Kentucky State Police - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, Kentucky
End of Watch Sunday, April 23, 2000
Reflections for Officer Jason Wayne Cammack
This is a hard thing for me to do. Maybe it is because you are with me everyday and I don't want to realize you are gone. Not a week goes by that I am not telling a story about you to someone. The short time I knew you and the times I had with you, will last me a lifetime. How could I not love you, you remined me of myself when I was your age. I am always thinking of you when I travel. The things you did when we traveled together. How you made me laugh.
I see Chad, Jennifer and Jana often, but not often enough. Jana is so big, and full of life.
Now that I wrote for the first time, it will not be the last. Three years has gone by so fast. Love ya J. Take care.
Darrell Snapp
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Hey Jason, it has been almost three years since I last wrote. I am still with Harrodsburg PD but for the last 20 months I have been back on active duty. I was recalled on 9-11. I think about you often because you used to poke fun when I had to go to Drill with the National Guard and loose my weekend break from the academy. I am currently in Baghdad, Irag. You have been an inspiration to me and my career. I meet people often that knew you and we end up seeing who has the funniest story. I have three children now. I sometimes feel guilty because I have the chance to be with them. It is not fair. I saw where your wife is wanting letters from friends for Hayden. Even though I only got to know you for about a year, I can say you made one of the biggest impacts. I would love to tell Hayden about you someday. I will write more later. Your friend Josh (class #277).
SSgt Josh Devine
U.S. Air Force Security Forces
Happy Birthday, Jason. We wish you were here so that we could harrass you about the big 3-0! We all love you very much and miss you always.
Jen, Chad & Jana LaRue
My Precious Jason, 3 long years have gone by and it isn't any easier than that day April 23, 2000. I miss you so much and you are on my mind 24-7. I pray to God for Hayden. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning. Daddy and I are so thankful that we had you in our lives to enjoy each and everyday. We love you and will see you again in Heaven...
Love always,
Mama and Daddy
It has been 3 years since Jason was taken from you. I just read all the
reflections and my heart is so heavy. I know this is the most difficult
thing you have ever gone thru. It is heart wrenching for me to read and
I didn't even know him until now. I think it's wonderful you have a little
Jason in Hayden to be able to hold and love on. I look forward to
meeting Jason someday in Heaven with all the other LEOs who trust in
the Lord Jesus Christ. He, someday, will heal our hurts and wipe away
all our tears and we will be with Him forever with our dearly departed.
May God continue to comfort you as you trust in His promises! God
bless you!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
Hey Jason,
Today is April 23, 2003 and you have been gone now for exactly 3 years. It just doesn't seem possible. I cannot even begin to express to you how much we all love you. I still think about you every day, and this time of year always makes me so sad. It breaks my heart to know it will never be the same. Jana turned seven a few weeks ago and Hayden & your birthdays are right around the corner; time goes so fast. Hayden is precious, by the way. He may look a lot like Christa, but he acts just like you! He is such a happy little boy - you'd be so proud of him. Well, I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Please continue to watch over us all and keep us safe. We will love and remember you always.
Jennifer LaRue
Hey Jason,
I just wanted to say hi. I haven't written to you for a while. Brandon has his first loose tooth. Did you know that they've changed it now, instead of the tooth fairy leaving you money, she leaves GI Joe action figures or some sort of toy like that. Isn't that great! That's first-hand information from Brandon's good friend Dylan. He knows everything! I can't believe another year has gone by. We all still miss you so much. That will never change until we see you again. Tell Papaw I've gained weight and I'm really BIG EM now! He would love that! I can just hear him now calling me fatty! Brandon's playing spring soccer again. I wish you were here to teach him how to play really good like you did. You would really love talking to Brandon now, he can tell you anything and everything you need to know on any subject. He will be graduating from Kindergarten at the end of May. They grow up so fast! Hayden is as big as Brandon. He could easily pass as a 5 or 6 year old. He acts just like someone I know and that's great! I love you sweetie and I miss you!
Big Em
Hey Jay,
It's me again, sorry I haven't talked to you lately. I have been in and out of the hospital so much here lately, but finally now I am feeling great. It is about time. It is coming on another year, now 3 years, the longest 3 years of my life. I miss you so much just as if it was yesterday. Hayden is getting another year older next month, so would you, you would be the BIG 30! Gosh that is old. I look at your pictures everyday. Hayden is so bad, just kidding he acts just like you. I asked him the other day what he wanted for his birthday and he said POWER RANGERS, I guess I will get him one, and a swim suit for Aunt Jens pool. I can't wait to get him over there and let him swim. Last year I didn't feel good so I wasn't able to get him much, but this year I will. I have to bribe him to get a hug and a kiss. Oh, well I just wanted to say Hi and that I will love you and miss you forever.
Love you forever,
Jen Yancey
hey- almost another year. Another year without you. Hayden and I talk about you often. I just cleaned out the garage and found your old fraternity picture proofs and other items that "would be worth something someday" as you would always say. I hung your soccer award up for Hayden on his wall. Your department has named an award for you. I wish you could have had more, but I am thankful that you were able to meet many of your goals, career and family. You will always be in my life and in my heart. Love, me
hey- just thinking of you and had a chance to say hello- it just seems more real this way...with emails and all, it seems like you just might be getting this somewhere...although there is never a reply. We set up a little police officer tree in Hayden's room. We talk about you often. We miss you and love you. You would be so proud of him... he is so big now. I am proud of who he has become. He's a nut...pure genetic personality in that kid! Loves to be the center of attention. Loves a good laugh! Love you, me.
I just wanted to say hi.and remind your family if the need anything they can call anytime. We miss you .. say hi to billy for me...
Hey Jay,
We are going through another Holiday without you. It just isn't right. We still miss you like crazy. It is really hard this time of the year. Hayden, is doing good, he is you made over. I just love him. I just wanted you to know that I have not forgot you and I never will. You are the best. I think of you daily. Love ya.
Jennifer Yancey
Hey baby, still missing you. Hayden really loves his preschool. He is really into sports. His class had teddy-bear day and he took the green little beenie baby of yours with the soccerball emblem. He is really starting to look like a lot like you. He acts just like you, just as crazy. I love it. He makes me laugh every day, just like you did. Love ya.
Christa Cammack
Hey Jay,
I think of you everyday of my life. I still have a hard time believing that you are gone. It really is getting easier, but it still hurts, you not being here with us. Your son is growing up without you, he is something else, I'm just not sure what. He is so much like you, but he looks alot like his sweet mother. We just love Christa, we still won't let her go, she will always be a Cammack,and your wife. Things here are the same,Gayle's baby is getting big, he so sweet he doesn'nt cry alot like Gayle did when he was a baby. Thank goodness, Marni would be crazy. Emily is in the 5th grade this year, she is really doing good, I have been so proud of her. Last year, they had a hero day and she picked you. She had a big poster board with your picture on it, a picture of you and her wrestling at Christman, and a few things that I had that had to do with you. She was so proud of it, now she has it in her room at home. Hey mom got a new car, she didn't drive for 2 days because she was scared of it, she is so silly. Well, I better go for now. I love you.
Love ya,
Jen Yancey sister
Just wanted to let you and your family know that I think about you all daily and constantly keep you all in my prayers. I miss you, little buddy!
M. Chad LaRue
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Just thinking about you cuz.
Special Agent Louis Mitchell
hey...Hayden and I played out in the yard tonight, a little baseball, a little soccer. You know how good I am at both...ha! He did really well, your dad has been teaching him how to play ball. He went fishing for the first time the other day, he caught 7 fish in about 30 minutes, perfect for his attention span. He enjoyed catching them but had nothing to do with them out of water. He's so funny, a little squirmish...just like someone else I know. He needs you to teach him how to do little boy things. He is so great honey. Gosh, we made a good boy. I wish everyday you could be here with us. I will always have you in my heart. Love, me
Where do I begin? I knew Jason from high school and he always loved to pick on me. Always!! You had to love him though, he was just that kind of guy. Even those that didn't know him that well, knew that he could put a smile on your face in no time!! He was a good man. I married a Jessamine County Deputy Sheriff this past April. We were together during the November tragedies when they lost two wonderful deputies. It's hard, but it also really opens your eyes to how precious life really is. Christa - I know how scary it must be, and can only imagine how hard it is for you. If I were to lose my husband, my world would end. We have a little one on the way and the thought scares me to death every day. But, know this, Jason left you his legacy - his son. And he will know Jason. It sounds like he already does. Jason was an honorable man, both in life and after. He always had a kind word, or a joke to bring a smile to your face. He was intelligent and yet he was caring. I know you have wanted letters from those who knew him for Hayden, and I may not have hundreds of stories to tell, but I have a few. One day soon I will sit down and write a letter for him. I promise you that. It's the least I can do for a friend and a fellow Law Enforcement Family member. Take care. You and my family are in my prayers, as you have been for over two years. I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet you Christa. It would have been a pleasure. May God watch over you and Hayden.
Roxann Powell
Wife of a Jessamine Co. Deputy
Mrs. Roxann Powell (Sowders)
An old friend
Good morning Angel. I couldn't pass this up. You would love Hayden's new hair cut. He looks like a big boy. He sure is a good boy and you would be very proud of him. He tells me now "I Love You Nannie" and calls daddy "Mouse". You would get a kick out of that. I wish you could see him play ball. He can even hit the ball with a bat. Soccer is going to be his game he can kick that ball around the yard. Jay he is a happy boy and we will keep you alive forever in his heart. Love forever and always Mama
Yesterday was yours and Hayden's birthdays; tomorrow is Christa's. We thought about you all day. Chad went to visit your mom after work - he gave her a letter he wrote to her and your dad. I am sitting in my classroom right now by myself because the entire student body is outside at the "Prom Night(mare)" crash/rescue re-enactment scene. I was fine one minute and the next I could barely hold it together. I don't know when the grief ever subsides. This afternoon Chad, Jana and I are attending a memorial service in your honor at the Georgetown post; they could not pay tribute to a finer person. I have been thinking a lot about all of our lives before you left us. I remember so many goofy, seemingly unimportant times we all spent together and it absolutely breaks my heart to know that those days are gone. I remember the time the two young girls were talking about you & Chad being "really cute," then added "but we think they're gay!" Christa and I cracked up! Chad and I decided that we had been blessed with a once-in-a-lifetime gift of friendship with you guys. We realize that we will NEVER have that same gift again. Jana is playing soccer now! You were supposed to be the one who taught Hayden & her soccer and Chad was supposed to be the one who handled baseball. I hope you can see her from heaven! She tries so hard - you'd be proud of little "Jana-Bob." Remember that truck you and Christa gave Jana when she was three? We are giving it to Hayden this weekend, just as we all said we would. Jason, please make sure to look after Christa. I worry so much about her and want her to be able to find someone who will love her and take care of her. She deserves that. I know that no one will ever measure up to you - you were so good to her - but I hope she can find someone who will make her smile and laugh like you did. Well, I'm sorry I've rambled on so long - you guys always said I talked a lot! We love you and think of you every single day.
Jen LaRue
Happy Birthday Jay... Dad and I want you to know you are remembered today as everyday. When I woke up this morning you were on my mind as always. We had Hayden's birthday put on WLEX today and Emily was so excited to see his name. Christ is having him a party tommorow night and he will be so excited. Loving you always.. Dad and Mama
hey baby...happy birthday to you. I miss you dearly. Our baby is 3 today. I woke him up this morning with a gift from Lori and Kevin. He was so excited. I bought him a bike, he'll get it tomorrow at his party. Please watch down on us. One day we'll be together again. I love you.
christa cammack
Hey Jay,
I know you are probably tired of hearing from me, oh well you will just have to get over it. It was 2 years yesterday April 23rd, when that date comes around it just makes me sad. I remember it just like it was yesterday. It was the worst day of my life. I still miss you so much. I had Bob Shaw make a cross for me to put at the crash site, I sprayed painted it white and put lettering on it. Each year I will put something new on there and Emily said when I got to old to do it that she would take care of it. We still miss you like crazy. Emily is going to have hero day at school, she has picked you as her hero. She wrote a report on you and she is working on a poster. I can't wait to read it. One of the teachers said it was really sweet. Well HayHay is going to be 3 pretty soon. He is the cutest thing he is you made over. I gave him some of Emily's old toys the other day and he just loved and kissed on me and a few minutes later he paid no attention to me. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Well I will go for now, just remember I will always love you.
Love ya,
Jennifer Cammack Yancey
They say life goes on but I can tell you They have not lost a child. It is two years today and it may as well have been today because We hurt as much today as we did that horrible day April 23, 2000. Our love is with you 24-7. Not a day goes by that we don't talk about you. We couldn't get through a day without thinking about you. Our precious family want you to know you will live on in our hearts and lives forever. Daddy and I go to the cemetery each and everyday to vist and to say hi. We are so blessed to have been able to have you with us 26 years now you are in Heaven watching over us. Please Jay remember our Love will always be with you and you will Always be Remembered.
Our Love To You,
Daddy and Mama
hey baby, two years...I don't know what to say. I can remember so clearly when they came to my door to tell me you were in an accident. I had no idea how serious it was and how it would be the end of a life that I loved. The life I knew and loved was over that instant that the doctor came into the room with the news. It is as clear to me as if it happened only yesterday. I miss you every day. I am trying to put some type of life back together for Hayden and me. I wish you could be here with us. I was thinking that you would be teaching Hay how to play soccer about now. I am buying him a bike for his birthday, you should be helping him learn how to ride. It's hard without you. You will always be the love of my life. If I had known things would have ended up like this, with you gone, I still would have married you just to have the little bit of time together that we shared. You will always have a place in my mind and heart. Hayden and I talk about you often. I tell him how much you loved him, how you watched him everyday when I went to work. I love you baby. I miss you.
Christa Cammack