Chattanooga Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Monday, May 6, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Julie Rochelle Jacks
Time has passed but I still think of you often and see things that remind me of you. I talked with a young girl the other day that I met and she discussed how she wanted to be an officer when she went to college next year. I thought of you and classes at UTC. She had the same kind of personality you had. Growing up and learning about life with you is such a great memory for me. I just thought of you today and wanted to tell you that I love you.
August 25, 2004
I found julies memorial originally at the officer down website. It touched me that such a fine lady and fellow officer can be so senselessly be taken.God does things for a reason and i often wonder what that reason is but all i can do is trust in his judgement, but its obvious to me he needs people like julie jacks with him.May her family carry on with the same courage julie had.
"the finest steel is forged in the hottest furnace"
and julie is the finest you will ever find.
I will be in chattanooga in mid 2005 and will visit her.
sgt 1st class kevin byrne
western australian police service
August 18, 2004
I miss you so much.
July 31, 2004
I often come here to see what others think about Julie. For some reason I have never left one of my own. There are not many days that I don't think of Julie. I have just recently made up my mind to go to the academy and hope I can be a little like her. I pray that her and God will look over me and keep me safe as I try to carry on the job that Julie and so many others have started. God bless you Julie. I never met you, but you are my hero.
June 24, 2004
I found this website tonight because our city has lost 3 officers in one day. I started looking at the city of Chattanooga because I love it there. I visit at least once a month. I was just curious about how many officers ya'll had lost. I ran across Miss Jack's name and I got really curious about the type of person she was. I have sat here for 45 minutes reading about somebody that I have never even heard of and have cried for about 30 of those minutes. I cannot believe the disregard of life that this world has come to. I mean these officers that were killed here yesterday was absolutely senseless and the loss ya'll suffered was too. I also want you to know that the support that the Chattanooga Police Department has shown for this woman and her family is unbelievable. If you will go to other memorials and see how many reflections are left by fellow officers from the same department, they are few and far between. Ya'll should be proud to be apart of such a close FAMILY. I know that if I have to get a ticket in your town, then it will be done from a caring officer. I will pay that ticket with a smile... I think. :)
The name Julie Jacks will forever be engraved in my heart. If I happen to run into another person with that same sweet name, I hope she will do it justice.
Ms. Jacks, you are a heart broken mother, I will pray for you and hope that Julie is watching over your heart. All my thoughts and Prayers for Life...
Kristie Jones from Gardendale, Alabama
Kristie Jones
June 19, 2004
I have often said to your mom that I know she is not alone as she goes about her daily life. She always smiles and says she knows that is true. I have tried to be as good a friend to her as I can and always be there to listen when she needs to talk. I do that not only for the love I have for her as a friend, but to honor you as as person. All the beautiful, honorable and wonderful things you did in your life are celebrated here and in conversations all over this great country. Deservedly so.
But what many never have the honor of seeing is perhaps your greatest accomplishment in life....The pride and love in your mother's eyes. I don't know your dad, but I am sure he feels the same way. Julie, not only will you never be forgotten, but you will live on. Your legacy and memory will be passed down through the generations as an inspiration to all.
Much Love
Lori D.
Flintstone, GA
Lori D
May 20, 2004
Gone but not forgotten.
It is obvious from the reflections on this page that your contribution to this profession is second to none.
The Jacks family should be proud that their daughter has touched so many; those that knew her and those that didn't. She continues to be an inspiration to police officers throughout this country.
May 11, 2004
Just wanted your family to know that though you are gone, you are not forgotten!! May God continue to heal all those that are still missing you and surround them with His everlasting love.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
May 11, 2004
I requested a song to be played on the radio in honor of your memory today. Not only did they play the Willie Nelson song, but they also asked the listeners to observe a moment of silence. It's hard to believe that two years have gone by. You & your family are thought of daily.
police officer's wife
Chattanooga Police Dept
May 6, 2004
My thoughts were of you today. I didn't know you well, but your memory will stay with me forever. No matter how far I am from Chattanooga, I will never forget May 6th. I will never forget hearing the news that day as I was driving into work my shift in Bravo Team. You touched my life and many others in so many ways. I pray that your family and loved ones continue to have the strength to keep going. I believe you are watching over them. God bless you.
Patricia Widell
Former Chattanooga Police Officer
May 6, 2004
Our duty shifts this day, the second anniversary of Officer Jacks loss in the line of duty, has been dedicated to this hero. We remember and honor her service to her community and country.
Olen M. Young COP WPD NE
Chief of Police Olen M. Young
Wauneta PD NE
May 6, 2004
I cannot believe two years has gone by since that horrible day. I think of you daily and sometimes it feels like you send little signs to let me know that you are watching out for us. The time has helped ease the guilt...but, it will never erase it. I am sorry that I could not get to you sooner when you called for help. I know that all things happen for a reason, even though it is still hard to accept.
Your life touched so many, and you will never be forgotten. I am so proud to have been able to work with you, even for that one day. Your courage gives me strength to continue the job that you loved so much. You are missed greatly.
Office Jennifer Schramm #461
Chattanooga Police Department
Officer Jennifer Schramm #461
Chattanooga Police Department
May 6, 2004
God bless your friends, coworkers and family. Please continue to watch over us.
Montgomery County MD Police
May 6, 2004
On behalf of the men and women of the Virginia State Police we extend our condolences to the family of Officer Jacks and the members of the Chattanooga Police department.
While her tour is over, our's continues.
Senior Trooper
Virginia State Police
May 6, 2004
This site has become therapeutic for me. Here is where I feel friends, family, co-workers (and even strangers) have come together to offer condolences and relive memories. But also, I feel it has become a place to "talk to Julie". I come here today to say "Jules, I miss you so much. I LOVE YOU! You will always be in my heart." Here is where we put the words that we can no longer say to her. Here we can share our innermost feelings. Maybe by coming together and seeing our thoughts and words compiled it is helpful to us. It is hard to believe that 2 years have passed. Time has a way of easing the hurt. The loss of Julie has made such a tremendous impact on so many lives. I'm sure she had no idea that her short life would (or could) have such an effect on so many people. It has changed my life forever. I am so thankful that God gave her to our family for 26 years. She was such a blessing and continues to be. We miss her so much. It is so hard to go on, but we must. They say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...and with God's strength any storm can be faced. I thank God for Julie's life.
Becky Bates
Mother of Julie Jacks CPD #940 EOW 5/6/2002
May 5, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
Unfortunately, I had to add the name of another friend. Deputy Jeffrey Hewitt, Buncombe County (NC) Sheriff’s Department, E.O.W. April 4, 2004.
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
It is obvious from the reflections that Officer Jacks was an awesome woman and police officer. My heart breaks for her family, friends and coworkers.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
Marti Ingle (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 10, 2004
April 3, 2004
I was just thinking about you today and how much we all miss you. I just wanted to say "thanks". May God bless all those who are chosen to wear blue.
John Riddle
Former Chattanooga PD Officer
March 23, 2004
I just want the family and friends to know that I think of Julie often. I only meet her a couple of times, she worked with my husband. I just want to let you know she is not forgotten, even from those who did not laugh and talk with her daily. May the Lord Bless and keep all of you.
officer's wife
March 12, 2004
I recently attended an academy graduation party in Florida. There was a girl there that reminded me so much of you. She had every bit of your spunk and wit and overall just cool. Although I became so attached to this girl, I thought to myself "There will never be another Julie Jacks"
We still think about you, talk about you and laugh hard!
Thanks for watching over us up there!!!
Officer Curtis Penney#354
Chattanooga Police Department
February 29, 2004
You would have been 28 years old yesterday. You may be gone from this world, but you are far from being forgotten. I think about you often and I can't wait to see you in heaven.
Love ya! Amy
Inv. Amy Jones #935
Chattanooga Police Dept.
February 8, 2004
Another birthday is near. You would be 28. I remember your birthdays in the always wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I cherish all the wonderful memories you left us with.
The hurt is so great when I think of all the years that have been stolen from you...All the dreams that will never be realized.
I miss you so much.
I love you.
Becky Jacks
Mother of Officer Julie Jacks
February 5, 2004
I remember you during your basic academy class and how much everyone bragged on you. I know you are in heaven so save a place for me and the other guys. We miss you.
special agent mj burch
csx railroad police dept.
December 27, 2003
frank jacks
December 23, 2003
Julie Jacks...
I had a partner show me an article today from a Firearms Instructor magazine that he thought was important. My heart skipped a beat when I read your name. What a special feeling, knowing that I had met your friends and family from Chattanooga in Washington DC this year, but even more special because I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with your finace. My Best Friend and I could not help but speak of how much he loved you. The sparkle was still in his eyes. You are loved by SO many and your death was not in vain! You are in heaven now, with more friends and family, protecting the rest of us as we continue to serve and protect! This job is selfless and we love it! You are a true inspiration, Julie... a True Hero! God Bless You, Chattanooga PD and ALL who wear Blue or Green throughout the World!
Winter Park PD, Winter Park, Orange County, Florida
December 7, 2003