Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas
End of Watch Monday, December 4, 2000
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Barrett Travis Hill
Hi Shug - you have been so close in my thoughts these past few days. It's almost like I could just reach out and touch you and I would give anything to be able to do that. I love you so much and miss you beyond everything.
There's a sweet message that someone named Rachal left on this page for me and Cathy and I am so thankful for her words and insight. The comforting peace that we have always had about your death is that we know where you are and who you're with. We praise God for that peace and assurance. I love you, Shug........... Mom
Jean Hill
July 6, 2006
This is for Barry's Mother, Jean and his Wife, Cathy.
I followed a message from another officer's memorial and found Barry's reflections.
At first I just sat here and stared at his face. Within a few moments I knew this man was a Christian.
There's something about his countenance that says, "I'm a child of God" and "Would you like me to tell you about Jesus?"
Jean, your son graduated TO the top of the class. That's Heaven:). Isaiah 49 comes to mind as I write these words. He was by name from the womb for a purpose.
Cathy, your husband was a gift, on loan to you. This scripture is for you:
Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
God Bless You My Sisters In Christ. Your treasure awaits you
in Heaven.
July 4, 2006
Our little girl is 13 today. Another teenager in the house! It was fun going over the story with her last night of the "labor" - when it all started, what we were doing, how you acted. You were so funny. At dinner the other night, we talked about the mishaps when she was little and all the scares she gave us and all the while, she was just fine. How we took things so seriously. We were going through pictures the other night as well and found some of her on your old motorcycle. My, how she has your love for motorcycles. What was she, 3 when those were taken and we couldn't get her off the bike? She is taller than I am now. She really is just like you in so many ways. You would be so proud of her, of both of them. Beautiful young ladies. I can't believe where time has gone. Lacy is about to venture into a new life in Virginia, doing to me just what you and I did to our parents all those years ago. How ironic. Makes me smile though. Great experiences ahead for she and Joe. Whit has written a story about you and it won awards where she is being honored locally, state and nationally. Actually pretty cool. A little overwhelming for her. She has never liked being in the spotlight and this puts her right in the middle of it. Barry, thank you for our precious daughters and our wonderful memories. We love you and continue to hold you dear to our hearts.
May 30, 2006
Mrs. Hill,
I am very sorry for your loss and dont worry, We all know Barret is in heaven, he has done his time in hell.
K.D. Matlock #748
Montgomery County Sheriffs Office, Ohio
May 14, 2006
Hey Barry, This is Det.Powell from Brenham PD. I was with Donald Wass they day we caught robert will. Just wanted you to know that even though Don has passed, I will see this thing to the end.We are determined to see that justice is served. I am very thankful to the Harris co. Sheriffs office for thier involvemnt in Don's funeral. I know he would have loved to see everyone there. For the family, I am always just a call away. Yall will forever be in my prayers
Det. Lloyd Powell #3143
detective lloyd powell
brenham police dept.
April 28, 2006
Deputy Hill,
You gave the ultimate sacrifice. The Deputy that caught your killer was laid to rest today. He died going to the job that he loved dearly. I know you two are together now, and I will look forward to seeing both of you in the future.
Con Dios
Ross Bates
TX Highway Patrol
Trooper I Ross Bates
Texas Highway Patrol
April 28, 2006
Hi Shug - we went to the funeral today of the wonderful young deputy who captured the man who murdered you 5 1/2 years ago. We have become so fond of him and his family. He was a dedicated peace officer but, just like you, he was first a dedicated family man. He left behind a very precious wife and a four year old daughter. He also left two wonderful parents and a brother. As the chaplain was reading the eulogy, I thought to myself how much you and Don Wass are alike. Don had a passion for motorcycles - just like you. As a child, he loved to take all of his toys apart just to see how they worked and then put them back together - just like you. He even took his younger brother's toys apart - just like you. He loved his job, he loved his wife and daughter and he loved his mom and dad - just like you. Oh, how we miss you! Life is not the same without you being here with us and now we know that we will be with the Wass family throughout their grief. Who would have ever thought that one day we'd attend the funeral of this young man. He and Amanda would attend our COPS functions and everytime we would see him, he would always ask when we were going to have the COPS picnic at their ranch in Washington County. In 2005, we did just that and he was so excited. He hooked the tractor up to a trailer and carried everybody out to where the cows were and let the kids feed them. They had a blast and did something that a lot of city kids never get to do. I know you two would have been great friends just from being with him the times we were. Just thought I'd let you know that another one of your "brothers" is walking the Streets of Gold today. One of these days, when the Lord calls each of us home, we'll be there too. We love you, Shug, and miss you so much..........Mom
Jean Hill
April 27, 2006
Had you on my heart today and as silly as this is I wanted to drop in to say hi. You come up in conversations so many times it is almost like you aren't dead. Barry, I love you so much and miss you terribly. Buffy, your mom and I went to Seattle and Vancouver for your mom's birthday and had a wonderful time. You would have loved it even though we wouldn't have let you go! Girls weekend only. Watching the whales was really amazing. That you would have been a little kid about. What am I talking about ~ you know all about that now!!!! Anyway, miss the squeezes and we love you too. C
March 20, 2006
Today is set aside as the day to remember those that we love but I never forget you and will love you forever. C
February 14, 2006
I am the wife of an area police officer. I came across this page today and never knew it existed.
Deputy Hill was killed just a few days after our daughter was born. My husband had been a police officer for several years at that point. I remember being at home with our newborn and watching the news when this happened. My husband did not know Deputy Hill personally, but said he remembered seeing him when he would take prisoners in.
A few years after Deputy Hill was murdered, his mother wrote a letter to the Houston Chronicle that moved me. It was about the prison chaplain from Huntsville and how he was upset and stressed. I tore it out so that my husband could see it and put it up on the fridge so he wouldn't miss it. That letter ended up staying on our refrigerator for a long time. We left it there out of laziness at first, but it got to be where we both realized we read it from time to time. Every time I would read it, I felt very angry and upset for you all. I can't even begin to imagine how you felt. My husband told me he read it sometimes before he went to work.
I'm not quite sure why we left it up there. I know it might sound really strange or weird. The letter was up there amidst the alphabet magnets and notes of things we had to do. Something about it touched us and at the same time tapped into one of the biggest fears I have- that my husband will be killed at work. Being a parent put it all in a new perspective, too.
I wanted to post this here to let you know that your son's/husband's/brother's/father's life touched someone that you will probably never meet or know. I know it sounds strange, but we both remember him and we are both so very sorry for your loss.
February 2, 2006
I have missed you so much! Sometimes I find myself remembering random things that you used to say to me - like whenever you told me the story about the little girl with the monkey under her bed. That makes me laugh every time I think about it. School is great, by the way, and I've made a lot of new friends. Believe me, it's much better than last year's school. I've been getting A's now - even in science.
Love ya,
January 17, 2006
Merry Christmas Bear - We love you. C
December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas, Shug.
Jean Hill
December 24, 2005
As the year 2005 is coming closer to an end, I made a promise to myself to get myself in order. I stay so frazzled most of the time and am trying desperately to make sense of everything and get some controlled chaos in key areas. I am starting with my study. The room is really very pretty and I have it decorated with memorial items and the beautiful shadow box Al and his son made with "those" flags we get when they put you in "that" box. Your badge shines at me each time I enter the room. I have your photo on the other wall with your hatrack that you were so proud of when you finished it. There are sweet memories hanging all around me. As I was thumbing through files and reading letters and poems sent to me (avoiding the cleaning process all together - so much for organization and order), I came across sheets from a yellow legal pad folded up. My curiosity gets the best of me (some things never change) and I want to know what is on the lines of this folded treasure. I immediately recognize the writing so neat and proper. It is the penship of Mom. I remember exactly when and why she wrote this which seems strange since I can't remember what I ate for lunch today but she so wanted the local newspaper back home to print her "story" and they wanted to charge her $100 to do so. What a scam they had going! As I read the penciled words my emotions were exclaimed with laughter and tears all at the same time.
Chris, thank you for letting me print this here. I think it is about time I sent another donation to ODMP anyway!
A Mother-In-Law Tribute
In the fall of 1971, I moved to Clyde with my 2 children. Cathy, my daughter, started 3rd grade in the Clyde schools. She graduated from Clyde High School. My son, James, started kindergarten and went thru the 8th grade in Clyde. We moved away and he graduated from Azle High School. He moved back to Clyde in 1992 to live with my mother after the loss of my father.
In the summer of 1981 a very special young man came into our lives. He was Barry Hill. He had moved here with his parents from Houston. He was tall, skinny and so funny. He had such a great sense of humor. I think when he met Cathy, it must have been "love at first sight." He drove me crazy. He was at my house ALL the time. They were always bickering at each other about little things. I didn't think that friendship would last long. Barry gave Cathy a promise ring; but; "Mom, it doesn't mean we are going to get engaged, just go steady." Yeah, right. About 6 months after they met they made plans to get married. His family and I really did some talking but, they were determined. So, they got married. The next year, the Hill's and I got our 1st grandchild, Lacy d'Shae. Barry was so proud! He was a very good daddy and a good husband. And a wonderful son-in-law. In 1987, Barry, Cathy and Lacy moved to Virginia, as Barry was in the Army. Before joining the service, Barry had worked as an EMT for the Clyde Ambulance Service. They spent 4 years in Virginia then heading west to Salt Lake City, Utah. Barry began his career in law enforcement in the army and continued to climb that ladder. While the kids were in Utah, my life underwent a drastic change. I packed up and moved in with Barry and Cathy for 6 months. By this time, Barry was more a son than an in-law. Also, by that time they had given me a second granddaughter, Whitney Jourdan. About 2 weeks after Whitney was born, he told Cathy, "if I'd known we were going to have a Whitney, we'd have had her a long time ago." Anyway, Whitney was 2 when I moved to Utah. Barry worked for the State of Utah and had 2 days off a week. One of those days we would do his "honey-do's" and the other day he would take Whitney and I to the mountains or some other excursion. I had some really great quality time with Barry in those few months. It was such a joy to watch hime with his daughters.
In 1997, he was offered a job with the Harris County Sheriff's Office. He was thrilled! His dream was coming true. He worked in the jail system for 3 years before getting the opportunity to go on patrol. When he got the call to start the adademy, his feet never touched ground again.
We all knew the danger of his job and the possibilities of something going wrong, but, you tend to push those thoughts away and thing, "this won't happen to us."
On December 4, 2000, it did happen to us. Cathy called me at work a few minutes after 8 a.m. and gave me the news that Barry had been shot and killed. I knew I needed to hold it together for her sake, but, just couldn't seem too.
One week away from being through withhis field training, he and his FTO were in a foot chase after 2 suspects in a car parts theft case. Barry apprehended one of the suspects and was preparing to cuff him when the perp drew a gun and shot Barry several times. He died instantly.
Barry had faults just like we all have. He loved God, his wife and his children. He loved his parents and siblings and even me, his mother-in-law. It was evident to everyone that he met how very proud he was of his girls. He made time for each of them and had date nights with them. He prote poems for Cathy and made each anniversary special. They almost had 20 years toghether and were still bickering just like when they were in the first stages of their relationship. But, they love they had for each other was so strong.
The day after Thanksgiving, 2000, Barry called me and we had a really great visit. It had been awhile since we had got to visit, just us. He tried to talk me into moving to Houston so they could see me more and help take care of me. he talked about reading the real estate ads in the Clyde Journal every week and when he retired they were buying some land and moving back to Clyde. He missed the small town life.
God truly blessed me with my son-in-law. I am so thankful for the close relationship we shared. Barry was very special to alot of people, but to me he was and always will be my favorite sone-in-law. His loss will leave a void that can't be filled.
I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel for all the love, prayers and support during our grief.
Mom's letter ended there as that afternoon she got the call from her doctor that we just weren't prepared for. She had stage 4 lung cancer. Mom did move to Houston and lived with Whitney and I. We shared many laughs and tears together over the next year. I was somewhat jealous that she would be in Heaven quicker than I would be. The end was peaceful and gentle. Barry's mom was with us with her at the end. Mom had told Jean that she was the only Mom I had left now and to take care of me. Barry would be proud of both of his parents. They honor him well and take very good care of me.
Anyway, I just wanted to share what Mom had to say about Barry and knew this was a safe place to do so.
Barry, not a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts. The sunsets are still breathtaking and little things remind us of you. We love you and miss you. Give Mom a hug for me, we miss her so much as well.
Okay, I promise to get organized! I love you!
December 22, 2005
Barrett I did not know you, but I met your wife Cathy at a function. Becky Risley introduced us. She is an inspiration, and has worked so hard for others. I just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family in this holiday season. Keep a watchful eye on the rest of us.
K-9 Deputy Shawn Sayers
Brazos County Constable Pct. 1 (TX)
December 20, 2005
Bear ~ you are heavy on my heart and mind. Missing you. Love, C
December 17, 2005
I was just thinking about you and I started reading the reflections left by your mom and Cathy. Its very hard for me to see that your mom misses your so much. I think of my own mother who worries constantly as I make it through another shift. Cathy I hope you are well. It has been a long time since we have talked. My email is LTBHTF354@aol.com.
Rest easy brother
Officer Curtis Penney
Chattanooga Police Department
December 11, 2005
Hi Shug - it's been five years today that you left us and went to be with Jesus. There are days when it seems like forever and then there are others when it seems like just yesterday. We "celebrated" this day as we've done the past four years by opening up our home to your co-workers as well as many friends and family members and sharing a meal with them. It is heartwarming to be able to do this. The deputies enjoy it. This year, besides giving them a beautiful custom made Christmas ornament, we had them write their names on a blue Christmas ball ornament which will adorn the beautiful "blue" tree that's set upstairs. Before we went to Cathy's to get ready for the day, Dad and I went to the cemetery and the site. I told Dad while we were at the cemetery that we were too young to be in that place grieving over one of our children. You're never far away because we have so many precious memories that you left us with. Thank you for being you and for bringing happiness and laughter into our lives for 38 years. I miss you so much and will always love you...........Mom
Jean Hill
December 4, 2005
Hi Shug - I'm just sitting here thinking about you. Sure wish I could see you. Love you always........Mom
Jean Hill
November 19, 2005
I met a very nice officer yesterday. He was slow to tell me what he did for a living, he said he gets all kinds of reactions. Well, I told him about you and your wonderful family that are here missing you. I'm proud of you and of your family. I'm proud to call Cathy my friend. She is a wonderful testimony to the great husband, father, and type of man you were. Thank you.
family friend
August 26, 2005
Happy Birthday, Shug. I love you.........Mom
Jean Hill
August 21, 2005
Happy Birthday Big Brother! We are celebrating Drew's 11th birthday a day late so the cake is for you too.
Love you.
August 21, 2005
Happy Birthday Bear,
It won't be long until we all are celebrating together. We love and miss you. C
August 21, 2005
Hi Shug - Happy Father's Day. When I was buying cards this week, I kept thinking that I should be buying one for you. A day never goes by that you're not in our thoughts and we wish you were here. I love you so much and miss you more as each day goes by. Thanks so much for the sweet memories. Love, Mom
Jean Hill
June 20, 2005
I always thought it strange when I would hear someone say, "I picked up the phone to call Barry...and then realized what I was actually doing."
I was talking to Dad the other day and he said, "I talked to your brother today." It was on the tip of my tongue to say, "Which one?" Then I realized he could only be talking about Todd. Funny how almost 5 years later and it still happens. Maybe that was a hello from you...thanks for the smile!
June 16, 2005