Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Jason Wayne Cammack

Kentucky State Police - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, Kentucky

End of Watch Sunday, April 23, 2000

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Reflections for Officer Jason Wayne Cammack

My Angel, I wanted you to know another Angel got there wings. Mamaw passed away Sunday August 23rd and we miss her so much. She is with you and your two papaws. She has been having a time falling and then a mild heart attack. She is with you now watching over you. Daddy is so pitiful he was with her when she fell and brke both legs. I thank God each day for letting us have you for 26 wonderful years and mamaw for 85. As you know she was a wonderful lady and we loved her so much and did not want to give her up. She is now in a wonderful place with wonderful people. My sweet till I write again remember one thing. YOU ARE LOVED 24-7 AS WELL AS MISSED.


August 25, 2006

Hayden starts 2nd grade tomorrow. He is really starting to look a lot like you. His mannerisms are JUST like you and he is silly and into all the attention just like you were. I wish he remembered you. There is so much of you in him. I am so proud of him and wish you were here to watch him grow with me. He loves spending time with your mom and dad and Hannah just adores them too, but she gives your mom a hard time already! It's just what I always wanted, a little boy then a girl. Wish you were here to share it with me. You are missed and talked about daily. You are so loved. Watch over us and protect us each day. Love you, me


August 15, 2006

My Sweet Angel wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts day and night. We miss you so very much and love you so much. Not a day goes by that you aren't in my mind and heart. This has been the worse thing that I have ever had to live with and the day you died a part of me went with you my heart is just broken and all I have is knowing I will be with you one day. Our family will never get over this. God Bless you.


August 14, 2006

Just thinking of you and wishing you were here. Love ya more than ever!

Big Em

July 25, 2006

Just thinking of you and wishing you were here. Love ya more than ever!

Big Em

July 25, 2006

Our Precious it has been awhile I know and I want you to know Our love for you is as strong today as it was 6 years ago on that horrible day in April. We have been enjoying watching Hayden play soccer and now baseball. You would be so very proud of him he loves sports and loves for us all to be there. His ball team is Cubs how quaint that being ours at school. I bought an original Cubs shirt and daddy a hat in Chicago. We have just got back from Myrtle Beach Jen, Danny, Emily daddy and I went we hadn't been since 1990 and it was great to get back. I hope to get back next year if all goes well. I have two weeks before I go back to school I just got three weeks off this year instead of 6 because I didn't work any during breaks. I dearly paid for it believe me I won't make that mistake again. I am going to Louisvile Thursday with Sherrill Smith to a computer training he is still heart broken about you being gone. This is something WE will never get over I don't care if I live to be 100 years old. You are so Precious to us and we miss you deeply. The only part of this that keeps me going is knowing we will see you one day in heaven and till we do please keep a place for us. You are My Baby and I want to say I have never had anything hurt me as bad as to have to give you up. My heart is broken and if it wasn't for knowing where you are and that we will be togehter again I couldn't go on. God Bless.

July 11, 2006

Precious Jay yesterday we went to Eastern to The Police Memorial Services and shared in a beautiful ceremony. This is always a touching service. Your fellow officers were there. Daddy, Christa, Hayden, Jen, Emily and I went. It is wonderful to know people care and love you at all times. God Bless you and know WE LOVE YOU>

May 19, 2006

Babe, tonight we are going to a big swimming party to celebrate Haydens birthday. This is all he has talked about for weeks. We went to dinner with him on Tuesday and he picked the place because it had a patio so we could eat outside and he likes the waitress and waiters singing to him. He went to Granpa Dave's cabin last weekend and went fishing. Oh his fish tales were so cute he said he caught a 100 lb. channel catfish and he showed us how long it was. He got to ride in the boat and go to the truck stop for breakfast he was so excited he told me he drank coke for breakfast that was so funny because Christa is so careful wanting him to eat the right food all the time so when he gets to eat like that it is a treat. I know that is one reason he likes to come down home he gets by with WHATEVER remind you of anybody? Sunday will be Mothers Day and I will be thinking of you as I do Everyday. We love you so much and miss you. God Bless.

Daddy and Mamma

May 12, 2006



May 10, 2006

Saw your name on Channel 18's Birthday list. I pray that your family is doing well and that you are never forgotten. I did not know you, but my husband is a Police Officer and was one of the very first persons to arrive at the scene of your accident that fateful night. He was doing an internship with the Woodford County Poice and was in the patrol car when the call came out. He and the other officer were just mere moments away, sitting out in Downtown Midway. He very much remembers that night, maybe because it was his first taste of the reality of the life he was choosing. Even still, when he hears bagpipes play "Amazing Grace" he thinks of you. He is now a Versailles Police officer (departments merged) and has been on duty for 5 1/2 years. I thank God every morning when he comes home from shift. I am sorry that your family will not have that opportunity, but I pray that the fact that so many people remember you and think of you often sustains them. May God bless them and hold them in his hands forever. Amen.

Midway, KY

May 9, 2006

Happy Birthday Our Angel, it just isn't fair you can't be here to celebrate your special day and Haydens. We have always been so excited that the two of you shared your special day together. Each year when it is birthday time we "Always" remember how special a day itis. Our love is with you today and we will never "Forget" you on it. God Bless and WE LOVE YOU DEARLY.

Daddy and Mama

May 9, 2006

Happy Birthday Dear Jay! We miss you and you are so loved still. You are in our thoughts daily. Watch over us. Send down your love. Hayden's has big plans for his 7th birthday. Lots of celebrating and parties. It would be more joyful if you could be here to share your birthday with eachother. I remember us thinking how neat it was for you two to share a we know how bitter sweet it is. All our love. Christa

Christa Cammack Hockensmith

May 8, 2006

Jay- Easter Sunday was beautiful. Very strange, it was so similar to the Easter Sunday you died. The 23 of April is on a Sunday also. It is supposed to be nice again, It just makes it even more real when the weather is warm and adds to the emotion of what happened that weekend. I was trying to explain to Hayden that on that Sunday we were at your parents hunting eggs, he doens't remember that of course. I hate that he doesn't remember those times with you or how Easter was at your parents house.
You are missed. Six years and it still hurts. I hope you are proud of your son. He is a great big brother and friend to all, just as you were. You are so loved and always will be.


April 21, 2006

Precious Angel In Heaven,
We love you and miss you this beautiful Easter Day. It has been 6 long years since you left us and it seems like yesterday. God Bless You, till we All are with you one day in Glory Land.

Daddy and Mama

April 16, 2006



April 13, 2006

Officer Cammack,

Although I never met you, I can see that you are much loved and missed by all. Thank you for your years of service. You will never be forgotten. We have your watch from here. Rest in peace, Sir!

Police Officer

March 17, 2006

Hello Babe, No I haven't forgotten about you "NEVER". You are on our minds constantly. Hayde was with us last night and Papaw and I took him to his favorite place in Frankfort. McDonald's then to K Mart. He won a speech contest a week or so ago and yesterday he went to Louisville to compete again he received a red ribbon and was satisfied with that. Jay we lsot Buddy last week he had been real bad. Hayden pointed to the heaves and said he was up there with his daddy. Oh, yes I must tell you daddy finally retired after 42 years and it still hasn't sunk in yet but he says it is very nice knowing he doesn't have to go in to the place anymore. Emily is following in your footsteps she has gone to KUNA in Louisville this week. Andrew is playing baseball again for Bondurant this year he did real well in basketball too. Ryan is cute as ever and loves pre-school, I saw Christian awhile back he is so cute and sweet but don't get to see him like I would like to. Big Em is expecting again another boy it is due in May and Brandon is sweet as ever. Oh Wesley has a cutie his name is Matthew. Hayden's little sister Hannah still won't make up with me but she does daddy. We are getting ready for Spring Break at school no plans but are hoping to go to Myrtle Beach this summer with Jen and Danny. It has been a very long time since we have been and I wanted to go one last time to see how it has changed won't be the same without the whole family abeing there like years ago. David Anglin came by to see us yesterday he hadn't been by for sometime. He has a state job and seems so happy he deserves to.
Sweetheart I guess I'll go now and will write later. We love you so much and miss you. There is no way in this world you will ever be FORGOTTEN. God Bless.
Mama and Daddy

March 5, 2006



February 14, 2006

I was just reading some of the reflections to you. The suffering that has been felt by so many because of your death is hard. WHile I may never know the reasons for why events unfolded like they did, I have accepted that it is a part of a grander plan.

You often cross my mind, and when you do, I often end up with a smile on my face. I would be lying if I said anything other than I loved you like a brother and miss having you as one of my dearest friends.

I feel immense sympathy for your family in coping with the loss of you in their lives. I will continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

Your Friend!

M. Chad LaRue

January 6, 2006

Our Angel in Heaven another Christmas without you. When is it suppose to get easier Jay? You are on our minds 24-7 and especially at the holidays it is unbearable. Your wonderful family were all together once again at home. We miss you so much and cherish our wonderful 26 years with you. Hayden is growing so fast and he still is the spitting image of you, he aggravates Jennifer to death like you used to.
Jay, Wes has a new baby boy and his name is Matthew Wesley Banks McClain he is a little doll and looks just like him bent ear and all. Big Em is expecting in May she is expecting a baby boy also. His name will be Carter Preston Chaney, Brandon wants it to be Jason Carter Chaney so we will see who wins this one. We are all well little Ryan is going to have tubes put in his ears January 6th he has been having too many ear infections. All the other kiddos are fine,growing up too fast you would be so proud of all them. Emily is still cheerleading and Andrew still playing basketball, Hayden starts basketball for the church in early January,Ryan is still in preschool. We still don't get to be with Christian but one of these days he will know how must we have loved hm ans still do. You would be so proud of Hayden he is his fathers son in every way.
I will close for now but you must know You are forever in our hearts and minds.

With all our love,
Daddy and Mama

December 26, 2005

Hey Jay,

This is our 6th Christmas without you it just isn't right. I don't know how we do it, I just miss you so much. Mom and Dad seem to do fine, but I know that they are not. They put on such a good front. I really worry about her. Her and Daddy came to Donald and Jane's on Christmas Day, because I didn't want them to be by themself on Christmas. We had our Christmas with them last week so we could enjoy and not have to rush. Thanks Jason I know you helped me by getting them to come, it met so much to me to have them with me on that day. Because, I know you were on their mind all day and I didn't want them to be home alone. Well, we all are doing pretty good considering. Hayden, is so bad just like you he drives me crazy just like you used to. He always wants my attention and I give it all to him. He picks on me all the time just like you did. I just love him so much. Emily is growing up to fast, you would be so proud of her she is such a good girl. She is sweet and considerate to other people. Jason, you are never forgotten around here. I talk to a lot of your friends and they tell me stories about you, which everything they tell me nothing surprises me. I am so glad that Christa has never left us, so is so much apart of us and I never want her to leave us. I still to this day call her my sister-in-law which she will always be. I love her so much. Danny is doing good, I just love my job. Jason, I could just sit here all day a talk to you but I would just keep repeating myself. I love you and miss you so much. Please never leave me and look over all of us. We love ya.

Your favorite sister,


Jennifer Yancey

December 26, 2005



December 19, 2005

I just want you to know that you are missed and loved more than you could imagine. At times I sit around and think about our academy days and I will pull my pictures out and see you making us all laugh by doing all those crazy things you were so good at. I am glad god gave me the opportunity to know you and be your friend,Class 277 loves ya man!
Your Friend,
Darrell D.Tomlinson

Officer Darrell D.Tomlinson
Kentucky State Park Rangers

November 29, 2005

To the family and friends of Officer Jason Cammack and his fellow officers, and most especially to Jason:

In reading the reflections about Jason it is obvious he was a much loved and well-respected man, one who truly deserves the title hero. I wish I had the honor to have met him, but the essence of him lives on through the memories so lovingly recounted in the reflections. It is inspiring to read of the unity in his family, and how very much everyone honors and loves him, and keeps his memory alive for Hayden.

On behalf of our entire family, we extend our sincerest condolences for the grievous loss you suffered when he was tragically killed five years ago.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Officer Cammack gave to his community, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on April 23, 2000.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer
Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

November 1, 2005

I wish you could talk to me...visit me or let me know you are near. I have needed you so many times and am still angry you are gone. I am angry you were speeding, angry you left Hayden and me to go to work. I know we never know how things will happen and we must live for the moment but I wish I had the moment back again before you left the house that night. I want to talk to you. I can't believe the pain is still so real. I don't know if I will ever really move on from your loss. It is deep. I don't know what to do with it and the tears that still fall for you. I'm lost without you. I need your guidance. Ask God please if you can just come down for a while...just to let me know you are still here for us. It's not fair...God should grant that one wish at least.I'm still angry with Him.
I just need one moment to say good bye. I would still have married you if I knew this is how it would all end but I would never have taken a moment with you for granted. I'm so sorry I ever did...I just never expected you to go.
I sometimes dream that you will return to me...maybe the police sent you out on some secret mission they couldn't tell me about...I know too many shows like "Alias" fill my head with options of what may have really happened to you.
I wish I could see the big picture. I hope there is one...a reason...some justification for taking you from our lives. Love you- Will always miss you. me

October 14, 2005

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