Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Barrett Travis Hill

Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas

End of Watch Monday, December 4, 2000

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Barrett Travis Hill

I did not know him well but i think of him constantly. I was honored to have met him approximately one week prior to the unforgettable day I sat on the radio. He came across as comfortable with who he was and very much a family man. He was extremely easy to talk to and get along with. I knew we had someone that was going to be outstanding as a Deputy out on patrol,, and I was right. I will never forget the emotions I experienced that day or the ones I experience since. The 20 minutes of stark fear I felt when I didnt know where he was. The overwhelming sadness that he never answered me. I knew this job would most likely put me in the position of honoring the saying of "your dispatcher is your lifeline!" but no matter how you prepare yourself, its never enough. I want to say to the family that I tried to do my very best and will continue to do just that. His death helped my understand the amazing job that was and is still put before me everyday. He made me see clearly that to do less than my very best it would be a disgrace. I promise to always be there for the Deputies that put their life on the line everyday.

Comm Ofcr Cameo Gibson
Harris County Sheriff's Department



As the Honor Guard Commander for the Harris County Sheriff's Department, the year 2000 was especially difficult, in that we lost three (3) deputy sheriff's in the same year. We always hope to make it through the year without having to go to one (1) In the Line of Duty funeral, much less having to endure three. This senseless loss of life can never be fully understood except by surviving families that are forced to live with this tragedy everyday for the rest of their lives. What we must do is keep their memory alive and never forget their heroic behavior in the way they lived their lives. As commander of the Honor Guard, that is our primary mission.

Lieutenant Ruben Diaz
Harris County Sheriff's Department

I would like for everyone to consider that, behind every 'official picture' and every 'official story', there is a story of a person who will be greatly missed.
It has not been a year yet since Barry's death, yet there is already a empty spot at any gathering of the family. Whenever Barry was around, there was always laughter. I believe that is what has gotten us thru this great loss is the precious memories that will be passed down to the little neices and nephews who never got to know 'the great Barry'.

Barry's cousin

This quote "There are three parts to life: the beginning, which is usually scary; the end, which is usually sad; but it's what is in the middle that matters" sums up what Barry believed in and lived for. His "middle," his life, was full of joy and happiness that he found in family and friends and a love for his job. He was a wonderful cousin, one I wish I could have seen and visited with more and I miss him. He was the one after all, who helped me make my decision on getting my first tattoo! He will be missed terribly but he was always live on in our hearts. Peace be with you Barry.

Mandy Hill, Cousin

I DO MISS YOU!!!!!!!!


Barry, I am so proud of what you stood for and believed in. I've looked up to you and admired you ever since I can remember. I am thankful for all the memories I have of you, and think of them daily. Miss you very much. Thanks for all the laughs and talks we shared.

Tracy Adkins

I remember how great a person and officer Hill was. He always had a cheerful attitude and made others smile. I remember him singing songs at the Inmate Processing Center as he worked. I rember how refreshing it was to be around such a truely genuine good hearted person. He was a devoted Father, Husband, and Deputy. The world has lost a truely great individual who will never be forgotten.

Sergeant Michael J. Koteras
Harris County Sheriff's Department

Barry lived his life daily to reflect the power of Almighty God. He died as he lived - giving all that he had in an effort to do that which was right, that which was decent, that which was good. We shall all miss his example and cherish the many memories of his life.

J. Terry Bartlett, CEO
Corrections Concepts, Inc.

Deeply saddened by this. My condolences goes to the Deputys' family.

Rusty Ooi

Rusty Ooi

There is not much I can add to the reflections that have been posted here. As his Aunt, I can only say, we miss your smile,laughter, and your sense of humor. Always ready with a kind word or deed, your leaving us has left a great void in our lives. You were, and will always be, a very vital part of our lives. I came across this poem in the newspaper and I would like to share it with everyone who goes to this page.

A Part of America Died

Somebody killed a policeman today

And a part of America died.

A piece of our country he swore to protect

Will be buried with him at his side.

The suspect who shot him will stand up in court,

With counsel demanding his rights,

While a young widowed mother must work for her kids

And spend alone many long nights.

The beat that he walked was a battlefield too

Just as if he'd gone off to war.

Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,

To his name they will add a gold star.

Yes, somebody killed a policeman today,

It happened in your town or mine.

While we slept in comfort behind ourlocked doors,

A cop put his life on the line.

Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,

And he stands at each new rookies side.

He answered the call and gave us his all,

And a part of America died.

Bonnie Kocurek ------ Aunt

My Eulogy to Barry Hill
by Greg Candelaria

I have never delivered a eulogy and I had hoped I never would. But, I count it a privilege and an honor to share my thoughts about Barry Hill. Though I had known Barry for less than two years, I came to know him as a dedicated husband, a dedicated father, and most importantly, as a dedicated man of God. His relationship with the Lord should provide all of us with peace and comfort, especially in this time of great loss and grieving. We should be encouraged that, at this moment, Barry is in the very presence of the Lord.

Like most, I do not have a job that really matters much. What I mean is, I am not developing a cure for a terminal disease, nor providing services to the sick, the aged, and the infirmed, nor inspiring young minds in education, nor protecting the lives, rights, and freedoms of anybody. Yet Barry chose a career, which he loved; one that made a difference in people's lives every single day! Barry gave up his life defending the rights of someone he did not even know. And he did his job, each and every day, with a sense of duty, responsibility, and dedication; a humble servant to all the residents of Harris County. No greater love is there than this, that a man give up his life for another.

We are blessed with wonderful reminders of Barry's life. He has left a legacy that assures he will never be forgotten by anyone who has had the privilege of knowing him. First, and most importantly, the transfer of his faith is ever present in the lives of his daughters, Lacy and Whitney. And I thank God that Barry was able to confirm Whitney's personal commitment to the Lord by baptizing her in the Gulf of Mexico in Galveston, just a few months ago. Barry was naturally musically inclined and this talent is manifested in the absolutely beautiful voice of his daughter Lacy. And one only need look at a single example of Whitney's artwork, to see her father's creativity exposed. Lastly, let us not forget his service to this country, and the protection of our liberty, through his enlistment in the Army and his participation in the Persian Gulf War.

If you spent any time with Barry, you know that he could match wits and humor with anyone. He was soft-spoken, gentle and kind. Always willing to help whenever and wherever he could. Humble in spirit, steadfast in purpose, and principled in all his actions. Barry will forever be remembered for the content of his character. At a time where so many are full of "fluff", Barry was full of substance - things that really mattered. Most talk a good walk, but Barry walked the talk.

I know that my family and I, and many others, will miss Barry Hill. He touched my life, ever so briefly, yet with profound impact. I am personally not worthy to walk in the shadow of the standards and goodness that made Barry the great man that he was. He loved his family and his life demonstrated his commitment to them. May we all learn the lessons taught to us by this humble, decent man.

Take heart and comfort Cathy, Lacy and Whitney, Jean and Ed, Buffy and Derek, Todd and Dawn, and all of you who knew Barry; for today in heaven, he is risen!

December 5, 2000

Greg Candelaria

As the wife of a law enforcement officer for over 30 years, the hardest words for me to hear are "officer down". They are hard words at anytime, but even harder when the officer is someone you loved and with whom you shared part of your life. As the wife of an officer you learn to never send them out with an "I love you and you be careful" and a prayer for protection from above. It is difficult to understand why Barry had to end his watch in the way he did. But I take great comfort in knowing that he is with the Lord and that he gave his life in service to his family, his community and his country. He would not have been satisfied with less than that because that was the kind of man he was. It is obvious that he touched many lives, and all of his family can rest in the assurance that his life was not in vain for he will continue to touch lives as people read these wonderful testimonies of what a man of God he was. Barry, I know that you are in the presence of the Lord and in that place no law enforcement is needed so sing, laugh, worship and bask in the presence of the Lord; we will see you soon. We love you.

Kenda Bartlett

I wish to tell the family of Barrett my thoughts are with you.

New Zealand Police

The injustices placed upon society by a few will cost the majority a debt nobody will ever be able to repay. We lose the fabric called the "thin blue line" when we forget the sacrifices that weaves our existance in the men and women behind the badge....lest we not foget...Dectective C.Alonzo Glendale P.D. Glendale Az.


Barry, I think about you every day and how you use to make us all laugh. You made all of us feel a part of your family, because you talked about them every day. I think the only thing that comforts me about your death is that I am sure you are with Jesus Christ. You were the most Godly man I've ever met. I wish I could talk to you one more day. I'm sure all of us and your family feel the same way.

Before every shift I say a prayer and think of you. Sometimes I think I can feel you looking over my shoulder. I bet you've got them rolling in the ilse in hevan, you could always bring a smile to a crowd. Your probably singing some stupid song and dressed like Elvis (inside joke, Kathy).

Well I got to go but I will be thinking about you. Me and the guys will always miss you. We will keep our eyes to the sky, cause we know your watchin'. God bless you, and keep you.


Deputy G. W. Ellington
Harris County Sheriff's Dept.

Hi Shug - I missed you so much at the wedding last night. Your "Lacy Wacy" was beautiful and you would have been so proud of her. Whitney was her maid of honor and so sweet standing there by her Sissy. She gave the sweetest toast at the reception that a ten year old can give. So sweet and so innocent. There is a void in my heart that can never be filled by anyone or anything. I love you and miss you so much and time does not heal this mom's heartache..........Mom

Jean Hill - Mom

You are going to have as great a son-in-law as I had. I love you and miss you.

Arlene Sanders

So, I'm marrying your daughter in a month. Hard to believe I fell in love with her a year and a half ago. I know if you were around you would give me one of those "This is my oldest daughter speeches" but not to worry EVERYONE else has, except not the daughter speech but you get what I'm saying. We are already starting a family...we bought a dog...her name is Lucy. Don't know why I wrote that but I did. Anyhow, the wedding is going to be awesome. Lacy is so gorgeous and I am the luckiest guy in the world. I know you'll be watching over us as we say I do. I know we will live a long happy life together and I believe God will always take care of us. I'm glad to be part of your family

Joe Kendrick
University Baptist Church

Barry, I only meet you once, the day you came to dispatch during you patrol training. You were eager to learn and pleasure to talk with. It was obvious by your talk, that there was no doubt of who your walk was with. The night you were taken from use, I still had your paperwork in our to be filed tray. The devil is always at work taking the warriors off the street. When my day comes I will look for you my brother.

Matthew 5:8-12
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

R. Townsend
HCSO Watch Command

Hi Shug - today is Father's Day and I wish you were here. You should be here. Sometimes I can't stand the pain of the loneliness and wish I could go to the prison where the "man" who murdered you is housed and literally beat him to a pulp. That would make me feel so good. He took your life and it wasn't his to take. We all need you here. Whitney is growing up so fast and told her mom the other day that she hates Father's Day now because she doesn't have you here to do things with her like she used to do. She asked your dad to go to Sunday School with her today because all the other kids were inviting their dads and you're not here to go. He proudly went with her. He tries to give her that special male attention that she needs but he isn't you. I miss you calling and telling us hi and I miss your just popping in to see us. I miss seeing your sweet face waiting for us as we come out of early church and I miss your hugs. I just want to see you again and one of these days, I know I will. I know you're waiting for all of us to get to heaven to join you but only God knows when that will be. I don't ever have to tell you to be careful again because you are eternally safe now - safe in the arms of Jesus and out of harm's way. Your brother spent 6 months in Iraq and, needless to say, there were some pretty tense moments around the Hill households. But God returned him safely to us and now he has bought himself a motorcycle - joy, joy! The next thing I know he will want your dad to go on a cross country motorcycle ride and, knowing your dad, he'll say yes. What do you guys see in those things anyway? They are so dangerous but your dad enjoys getting on your bike and just taking it for a spin. I think he feels so close to you when he does. He and Whit were going out yesterday but it was a very hot day and Whit doesn't do long rides in the heat too good. She is doing great on the swim team = wish you could see her - maybe you can. Dad and I just thought we were through getting up early on Saturday and heading to the pool 30 years ago. Now we do it for our grandkids. Shae is beautiful in her wedding gown - I hope we can all get through the wedding without you being here to give us strength. There will be lots of wet kleenex left on the pews when we leave the church. I hope I remember to take some. Dad's handkerchief will be passed up and down the pew if I don't. I wish there was something I could buy or someplace I could go to make me feel better but there is nothing and no place. Our priorities have changed since you died and material things are worthless. We would give up everything we own if we could have you back. I love you always and there is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts........... Dad and I have a good parents support group through COPS - we couldn't make it without them. They know our pain - they know our heartache. I love you and I am so proud of you......Love, Mom

Jean Hill - Mom

I watched our little girl try on her wedding gown yesterday and I know God had to be letting you watch as well. She is so beautiful. I saw your face in hers and I don't know how we are going to get through this without your physical presence but I know your sweet memory will flood us and walk us through her day and our sweet Holy Spirit will comfort us and you will be proud of your lovely daughter and the man she has chosen to love her for the rest of her life. I love you Bear.

Memorial Day 2003

A day observed in memory and honor to the men and women who fought for our rights and freedom. Not only do we need to honor the military but, also, our law enforcement personnel.
We were proud of you for serving in Operation Desert Storm and you came home. You decided to serve humanity by going into law enforcement and again, we were proud of you. But, one day, you didn't come home.
I am so proud to have had you in our lives for the short time. You left so much. Your beautiful daughters, the laughter, the love that you showed to all of your family.
I will always be proud that you were mine for awhile.
You are loved and missed everyday.


I want to first of offer my condolences to all who know Deputy Hill. Lacy, I went to high school with you and knew you through other people. I cannot imagine not having my Daddy around. My heart goes out to you. I get the opportunity to work with other deputies and can only imagine what a wonderful man your dad was. I have faith and am encouraged by the fact that he is doing what all Christians long to do: worship our Lord and Savior all the time. Lacy, I will continue to pray for you and your family and friends. God bless you in all you do.

Another holiday, another birthday, another hour, another minute has gone by. There are so many times it feels just like I heard your voice a second ago and then there are those empty times I long to hear it again. Everyone told me, life would go on and it has but it has been so strange without you. Things I never ever imagined I would have to deal with. Your things are still here and yes your memory is still here but your presence is missed so much.

I talked to Al today and we laughed about the Christmas tree that night before. What bittersweet memories.

I have so much I need to talk to you about - so many things I need your advice on - I just need to hear you tell me everything is going to be okay. Bear, I miss you more than I ever imagined possible. I do know without a doubt though that you are encouraging me and cheering me on with that host of saints. As we approach Easter and celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour, I am assured of your place in glory. His death was not in vain.

There is not a night that goes by that we don't take a look at the sunsets and see you. I am so thankful for that conversation and it lets us feel you near.

I love you Bear.

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