Kentucky State Police - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, Kentucky
End of Watch Sunday, April 23, 2000
Reflections for Officer Jason Wayne Cammack
I, along with countless others, have you heavy on my mind today. As time has worn away the sharpness of your sudden departure, I generally reflect upon my time with you with a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart. The times I feel sadness I know it is only for me because I miss having you around. You and Christa were great friends to my family and I thank you for that. I think of Christa and Hayden often. Although our paths have diverged I am always glad to run into them in town or hear something about them. I see your parents and sister sometimes in town and it is like having a part of your spirit present. There is no doubting their love for you.
I have many interesting events in my life since you have been gone, but I miss having you around to share in the good times and lean on in the rough times.
April 23, 2007
You are loved and missed dearly! Seven years has been more apart than we were together yet I still love you so much. Your son is wonderful and a joy in my life.Thank you for him.
You will never be forgotten!
Love you, me.
April 23, 2007
I wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you today. It is unbelievable to me that it has been 7 years since you left us. I hope you know that we keep you in our thoughts and prayers all the time. You truly will never be forgotten. It is so hard to read the reflections others have left; you were loved by so many people in your short 26 years. Each time I leave a reflection, I always think it will be less painful. It never is.
I have seen your mom and dad a few times recently. They are such special people - no wonder you turned out so well. I haven't seen Christa in forever, though I think of her often. I drove through the old neighborhood the other day & was overwhelmed with memories of some of the most simple things we all used to do. None of us had much money at the time, but we could have fun doing absolutely nothing - just as long as we were together. There's not much I wouldn't give to go back to spend just one day with all of us hanging out. How did we not realize then how precious that time in our lives would be?
We love and miss you as much today as ever.
Jennifer, Chad & Jana
Jennifer LaRue
April 23, 2007
Our Sweet Angel in heaven we want you to know how much you are missed. When I went to bed 7 years ago I prayed my prayer I pray every night that we all would be safe and wake for another day. This night my prayer wasn't answered. I still am praying this prayer with the faith that we will be safe and wake for another day. If it wasn't for my faith I would not be able to get up each and every morning. A light will placed at your grave site today in remerance of that horrible night 7 years ago today. Our love goes out to you and will always have you in our hearts. Thank the God Lord we had 26 wonderful years with you and will be together again someday. God will get us through this but, it seems it gets harder than easier to know you will never be coming home again. God Bless and know YOU ARE MISSED AND LOVED very much.
Mama,Daddy and Our Family
April 23, 2007
G-d Bless
April 23, 2007
Just thinking of you of you today as I do often. I can't believe it's been seven years since you left us, but we know we will see you again.
Your cousin,
D. Louis Mitchell
April 20, 2007
Wow little buddy, it has been almost 7 years. I think of you often. And when I do I get a smile on my face, but my heart is still heavy. You will always be remember around the Snapp household. My dog Sarge is still alive, but he is old now and I doubt he would growl at you like he used to. I think you would be friends now. You and your family will always be in my prayers. Take care........Darrell
April 15, 2007
Easter Sunday my Precious when you left us 7 years ago. Easter will never be the same. THe reminder of that horrible day that started out so wonderful. Our family all together having dinner, hiding easter eggs for the children, taking pictures of each family together not knowing that would be my last picture of you. It hangs on the wall of my office area at school. Life is so short and precious we don't know when someone we loave will leave us. We should all be prepared and be so very loving to the ones we love. There will never be any regrets in the way you were brought up during your wonderful 26 years with us. You were loved so much from the time you were born and as much today. Love is a wonderful word and this is the way you are thought of each day. God is great, God is love bye my sweet...
Daddy and Mama
April 8, 2007
Miss you Jason, We love you Wes and Matthew .
WES ...cousin
April 6, 2007
Another Sunday goes by and this day isn't any better than any other Sunday. You left us on a Sunday and each week when it comes it is a reminder of the sadness we have had to endure for going on 7 long years. Hayden had his first soccer game yesterday unfortunately they lost but he gave it his all. It was a cold day but a beautiful day. He spent the day with us and as ALWAYS we enjoyed our time with him. On Tuesday we will go to his Upward basketball awards program. There the children will all receive an award for participating in the season. Hayden had a great time and did well. He is going to be playing baseball in a few weeks and only if you could be here to see how your sweet angel has grown and how much he enjoys life. He is a joy to be around like you ALWAYS were. May Gods Speed be with you and till we see you in Heaven please know YOU ARE LOVED AS MUCH TODAY AS 7 YEARS AGO. You will Never be Forgotten...
Mama and Daddy
March 18, 2007
You continue to be in our thoughts each day. You are missed, thought of, spoken of and loved each day. Your memory will remain deep within our hearts, a place that can not be filled again.
We need you and you aren't here. I still don't understand why. I feel for each person who has lost someone in the war, or due to sickness or accidents on the news. It breaks my heart to think of the pain they will have to endure at the loss of their loved one.
Hayden is doing very well, handsome and smart. He has really great friends. Watch over him, and keep him safe with me. I don't want him with you for a very long time.
I can't believe we are almost at 7 years without you. It still hurts to have you gone.
You are loved so much - christa
March 11, 2007
Too often we take for granted those who protect us and serve us with no regard for their own safety. It takes a special person to bring about in themselves the selflessness of putting others before themselves. I did not know this man but am a friend of his cousin and just wanted to give my condolences to the family. Even though a stranger to me he gave the ultimate sacrifice for the good of others. My prayers are with you.
March 9, 2007
Love to you today, tomorrow and FOREVER. I thank The Lord everyday for 26 wonderful years with you. Our wonderful memories of your beautiful smile, great personality and love keeps us going each and everday. A day doesn't go by that you aren't remembered. We miss and love you so much.
Mama and Daddy
February 27, 2007
January 28, 2007
I have good news again for you My Angel, Hayden made 16 points Saturday and had a great time Friday night. Emily and Andrew spent the night with him and you would have thought he was as big as they are. He is so happy Jay and this is so wonderful but, how I wish you were here with us. It is terrible to think I can't see you or talk to you. We miss you so terribly but know that one day we will be together again. Love ya Angel.
Mama and Daddy
January 22, 2007
This past Saturday was Hayden's first Upward basketball game and dad I want you to know you would have been so Proud of him. He made 12 points. His little face was so sweet it lit up like a Christmas tree each and everytime he made a goal. Oh how I wish you were here to see how he has grown and what a good boy he is. You would be so Proud of him Jay and Christa is so wonderful with him. Love to you my sweet Angel.
January 16, 2007
Merry Christmas Our Angel. Here it is December 31st and as I sit here waiting for another year to go by it doesn't make it any easier losing you. Our holidays went on as usual family and friends and you in our hearts. I have been off work since December the 21st and will go back January the 8th so I can get back in the routine of getting out of the house and try to get my mind on my job. You are never away from me you are here 24-7 and if it wasn't for the Wonderful memories I couldn't get through a day. Daddy is so wonderful he grieves too and so does Jen and Gayle and our dear family. Precious Hayden is doing well he was on the honor roll the Headmasters Honor Roll at school. He is like you smart and just Precious. He is surely Loved by all just like his daddy. Sweetness God Bless and till we meet again We will Always Love You Forever and Ever.
Mama and Daddy
December 31, 2006
Merry Christmas Jay,We miss you so much.We love you,Wes & Matthew.
December 27, 2006
My Angel in heaven, another Thanksgiving without your sweet self. The Hampton family had our gathering again this year and had a great attendance. It is always sad each year it seems someone else is gone to be with Our Dear Lord.
It was hard this year also with mamaw gone. Daddy and Wayne sold her home to the next door neighbor and Jay he is really going to town getting it fixed up. I just wanted to let you know you are Still thought about daily and loved very much. God Bless and I will be keeping in touch.
November 27, 2006
Jay we miss you so much,we will always love you.
we love you wes and matthew
November 21, 2006
Officer Cammack,
Sir, I never knew you, however you made this state a better place for my family and yours. I pray your wife and son find peace in God. I will also pray for your family tonight. You are missed but not forgotten. Blessed are the peace makers, they can be called the children of GOD.
Kentucky State Police
November 16, 2006
Love to you My Sweet Angel. I have to let you know often that you are still on my mind daily and how much you are missed. Jay it isn't getting any easier your being gone. It is time for the holidays and that is even harder without you. Our dear love is sent to you. Bye My Sweet Angel. I love you.
November 14, 2006
Law enforcement officers are, indeed, a special breed of people. Ask anyone on the street and they will tell you that they would not have our jobs for anything in the world. It takes something special to do what we do and at the same time be able to even contemplate retirement. We try to be optimists. Unfortunately, there are a few of us who will never make that date with retirement. By the very nature of our job, we are at risk everyday of losing our lives, either at the hand of some deranged individual or in some other situation that we, by virtue of our occupation, may be unable to avoid. Some people have recognized the hazardous duties we involve ourselves in, the risks we take, and the pride we take in accomplishing that job. There is National Law Enforcement Week, dedicated to us who gladly accept the responsibility of protecting the citizens in our respective jurisdictions. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Day is dedicated to those who gave their lives in the line of duty. These are but a two examples of remembrances specifically for law enforcement personnel. Remembrances that come but once a year. We should remind fellow officers of another type of remembrance, one that will last a lifetime. Sooner or later, a doctor will pronounce us dead. It is inevitable. Regardless of whatever happens, death is the end we will all have to face.
Author Unknown
November 9, 2006
As I sit here trying to write how I feel, I find it difficult to express my feelings about friends lossing someone they love with every fiber of their soul. I have known your family all of my life, and you are wonderful, Christian people with such big hearts. Kela, you and your husband raised your children to love and respect others and that is why Jason is being honored by so many people. He was a fine young man who loved his family and friends with everything he had and it showed to anyone who came into contact with him. I truly believe God gives us special angels to watch over us, and Jason is now yours. I can never begin to imagine the pain you are going through, but knowing you will see him again seems to give you great comfort. You are all very special to me, and I love you dearly. Jason, as well as all of you, will always be remembered in my prayers.
Gina Graves Rigsby
October 25, 2006
Angel, When I told you about Mamaw passing I said she passed on th 23rd and that was the day she was buried. She passed on Sunday the 20th. Papaw passed the 20th of September in 2004. I know you all are all together now no suffering. You would love it Hayden lost his first tooth yesterday Sunday the 10th of September. The phone rang and this excited voice said Nannie I lost my tooth. He has been trying for two weeks to get it out. He was thrilled. You would have been so proud of him Friday we went out ot his school for Grandparents day and he led in prayer it was beautiful Jay i nearly cried it was so sincere. THey read letters they had written to their grandparents and his was so sweet he said My grandparents are grand because they let me eat junk food and stay up all night and go swimming with my cousins and let me start her car. My nannie is special to me. He is so loved Jay just as you and will always be just as you will always be. God Blee till we speak again. Love forever and ever.
September 11, 2006