Chattanooga Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Monday, May 6, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Julie Rochelle Jacks
I've been meaning to come back and leave a reflection for a while now. I was walking downtown today and I saw a car parked by a church. It had a cross and a "In Loving Memory" sign on it, so I hurried before the woman left to see what the name was.. It's was Julie's. They also had the badge number on the vehicle. I can't believe it's already been so long, yet still seems like yesterday.. Julie will never be forgotten.
May 3, 2006
I know that its coming up on the 3rd anniversary of your death. I never knew you, but my academy class was the first one Chattanooga PD had following your death. We did our best to remember you through our work ethic throughout our time in the academy. After meeting your mother and Bobby, I know that you must have been a truly special person. Our lives will always be filled with your memory. May our class always bring honor to your name. I pray for your family and know that you will be watching over us in the presence of God.
Patrol Officer
CPD Academy 2002-2003
April 26, 2006
A T.V. special aired today about Dolly Parton and I remembered how we listened to her when you were a little girl. Precious memories...
I love you. Judie
April 22, 2006
We all love you and miss you. We will see you soon in heaven. Thanks sis.
A Fox Team Brother
Chattanooga Police Dept
April 10, 2006
I was a police officer for 28 years and have served with many fine officers. Even before her death, I bragged on Julie as the finest officer I had ever worked with.
She worked for me on Fox midnight and was at the bottom of the seniority list. This meant that every "crap" assignment that came along went her way. Julie never complained and was always quick to reply with "yes sir"
I tell of her each chance I get and how she would bail out in the middle of the projects and chase guys twice her size. Julie was fearless.
I nominated Julie for Rookie of the Year and I was so proud of her whe she got the award. She was truly the best and brightest we had.
I have known many officers that were killed in the line of duty over the years but none have had the effect on me that the death of Julie has had.
Julie has joined the heavenly ranks of police officers who have passed and I am sure is a stand-out in God's Heavenly Police Force. There is no doubt in my mind that she has received her second Rookie of the Year award and looks down on us with fondness and memories of the good times she experienced with Fox Team.
My prayer is that God be with the officers that you left behind and that God give your Mom and Dad comfort.
Sgt. Ken Hall (Retired)
Sgt. Ken Hall (Badge 533 Retired)
Chattanooga Police Department
April 10, 2006
It's been quite a while since I left a comment on here. I used to check for new reflections almost daily but have found myself slacking on that as well. Just like I don't go to your grave as much as I used to. I make it at least twice a year still, but I used to go almost monthly. It saddens me to think that I don't do these things as much anymore. It's not that I've forgotten about you, because I haven't. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I took a rose to your grave a few weeks ago. I think I'll go again this week.
I've been talking to a recruiter for the Air Force. I'm pretty sure I'm going to join. I'll be able to retire in 20 years if I do. That will put me at around 40 so I'll still be young enough to be a reserve officer at least. Hopefully I can get the job code of Security Police in the AF. I still plan on keeping my word and letting your work live on through me. You are still every bit my role model… my inspiration.
How is it that you can be so heart broken over the loss of someone you only met once? It doesn’t make sense to me how I could have never really known you and still hurt this badly after almost four years. I remember your funeral like it was yesterday. In fact, I was driving around town a few weeks ago and I still don’t know my way around certain areas. A friend was directing me how to get back home and we passed the hospital and Vine St. I stopped my car in the middle of the road and just sat there for a minute. I said a prayer for your family and let the memories of meeting you and of the funeral wash over me. We also passed Highland Park Baptist. I remember standing out in front of it at attention while they carried your casket inside. That had to be one of the toughest days of my life.
I went to the Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan concert when they came to Chattanooga… in honor of you. I thought about you the whole time. I pictured you watching over the concert, singing along. You are truly an amazing person. I love you, Julie.
March 27, 2006
Rest in peace BLUE ANGEL! You are not forgotten.
Police Officer
Chattanooga, TN
March 25, 2006
My heart still aches. I lost a few more tears this weekend. I will see you in the land that knows no parting. Love you Jules.
Rank-Friend Name- Scott
March 12, 2006
Heaven is a brighter place indeed.
I was sorrowed by the loss when she left us. Even though I never knew her its obvious she was a very special person.
It is so touching to see the continued postings to Juile. My deepest condolences go out to the Jacks family.
Julie is well taken care of I am sure.
One day all her family and friends will surely be together again in Peace for Eternity.
Former Rockford IL. Police officer
March 10, 2006
Dearest Julie,
My thoughts are always with you, but especially during this month, your BIRTHDAY month. I remember how overjoyed we all were when you were born into our family. We couldn't wait to get our hands on you. I'll never forget being given the honor to keep you for an entire weekend, by myself, when your Mom and Dad went on a camping trip. I was so worried when you got the hiccups. I couldn't wait to buy little outfits for you. You were a real, live baby doll to me!! What a precious little girl you were! What a wonderful young woman you became! I am truly blessed to be a part of your life. The great sadness we feel now is part of the wonderful happiness we felt then. I miss you so much and love you forever!! Judie
February 21, 2006
Today we remember your birthday. You would be 30 today. In our minds, you will always be the beautiful 26 year old young woman that we knew and loved in 2002.
Today, especially, I find myself remembering the sweet little girl you were. I remember how you loved to go to Shoney’s with Hubbie, Belle and Judie. You would get Hubbie to draw cats for you. I remember flying to New Mexico and you wanted to put on your tennis shoes so you could go out and play in the clouds. I remember you playing with your Strawberry Shortcake dolls. You loved the way they smelled. (It’s funny how they are popular again). You also loved watching Hulk and the Dukes of Hazzard.
I remember when you were 5 years old, you got a “big wheel” with a cobra on it. You didn’t want a pink one, you wanted the black one. As you got older, you would ride the big wheel down our was so steep, but you were not afraid. In fact you enjoyed it. You, your sisters, and all the neighborhood kids would gather on our street and ride big wheels or play kick ball.
I remember all the softball games, soccer games, and track and cross country meets. I remember you hurt your knee in the eighth grade and had to be on crutches for a while.
There were the times that you, Sheree, Misty and Jessica would get together. You girls would always have so much fun. I remember Sheree picking you up in the “potato” (the name for her car) to take you to school every day.
I remember your first car...a little Suzuki Samari. You got so frustrated with a straight shift. I remember Andy coming over to help you learn to drive it.
I remember riding with you in your Suzuki to Florida. It was raining when we left, but we were going to the beach so that was OK. Of course when we got there the weather was beautiful and you couldn’t wait to soak up the sun. You loved the beach so much.
When Ethan was born, you were so excited. You had a connection to him the way Judie did with you. You loved that little boy as if he was your own. You would spend so much time with him playing and wrestling ….doing anything he wanted to do. When Allie came along you were there for her being the wonderful Aunt.
I remember when you first met Bobby. It wasn’t like you to give guys much of a chance at winning your heart. You had been going to college and working full time. You graduated in 2001. You had just gone from third shift to first shift and we were getting to see you more. The story should continue with you getting married and having children of your own. That’s the part that is so wrong with the memories...they were stopped so abruptly.
I miss you so much. My love forever...Mom
February 7, 2006
Today I was listening to the Crook and Chase Countdown and heard a fellow officer write a letter to them about Officer Jacks and how the song "Who you'd be today" reminded her of her. I wanted to offer my sympathy for your loss and appreication of Officer Jacks' dedication and valor.
Our department lost an outstanding officer one year ago on Feb 10, Officer Molly Bowden. As that song holds special meaning to you for Officer Jacks, it does for us as well for Molly.
I will never forget Molly and now will also remember Officer Jacks as examples of heroic officers and will strive to live and serve as best I can in honor of their memory.
God Bless.
Officer Chad Craig
Columbia MO PD
February 6, 2006
Happy New Year Julie. Another year is starting without you. But, your memory will live forever. Happy New to all the friends, family and fellow officers of Julie Jacks.
Randy Taylor
December 31, 2005
MERRY CHISTMAS JULIE. It's been 3 Christmas's since you went to be with the LORD. Heaven is a brighter place now. So, in your honor, and all of the Police Officers across America, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Police Officers Prayer
Oh Almighty God, whose great power and eternal wisdom embraces the universe.
Watch over all policemen and law enforcement officers.
Father in Heaven please give them the strength, courage and perseverance to endure
The unjust condemnation, danger, and physical abuse to which they are at times subjected.
We recommend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.
Dear God, grant these brave men and women your almighty protection,
Unite them safely with their families after duty has ended.
Randy Taylor
In Honor OF Julie Jacks
December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas Julie. You are truely missed everyday by so many.
December 23, 2005
Today someone asked me about you - all I can do is smile, thinking of the fun we had, while fighting tears for missing you. I think of you and especially your family today and always. You are in the better place, we are here waiting to see you again. Miss you Jules. jamie
December 22, 2005
My dear Jules, I miss you so much. It's hard to believe another Christmas is here without you. You will always live in my will always live in my heart. I look forward to seeing you again where there will be no more tears, no more sorrow. I will always love you.
December 22, 2005
Merry Christmas Julie. I know this is such a hard time of year for your mom and dad and all your family and friends, but I am sure you will be with them all this season. I know I am not the only one, but I wanted you to know I am thinking of you this day, and on many others.
Lori D
December 22, 2005
Unfortunately, I didn't get the privalege of meeting you face to face but I have known your dad for many years. It was a sad day on earth when you were taken 3+ years ago. I will never forget that day. You and your family are in my prayers daily. Thank you Julie for all you did. May God Bless you and your family. As "McBride and the Ride sing" I'll see you again someday! That's when I look forward to meeting you! Love ya Julie.
December 10, 2005
To The Women In Blue
A cop was killed last night in the line of duty. You know, cold chills ran up my spine as I read the news; It said, she was shot in the streets while trying to help a citizen, And the citys lost another WOMAN IN BLUE.
You know, the laws of this land was taken from GODS own Commandments. And he must be proud of the Officers that wear that badge for him. And don't you think her friends and family are so proud of her. So, Hats Off To You, Our WOMEN IN BLUE.
So, Before you say "That Pig" wrote me a "Ticket" there Mister; Well, that woman is just as human as you or me. And I'm glad there's a cop on my street tonight, because I cherish my family and all my friends Too.And can you imagin what life would be like without law and order, So, Our Hats Off To You, Our WOMEN IN BLUE.
You know, it takes a Lot of guts to be a cop on these streets; and the pay ain't much for some things they have to do.
So, before you judge that cop that caught speeding, "Mister" Well, have you ever walked a mile in that womans shoes? Somebody said, "I CALLED A COP AND IT THEM AN HOUR TO GET HERE" Well, Friends sometimes we have to wait in the Doctor's Office Too.
It's a big job keeping peace in all our cities; So, Hats Off To You, Our WOMEN IN BLUE.
Well, today the flag is half masted down at the courthouse; For that cop who died in the streets for me and you.
So, I'm going to take my hat off my head; "IN HONOR OF THE RED AND THE WHITE AND THE WOMEN IN BLUE.
Randy Taylor
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Randy Taylor
In Honor Of Julie Jacks And All The Women In Blue
December 4, 2005
I was at the beach last week. It was so beautiful. You were constantly on my mind. I wish you could have been there instead of me. You loved the beach so much. You had so much to live for, but that was taken away.
Time goes on but the hurt remains. There is such an emptiness now where there once was joy. I wish I could hug you one more time. I wish I could hear you laugh again. I miss you so much.
My love forever
November 16, 2005
I never knew julie jacks, but i saw a episode on COPS that featured julie as an undercover officer in a sting on
10-25-05. I knew i have heard her name somewhere. I spent half the night trying to remember incident. then, it me like a TON OF BRICKS! what had happened. SO,my heart goes out to the FRIENDS,FAMILY AMD FELLOW OFFICERS OF JULIE ROCHELLE JACKS!!
Randy Taylor
October 26, 2005
About over two and a half years ago I was introduced to a brave woman who was a friend of an officer from a city nearby. At the time, I was serving as an MP in the US Army. From then on, this brave woman to me is a Hero that has inspired me to follow a positive path in law enforcement and to maintain that same courage and honor that I am to carry with me always. Even though I never met you, Julie, but I know you have made a difference in many lives. Thanks for leading the path. I am completing college and training forth to become a US Marshal. I won't forget you.
Muskogee, OK
October 15, 2005
Thinking of you, Julie.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow;
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain;
I am the gentle autumn's rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.
Love you forever, J
October 5, 2005
Julie, I heard the new Kenny Chesney song recently and I thought of you immediately. The song is about a young person leaving this world way before their time. That was certainly you. We all still miss you at the CPD. We display your picture proudly at all the offices and you will live on forever in our hearts. And just like the song that Kenny sings, it ends saying we can go on because we will see you again someday....
October 4, 2005