Chattanooga Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Monday, May 6, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Julie Rochelle Jacks
Having served in Law Enforcement for many years, I know how many fine men and women fill the ranks and how many gave their all. This is not a platitude, and clearly, Julie you were a selfless person in your trade and in your personal life. It is apparent that Chattanooga won t be the same without you. To read your reflections is a testament to what a fine person you were. I am deeply touched by your heroic sacrifice. Without officers like you, our communities would be in chaos.
Words can never take away the absence your family, co-workers, and loved ones feel, but may it be of some solace to know that you will be indelibly etched into the memory of many who never personally knew you. I hope your mother and father know this. May God Bless and comfort them until you meet again in Heaven's Roll Call room.
Maryland Police Lt
October 4, 2005
i'm sorry it has taken me so long to write this. althought i have moved to a new agency and a new chapter in my life.i will foerever carry a part of you and chattanooga pd with me . i feel as though u are a part of my family and i shall remember u as such. I may wear a color green now as my exterior uniform, but i will always bleed blue in my heart. a fine blue line is a fine line we choose to stand behind , that is between good and evil, it is the strong ones who will prevail, you are an inspiration to me and those in this uniform. i often take time during my shift and look at a picture i have of you in my patrol car. i positioned it directly above me so that you are looking down on me, just as i imagine you are today. this picture remains there for the public to see as they chose to "infringe" on my space. i know when someone asks who is that?" i proudly respond " That is my angel".julie i could sit here and write things that the general public may want to read, but
(that is not my intention, 0. your name is forever eitched into the memorial and why ? no need to ask why. we all know that answer, because god needed one more "angel" and that is what he got, the time he called on to you. a perfect angel.god bless you and your family. i look to daily as for guidance and strengh.i may not hear your voice but i carry a part of you with me in my soul each and every day.
god bless you juli jacks #940
c. indico # 2200 sso (sarasota county sheriffs office)
dep c indico
sarasot county sheriff dept
September 18, 2005
Well Julie, the trial of the man who took your life is now behind your family. No sentence given to him could have ever been enough. There is no way to quantify what he has taken from this world. It breaks my heart to think of all of the people you would have helped during your lifetime, all of the joys you cannot experience, all of the little moments your family and friends cannot enjoy each day with you. Your mom's statement was so beautiful and such a loving reflection of who you are as a person. Not were, who you are. You live on every day in everyone you ever met. Your family is carrying your legacy, along with your brothers and sister in blue, our city and community. You are a rose among the thorns Julie, not ours to keep. Love LD
Lori D
August 19, 2005
I never really knew you personally but I have met you and I have some really good friends that worked with you and loved you dearly from Fox Team. I have mourned your loss with them and still do today. And although it has been several years since this horrible incident...our love for you, admiration and memory of you has not ceased. I strongly disagree with the sentence that was given...but there will be another Judgement some day and justice will be served. We still mourn your loss and have not forgotten you. We will always remember your courage,dedication and professionalism. We pray that God will continue to watch over and comfort your family and friends from around the country.
Tammy Riggs
a friend of some of the officers on Fox Team
August 17, 2005
Today your killer was sentenced to 25 years in prison. It is not enough.
August 15, 2005
I know you are so proud of your Mom and the statement she read in court today. I am priviledged to boast such strong, brave, and determined women in my family. You both are wonderful role models for my daughters. I love you both forever. Judie
August 15, 2005
I wish I could hear you laugh at me when I say "let up the window". You are always laughing in my heart. Wish we could go to the beach again and ride to one more practice/game of soccer. I miss you and think of you and your family often.
July 11, 2005
I never met you, but I cried reading the reflections of your friends and family. I'm sure you were truly an amazing person. You are the inspiration for other young women who want to be police officers. God Bless you and your family.
Christy, TN
July 1, 2005
June 21, 2005
Well, today we may finally have a verdict and hopefully justice will finally be served. I truley believe that you are in heaven watching over your family and smiling down on us all. Maybe you're even listening to a little Willie Nelson up there. We all went to see him a couple weeks ago. I thought of you. I wish you could have been there too. Its been a hard couple of weeks, but my mom told me to not think of the sad part of all of this, but to remember that you're in a much better place and to remember the good times we had and the funny things you did. Saying that I have to mention that every time I think of you, I hear the theme from the Adams Family and I hear your fingers snapping in my head, as they did everytime I saw you. I had many nick-names growing up, but the one you gave me stuck. I think, in your family, I've been called Wednesday more than I've been called by my own name.
So, Julie, I'm so glad I got the chance to know you and to have my own special memories of you. I feel lucky and blessed that I got that chance ,and I feel a little bit of comfort knowing that you're in heaven listening to Willie and smiling at us all.
June 16, 2005
I never had the honor of working with you. I came to the police department just after you were taken. But through your friends at the police department and family, I have had the pleasure to learn what a wonderful, caring person and officer you were. I have spent the last several days with your family during a very difficult time. They have been so strong. You would be so proud. There were times in these past days that I felt that I could not make it through, but fought very hard not to break down. However, your family's strength is amazing. They cherish all their good memories with you. When they talk about you, they light up. You can tell how much they love and miss you. It has been truly an honor meeting and spending time with them. I just wanted you and your family to know that they are in my prayers. You have left an incredible impression on this department and the community. I only hope that I can serve my time here with the same courageous spirit and respect for which you are remembered. You will be remembered, always.
Officer Traci Berry #200
Chattanooga Police Dept
June 16, 2005
my oh my life is not the same without you. Andy and I miss you so much!
We miss the way we had to wait on you for 2 hours to get ready! We miss the hugs and kisses you always gave!
We miss the little face you made when you were happy!
We miss you showing up at 2 or 3 in the morning
We miss you getting dressed to go to work (you wore your uniform with great honor).
We miss sitting outside at the stone lion.
We miss going everywhere with you.
You were always a bestfriend to us.
Andy loves you with all his heart and hates everyday that he can't talk to you on the phone or ask you to go with him( you were always ready to go anywhere, We could ask you, Hey Jules, want to go fishing, want to go camping hey want to go just hang out and you always said YES)
You have always been a part of our family.
From the day I met you, You welcomed me loved me and became my friend.
Thank you for always being a part of our life, with the birth of our son(we almost made you cry) to being his Godmother, and to being in our wedding these are the things we hold dear to our heart!
Gosh Jules we miss you so bad!
you will always be remembered and when Julia gets old enough we will show and tell her who you are and why we named her after you!
Noah miss you too.
We keep your memory strong around here
Jules we love you so much
May you rest in Peace and dance on the clouds!
See ya
Andy, Misty, Noah, Julia Madison Jackson
June 10, 2005
From all I've read, Miss Jacks, you must have been an inspiration to all. Even those who you may have had to stop and arrest held you in the highest regards of regards, it seems. If I'd been there that day, I'd have covered your body with my own to protect you. I've lived a long life and yours seem to be just beginning. I hope your tragedy will not be used by some as a tool of hate, vengeance and further divide within your city. I'd pray that although emotions run high, people will remain humane and not desecrate the sacredness of your memory. I too lost a loved one under similar conditions, but beyond the anger and loss I've found peace as my loved one would have wanted.
Peace be with you & your family
Albq. New Mexico
From New Mexico
June 9, 2005
Julie I have read your reflections and have been following the trial everyday. `Why such young vibrant souls that want nothing more than to serve and protect and love are taken from us with such disregard I will never understand. Shine bright and walk on the clouds and say hello to my son Cole. I think you would be great friends. I will be praying daily for your family and friends. I know this time is very hard for them and my heart aches for them all.
To the family and friends stay strong there are many of us here that you do not know that are praying for you daily.
My love my strength and prayers I send to you.
Mother of Officer Cole Martin EOW 4/25/03 Chatsworth Police Department
Mother of Officer Cole Martin EOW 4/25-0
June 9, 2005
God, it's so hard to believe it's been 3 years. Time really does fly. As much as I want justice, (OK, maybe vengence is a better word for what I want but you know what I mean)I have really been dreading the trial. I have been there and done that before and I know what we are all in for. The scab that's never really gone away will be ripped off and the wound laid bare again. But every time I think of it, I see your smile and hear you say "you gotta do what you gotta do".
I miss you so much, still. I don't come here very often because I usually end up sobbing like a baby. Which is odd considering how you're still a constant presence at the PD--it's impossible to walk into any office in the building without seeing your gorgeous face. The cards and letters are still on the bulletin board. I can deal with all of that, in fact it usually makes me smile. So I couldn't tell you why here is different, but it is.
Time marches on, some things stay the same and others change drastically--it's kind of like a giant klaidescope! But the one constant is how much we all still love and miss you.
June 3, 2005
Grown men crying like babies lost in the night
Our only relief is to cry
Our love
Our pain
Our loss
Nothing can bring you back
Sorrow causes my heart to flutter like a frightened bird
Anguishing in a sea of despair, mourning for your presence
Your job was to protect us from evil
All the armor on earth can’t shield us from a broken heart
Julie Jacks
Chattanooga PD
# 940
May 7 2002
Dicky Cantrell EMT MA. # 812067
Peace Maker Medical
June 1, 2005
There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you. I love you. Mom
June 1, 2005
officer jacks,
i just saw the series of cops you was on. I remember going to your funeral and saw the vast number of officers that attended your service. Thanks for your service and i am sure you will greatly be missed by all.
May 26, 2005
I only met you once but you are part of the reason I am willing to become a police officer. May your memory never be forgotten.
May 26, 2005
I went by to visit your mom at work a couple of weeks ago. She had been on my heart alot and I wanted to see if she was ok. Later that day I was on my way to the United Way building downtown. I always stop by your memorial on my way out because I have more time to talk to you.
I was walking along the street as usual, lost in my own thoughts. It was a beautiful, warm day, but very little sunlight on the sidewalk because of all the trees. All of a sudden I felt so warm, that it made me stop in my tracks. The sun was on me like a spotlight. I looked up and realized I was standing right in front of the memorial. I can't explain it but I was unexplicably drawn over there. I decided to go ahead and visit on my way in. I was just talking quietly, not even sure if it was out loud. I started to walk away and the most beautiful little bird landed on the top of the wall. It was tiny and so colorful. It was literally inches away from me. It just chirped and sang. I couldn't stop crying. It was such a poigniant moment defining for us all that although your voice is silent, you still sing to us everyday.
Lori D
May 25, 2005
Dear Julie,
I remember you asking your Mom while on an airplane if you could take your shoes off and walk on the clouds. What a precious little girl! I think of you everytime I look at the sky. May God's strength sustain your family during the tough weeks ahead. I will love you forever. Judie
May 22, 2005
Well Officer Jacks, as I told you on May 6th, your memory was riding with us today, and what a wonderful day it was. Hundreds of motors rolling into Washington D.C. The line stretched for as far as the eye could see.
I paused for a moment where your name is etched on the wall.
Just wanted to let you know.
Senior Trooper
Virginia State Police
May 14, 2005
I have read all the wonderful reflections about what a good officer and person you are. The day you were taken, a sergeant from my station mentioned that a officer was shot in Chattanooga, and what a fine officer you were. I met a new resident in my patrol zone recently who just moved to Nashville from Chattanooga. During our discussion, your name came up. This person remembered you vividly and told me that you were a highly respected officer. I wish I could have met you. God bless your family and loved ones.
Officer Connie Whitley
Metro Nashville PD
May 9, 2005
Thought I would take the time to drop you a few lines and share with you the things that have been on my mind. You haven't recommended a good movie lately or a new wine to try. I miss that. More than that, I miss you. You haven't let me know of any new projects that you are working on, in fact, the last you shared with me was the new deck on front of the house. Guess you are learning from the master builder now.
You truly did look like an angel on your dad's birthday. You were simply beautiful and had such a glow about you...
...Things have not been the same in this city since you went away. There was a wonderful candlelight vigil in your honor downtown the day after you left. Some man from the police department with a wonderful voice sang "High Upon The Mountain" and it touched every person there. Lots of people you know were there and a lot of people that didn't even know you were there as well. Then a few days later, there was the most beautiful ceremony in your honor...The uniforms were too numerous to count and came from all over the country. An auto dealership in town turned all of the headlights on the cars and people stood all along the road in the rain with their hands on their hearts in honor of you. It was so amazing! Children of all ages were standing in the rain to honor you! They even aired the service so the whole community could be involved and people sat in their offices and homes and joined us. There were doves, the K9 unit and I even saw a horse. They played taps and there was even a twentyone gun salute. As amazing as all of this was--I would rather have you here. I'm not alone in this feeling. I know a lot of people that feel this way. You Dad and I went around to the schools to thank the children for showing such respect.
I've got to tell you though, I am worried about your dad. He is so hurt and sad and still feels you lying on his chest the way you did when you were three! I told you so many times that to your dad, you would always be three! I was with him the day you left and it was such a difficult day.
...I also wanted to let you know that because of the distance between us now that I am very sad because I'll never get to share in the joy of you walking down the isle or in the birth of your children. Just wanted you to know that I'm really going to miss that...
...By the way, I told Ethan that you were watching out for him and that you would for the rest of his life. He doesn't understand everything and neither do I! But, he sure does miss you. His birthday party would have impressed you. There were a lot of children his age there and he had a blast.
You enjoy walking on those clouds!
(original date: 7/26/2002
Life does go on however altered it may be. You didn't have to be a hero to have love and respect from your family and friends.
May 8, 2005
I can't believe it has been three years. My thoughts remain on you and my prayers with your wonderful mom.
May 6, 2005