Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Alabama
End of Watch Sunday, June 22, 2003
Reflections for Conservation Officer James Lansford "Lance" Horner, Jr.
I can't believe it has been a year!! I want you to know that I have tried to pattern my life after you during this past year. So many times when I have had to make decisioins I have thought what would you do. You will never know what an inspiration you were to so many of us-----even when we laughed sometimes at the stand you took on things we knew deep down that you were right. You will live on forever in our hearts and lives. You were truly a Godly man even tho you didn't push your religion on us. We will forever be grateful for your influence on our lives!
June 21, 2004
Jessica, my parents and I met you in Washington at Police Week this year and I have thought about you constantly since. (We met you standing in line Friday afternoon... quite vague, I know.) Your serenity and faith shone through you like no one I've seen and your life is such a testimony to God's abiding love and presence in our lives.
I pray for you daily and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers even more this month as I remember you saying that June was an especially rough month for you in more ways than one.
Your peace and continued reliance on Christ and His promises is such an encouragement to me... I pray that I can show His light and assurance in my life as openly and boldly as you have. You truly are a remarkable lady.
Bryce Mazur, Wife of Deputy Andrew Mazur
EOW 8/17/2003 -- Greenville County Sheriff's Office, SC
June 9, 2004
We miss you very much and this month is very sad for us. You will always be special and we will always remember you. Nothing can change the special times we had with you and the bond will never be broken.
June 6, 2004
Lance, Where do I begin? It has been almost 11 months and it still doesn't seem possible. Our little boy is growing up so quick, and he is into EVERYTHING! The past few weeks have been so busy with all of the memorial services. Last week in Washington, DC the pride that I felt to be called your wife can't be put into words. You are a true Mike said, not just for the way that you died, but for the way that you lived. The standard that you set for yourself was far above what anyone ever expected of you. Jacob has a wonderful example to follow! Jacob is a constant reminder of what a special person his daddy was. He is so very much like you at times. We all miss you, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you many, many times. You would be so proud of the way that "the guys", your department has taken care of me and Jacob. There hasn't been one thing that they have left undone. They are GREAT!!! I will go for now. I Love you and thank you for the honor of being called your wife. Love, Jessie
May 21, 2004
It was very touching to see this entire family in Washington, D.C. I think it is so wonderful to have so many people who love you and show that love to each other. I had the pleasure of meeting Officer Horner's wife and she seems so peaceful and I did not meet the other family members but did observe them many times throughout the week--I just think that it is such a gift for Officer Horner to have such a caring, compassionate family and he, indeed, was very fortunate to have had this kind of love. Many wish for that but never have it!!!! The entire family seems so serene---and I know it is because God gives them this!!!
Thanks for allowing me to observe you folks!!
May 18, 2004
Jessica, what an honor it was to meet you during Police Week. I pray that the week provided you with reassurance that you are not alone. There are so many people within your law enforcement family who are here for you, every step of the way. As I watched you during the Memorial Service, and later as we talked at the airport, I was so impressed by your peaceful countenance and your smile. I can plainly see that your faith in Jesus Christ is strong and providing your with confidence that death is never the last word. Isn't God good?
I pray that you and little Jacob are forever held in the palm of God's hand. Please know that the Georgia State FOP and Auxiliary, as well as all of us in Columbus, Ga. are here for you, whatever you need!
God bless and keep you.
Amy Spear
Amy Spear, President
FOP Auxiliary, Columbus, GA
May 17, 2004
The service in Montgomery yesterday was beautiful. I was so touched by people I met who had lost loved ones in the line of duty. We were all "one" in the candle light service and the grief of others became our grief just as our grief became there. I was again reminded of how fortunate I am to be an extended member of the "conservation" family and how proud I am to have been a part of your life.
May 7, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
Unfortunately, I had to add the name of another friend. Deputy Jeffrey Hewitt, Buncombe County (NC) Sheriff’s Department, E.O.W. April 4, 2004.
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
Marti Ingle (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 12, 2004
My dear Lance:
It just does not seem possible that it has been 8 months since you left us------------but we know you are HOME!!! That is such a comfort that we will be reunited with you again. You will always be such a wonderful part of our lives and we know you have been enjoying being with your Lord and all your loved ones who have gone on before. I just want you to know again how much I love you and again I am so grateful that God chose me to be your mother for 32 1/2 years. It was just an honor and a privilege. Thank you for making my life so wonderful. I always wanted a son and a daughter and God granted me both. Jacob Lance is so much like you (but then you know that, don't you?) We love our visits to see them and even though you are not there physically, you are in our hearts. Jessica is such an incredible little lady and she has done an excellent job in all she has attempted to do. I know you are so proud of her.
Just remember, my precious son, I look forward to that glorious day when we will be together again. I am so thankful you made that decision years ago to follow the Lord.
Because He Lives We Can Face Tomorrow!!!
All my love,
Susan E. Horner
March 11, 2004
Lance, you are so very much missed. Your bravery and concern for others was your way of life. We will forever remember you as our special one.
Aunt Virginia & Uncle Dave
January 25, 2004
"Lancie"-----Today is Christmas and I have thougt today of so many memories of us in the years past. This is our first Christmas without you with us and it is so different. I miss you so much, but I find myself smiling when I think what kind of celebration that you've experienced today! You are with the one whose birth we are celebrating-That is such a powerful thought to me. As I have looked at all the gold on Mama's and Daddy's tree today it just makes me know even more that you are walking on those streets of gold! I love you so much.
Lori Wilkinson
December 25, 2003
What a legacy you have left for us. We think of you everyday and we work and know that you truly lived a wonderful life. Your influence was left on so many people not only in Clarke County but everywhere you went. Even tho your family misses you so much just as we do I know they are so fortunate to have you---and you will always be in their hearts. You were indeed a wonderful husband, Dad, son, uncle, etc. I am so fortunate to have been able to spend time with you and even tho I was much older I learned so much from you. Never any pretence----so in tune with others needs. We will always love you and appreciate you for all that you did for us! God bless your dear family. Until we meet again!!!!
November 30, 2003
Lance was a good friend, loyal officer, and devoted husband and father. Lance was always there for his brother officers, no matter the time or day. You will be turely missed.
Chief of Police J.R. Pinkerton
Silas Police Dept.
November 12, 2003
We are hanging in there! Just not the same since you're not here but we feel you are still very much a part of us. I sometimes think about what you would do in a certain situation------you taught us so many things----so many good Christian principles for which we will always be grateful. You were such a fine example and your life counted to much to so many! You will always be in our hearts and lives. Your family must be so proud of you---how wonderful. I wonder what it would be like to have such a caring family like you. You were so blessed.
Keep looking down on us!
October 26, 2003
It is so hard to believe that hunting season is here again! I am sure that everyone of us who have worked with you over the years will have mixed emotions that we will all have to deal with. Working with you always gave me such confidence and your patience and "cool" head were always very evident to us. Somehow I don't feel quite as confident this year since you are not here. We all miss you. After I first got to know you and me and you spent a lot of time together and I remember you were so proud of your parents and your sister.
You spoke of them often and I thought it was so wonderful how you just seemed to light up when you spoke of them.
And then Jessica came along and we missed seeing you as much.
We will always have you in our hearts as we remember just what a comfort you always were----so level-headed and showed love and respect for everyone.
We will miss you but know we will see you again one day!
We know you smile down on us as we work.
It was a wonderful gift knowing you!
October 16, 2003
This is the time of the year I knew I would miss you the most and the days to come will not be easy. It is difficult to think of hunting season and not think of you. I know you will be watching from above and our memories of you will make us strong as we go forward.
October 14, 2003
Lance, Your actions on that last Sunday were of self sacrifice, and courage. You truly deserve the title HERO. I am sorry that I only got to meet you once at Lori and Chris' Wedding. I know that you are patrolling streets of gold. I am proud to call you a Brother, both as a law enforcement officer, and through our family ties. May God Bless Each one who has posted a reflection here, and may we be able to continue in the grace and peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Sgt. John Gleaton
Mobile County Sheriff's Office, Alabama
September 19, 2003
My thoughts and prayers have been with Jim, Susan, Lori, Jessica and Jacob since I heard of this terrible accident on 6/23/03. My memory of Lance goes back to when he was about 1 1/2 yrs old and I baby sat for him here in Mobile. He was such a precious young baby and such a good boy. I fell in love with him and his family immediately. Then Lori came along and I fell in love with her too. There were summers I spent in Eufaula with them in the Mobile Home, then the new house they built. I have some very special memories of these days from a long time ago. My dad took Lance fishing and he still has the picture of Lance with his "big fish" catch. My dad could tell then how much he loved to fish. I am glad he was able to do what he loved. It is wonderful to know that he has a son to carry on his name and memory. I know it is a comfort to Jim, Susan and Lori to see and hold this precious baby. I am thankful that they have Jessica too. I can tell from the other reflections that she is a wonderful person and such a blessing to the family. Lance's life is such an inspiration and I know he is enjoying his eternal reward now. Well done Lance. Until we meet again.
Cinny Lou
(Cindy Holley Phillips)
Cindy Holley Phillips
September 2, 2003
To my dear brother Lance- To say that I'm proud that you are my brother is such an understatement. I'm so honored that God chose me to your sister. As I look back over the years as we grew up together, you were usually the quiet one who went about doing right, and I was the loud one who usually went about getting myself into some real messes! My dolls and girl toys were no comparison to my big brother Lance. All those times that you let me tag along to your tree house, or the ponds to go fishing, or on one of your trails that you'd discovered will never be forgotten! We had so many fun times together and they will always be cherished memories.
God's hand has been so evident in your life. You're patience was steadfast as you held out for your dream job as a Game Warden. We were all so excited when we heard the news that you'd landed the position! And then to see God place Jessie in your life-You know we never thought you'd find the right one. From the moment that I heard her voice I knew she was your special gift from heaven. I'm so thankful that God allowed you to experience life with her. The day that Jacob was born I made this comment- ' your Daddies greatest day was when he met your precious Mommie.' This is so true! Thank you for sharing her with us- She will always be such a special part of us and we love her so much!
And then Jacob's arrival occured- What a proud day that was for you! You were such a proud Daddy. To see you with Jacob was such a blessing! Just to see your love that overflowed for him always did something for my heart!
I'm so thankful that God allowed you to experience some of the most precious times that one could experience in a lifetime. He's been so faithful to keep his promises to us! The legacy that you have left here for us is absolutely overwhelming. You lived your life as an offering here on this earth. You gave so much of yourself and touched so many lives. I am so proud of all your accomplishments.
I have grown so much closer to God since He took you home to be with him- In some ways I feel so much closer to you because I know without a shadow of a doubt that you are rejoicing with him at this very moment! What a glorious and absolutely wonderful day when we are all together again- The day that we are able to join you for all eternity! What a day that will be!!!!!!
Thank you for just being you while you were here with us. Your love for us is still so real. You have left such a mark on my life. You're love and time spent with Sydney over her 9 years is not replaceable- You were also her precious gift as the best Uncle in the whole world!!! Thank you so much.
I can almost hear it, as you entered the gates of heaven---"Welcome home my good and faithful servent. Well done and great is your reward!" And great is our reward for having experienced you for all that were.
So until that glorious day when we are all together again---I love you!
Lori Wilkinson
August 21, 2003
Lance, When I think of you I always see that 4 1/2 year old little boy who was my ring bearer. I know you grew up to be a fine young man that your parents are so very proud of. It was truly amazing to see all the lives you have touched.
I have been so very blessed to be a part of your family and I know they will take care of Jacob and he too will grow to be a great man like his Daddy.
Jim and Susan I will continue to hold all of you in my prayers.
Love, Judy Burnette from Ohio
Lance, oh how wonderful it was when you entered our lives three years ago. A sweet, precious whirlwind of a romance quickly developed between you and Jessica and you immediately became a welcomed and refreshing addition to our family. You brought smiles and laughter to our family but more importantly to Jessica. She had a new, exciting, God- given love in and through you. What a blessing!!!
Lance, you have been ALL that a mother could hope for in a son-in-law. You were my close friend and I cherished the ways that you included me in the "little details" of your life. I catch myself waiting for your phone call every afternoon. Those "tag-team" meals were so much fun and you were an awesome cook!!! Meals are just not the same!
As a law enforcement officer, you were TOPS! There were no gray areas for you. You treated all equally which showed tremendous discipline, self-control and a Christian spirit to all that knew you.
As a husband and father, I often told you how proud I was of you. You had a great Christian example in your parents and their "training you up in the ways of our Lord" was quit evident in your walk. Your Christian spirit spilled over in all areas of your life. You always STRIVED to do what was right. Praise be to God!!!
What else can I say? Words will really never be enough to express my love for you, but you know!!! My promise to you is to help Jessica rear Jacob in a manner that will point him to the cross of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and in doing so Jacob will also honor his daddy. For one day--one day-- we will be together again for ALL ETERNITY. What a great day that will be when we worship Him who is worthy of our praise!!!! You will always be my precious gift,
sent straight from God Himself.
Sharon Dozier/mother-in-law
I know that the Conservation Department in the State of Alabama has lost a wonderful, dedicated young officer in the death of James Lanceford Horner. He was so dedicated to his job and was always so helpful to all those he came into contact with, and I know his department was very proud of his service. I was in and out of Officer James Lanceford's home several times that week and also met his parents for the first time and each time I talked with his wife and his parents I felt a sense of peace that was unbelievable and I know their hearts were broken to say the least. In fact his wife's family seemed so peaceful and the only thing I know is that this has to be God.
Please know that we hold each of you in our hearts and prayers. Also I met Lanceford's sister and brother-in-law and their little girl. This family seems very dedicated to each other
It is very beautiful to see this type of family relationships.
Much love and prayers to you all!
Because of your professionalism, emphathy for others, love for your job and family, you have set a very high bar for any other partner that I will ever serve with. Thanks for sharing the good that is in you with me. I am a better person for having known you. Remember that THE PLANE IS YOUR FRIEND. Saw Jess today and she smiled when your name came up..............
SGT Steve J. James
AL Dept of Conservation
May God Bless You and your family and friends.
Your lose we all suffer.
Deputy Constable LC Downing
Wharton County Texas Pct 2
(This letter written by James L. Horner, Sr. to Lance, my son, age 2 1/2, while attending a company school in Birmingham, Al.)
To my Son, Lance March 7, 1973, 11:30 P.M.
I feel compelled to write tonight, this letter to my son
Because the war (Vietnam) is over, and hopefully is won.
When watching the POW's coming home, on T.V.,
I suddenly began to realize how time is so important to me.
Yes, I saw those brave men who've been least 5 years, and the long-awaited reunions expressed in joyful tears. They expressed their appreciation to those who had stood by, but when they stooped and kissed the ground one couldn't help but cry.
I think of things they've lost that can never be regained,
the achievements and disappointments of their children's "growing pains." The love and affection, the good times and the bad, I can't help but know that those children surely missed their Dads.
Yes, they've lost those precious years that by many are taken for granted, but not to me, my son, I feel deeply indebted. You see it was but fate, and only by God's plan, that it was they and not me who gave, to preserve this wonderful land.
Some felt it wasn't worth the price to defend our neighbors free, instead they chose to mock the flag and insult our liberty. They even burned their draft cards or claimed to be "objectors." Some fled to other countries and became "draft evaders."
Well, I'm here to tell you now, my son, I have no use for that kind, I believe in God and country and no one can change my mind. There is a subtle conspiracy that is against men that are free, they seek to destroy those blessed fruits of our hard-earned liberty.
The load of responsibility in these wicked and uncertain times,
makes me shudder when I think of your future, Lance, precious son of mine. No matter what the future though, there is One who is greater, limited only by our faith, He is our Lord, our Maker.
With God's help, through prayer, and the heritage of our Moms' and Dads', Mama and I will do our best to mold you into a man. I know sometimes you'll think that our discipline is unfair, but we hope our love will over-shadow and cause you not to 'ere.
In short, we love you, Lance, your welfare is our own....we are so proud to have you as a member of our home. You'll surpass our expectations, son, if you keep this simple plan, "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (Eccles. 12:13)
All my love,
You've exceeded all our expectations Lance, we are so very proud of you; your accomplishments, choice of vocation and the resolve you demonstrated to reach them.
We know God supernaturally ordained Jessica to become your wife---the perfect help-mate you deemed worth waiting for. Thanks for Jacob, too, our precious grandson and namesake. He's "a prince, favored with God and with men." We know his future is successful because of his Mama's faith, her tenacity and the Godly influence of her family.
Finally, Son, at age 5 you received Jesus as your personal Savior and subsequently you also chose to maintain His Lordship over your life. Eternal life IS the final issue....I'll see you again!
James L. Horner, Sr. (Father)