Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas
End of Watch Monday, December 4, 2000
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Barrett Travis Hill
Hey there. Its been a while since any new reflections have been added, but not a day goes by without thinking about this man we all adored and cherished. We love him still with all our hearts and can't wait until the day we are reunited with him in the presence of our God Almighty. For even in the darkest hours of this tragedy God has blessed us beyond words and provided us with an awe-inspiring comfort and joy.
God bless our officers and their families.
Just a thought of sweet remembrance.
May the winds of love blow softly into heaven and whisper these words in your ear. You're not forgotten, nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last, we will remember you. Only those who have lost can tell the sorrow of parting without farewell. Though we've lost a life linked with our own, day by day we miss you more as we must live on. Yet somehow the rolling stream of life goes on and within our aching hearts your memory we keep. But, the sweetness will linger forever, as we treasure the image of you. We will always love and keep you through every passing year.
Family Chain
We little knew that morning,
God was going to call your name,
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.
I hope this brings comfort to those that love you and love Jesus. Until
we meet, may God give strength and comfort to the ones that love you
and to the ones you love. Good-bye for now.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
feb. 27, 2003
I just read all these messages and am so impressed by the life that
Deputy Hill lived so well. I can't wait to meet him when it's my turn
to go be with Jesus. May God bless all those who still mourn. I don't
think there is any getting over this.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
Family Chain
We little knew that morning,
God was going to call your name,
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.
I hope this brings comfort to those that love you and love Jesus. Until we meet, may God give strength and comfort to the ones that love you
and to the ones you love. Good-bye for now.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
Psalm 116: 15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.
Our God has plans and purposes that are beyond our understanding.
Sometimes these plans and purposes break our hearts.
Sometimes they require sacrifices we never agreed to make.
Sometimes they stop us dead in our tracks, turn us upside down, inside out and paralyze us with pain.
But, His comfort is not far behind. And, as we climb up into His lap and weep into His chest, He whispers in our ear, "Shhh. It's okay. I did it for a reason and someday I'll tell you what it is." He strokes our hair and hugs us tight and cries with us. "Shhh. Just hang on. It's not that long before you'll see them again. And, then you'll be with them for eternity. I promise to see you through this."
Thank you Cathy for leaving a message on my fiance's page. It means a lot to know I am not alone in my pain. It saddens me to know that Dennis and Barrett were not the first law enforcement officers to die in the line of duty, nor will they be the last. My heart goes out to Barrett Hill's family, friends and coworkers.
Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family and remember that Barrett is part of huge law enforcement family. If you ever need anything any number of them will be there for you (as I've quickly found out!) From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain Barrett was well respected and well loved. Thank you for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please take care of my fiance Dennis.
Peace, Love, Luck, and Happiness!
Jocelyne Brar
Dennis McElderry's fiancee - EOW (01/03/03)
Even though our paths crossed- I never had the HONOR or Opportunity of meeting you. But your Sacrafice is not in Vain= Everyday I put that uniform on YOU and your FAMILY are in my THOUGHTS and PRAYS. You WILL NOT be forgotten for you have touched my life.
Harris County Sheriff Dept. Patrol
Happy Valentines Day, Shug. Holidays just aren't the same without you. Dad and I miss you so much and would give anything to be able to put our arms around you and give you a big "bear" hug and tell you one more time that we love you so much and we are so proud of you......We'll love you forever........Mom
Jean Hill - Mom
To the family of Deputy Hill. God Bless you all. After seeing an interview with Deputy Hill's wife and mother, you are very strong. God Bless you all and the HCSO.
Police Officer
Chesterfield County Police Dept, Va.
To the family of Deputy Hill. God Bless you all. After seeing an interview with Deputy Hill's wife and mother, you are very strong. God Bless you all and the HCSO.
Ofc. Scott Sparks
Chesterfield County Police Dept, Va.
Your wonderful family graced my home yesterday and it was such a wonderful time. After breakfast we went shopping and to a movie. I had the great pleasure of taking Whitney to the stores on my bike. She constantly was saying "My Daddy would go fast", or "My Daddy knew how much I liked to ride with him". It was a great time, but I truley wish you had been here to ride with us. Every time I get on the bike, I think of you, and as I am riding I can almost feel you riding with me. Can't wait to see you in Heaven and ride the streets of gold together. I love you still, and miss you more than words can express.
Merry Christmas Bear and Happy Anniversary.
I love you,
Hi Shug - Dad and I went to a tree decorating ceremony today at City Hall. It is sponsored by an organization called Justice for All but we were there for Concerns of Police Survivors. We hung a beautiful ornament on it in your memory. You will always be loved and we will make sure that you are never forgotten.
Jean Hill, Mom
Hi Shug - it's been two long years today. There are times when it seems like you have been gone forever and then there are times when it seems like yesterday. We did something good in your name today - we invited your friends into our home for a dinner in your honor. About 70 deputies and HPD officers walked through our doors and were fed a delicious meal. This was for you. Even though we were surrounded by your peers, you were never far away from us. Your memories will always be here - you will never be forgotten and we will love you forever. We miss you so much. At one time during the course of the day, Whitney was sitting with some of the officers and she stood up and looked at Cathy and asked, "Mom, where's Daddy? Then, she realized what she had done and said, "I mean, where's PawPaw?" This is when we hurt so much. She misses you so much and I would give anything if you could be here with her. She needs you so much. I need a big "Bear" hug too. Thank you for the love, thank you for the laughter and thank you for the memories. You left us with so much and we are so thankful that God allowed you to be with us for 38 years. We just wish there could have been many more. You, Todd and Buffy were supposed to bury me and Dad - it was not to be this way. We always told you that we loved you and were so proud of you and I will tell you again - I love you so much and will always be proud of you. You left us with so many sweet memories and for that I am so grateful. I love you and long for the day when we will all see each other again and our family will be whole again.
Jean Hill - Mom
To the Loving Family of Deputy Barrett Hill,
The strength that each and every one of you have is amazing!
Words cannot express how truly sorry I am for your loss. Always remember that Deputy Hill continues to live through the lives of his two beautiful daughters and through the all loving memories that you all cherish. May you all find peace and comfort knowing that he will ALWAYS be by your side and watching over you. May God Bless Barrett, his loving wife, daughters, family, friends and colleagues that knew him.
As the rain falls down from Heaven it must be the angels crying, for all the sorrow in our hearts today. It was two years ago today that Officer Hill was murdered. Although I did not know him, his death has impacted my life. I am the paramedic that responded to the call for an officer down. Jesus already had his arm around Barry, I was too late. I would have given anything to have been able to help him and to give Cathy the opportunity to tell the love of her life goodbye. I was blessed to have met Cathy, Jean and Ed and will continue to pray for them, as I have done everyday. Officer A.K., I pray that your burden may be eased and that God watches over you and all of the officers that everyday,so unselfishly, protect us.
Claudine Wolk - Paramedic
Cypress Creek EMS
December 4, 2002
2 years
24 months
104 weeks
730 days
So long....So missed....So loved
Arlene Sanders
As I sit here and wonder how it has been two years since the "coward" took you away from your family, I take great pride in the way your wife has reacted to the lost. Cathy has stood up and faced the "coward" with resolve that has taught lesson to your extented family of the HCSO.
Hey Barry,
Met your future son-in-law this week-end. You would be very proud of Lacys' choice. Joe is very sweet and he loves your daughter. I really think you would have liked him, too. Y'all would have gotten along really well.
I love you and miss you so much.
Arlene Sanders
Hey Bear,
You are so heavy on my heart today. I woke up with Whitney sleeping and dreaming where you are supposed to be and I could see your face in hers. She was dreaming obviously about something funny because she was laughing. I could hear your laugh in her. She is growing each day to be more and more like you. Her attitude and humor have captured you as well. She took your picture with her to church yesterday. Her Sunday School Class had a special day of Thanksgiving and she wanted to not only talk about how thankful she was for you but to show you to everyone. How she misses you. We all miss you so much. I can still smell you and close my eyes and just imagine you are still here. Barry, thank you for who you were and how you touched my life and for loving me so much. I love you and miss you beyond anything I ever knew possible.
Deputy Hill must have been a wonderful person, and it is so sad to see somebody so loved taken. Rest in Peace Sir, we now have the watch.
Lil Rock
God bless you and your family. No family should have to go through what they have.
Police Officer
New York City Police Department
Hi Shug - I'm just sitting here and, as usual, my thoughts turn to you. I would give anything in this world if I could just see you walk in the back door one more time or put your arms around me and say, "Hi Mom" or call on the telephone to see if we are home and have you ask "what's for dinner" or maybe just call to see if we want to go out with you and Cathy and the girls to grab a bite of Mexican food, but I know those things will never happen here on earth again. There are days when you are so close - I can feel your presence and it's almost as though I should be able to just reach out and touch you. I am your mom and I have always been there to hug your hurts away and to protect you but I wasn't there that morning. I would have taken those bullets for you. I miss you so much........Love, Mom
Jean Hill - Mom
Cathy,Lacy,and Whitney,
I pray you will have a blessed day today.I am honored to have gotten to know you.Cathy,you are an inspiration to me.
(you are doing a wonderful job raising two girls- I hope I can do the same.)Lacy,the youth @ SBC look up to you so much,thank-you for being such a great role model. Whitney, you are so sweet,you are a wonderful tribute to your dad. Happy Birthday Barry,I know you are having the best party! Even though I never knew you,I am thankful to you and the job you did so well.Your church family misses you!C,L,&W, I'm praying for you. Tina