Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Jason Wayne Cammack

Kentucky State Police - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, Kentucky

End of Watch Sunday, April 23, 2000

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Jason Wayne Cammack

Jason, wow, I still remember like yesterday hearing dispatch 10-3 the radio that fateful nite and me all the way down in Post 1 wondering what was going on! I couldn't believe it when I heard that night. 126 came over that night when I got off work real late to talk with me cause I was so devestated! You were a great guy who did your job with pride and rectitude... You really made our academy days so much fun! I still remember me , you, nolin, and mark all cutting up and going out to eat at night then coming back and playing ping pong cause you were like forest gump with that paddle. Thats where you gave me the nickname Stu! I remember how proud you were to be having a kid on the way and you going home at nights while all the rest of us had to stay there! I tell you man I have thought about you often and how unfair it was for your life to be taken so soon. You had just graduated, had a kid, and were so young. I can still recall our instructors telling us to look around at all our classmates cause one of us probably wouldnt be there 20 years down the road! I would lye in bed at night having my "late nite talk show with mark" and we wonder who it would be, me or him! I never would have dreamed it would be you and so soon. You were so squared away and had your head on straight! I am so glad I got to know you, I miss you dearly.
God Bless you and keep you,
Respectfully Your Friend!

Ofc. James McGaha
Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement

September 29, 2003

I guess it's been several months since I've written; time seems to go by so quickly. I just wanted to let you know we still laugh and talk about you all the time. I was going through pictures the other day and found several I had nearly forgotten about - one was of you sitting on Jana's sit-n-spin like the big goober you are...another was of the four of us dressed up like the Wizard of Oz characters at Marty's Halloween party. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I have a picture of you at your graduation on my bookshelf in my classroom; the students ask me about who you are all the time. I tell them all about you and try to get them to understand how much police officers and their families put on the line to keep us all safe every day.

I went to Christa's the other night - Chad & Jana stopped by after her soccer practice so Jana could see Hayden. He is a mess! He is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Now that Jana is at the same campus as Hayden, he has been sitting with her in the mornings before classes start. He & Jana love each other so much. I know you are watching them and are as proud as we all are.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Oh, wait --- you won't believe what that insane husband of mine is doing (or attempting) this weekend! He is riding his bicycle in a race for charity from Louisville to Bardstown, then back again. The route is 140 miles over two days! He couldn't find anyone else crazy enough to do it with him, either, so he's going by himself. He's nuts, I know! Watch over him for me, okay?

Much love from all of us,

Jennifer LaRue

September 5, 2003

Hey Jay,

It'd been awhile since I have wrote to you, I think and talk about you everyday. I am working late and we just had a bad storm, what are you doing up there. I have a couple things I can tell, first Emily made the cheerleading squad with SSS, she loves it. She looks so cute in her cheerleading outfit. She sounds like me when we were little, I would go around and cheer all the time, that is all she does. Danny, just loves it. Hayden, is so bad he is just like you. I love him very much though. Last year I would pick him up some from school and everytime he sees me he says Aunt Jen when are you going to pick me up from school. So I am going to have to get him pretty soon. I can't remember what else I wanted to tell you. Old age is getting to me. I am feelng great again, I finally feel good and am getting back to my old self. I am so glad. Well, I am getting ready to go home, I check in sooner next time.

I love you more than life itself and think of you daily. Take care and keep an eye on us.




August 22, 2003

Jason, it's been a year now since you were taken. Only God knows why he needed you with him. Your name has been added to the national memorial board and the board in Kentucky. It really doesn't seem to be enough to honor you. I've asked myself a thousand times if there was anything that I could have done different or something else I could have shared with you that might have prevented what happened. I'll never know. I think you would have liked the ceremony today. I miss you

Sgt Dave Marcum
Kentucky Division of Motor Vehicle Enforcement


For fear of opening up a whole lot of deep emotional wounds I will keep it short. I just want to say that I severely miss your friendship and your comradery. You were the best in bringing out the fun and "ignorant" side of me. I still long for you and the family to show up after work at the house, eat supper with us, and just hang out with us for a while.

I know you have been gone for a year and I know you are still alive in the hearts of all your friends and family, but it is still hard not having you around. Take care up there and just sit back and enjoy yourself. We will see you when we get there.

M. Chad LaRue


It has been a year since you left this world. I dont see Christa or Hayden much. But i do see the other members of your family. I think they are healing as best they can. You were a very big part of many peoples lives and no-one will ever be able to fill that void,especially the void in Hayden and Christa's life. I know that I only met you once or twice but feel i knew you, as i was a LEO also. Know that you were special to many people and changed many people's lives when you passsed. You will not be forgotten


It's hard to believe that it's been a year already. There's not a single day that goes by that I don't think about you. Brandon talks of you often. I think he's going to follow in your footsteps, he wants to be a policeman or a fireman. I can't think of a better person that I would want him to be like. You'll be happy to know that he no longer looks like Regis. I buzzed those curls off! I have the kids at my house for slumber parties from time to time, boy are you missing out! Hayden is so sweet and so funny. He's so much like you it's unreal! He's definitely got your personality. He thinks and acts just as big as the others. They don't get anything over on him! I know that you are in a much better place now and that I will see you again one day. I still miss you so much. You'll always hold a special place in my heart. I have nothing but happy memories of you. Life sure is different without you here. Please watch over us all and always know that we love you and miss you!

Emily Wash, Cousin


I'm not sure that I have ever been moved like I have in the past hour as I read the reflections from your family and friends. One can only hope to have the impact in life that you obviously did.

I never knew you personally, only through my daughter Megan, whom your wife Christa had as a student at FCA a couple of years ago. Megan loved Christa, and was so thrilled when she announced to the class that you guys were expecting. I did get a chance to meet Christa a few times and was thankful that Megan had such a caring and wonderful person to teach and watch over her each day at school. I remember Megan coming home the first night that you came to her classroom to see Christa, and how cute she thought you were. She commented that she hoped to grow up and fall in love and be as happy as you and your wife obviously were. She was also very impressed that you were going to be a "pleeceman" as she would say. But the one thing that I really remember is the lasting impression that you and Christa had on my daughter. To this day, she still talks of seeing "Ms. Cammack" at Wal-Mart and wanting to run up and throw her arms around her and tell her everything will be OK. But she has resisted that urge for fear of upsetting Christa.

I stumbled on to this site and quickly became immersed in all of the good that has been said about you. It is very obvious that you were loved by many and had a tremendous family and many good friends. And you can tell alot about a person by their friends. Being from Woodford Co., I am very familiar with many of the law enforcement people in the area. They all had great things to say about you Jason. You were truly respected by your peers. That says alot about the man.

When I heard the terrible news on TV the following morning, I immediately called Megan and she confirmed what I had feared. She was shocked and crying, very saddened for a little girl who had only admired you from afar. But that was the affect that you had on her, and many others I'm sure. Each time I pass the accident site, I see the memorial and think of the lives that you touched and wonder why it had to happen. But they say that all things happen for a reason, and I'm sure you are in a better place. You were (and still are) very lucky to have the family and friends that you have. And they, along with my daughter Megan, are very lucky to have had the time with you and Christa and their memories of you.

And God bless you Christa, for being the strong and wonderful person that you are. As time goes by, your wounds will heal, but your memories will become more vivid.

Rest in peace,Jason. And watch over those you love, near and far. Although I never met you, I wish I had.

Cecil Watts
Father of one of Christa's former students

Hey, Baby... it's been almost a year. The time has passed so quickly since you left us. I think of you daily and wonder what Heaven is really like and what you might be doing. I still wonder if you are able to watch down over us. I am in the process of cleaning out your closets, I am finally getting the floors refinished... I know it was on the top of your to do list. I am leaving your shorts hanging on your closet door that you were wearing that easter morning. Hayden looks and acts more like you everyday. He is a big teaser just like you. He loves to get people all wound up. You would be absolutely in love with him, just like I am. I went birthday shopping without you. I bought him a big playground center... you got out of putting that one together! I will try my best to raise Hayden the way you would want me to. It is hard. It wasn't supposed to be this way. I love you and miss you each and every day.

Christa Cammack

Jason, there have been so many days in the past year that I think about you. Like tonight, I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you. Maybe it's coincidence that in exactly 1 week it will be the 1 year anniversary of your death. Doesn't sound right to call it an anniversary, those are supposes to be happy times.

Other times I have been inadvertantly reminded of you, especially when training new dispatchers. You know how wonderful our radio system is! 905 would call in, and they would answer 505. I would gently remind them that we don't have a unit 505, that was Jason's number. They learned pretty quick who was calling on the radio.

Being around Admin so much over the past years, talking to Daryl, Marcum, Chad, and others who are close to you, I feel frustration at how slow everything was to fall in line.

I feel bad for Christa, how hard it was to lose her husband, the father of her child, and just as important, that paycheck you drew for putting yourself in the line of danger. Than hearing that the Feds were delaying the fundage? I couldn't believe it took so long, dragging on and stirring up memories that should have been laid to rest.

Every time I drive down W Main, I always look over and think of you. The headstone that the FOP had made for you is beyond words. If it was a flower, it would be beautiful.

I'll stop by next Monday and say Hi. Til then, keep these new guys out of trouble if you can. Especially the new recruits going off to the Academy this month.

P.S. Say Hi to Mike for me.

Jerame Brown, KVE dispatch


We've been without you now for nearly a year. This past weekend was Jana's 5th birthday party and the first one you ever missed. I think this was one of the roughest celebrations since yours & Hayden's birthdays last May. I flipped back through photos of her past birthdays and you always seem to be standing right behind her; I couldn't help but think that you may have still been there watching over her this year. (She simply adored you, ya know.) Jason, I cannot express how much you have been missed. I can honestly say that there is not a single day that goes by without me thinking of you. Chad and I talk about you all the time. He has an especially hard time when we grill out because he says you should be've always been right there with us. Oh, and he got one of the memorial wristbands...I tease him and tell him that now I can really call him your "boyfriend"! :) No kidding, though, it really means a lot to him.

I could go on and on about how much we miss and love you, but hopefully you already know. You will remain in our hearts forever.

Jennifer LaRue

Hey Jay,

I cannot believe it is almost a year since you left us. We still miss you so much. It is still so fresh in our minds and hearts, you are so missed. That son of yours is so precious, he acts just like you. We laugh at everything he does just like the way we did you. I hope you are happy where you are, we aren't very happy here without you. I love you so much, you are on my mind 24-7,356 days a year. Jason, please look out for us and never forget us. Love Jen.

Jennifer Cammack Yancey

I never had the pleasure of meeting Jason, but I am extremely saddened by the news, as he was a brother LEO, there is a bond among all officers regardless of rank, agency, or jurisdiction a cop is a cop is a cop, and from what I have read Jason was one of the BEST, it is a huge loss to lose an officer, a husband, a father..........every tour brings the possibility of death but it is never expected or accepted, maybe one day we will meet as we patrol the streets of gold.    God Bless all the family of this fine officer.


Chief Jason M. Petra
Loyall Police Department

Jay, it's been 6 months since you left Hayden and me.  I think of you daily.  I hope you are watching and are proud of your son.  He is so much like you.  He has your warmth, humor and smile.  It is so hard raising him without you.  I struggle daily to be the type of mother you would like for me to be.

Please continue to watch over us and guide us.  Help me with the struggles in life.  Please continue to be my inspiration.  There are so many things that remind me of you; a smell, a T.V. show, a song on the radio. Jason you will always be my love, and you will always hold a huge place in my heart.  Pictures of you still fill our living room.  You will never be forgotten in my mind or in my heart. I often read the love letters and cards you wrote me during our time together.  I still have an e-mail on my computer that you left during your time at the academy.  It says you miss me and that you can't wait to see me. Ironic.

Jason I am sure you are blissfully happy in heaven with the Lord, but perhaps you miss us a little. I hope you are able to be hayden's guardian angel and protect him from harm.  Watch over us both.

Love you always and Forever,

Christa Cammack

I was profoundly impacted by all of these heart-felt letters to dear Jason. I never met him, never knew of his kind being until I read his page on this site. Yet I feel touched by him and his family's loss. My heart goes out to all of you.


I did not know you very well, But one thing i do know is that you were a very special person. Not everyone has what it takes to wear a badge, but you had more than the average cop. I remember one occasion especially that you made a D.U.I. arrest and the suspect had a bird in his vehicle, So you brought the bird with him.This is what made you a great cop. you cared were kind and had compasion. I hope that your family will mend their broken hearts and carry on. i see them on occasion and think they are doing exceptional well under the tragic circumstances. You take care my friend


I remember Jason in the academy, he was a couple of classes behind me but we were there together for about 8 weeks.  Although I never knew him personally he was a brother and I was deeply saddened to learn of his death.  Only a police officer can know the brotherhood that exists between police officers across the country.  To his family I offer my thoughts and prayers.  To Jason:  Godspeed my friend...

Chuck Johnson - Class 274
London Police Department

ason, I only met you one time and that is when my father, Liutenant James Baxter brought you into my office to introduce his new officer to me.  He was so very proud to have you as one of his new Officer's..  Words just cannot express the sorrow I feel for you and your family.  You seemed to be such a loving father and you were so proud of your son and my father just thought so very much of you.  He just cannot bring himself to write anything yet, he said it was just like losing one of his men in vietnam all over again and he has really struggled with it.  I said a special prayer for you and your family. 

Sherri Johnson





It has taken me forever to sit down and do this, I wish you were here for me to talk to, I have so much to say. I miss you like crazy. I think about you everyday, I have a picture of you on my desk at work, I look at you when I get down, believe it or not it makes me happy and not sad. You always made me happy. Everytime you walked into a room, you just lit it up. I miss you so much. I want you to know how proud of you I was, you really made something of your life. In my eyes, Jason you were the most perfect brother a girl could ask for. I was so glad to call you my brother. Mom and Dad are doing OK. I have been really proud of them and so would you. Yes, they miss you like crazy, but they are slowly getting their smiles back, I know it's not easy for them. Jason, that son of yours is something else, he is the best thing thats ever happened to us, we still have a little bit of you left. He has your SMILE. I hope he   grows to be just like his Dad. We love and will always take care of him. Jason, I tried to write about 2 months ago, and I just couldn't do it. I'm doing better, but I still miss you more than anything in this world. I love you and always will. I know one day I will see you again,so keep that smile and hold a special place for me. I love you Jason. Please keep an eye on all of us.

Jennifer Cammack Yancey

Don't grieve for me, for now I am free,

I am folliwing the path GOD laid for me.

I took his hand when I heard him call,

I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,

To play.

Tasks left undone must stay that way,

I found peace at the close of the day.

If my parting has left a void,

Then fill it with remembered joy.

A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,

Ah...these things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with time of sorrow,

I wish for you the sunshine of tomorrow.

My lifes been full, I savored much,

Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,

Don't lengthen it now with undo grief.

Lift up your hear and share with me,

GOD wanted me now...He set me free.


We love you and miss you very much.  Regis and I wish you were here!  It's just not the same without you!

emily wash
transportation cabinet


I know that I should go ahead and update the roster in dispatch and remove your name but I just can't bring myself to do it yet.  There are times that I feel almost guilty because I was the last one to take you 10-8, even though I know that's not logical.  That last shift we worked together was just so unusual because I never work that shift.  But as a result we had that wonderful conversation about our kids.  I will remember that brief glimpse of you forever.  Your pride in Hayden was so evident in your voice.

Your voice and your work were really all that I knew of you.  With the way that we work I never really got to meet you in person.  But you were always one of my favorites.  You could always be counted on to be level-headed and calm in any situation.  You were an absolute delight to dispatch for!

I gave a copy of the following to the Colonel but I want it here also.

A Tribute to the Badge

You gave your life in service

For the country that you loved

And your fallen brethren greet you

When you reach your home above.

The ones you left behind here

Will miss you every day

They are the ones who truly know

Exactly what you gave.

You were the one they turned to

The rapacious community.

To rescue them and save their lives

And defend their property

Your brethren in Brown Blue and Gray

For City State and County

Are left on earth to carry on

The task you performed loyally.

The ones who understand the most

Are those of us who strive

To wear the badge and do the job

With immense immeasurable pride. Mink

Hayden, Christa, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers and if you ever need anything I'm only as far as the phone.

Jason, I guess I'll turn dispatch over to the higher ups now.  I reckon St. Peter has the ultimate LINK/NCIC system anyway huh?

S A Mink
KY Vehicle Enforcement

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die before if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


JOHN 15:13



I am still waiting to get that dinner you owe me. dont think you are off the hook. Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different that night, if I had worked as usual with you,or if you werent driving that old car,would you still be hear ? I could list a thousand What If's . I think about you and your family. its still hard to beleive that I wont hear 505 on the radio. I looked forward to sunday and monday nights when it was just you, me and Don .I will miss the stories of Hayden falling off the bed.

Jason you will be missed, but never forgoten.I am sure you are watching down on us  smiling, and I Know that I will always have a partener with me when I am on patrol.

your friend,


J DeCecca
KY Vehicle Enforcement

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