Oceanside Police Department, California
End of Watch Friday, June 13, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Tony Willi Zeppetella
I wish you here buddy! Merry Christmas friend!
Officer Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Department
December 18, 2003
A Brother Warrior has fell and died today in battle.
This Brother Warrior has made the ultimate sacrifice.
He has given his life for his Fellow Warriors, his family and friends too.
Brother Warrior, pass your sword to us, so we can keep your spirit alive.
You, my Brother Warrior will not be forgotten.
God Bless you, your family and your friends.
We honor and respect all of the Fallen Warriors who have gone before us.
We ask you, Brother Warriors to guide us, protect us and pray for us.
We will meet again my Brother Warriors.
For this time not to fight another battle, but to live in eternal peace.
God bless all of the Warriors, past, present and future.
Sgt. Chad McDaniel
Seminole County Sheriff's Office
December 4, 2003
Nov. 26, 2003
I hate to say that I never knew about this site until about a week ago. That's when my husband's department lost a dear man, our friend Officer Matthew Pavelka. Until then, we had not known personal loss of a officer. Now we are grieving along with others who have felt this pain before us.
Tony Zeppetella sounds like he was a great man. He served his city well and I send out my deepest sympathies to his wife, baby, family and friends. He was just about the same age as our Matthew, so maybe now they're hanging out and becoming friends. That's a comforting thought.
God Bless your department Tony and give us the power to hunt down Matt's killer just as yours was found.
Wife of Burbank Police Officer
November 26, 2003
Nov. 21, 2003
Sometimes I read these postings and they make me feel so ill inside.
But Praise be to God, for He knows Tony and Tony knows Him. Jesus
Christ alone can take away the sting of death, for in Him, there is no
such thing. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that one day I will
get to meet him myself for the very first time. It truly disturbs me when I
read that people believe that police officers are in heaven because they
deserve to be. I am so relieved when I learn that an officer is trusting in
what Christ has personally done for him on the cross and that he has
received Him into his heart. John 14:6 Tony died too young, but we know
life isn't fair. I don't believe God took him because He needed him, but
because of the sinful actions of a criminal. But how wonderful to know
that because Tony is in Christ, HE IS in a better place and we, who are
also in Christ, will get to be with him again, but this time for all eternity.
There is nothing that can change the past so we must look to the future
where our hope is and rejoice in the fact that you can be reunited once
again. May God comfort all those who are still grieving his passing. Life is
difficult at times and the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He
gives us many beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our
valleys. I pray you will feel His presence and know His peace. God bless!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
November 20, 2003
Slán agus beannacht leat. Go n-éirí an bóthar leat!
Slán go fóill. Matt
November 14, 2003
Tony... Everyday i think about you, your wife and son. You were a great beat partner (6B) I pray for you and your family. Your in the lords hands rest in peace brother. Teams 9, 10
Officer TJ Dunn
Oceanside PD
October 29, 2003
I miss you everyday! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you and your tragic end to such a wonderful life. You fought so bravely and held the thin blue line between right and wrong. Your sacrifice that Friday afternoon saved someone else from falling. You truly "walked the point" for every citizen in Oceanside--and every other cop on the beat. I miss your smile and laughter and the times you needed your "sarge's" advice. You wanted so much to do the right thing and to make a difference. Well Tony, you did. You couldn't have done it better! I/We miss you terribly. We'll walk the beat in your place, but will never be able to fill your shoes. I can't wait to see you again and to stand in the presence of our Lord together. That will be a glorious day! Until then, rest in peace Tony.
Sgt Bowman
Oceanside PD
Not a shift goes by that I dont visit the site where you were killed. I cant explain the sadness and anger that wells up inside me when I go there, and yet somehow it helps me feel better. You spent six weeks with me Tony. In that time, I got to know you and what kind of man you were. A man who was passionate about his family and about being a Cop. I am proud to have helped train you and to have known you.
You showed absolute bravery the day you were killed. You fought like you were trained. You are a Warrior. I will never forget you and the time I spent with you.
Godspeed 6-Boy
Officer T. Norton
Oceanside PD
My heart felt prayers go out to the family and friends of Officer Tony Zeppetella, EOW 06-13-03.
Tony Zeppetella was a decent strong man, something that use to be a common thing, but today would seem to be a rare thing. True to himself, his family and friends, and most importantly to his God, Tony walked the point for all of us. First for our country, while serving proudly in the United States Navy and then as a modern day Centurion for the people of Oceanside, working as a Police Officer.
His dedication to duty and professionalism were unequaled. He was meticulous, methodical, and deliberate in the performance of his daily duties.
Tony's highly energetic can-do attitude was contagious. But, because he was only with us a short while, his full potential was and will never truly be realized. His memory and the impact he has made on all who knew him, will live on and also serve as a foundation for those who seek to pursue a career in military service or law enforcement. His faith and conduct as a man and Christian will serve as a road map to success for those seek out happiness and spiritual well being.
He loved being a faithful partner to his wife, a dedicated father to his new son and loving son to his mother and father. I know this because he mentioned it in his everyday life while "on the job" as a cop working a patrol beat.
Tony was a regular standup kind of guy, tough as nails, and yet aware of his place in this world and his future with the creator!
I was asked by a news reporter to describe Tony, shortly after we lost him. I immediately thought of a picture I had held in my mind as a boy of what a Police Officer and man should be. It is a famous work by the artist Norman Rockwell entitled "The Runaway." This picture was featured on the front of The Saturday Evening POST on September 20, 1958, but still stands the the test of time today, and evokes a sense of decency, strength and kindness.
That picture describes what I think Tony Zeppetella was and meant to the community as a whole. A strong man willing to take on the problems of others and put them on his shoulders, with a strong heart and soul. A picture of public service and Americana at it's best, a picture of Tony Zeppetella. Good job Six-Boy and Good bye Tony!
Your friend, Chowda!
Officer Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Department, California
Spending many years growing up and being a former cop in San Diego it pains me to hear when we lose another young officer. My prayers and condolences to Officer Zeppetella's family, friends and the Oceanside Police Department.
Santa Barbara SO
Tony... There are no words that even begin to properly describe how much we miss you... Team 8, "our team" is not the same without you, yet every day in briefing I sit and look at your chair and your memory brings me a thousand thoughts and feelings...
I've learned more about you since your death than I had the opportunity to learn when you were with us... I'm saddened by that, and at the same time grateful... Anyone who knew you is surely grateful to have been so honored.
The department has faced some great challenges through it all and I personally have met with some challenges of my own. You have changed us all my friend... we will never forget you and will always remember that you are now our guardian angel.
I've thought about you many times while out on a call, sometimes remembering a similar call I was on with you, sometimes thinking how much I wish you were there... no one has been left untouched by you... the love that poured out from the community and other law enforcement agencies has taken my breath away as I'm sure it has done for you as well. You couldn't have known how much you were loved and now I have to believe you're seeing it for yourself... I'm sure you feel blessed, but it is us who have been blessed my friend...
I miss you terribly, your smile, your courage, your friendship... I can't wait to see you again one day... Until then, I will look for you to tap on my shoulder every now and then, reminding me of why we do this job we do and encouraging me to try and understand why you had to leave... so long my friend, until the day we meet again...
Shirl - Field Evidence Technician
Oceanside Police Department
My prayers and thoughts go out to your family, friends and the OPD. Rest in peace my brother.
Motor Officer Don Cone
San Diego Police Department
It is so sad to see a young and ambitious young man lose his life in doing a job that so few would want to do. Althought we never met each other, we are brothers. We fight what so many fear. God Speed!
CPL William White
Lafayette La. Police Dept. SWAT/ACTION UNIT
I was saddened to hear about your loss. I read about it when we lost our family member as well. My heart goes out to your family and friends. May the Lord watch over you in your time of sorrow. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Cami Badolato, Berwick, PA
family member Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6-23-03
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Zeppetella Family and the Oceanside PD.... "Blessed are the Peacekeepers, for they shall be called the sons of GOD!!!" Matt. 5:9
Ptlm Somma
Susq Twp PD
Ptlm Somma
Susquehanna Township PD, PA
"5 Boy to 6 Boy go to cars!" "Hey partner! I know you can hear me! You did good and handled yourself well. I'm proud of you!" "Even if you are a Squid, Ha!" Your Jarhead partner, Chowda.
Officer Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Department
May God bless you and your family, rest in peace.
Officer Wayne Nicholson
Oceanside Police Dept.
I never knew Tony but I never heard a negative word uttered about him from my colleages who knew him well. He will not be forgotten.
Police Officer Christopher Poznanski
To Mrs. Zeppetella, family and friends of Tony.Please accept
my sincere condolences for your loss.The sorrow, grief and
emotions you are going through now are heatbreaking.I know,
I lost an officer I loved 2 months ago.What a hero Tony was-
he chose to risk his life to "protect and serve" virtual strangers, to make this a better place for us all to live, to keep
us safe.I know his son will grow up to be proud of the man his father was, to know the honor and integrity he had.I wish you strength, peace and love.God Bless.
One heart of gold stopped beating
Two shining eyes at rest
God broke our hearts to prove
He only takes the best
God knows you had to leave us
But you did not go alone
For part of us went with you
The day he took you home
Our thoughts are with the Zeppetella family and all of the Oceanside Police Dept. I thank you Tony for being a part of our brotherhood. You will not be forgotten.
Trooper John McMahon
Utah Highway Patrol
This Brave Officer made the ultimate sacrifice so that others may live in safety. He will always be remembered as a hero. My deepest and sincerest condolences to his family.
Reserve Police Officer Bill Schaibly
Port Orchard Police, Port Orchard Washington
You are an inspiration to all of us. Not only as an outstanding officer but as a father, husband, and friend. Your belief in our Lord will raise you up to his kingdom. Go rest my brother.
God Bless You and the Zepetella family.
Officer T. Wayer
Oceanside Police Department
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of our slain officer. We have assumed the watch here, while you watch us from the heavens above.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
Officer Swaney
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Charlotte, N.C.
Our thougths and prayers are with the family and fellow officer's of the Oceanside Police Department. Rest in peace brother we have assumed the watch.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down the life for his friends.
John 15:13
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
I offer my tears, prayers, and condolences to Officer Zeppetella's family, friends, and to his brothers and sisters at Oceanside PD. Nothing can prepare you for this type of loss. My heart goes out to all of you. It is a loss not only to those of you who knew him, but to all in law enforcement.
Pam Hall, LAPD Reserve Retired
Federal Way Police Dept., Washington