Oceanside Police Department, California
End of Watch Friday, June 13, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Tony Willi Zeppetella
Your killer was sentenced to the highest penalty available in our courts today. There's justice for you, though not seemingly enough. You'll never be forgotten and you live on in the hearts of those that you loved and loved you.
February 8, 2006
Tony...Justice was finally served today in Court. Your always in my prayers, every single day....Rest in Peace.
February 7, 2006
We will never forget!
Police Officer Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Department
February 5, 2006
Congratulations Tony on the renaming of YOUR highway. You deserve much more, but the wonderful thing is that you continue to serve your community well byeond your passing. You serve as a reminder of sacrifice, honor, dedication and humility. You remind all those that travel the ZEPPETELLA Highway that they should live life to the fullest each day and to pay special attention to those that they love and care for. Everyone who sees that huge Green sign each day will be better for having traveled on your highway. BEtter for having been influenced by your remarkable example. Congratulations.
Grateful and Appreciative
January 9, 2006
The beginning of another year without you. You are still so very missed. I love you.
January 2, 2006
Dear Tony,
"Happy New Year"
We miss you !
January 1, 2006
As this new year comes upon us, it is with great anticipation that the cadets here come to know what a great husband, father, police officer and person you were. You will be the inspiration to many who will strive to be like you in every way imaginable. You will the driving force behind each cadet that walks through these hall and we will honor you memory every day that they are here.
Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy
December 31, 2005
Tony -
God bless you and may He comfort your loved ones as Christmas comes. Be with us as we enter a new year and face the unknown. Guide and strengthen this new academy class that enters a new career in your honor. It will be an exciting year and I know you will be with us each step.
God speed, 6 Boy.
Damian Jackson
Escondido PD
December 25, 2005
Dear Tony
We wish you a very Merry Christmas.
We Love you and miss you very much.
December 24, 2005
Tony, today is pre-academy orientation for Class 13 at the Palomar College Police Academy. This is the first day in the journey for many new potential law enforcement officers who will learn about you, your moral character and the father/husband you were. They will strive to be every bit of the man and police officer you were.
I am grateful that Jamie gave us her blessing to dedicate this police academy in your honor. Happy birthday to Jakob, I know you are looking down upon him and Jamie daily.
January 3rd is the first day of our Class 13....graduation is January 14, 2006. This next year will be full of your presence in everything these police cadets do. You are not forgotten...infact, you will become the inspiration for many of these cadets now and throughout the rest of thier lives.
God Bless,
Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy
December 3, 2005
Congratulations to Tony and to the rest of the Zeppetella and OPD families. Justice has prevailed and we are so thankful for this conviction and verdict. You can rest easy now Tony, with the knowledge that your death was not in vain. You succeeded in getting one more criminal off the streets. It truly saddens me though, as to at what cost that came. I wish that we had had the opportunity to meet in person, but know that you can be extremely proud of your wife and son. God bless.
Proud OPD wife
December 2, 2005
Dear Tony,
Justice has been served.
"One for you"
Rest in Peace.
We Love you and Miss you !
December 2, 2005
Justice has been served Tony. Rest in peace.
December 1, 2005
Justice has finally been served today! May you now rest in peace...
Police Officer J. Fernandez #5972
San Diego Police Department
December 1, 2005
I miss you. I wish you were here. Life isn't right without you.
November 29, 2005
It's Thanksgiving Day and I am thankful that there is cops like you out there.
Officer Randy M Taylor
F.C.I. Terminal Island
November 24, 2005
Justice has prevailed! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration to many! Jamie,
you are in my prayers.
Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy
November 15, 2005
You did it Tony! You helped clean up the streets of Oceanside just like you said you would! We are safer because of you!
Thank you for your sacrifice and your bravery. You will never be forgotten...that's a promise. I can't wait to see you again.
November 15, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS TONY... November 14, 2005, the Jury saw that you were a hero too... One for the good guys my friend!
November 15, 2005
Rest in Peace! Bless you and your family!
Cpl Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Department
November 15, 2005
Finally... justice has arrived. Thank you for your sacrifice. We are eternally grateful.
Thankful citizen
November 14, 2005
It is difficult to describe the admiration that I have for one who would sacrifice so much in return for so little. You willingly placed your life on the line for the grateful citizens of Oceanside in return for a modest salary and scant expressions of gratitude. That alone qualifies you as a selfless hero in my book. However, if there were ever a question, one need only hear how brave and valiant you were in the face of pure evil. I was brought to tears as I heard the prosecutor describe your final minutes on this earth. You are truly a warrior. How blessed is your wife, son and family to know that you are a true warrior. You apparently did not know how to give-up. Jakob will have no better example of valor, commitment and will to succeed than his own father. What a great gift that you have given him. You have left your family, your friends and those that love you with a timeless example of sacrifice and decency. Our "world" is a better place because of you and we are eternally grateful. I am looking forward to meeting you one day to personally thank you for your invaluable contribution. Until then, we will never forget.
May God bless you and your family.
with humble adoration
November 11, 2005
I still remember the day that Tony was shot like it was yesterday. I offer my prayers to his son and wife Jamie. I am so sorry for the lose of your loved one. And I will continue to remember you in my prayers as the years pass.
Lynette Ayala
October 3, 2005
Happy Birthday Tony
We miss you
October 1, 2005
Happy Birthday Tony.
Oceanside (Please post on 10-02-05
September 30, 2005