Heaven!!!! Celebrating with the King of Kings and Lord of all!!!!!!! I know it is Christmas everyday there!!!! I am so selfish wanting you back and I know that is normal, but I also know, that I will see you again and that is such a sweet comfort to me. Jacob Lance is so much like you and that is such a blessing to us. Jessica is a wonderful mother (but then, you know that, don't you??) I am so thankful that you chose to follow the Lord and it is so priceless to read the comments others have made about you on this "odmp" page.
Merry Christmas, my precious Son!!!
I love you so much!
December 20, 2005
The other afternoon I was headed home and when I came to the cemetary I drove in and sat there for a few minutes just thinking about you and all the wonderful times we had. I got out of my car and just saw down there for a few minutes by your marker and felt so in tune with you. I don't think I have ever met anyone quite like you before----you just always seemed to know what to do or what to say or sometimes-----what not to say!!! Anyway, I found myself praying!!!!! I have always prayed during my life but not really like I knew I should but as I sat there I told God that I was so thankful that he had placed you in my life. To be quite honest with you when I first met you I thought you were really "too good" but as I begin to watch your life I realized that you were genuine from the get go. I also asked God to fogirve me for things I had done during my life that was not good and I have made a decision to try to be the best person I can and I know I will make mistakes but I guess the bottom line is I watched you all those years and realized that we don't have to wear a big button that says "hey, I'm a Christain." We just have to please him. I have heard this all my life but it just was really brought home to me that day that I "visited" your grave. Once again, thank you, my friend, for all the precious times we spent and I only wish we would have been able to spend more time---I guess you always really miss something once it is not there. Lance, I just want to say again, thank you, my friend, for all you were to me and that you still are to me. My family know how much you meant to me and my goal is to be like you! Until we meet again!
Thank you for showing me so much!!!
November 2, 2005
Well, I have been thinking about hunting season again and I just can't seem to be an interested as I used to. It is just not the same anymore. I will go but I will always treasure our wonderful times!!! I will always think about you and the priceless friend that you were to me!
I look forward to seeing you again!!
October 11, 2005
As I have watched all the destruction on the coast and saw the conservation men aiding I thought about you every time I watched them. I know just how you would have done---you're heart would be broken as you worked along recovering people and helping those who had lost everything yet, you would be so calm and peaceful--praying to God for the strength to continue. We still think about you all the time and one day I am looking forward to seeing you again. May our good Lord continue to bless you and your family---you have such a great, precious family--again, you are so blessed!
One of your "co-workers"!!
September 17, 2005
Dear Lance,
Even now as I write this I truly feel like I am really writing you a letter and in the "spirit" I like to think you are receiving it. I think of all the years I have know you-------rich, rich, years that I would give a million dollars to re-live those days. I just never realized how much you meant to me. We had some wonderful times together and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and the fine man that you became. Ffishing and hunting are just not the same anymore. I know I probably did some things that you didn't approve of and I have asked God to forgive me and hope that you have. Isn't it odd that we always think we have more time to make things right but sometimes our lives turn out to be anything but what we have desired it to be. Just always remember this, my "adopted" son (the one I never had) that I will always love you. As I grow older I begin to realize alot of things that I wish I would have done differently but it is too late now but my love for you will always remain. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me and my family. I look forward to seeing you again!!
I know your family is so very proud of you and I am so thankful that you have such a wonderful son to carry on your name and a precious, Godly wife that God provided for you.
Thank you again for everything!!
July 25, 2005
Just the other day something came up and I just could not seem to see any solution (or at least a solution that I thought it should be) and I ran it over and over in my mind and then I thought "now, I wonder what Lance would do in this thing." Well, I didn't have to think any longer because I knew what you would do and I didnt have to wonder about it anymore. Probably if I would habe done what I really wanted to it would not have been the best thing (but at that time would have made me feel real good) so I just want you to know you are still with us in our daily things that we do. Once again, I want to thank you for all that you taught us nad I am still amazed at what all we did learn from you. There were no grey areas ever with you.
Thank you again, my wonderful friend!!!!
July 19, 2005
You truly are a wonderful example to all who knew you. I would have been so proud to have you for my son!! In many ways, I guess you were like my son. I will always remember you and the wonderful times we spent together. It is still hard to believe it has been 2 years and I think about you everyday. May you always know how very much you was loved. Thank you for making my life much richer and so blessed!
July 1, 2005