Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Alabama
End of Watch Sunday, June 22, 2003
Reflections for Conservation Officer James Lansford "Lance" Horner, Jr.
He put himself in the line of duty to assist an other, with out concern for him self...only to help one who could not help him self on his mind. Officer Horner is a true hero to all. I will pry for your family as I carry on your memory.
Police Officer
June 22, 2005
Conservation Officer Horner Jr was, with no question, a great man, father and husband. He passed doing his job, a job few of us can do. You, and many others, inspire me to become a Police officer. I thank you for the service you gave, we will NEVER forget you, sir.
June 22, 2005
Remembering Lance on the 2nd
anniversary of his homegoing. As
you continue to dwell in the Lord's
presence may your Loved Ones
continue to heal thru the grieving
process. You have left a precious
little one behind to bless those around him and to be a reminder of you. May God fill the loneliness of long days and longer nites. In the twinkling of an eye, those in Christ shall be reunited and no more tears will fall. Until then, God bless all those who still miss you. I look forward to meeting you one fine day.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
June 22, 2005
Lance--I have just discovered this wonderful memorial to you. You would be so proud of your family: Mama, Daddy, Lori, Chris, Sybey, baby Kendall, Jessica, and yes, Jacob. Although I do not get to see Jessica or Jacob often, I watch him grow through the photos that Miss Susan shares with the church family. You would be so proud of your family and the way that they are keeping your memory alive for your son. I still remember how much you loved your police scanner and the time spent sitting in your families living room talking about our dream of becoming an officer. You, lived and died doing what you loved and I am living my dream. How wonderful God is to give us the desires of our hearts! Always remember that you are close in heart. UJ
PCO Ursula J. Collins
Eufaula Police Department
June 17, 2005
If one angel in heaven could be the proudest of the legacy he left behind, it would have to be this wonderful man. Jessica, these tributes to Lance are beautiful; especially the ones from you. It was the high point of my trip to Washington to be able to see you again and see how great you are doing. I am so proud of your efforts to help other families get to Police Week and realize that their officers are also heroes. What a gift you have worked hard to give them! I am proud of you, and I know Lance is proud of you. There is no limit to what you will accomplish with a giving heart and God's blessing. You are a gift!
Amy Spear, President
Georgia State FOP Auxiliary
May 18, 2005
I am still amazed at the loyalty, love and admiration your family has for you. Not only while you was among them but even now, well it is just remarkable. It reminds me of the Father Knows Best series or Ozziet and Harriet. It is just hard to believe that these wonderful families are still around today and you my friend, so blessed.. Your little one is just like you and I know he will grow up to be just like you. His Mama is doing such a wonderful job with him and I can already see you in him. Not only it was a blessing to know you and spend so much time with you but even now, I still feel connected to you in so many ways--still wondering what you would do in situations, etc. I am still striving to be like you. Not only have you been blessed but you have and still are a blessing!
Miss you, my friend.
May 18, 2005
Each and everytime that I visit this page I a reminded of the wonderful example that you set for me as well as so many others. You never knew what an influence your quiet and clam diposition had on others. We are ablout ready to make another trip to Washington, DC. I got a DVD of the memorial service from last year and was reminded of just how proud I am to have been your wife! Our precious little boy is growing up so fast! I know that it wont be long before he will be making his first fishing trip! I know that you looked forward to that day so much! He it truly a BLESSING to me and everyone who is around him. I guess he is more like his daddy than what we all realize. I am so thankful that I still have such a big piece of you to hold onto!! Until we see each other again, know that you will never be forgotten!! With Love Always and Forever!
Your Wife,
April 24, 2005
I just want you to know that I still think about you everyday as I begin my work. It is just amazing that I find myself still wondering what you would do and what decisions you would make. It is very rare that we meet someone that teaches us so much by just being him self and a quiet, yet gentle way that has influenced so many of our lives. It is hard to believe that it has been nearly 2 years now but I still think about you and all the funny things we did and at times could seem to reach each others minds-------I just know that my life has been so richly blessed by your life! One day we will see each other again and that will be a wonderful day. I like to think that what I do when I work I do so by honoring you and you taught me so much and I will forever be greateful. I have stopped by your marker many times and I just stand in awe and the way it looks at it looks just like you and little Jacob. You have given him such a great heritage and I know he will probably be just like you!!!! I love you, my friend!!!!
April 1, 2005
It is still so very awesome how this entire family is still so very much connected. I recently had opportunity to spend some time with all of Jessica's family as well as Lance's family. Lance, you would be so proud of how they all "love" each other and care for Jacob. Fact is, the little tyke is so much like you--such a plus for the family. Not a day goes by that we don't think about you and still thought about what you would do on your job---we have truly lost a priceless man and when I say man, I mean "man" in the department. We will do our best to be there for the family always---even if we sould leave the dept. You were an anspiration to my own children to.
We will miss you always!
March 1, 2005
Well, deer season has come and gone again.....our second without you. We just wonder how we can go along with out you. Every time I go on a call I see you and still I wonder how you would handle a situation and I still find myself thinking about all the wonderful things I learned from you----a lot of times, just by watching you. You commanded calm and your caring ways still influence us today! Thanks again!!
February 2, 2005
It is so awesome to think of how many people that you touched while you were here with us. But the most wonderful thing is that you are still guiding many of us and even now we will think of just how you would have handled situations and the stand you would take.
You paved a way for us by your quiet ways and your godly influence on us but you never made us feel any less when we didn't believe in some of the things that you do or what we knew you did. I hope I will have the reputation you had---or have---one day! Thank you for your wonderful life! You truly were so very special in our lives!!
January 4, 2005
Merry Christmas!!! We will always love you and miss you. You are so special.
December 19, 2004
Dear Son:
Well, today is your 34th birthday and we think of all the wonderful years that you gave us. You brought so much joy to so many people and today as I thought about you I know you are having a wonderful birthday. I love you so much and am looking forward to the day when we meet again. Until then---------
we will cherish our precious memories and think of you all the time! I can only imagine what it must be like on those streets of gold.
Because He Lives We Can Face Tomorrow!!!
Thank you once again for the privilege of being your Mama-----it was such an honor and blessing!!!!
Until then---------
I love you so much!!!!
Susan E. Horner
December 15, 2004
We continue to think of you each day as we go about out "duties." It would seem that it would get easier as we go ahead without you but it does not. We think of you every day and I want you to know that you were always my inspiration and even thou you are not here physically I still feel that you are with us and I still wonder and think what you would do in such and such a situation. You gave so much of yourself to us and we were forever be grateful. May God continue to bless your precious family-----you are still blessed------for they love you so!!!!!!!!
I will see you again!!!!!!!!! I still think of those "late" night rides that we took and the things we saw and the things that were so funny at times.
November 16, 2004
We will always miss you. You made such a difference in our life and there are times, places, events, and happenings that will always remind me of you. I will always value the time you were here.
October 24, 2004
I have already written a reflection but as I continue to read the others I realized that you left your footprints on so many lives and I am so proud of you. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you-----let's say not even an hour. You will always be in my heart and my thoughts. We miss you so very much but we know you lived a rich life and gave us so many blessings. I still thank God that he chose me to be your Mama. Until we met again, I love you with all my heart.
Susan E. Horner
September 7, 2004
Not long ago I had just about decided that I would pursue another career other than law enforcement. A career that would yield more money and I thought possibly be more safer. I had thought and thought and thought about it and even my family knew I was thinking about that. One night as I struggled with this I decided that I would just have to leave it in God;s hands. I sat quietly before praying and just before I began to pray I closed my eyes and I saw the face of Lance and I remembered the many times we were together doing calls, etc. In some way I felt that God was helping me to make this decision but I also relized that all the many things I learned from this young man was so special and so I have decided at this time not to do anything else and just see what happens!!! Lance, I just want to say-------you are still influencing my life as well as others. You will always be in friend and you just can't imagine what all you have left us. Thanks for your life!!!
August 28, 2004
There's a place near my home called Red Top Mountain that has deer everywhere. Everytime I go there and see those deer just grazing so peacefully I think of you and how much you loved to hunt! I'm so glad you were a part of my life--you will never know the impact you had on me or my family! We loved you so much!!! I always wanted a big brother and for a few short years that was exactly what you were! I know I never told you, but I am so proud of you! You got the job you always wanted and the wife God made just for you! And you got to know the awesomeness of being a dad! You and your family will always be a part of me and I am so blessed to be a part of them! You were truly a man of God and I'm a better person having known you. I love you!
Rachel Ridle (friend + little sister in
August 12, 2004
As I continue to think of Lance and his wonderful family I understand that Lances parents were in town over the weekend. I know Jessica loves his family and I would have given anything to be able to have this type of relationship that this entire family has---------not just Jessica's immediate family but Lance's family seems just like one big family and nit is so beautiful. I think God for such a beautiful family. Having been thtu this and I can understand their pain but I can't understand the love and the commanradship that I see so evidently. I thank God for this precious family. We need to learn from them. They are precious.
August 3, 2004
I have gotten to know Jessica and the rest of the family since the tragic accident that claimed the life of Lance. I only wish that I could have known them before this, but our life has led us down this path and our thank God our paths have crossed. Not thankful for the reason they crossed but that we have been brought together. Due to the tragedy in our lives, we have grown together. Helping wach other turn our tragedy into triumph. Everyday is hard but together we are SURVIVORS! I am thankful for the new friendships I have gained in this family, especially with Jessica. She has become a dear friend to me. She and I can sit and talk of our love for Lance and Brian and know how it feels and have someone to talk with that does not think we are crazy. I know that she and Lance had a wonderful marriage and have a beautiful son. I know that we will see them again one day and we will all be together. I am thankful that we have found comfort and friendship between all of us.
I will continue to lift Jessica, Jacob and the rest of the family up in prayer.
Lance and Brian, watch over us and until we meet again.... We Love You!!
Denise Nichols - surviving spouse
Alabama State Trooper Brian Nichols EOW 2/17/2002
July 13, 2004
To our dear friend and co-worker:
I guess this past Sunday being the 4th of July we all thought about you and it just still does not seem possible that you are not with us-----not physically, that is but we still feel your presence and we know you are "checking us out" from ABOVE!!!!!! It was just such a joy and an honor to know you, work with you and to call you my dear friend. My life has been so enriched just knowing you and I have learned so many things as I worked with you and things that will always live on in my heart. You were TOPS and I will always try to be like you. You have left such footprints in our lives! Thank you for your impact upon our lives! We will always think of you!!!
Your friend and co-worker!!!!!
July 7, 2004
It is the 4th of July. As I listen to the many tributes and patrotic songs, I am reminded of you. As a law enforcement officer, you worked to protect and uphold the laws that keep us free and safe. On this day, I pay tribute to you and the difference you made in the lives of many people. Thank you and we will always miss you.
July 4, 2004
Uncle buddy it still seems like you are on a long trip.It just doesn't seem possible that your are not here with us.We miss you very much but we know that we will see you again.You are having the best time in heaven and I know that you are rejoicing up there and you wouldn't leave if someone offered you the world.I love you very much and I can't wait to see you again.Your good buddy,sydney
Sydney wilkinson,niece
June 23, 2004
Wow how this past year has flown by! It only seems like yesterday that you were walking out the door, never to return. I am so thankful for the precious relationship that we shared. You have been gone for a year, but not a day has gone by that you are not remembered! Jacob is now 16 months old (2 days shy). He is a very busy little boy!!!! I am so thankful for the precious gift that God gave us. He is so much like his daddy. I can only hope that he will turn out to be as respected as you were and still are!! We love you so much and will never let your memory die :) Love always and forever!
Your Wife, Jessie
June 22, 2004
Rest easy, Brother; you are not forgotten.
Monroe Co. Sheriff Dept. Bloomington, IN USA
June 22, 2004