Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Barrett Travis Hill

Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas

End of Watch Monday, December 4, 2000

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Barrett Travis Hill

Happy 40th, Shug - I thank God for the sweet memories that we have of you. The good times we had as a family when you, Todd and Buffy were growing up as well as the good times with you, Cathy, and the girls. How blessed your Dad and I are to have had you for 38 years. We made good use of those years. I could write a book on how I feel but I'll just tell you that we miss you more every day. There is an emptiness and a void in our lives that will never go away. Time DOES NOT heal all wounds. Whoever penned those words was just crazy and had never experienced the death of a child. The comfort I have is that I know where you are and who you are with. I can close my eyes and see you so vividly and that also brings comfort to me. You will always remain in our hearts and we'll always remember the laughter that was in our lives when you were here. We love you and miss you so much..........Love, Mom

Jean Hill - Mother
Deputy Barry Hill E.O.W. 12-04-00

Barry Hill was an awesome guy - a great friend, a great husband and a great father. As I think of his 40th birthday - I know he is in a much better place because he is with the Lord in heaven - but I still miss him. If Barry were here today - I am sure there would be a lot of fun and games and some Elvis impersonations and who knows what else. But since he is not - I will just remember that great sense of humor and that great smile and the wonderful way he had of making everybody feel comfortable in his presence. Our love goes out to Cathy, Lacy, Whitney, Ed and Jean and his brother - God bless you all as you remember Barry on this special day.

Dr. Forrest Lowry
LifeWay Ministries

Happy Birthday my sweet Bear!

Dear Hill family,
Words cannot express my sorrow that you are feeling today. May your family know that Jesus is comforting Barry and Jesus is also with you to share in your pain.
God Bless

My favorite son-in-law: Today you would have been 40 yrs. old. You are very missed. Your favorite mother-in-law.

Arlene Sanders

A man stood to speak at the funeral of his friend. He referred to the dates of his his end. He noted first was the date of his birth and spoke the following date with tears. But, what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.(1962-2000) That dash represents all the time he spent alive on earth...And now only those who loved him know what that little line is worth.It doesn't matter, how much we own; the cars...the house...the cash, what matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash. Barry had a short dash, but, lived and loved to the fullest. He was a godly man who loved his God and family. My life was enriched greatly by Barry's dash. Everyday he is so missed and will always be a special part of my heart. He made his "DASH" count for the time that God allowed him to be a part of all of our lives. His legacy lives on in his precious daughters.

Arlene Sanders

Hey sweet bear,
We have an engaged daughter! Today, 7/25/02, Joe proposed to our precious little girl. She accepted with such excitement. I am so proud for them and I know you would have loved him as I do. How I wish you were here to enjoy this and most importantly be here for her. I will be honored to walk her down the isle for you but that was always supposed to be your job. 20 years ago tonight we gave birth to her, and I saw in your eyes the most amazing love for a child and I knew you were going to be the best daddy and from that moment on you proved me right. Your love and adoration for our children and the legacy you left in them has been evident in their lives every minute. They love you so much and we miss you terribly. We are patiently awaiting our reunion in heaven but until we get there keep encouraging us to finish the race.
I love you,

Barry ~ I'm not sure what to say that hasn't already been said here, I do know your presence & zest for life on this earth can never be replaced or forgotten!!
Rest in Peace & thank you.......

Cathy ~ Hey Lady ~ Shhhhhhhhhhhh.... You are without a doubt, a very special lady, one who is strong, compassionate, loving, an awesome friend, one who gives freely of herself lending support to others, when you yourself are not having a good day. You continue to amaze me on a daily basis, the strength you have inside & don't realize you have touched others in some way with your kindness.
Although I didn't know Barry well, "you~Cathy" have touched me with your grace, wisdom, & spirit from the day we first met. You took me under your wing, we became friends & I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have met such a wonderful person. I will never forget the morning you called me on the way to work Dec 4, 2000. It is a day I wish I could hit the pause button & rewind the hands of time, to erase the pain & sorrow your family has had to endure because of a low life creep who took Barry away from all who loved him so. This is very difficult for me to write, I'm not the most eloquent one when it comes to expressing my thoughts. By now you know I have a tendency to just let my words fly out on what I'm feeling & do not always use the most tactful way of getting my point across.
If the magic wand would actually work, I would be there for you & the girls on a daily basis, attempting to make the pain go away, if only to make you smile & get a goose or two in, but alas the darn thing doesn't cooperate!! :-)
Please know a day does not go by that I'm not thinking about you & how your doing, we get so busy in our daily lives, we (me) often tend to forget to reach out & call each other.
I heard this song on the radio, it reminded me of you & Barry, the love you had for each other is very special, it continues to break my heart that your "Best Friend & Love of Your Life" was taken from you far too soon!! Barry will always be in your heart & soul, the memories you have of the life you shared can NEVER be taken away by anyone.

Love Ya....

To Barry & Cathy ~ May you find peace....

I Miss My Friend
I miss the look of surrender in your eyes
The way your soft brown hair would fall
I miss the power of your kiss when we made love
But baby most of all, I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend
I miss the colors that you brought into my life
Your golden smile, those blue-green eyes
I miss your gentle voice in lonely times like now
Saying it’ll be alright
I miss those times
I miss those nights
I even miss our silly fights
The making up
The morning talks
And those late afternoon walks
I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say
To make me laugh again and let the light back in
I miss my friend


I come to this page so often just to read the reflections left about Barry. I always wonder " why did God decide to take Barry?" And. I know that I'm not suppose to know the reason. His wisdom is greater than ours. And, I also, realize that the selfish side of me is doing the thinking. I know Barry is in a better place and praising God and visiting with all the family that has gone on before him. The loss is no less than 18 months ago. I miss his silly jokes, his laugh and I really miss him playing piano for me when I would visit. He was so musically talented , but, so humble. Lacy is starting to make wedding plans and it seems so unfair that he won't be here to walk her down the aisle. He would be so proud. He would really be strutting. He was so proud of his family and Cathy and the girls were his life. He loved his job and was so excited when he found out he had made patrol. If I could turn back time, I would have spent more time talking to him and certainly told him more often how proud I was to have him for a son-in-law. And, certainly, I would have told him "I love you" more often. Through all our grief, I have had the honor to meet many deptuies from Harris Cty. and have felt like they are extended family. My appreciation for law-enforcement has changed drastically. It breaks my heart everytime I hear of another officer losing his life for the protection of others. But, they know that is a part of the job that they have to face. My deepest appreciation to each and everyone of them. God has placed a special calling on their lives and I know He will be in total control of all situations. Barry, I love you and miss you very much. Thank you for the kind of father you were to my grand-daughters and for being the wonderful husband to my daughter. You will always be in my heart. Until we meet again, Arlene

Arlene Sanders

The girls and I sat in service this morning listening to Pastor Mark preach about fathers. As I sat there I thought about what a great daddy you were to our children and how your memory continues to teach them. Barry, I thank God for you and the legacy you left in our children. Lacy is so very beautiful and so much in love with Joe. They are going to make a wonderful family. You taught her what a husband is supposed to be because of the kind of husband you were to me. Whitney is precious. She looks more and more like you every day even down to the last freckle! You have taught her how to love and laugh and her memories are not as long as Lacy's but they are just as vivid and full of compassion.
You were a godly daddy to them and we are blessed because of your commitment to our Lord. You never critized our children for anything they did wrong. You were never controlling or overly strict with them. You didn't become irritable with them and you were always consistent with discipline. There was never any favoritism between the girls. You were able to express your affection to them openly. Your life was transparent and unselfish and you were a very positive influence in their lives.
Thank you Barry, for being our little girls "Daddy". You always said, "Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy" - you were someone very special to all of us.
We love you.
Cathy, Lacy and Whitney

I could not tell you why but for some unknown reason I was drawn to your memorial page. I often see that your wife almost always leaves a reflection for other fallen brothers. I began to read your reflections and I began to cry. I do not cry! but I cry because Im sick of my brothers and sister being killed by these creatures that are so called humans. I cry at the pain and misery your family has to go through. On Sept 6, 2001 I responded to an "officer down" call just being out on the streets by myself for only 5 months. Upon my arrival I found my new friend dead. I dont think I will ever forget that night. Now each and everyday I have to look his wife in the face and be the stronghold of support.

Donald K Bond (EOW 9-6-01)
Julie R Jacks (EOW 5-6-02)

Officer C Penney
Chattanooga Police Department, Chattanooga Tennessee

Mr. Hill,
My name is Joe Kendrick and I am the young man lucky enough to be in love with your daughter. I never had the chance to meet you but I feel as though I know you so well from the talks with Cathy and Lacy. I always thought when I found the woman I would spend the rest of my life with I would make her father a promise and that promise was to love her, respect her, and give her the world. And to many this may sound stupid me leaving a message to her father but I don't think it is. I promise to you, sir that I will love your daughter with all my heart and I give everything I have to make her happy. I know you are praising God right now and I believe from time to time you have him check in on us, I am so thankful for the love you gave your family because I now have the pleasure of being loved by the greatest woman in the world, your daughter Lacy. I always knew that I would have to ask the father for permission to marry his daughter and so I ask you for your blessing and to God to watch over us. I promise to you sir, that I will never let Lacy go. I love her so much. And thank you for being the father you were to her. I see you in her and I know you were a great man, and I wish we could have met, just so I'd know for sure that you liked me but I think your wife does so I think were good. Right now I am looking over at Lacy and I want you to know you did an awesome job raising an amazing woman. Again, I promise to love and cherish her for the rest of my life. Thanks for everything.

Joe Kendrick
future son-in-law

I did not know Barry, but from what I have read in these reflections, he must have been a fantastic person. I have been corresponding with his mom, Jean, as we have so much in common. My son, Joey Tremayne Vincent, of the Greenville, KY Police Dept., was killed in the line of duty in 1999. I know exactly what this family has been experiencing, and my heart breaks for them. No matter how much time passes, the hurt, the loneliness, and the pain of losing them is always fresh on your mind. I think it is such an honor to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to have memorials like this one where friends and family and even strangers can come and help keep their memories alive. I visit this site as well as the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial site almost daily. It is a comfort to me as I know it must also be to Barry's family, to read, share hurts, and console one another in our losses. To Barry's family, may God give you comfort and strength as you face each day.

Jean Vincent

There was more to this Officer then being a sheriff in Texas. He served his country during the Persian Gulf with distiction. He is missed by his fellow soldiers and his memory is still alive. God Bless his wife and family


Barry was more than my good friend. We spent many years together in the Army National Guard and spent time together in Desert Storm. The impact on my life has been great to not only lose such a great friend but a fellow Officer to a low life who cares not for the life of others. Not a day goes by when I don't reflect back on the fun times we had and the crazy things we did together. True friends are not gone, they live on in our hearts, minds and memories. I pray daily for Barry and his family. Life is so short and we who chose this profession understand the ultimate cost. Let us never forget those who paid the supreme sacrifice. The Thin Blue Line Survives!

to a my friend and patriot,

Deputy David Vincent

Deputy Sheriff David Vincent
Carbon County Sheriff

Mrs. Hill, we are praying for you and your family. Deputy Hill is a hero to us. We pray for all police officers. I have a cousin and a friend who are officers. Please pray for them that God will keep them safe. May the Lord bless you and help you get thought this as time goes on. Rest in peace my fallen hero.

Shannon Yates

I leave this reflection with sincere love and admiration to Cathy and the Hill family.

The Final Inspection

The policeman stood and faced his God,
which must always come to pass
he hoped his shoes were shining
just as brightly as his brass.

“Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?”

The policeman squared his shoulders and said, “No, Lord, I guess I ain’t,
because those of us who carry badges
can’t always be a saint.

I’ve had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I’ve been violent,
because the streets are awfully tough.

But I never took a penny.
That wasn’t mine to keep…
Though I worked a lot of overtime.
when the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
though at times I shook with fear.
and sometimes, God forgive me,
I’ve wept unmanly tears.

I know I don’t deserve a place
among the people here.
They never wanted me around
except to calm their fear.

If you’ve a place for me here, Lord,
It needn’t be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
but if you don’t…I’ll understand.

There was silence all around the throne
where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
for the judgment of his God.

Step forward now, policeman,
you’ve borne your burdens well.
come walk a beat on Heaven’s streets,
you’ve done your time in hell.

~~~~Unknown Author

My love,
Rebecca Robinson

Rebecca Robinson

To the family of Officer Hill may God be with us as time goes on, prayer is what has given me comfort and I pray that it does to others. Mrs. Hill I to follow to see who is going thru the same loss as we have gone thru to.

Uncle of Mississippi State Trooper
Paul Denham

Danny Gibson

To Cathy Hill I am the mother of Officer Ron Jones, I would like to thank you for your words of comfort. I to have added you to my prayer list I dont know you personally but I know we share something in common.We both have angels up in Heaven walking God golden streets.May God Bless you and your family.May Officer Hill rest in peace.
Thank you again
Donna Jones

To the friends and family of Officer Hill, my condolences. I come to ODMP if not daily, every other day. While reading the reflections I noticed a couple of names that were always showing up. Mrs. Hill was one of them. I must admit that I took exception to this. To me, it seemed that it took away from the law enforcement member memorialized. Someone who was pushing their own loss. I don't know what I thinking. I now realize that Cathy was showing support for the berieved like only she and others so close to the subject can. May God bless the family and all that are touched in their life by such circumstances. And rest assured...The Lord has changed my point of view.


Having recently moved to the Houston area, my family & I have met people who knew Barry. After losing him over a year ago, the memory of Barry lives on. My kids take great pride in being able to say that they are his cousins.
Barry, you continue to impact lives thru your examples of how life should be led, to it's fullest with a smile to be passed on. We miss you daily.


What can I say about Barry that hasn't already been said. He was the most wonderful man that I have ever known. A shining example of what a Christian, father, husband, and friend should always be.
As a senior in high school I had the opportunity to live with Cathy and Barry in Salt Lake. I wasn't exactly thrilled about leaving all of the friends that I had ever known. The reasons for moving aren't that important, let's just say that moving caused a lot of problems within me. I was a very emotionally screwed up person for quite a while. Cathy, Barry, Lacy, and even Whit all did their best to give me the stable family environment that I so badly needed. But in the end it was Barry's patience and loving attitude that helped to break through the "walls" that I had put up around myself. He did things for me that any loving father would have done when mine wasn't around to do them. He helped me to buy a car. He even spent quite a few hours in their garage just getting it drivable. He talked to me, but most importantly, he listened to me. He let me tell him of the things I was feeling, even when I didn't quite know, or understand, what those feelings were. Once he took me on an all day motorcycle ride up into the mountains. Just me and him. That is a day that I will never forget for as long as I live. That day God, through Barry and His wonderful creations, truly broke through the "walls" in my life.
In January of '99 I joined the Army. While I was in Basic Barry took the time to write to me and encourage me to stick things out and not to let the Drill Sargeants and the lonliness get me down. Of all the letters I received while there his was the most cherished.
On December 4th of 2000 I received what has literally been the greatest shock of my life. My wife called me at work to tell me that Barry had been in some sort of accident and was killed. At first there was some confusion. I immediately assumed a vehicular accident, and called my Mom for the details. When she told me I was speechless. There was no way that God would let Barry be taken away from us in such a gruesome, barbaric manner. After arriving in Spring, being with my family, and seeing the support that we received from the HCSD I made up my mind. I had been toying with the idea of becoming a law enforcement officer. This tragic event sealed that decision for me.
I told Mom and James that it would seem that such a tragedy would change my mind completely about becoming a peace officer, but instead it did just the opposite. I don't want people like "him" to be left on the streets to do their worst and effect other families like they have mine.
Like he was for so many others, Barry Hill has become my inspiration. Not only to be a good police officer, but to be a better man in general. I want my life to have the type of impact that his does. To me this is the best way to say thank you to Barry for all of the things that he did for me.
I love you Barry, and I pray that I can be half the man that you were.

Johnnie Sanders




barbara johnson

Baby, it is done. You always told me the system would take care of everything and you were right. Your killer will see his death by lethal injection some day. I hate that we had to ask for someone to die but he didn't give you a life option so it was not an option for us to give him. I tried to be strong and face him. I told him he was a coward for not being a real man and standing up to his actions. I told him that the scar he put on his hand would be a reminder to him every day of what he took from us. Bear, I promised you so many times I would be strong and I want you to be proud of me and I know you would be so proud of the girls. Lacy sat through each day of the trial and was your precious little girl showing grace and honor to you. Whitney is happy this is over and we are ready to get her life back to some sort of normalcy. Life will never be the same without you but because of you, we are who we have become. I love you and will never stop loving you.


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