Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Investigator Brandon Heath Thacker

Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Kentucky

End of Watch Thursday, April 16, 1998

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Investigator Brandon Heath Thacker

I can't believe it has been 6 years! I know that you are keeping an eye on all of us. You are still greatly missed!

Jennifer Wilson

April 14, 2004

Coming up on...WOW.....6 years, since I last got to hear you laugh.
It seems like just last week that I was mad at you for not telling me sooner that you had to go to western Kentucky for 3 days to work.....But you promised you would come home on Friday night instead of Saturday, so that we could have the whole weekend together. You never came home.
I'm sorry that I wasted time feeling angry because you had to work. I just always wanted you home.....not just to taste your cooking, although that was important, (everyone thought we would starve, but I learned to cook!) but mostly because I just loved hearing you talk, learning your perspective on things, listening to your crazy made up songs, watching Katherine wrap you tighter around her pinky, and feeling safe knowing you were near.
Six years seems like six days in many ways. Sure our life has changed, but the missing you hasn't changed one bit. The wishing you would walk through that door is still present.
Katherine is more and more like you each day. At the age of 7, she can out talk me. Just like you, she is so quick with words and I'm often left speechless. She'd make a great prosecutor! But she wants to be a zoo keeper and a vet. She has your gift for words and my love for nature. Your silliness yet my seriousness, Your sense of right and wrong and my sense of "nobody's perfect", your sensitivity and my moodiness. And I know you thought when she was an infant that she looked just like you, except her feet (9 months and 14 hours of labor and all I get credit for is her feet!)....well, she has your toes! No doubt about it....she can use them like fingers!
It's amazing to see her growing with so much of you in her. I love it! I really do. I hope you see us and that you are proud. I hope that the decisions I have made please you and that you are proud of the life I built for Katherine and for me. I miss you and that never changes.

April 6, 2004

It's almost time for March Madness. I remember how crazy you are about the Wildcats and the endless animated discussions we had during every season. I still laugh thinking about how serious you are about the Wildacats. Keep your eyes on us down here.
Your Friend,

Special Agent
FBI Miami Division/Palm Beach RA

February 27, 2004

Did you see the note Katherine left for you the other night? It said, "I love you. PS I hope you're haveing fun up there. I'm sad that you are ded. From Katherine. "
She has been thinking of you so much lately. Every single day, she's talking of you and she has told me several times, "If Brandon hadn't died......we would be a family." She shouldn't have to live in a world like this where she is forced to understand the most difficult. I don't even understand it. She is forced to cope with a void that she should not know. She is forced to live a life that she shouldn't be living. She should have her mommy and her daddy loving her. She should feel safe when she goes to sleep at night. She should wish for that cool new toy, not for her daddy to come back home. She told me that the other night she had the best dream. "I dreamt that I went into mommy's room and someone who died was alive and sleeping in mommy's bed" she said.
That monster who decided to play GOD that wicked day will always be a monster to me.
I miss you.

January 17, 2004

Merry Christmas, my dear. I pray that you are looking down on us alongside Jesus as we celebrated His birth today. Naturally, Katherine received too many presents and I don't even know where we have room for them, but she was joyful and thankful today. Last night, during our Christmas Eve dinner with your parents, Katherine lit a candle in memory of you. She felt like such a big girl to light the candle. As we were going into the living room to open presents, I suggested to her that she blow the candle out. Wouldn't you know, she blew and she blew and that flame flickered and danced, but it did not go out. She looked at me with a smile and said, "It doesn't want to go" So I suggested that we bring the candle into the living room with us. She loved the idea. She sat it on the table next to where she sat. Finally, after opening many gifts, she never forgot the candle and she said, "Mom, it's time to blow the candle out." She said, "Goodbye" and she blew once and the flame went out. As the smoke rose into the air, she waved to it, "Goodbye", she said. It was almost as if you were here, not wanting to leave until the last gift was opened. Not wanting to miss out.
Missing your apple dumplings. Haven't had one since our last Christmas together. I can't imagine one could taste so sweet.
Allison and I sat together tonight and talked about how you were the funniest person we've ever known. Your humor was so original and fun and I told Allison that I miss laughing the way I laughed with you. I'm sorry Katherine will never get to enjoy how funny you were. Of course, now, she would just think you were a nerd, but she would appreciate it one day. I wish she could. I wish she had the chance. I wish she could feel embarrased of you for acting silly.
She has your lips. She has your quick wit. She has your talent for singing (My family thinks she gets it from our side). She has (I know you can't believe it) YOUR toes. She has your sensitivity and your generous nature. She gave half of her birthday money to the "destitute", as she says. It was all her idea. She didn't want to buy anything for herself. The other half went into a new bank account. She loves you and she prays for you. Do you hear her? Do you see her? She misses you. Do you miss her? Or do you not have to? I tell her you're right in her heart, right next to her. Are you?
I wish that it would not hurt so bad to not have you here. I wish there would never be that knot in my gut , that lump in my throat, that peirce in my heart, that tear on my cheek. I wish it could all be gone for me and for Katherine. The pain, the emptiness, the longing. Over 5&1/2 years and I wonder why the pain seems to grow and spread. It's tolerable at times. It's everywhere I look, at times. It's on Katherine's face, it's in my heart, it's in Duke's walk. You'r beloved dog misses you. It's always there. It always will be. This Christmas, I'm thankful for the gift of Christ and for our salvation. I'm also sorrowful for having to live without you. You are always loved and missed, and for some reason, I think writing it, will make certian that you know. Loving you always!!!

December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas Brandon.

Special Agent

December 23, 2003

As our baby turns seven years old today, I am remembering her birth. How you wouldn't leave me while I was in labor, how you supported and held me through that night, how you cut the umbilical cord to welcome Katherine in our world, how we cried with joy when we heard her cry, and how you caught the medical staff off guard when you said, "She's a Thacker, she has eleven toes!"
Today is a sad day for me, I just miss you so much.

October 23, 2003

miss you................

October 15, 2003

Awesome sunset tonight. I pointed it out to Katherine and she sounded breathless as she said, "WOW". I said, "Maybe Daddy painted this one for you tonight." She looked back at me with such happy eyes and a big grin, and replied, "It's my favorite color."

Last week, she heard me on the phone saying an officer was killed. Soon after, I heard her crying in her room. I thought she hurt herself and I raced upstairs to find that she was not physically hurt, but crying. She yelled, "I heard that another police officer died." That was all she could say, but her reaction said so much more. What could I say or do? I just sat on the floor while she cried in my arms. And I cried. We hurt deeply since you've gone. Sometimes it doesn't show, other times we can't hide it. We will always hurt for you.

Keep painting those sunsets and sunrises, so I can see that glow in Katherine's eyes, the same glow I used to see in yours.

October 5, 2003

Your absence is felt every second of every day. Your laughter, your sense of humor and ability to make those around you laugh is deeply missed. What I would give right now to hear one of you impersonations, one of your jokes, or simply your laugh. You were the funniest person I have ever known and this world sure does miss and need your humor and your comical view on life. When facing day to day challenges, I try to remember or imagine what you would say....and then I smile and often, I laugh. Thank you for sharing your funny side. Thank you for sharing yourself! I look forward to meeting again so that I can belly laugh like never before!


Even though I never got the pleasure of meeting you, your a true hero in my eyes. For cracking down on DUI offenders. There is no telling how many lifes you have saved by taking them off the road. Best wishes are sent to your wife and children, along with your Law Enforcement agency from all of South Georgia Law Enforcement. God Bless!!

Ptl. Justin Lindsay
Cairo Police Dept., GA


     Today is beautiful!

     It's sunny and slightly cold outside. It kind of reminds me of a crisp autumn day, which in turn reminded me of you.  One thing I loved about Kentucky when I lived there were the clear autumn days.  There is nothing like them any place else.

     Isn't it strange how a certain smell in the air, the slight change in temperature, or the sun warming your face can make you instantly think of someone?  I think the reason why the Fall makes me think of you and Jennie is because I have so many wonderful memories of being with the two of you. I can remember laying about on a Sunday afternoon, with the sliding glass door open to let a cool breeze in, while watching football.  I can also remember taking Duke for walks with the sun filtering through the orange and red leaves on the trees.  And in the background hearing the leaves shuffling as the wind blew.  I can also remember the smell of the apartment.  Jennie used to buy these Glade plug-ins so that whatever room you were in , there was this great floral smell.  Ever since then, I have been looking for the exact plug-in scent for myself.  When I walked into a friends house the other day her apartment had "our scent".  Immediately, I begged her to tell me what the scent was called.  And that very day I went and bought some for my apartment.  Am I insane?  I just wanted something that was apart of you and Jennie surrounding me.  It makes me feel more secure and close to both of you.

     All of these memories happened during the Fall which in turn explains why autumn means so much to me.  The strangest part out of all of this is that I can NOT recall a Fall before or after "Our Precious Fall".

I love you Brandon!


Allison McDanel

I've been to this page atleast four times to leave my reflection of you.  Each time I have tried, my mind becomes filled with emotions which were and continue to be so entense that I can not put on paper.  How am I supposed to explain in simple words the empact you had on me in a way that people would be able to comprehend?  It is impossible!  I have tried, but the words I choose are not worthy enough to describe your dynamic presence that is still very much felt today.  I think that alone speaks for itself.  Love Always, AM


9/9/00 I miss you.  I love you.  Katherine loves you.  She says she can't wait to go to heaven so she can give Daddy a great big hug and kiss.  And she's going to tickle you too, so be ready. I told her she can't go to heaven without me! There are still a lot of tears shed in this house because of your absence.  And it's usually just Katherine and I here.  You were important in my life and it wasn't because you were a law enforcement officer, it was because you were my friend, my dance partner, the other half of my duet, my personal comedian, my teacher, and the person who kept my feet warm at night.  I love you and miss you more with each passing day. 


Brandon, You were a great investigator as well as friend.  You would light up everyone's face when you made your appearance.  Things just aren't the same working without your jokes and laughter. It has been a tough road for us all to carry on without you.  Even though we will meet again someday, you will be greatly missed until that day.



We miss you around here.  Lots of things have changed for the better, and I know that you would be very proud of where we are.  If you were here, you would be a shining star.  I had lunch with Jenny and Katherine the other day, and she looks just like her Daddy.  Both are doing well, and you would be extremely proud of them.  My thoughts and prayers are with them.

Rick Johnstone
Kentucky ABC, ABC Commissioner


There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about the sacrifice you made.  I will never forget the good times we had working together when we were both with the ABC.  You had to be the most dedicated and motivated professional that I ever had the joy of working with.  I laugh when I think about the times we were undercover in various situations, which always resulted in several arrests.  Probably the thing I miss the most is just talking with you.  It was always great just sitting and drinking coffee with you and talking about life and our wives and children.  You have a good heart Brandon, and I for one could really use you around.  Even after I left the ABC, I enjoyed the fact that we stayed in touch and remained close.

I miss you Brandon, as many others do.  I will continue to think of you each day before I go to work and while I'm there.  Brandon, ask Jesus to keep his eye on all of us, we need his protection.  Take care friend, I'll see ya soon.

D. Louis Mitchell
FBI Miami Division

To the family and friends of Ofc. Brandon Thacker my thoughts and prayers are with you. I worked a DUI case with Brandon, and I must say he was a very good investigator. I have never seen someone so prepared and determined to get a conviction for DUI then he was.Keep your head up and remember that he is in a better place now.

Ofc. Dale Cottongim
Louisville Division of Police

Brandon I want to thank you for having been such a wonderful law enforcement officer, and friend.  It's really not fair that the world has to accept the fact that you are gone and the low life that shot you is allowed to live.  You will always be remembered as the funniest cop I've ever had the opportunity and pleasure to sereve with.  Rest well my brother, you deserve it, and I will see you again someday.

Jeff Abrams
Frankfort Police Dept.

today is 2 years since you stolen from my life.  Sometimes there are sparks of light, like when I look into our daughters eyes and hear her laughter.  But my world will never be as bright as when you were in it.  there will always be a haze in my sky.  I love you so much and hate living life and raising our daughter without you here.  I will never understand why shining stars have to leave so soon, but your brightness will never leave my heart.  I love you, Bran....Always, your loving wife.


I saw your family and your daughter is looking more and more like you - she has the same glint in her eye that you had when you were getting ready for another practical joke.  She moves her hands like you did when you were excited and happy.  I wish you were here to watch her grow up.  You would be proud of both of them. They both miss you very much and talk about you.  I know I will never forget the day you were murdered and neither will those who had the priviledge of knowing you.  Rest well, my friend.



Just wanted to send a little note to tell you that you are always in my thoughts. Keep an eye on us down here, you know how it is at times. Kathryn and I had a chance to see Jennie and Kathrine in December, it was nice. We took Caroline and Kathrine's picture together, wish you could have been there to see them, but I guess you really were there, and I know you were smiling. Take care Brandon, tlk to you later.

Your Friend,


Special Agent D. Louis Mitchell
Federal Bureau of Investigation

It's May 1st 2001...I can hardly believe it. The weather is finally starting to warm up and flowers are starting to bloom. Yesterday I bought flowers to plant for my balcony. I am so proud of myself. I remember how much you loved doing things like that outdoors yourself. Anyways..the Derby is this weekend, I was going to drive down to hang out with Jennie and Katherine but I couldn't. I miss them and I miss you. I just wanted you to know that even after three years I have not forgotten...


Remembering your laughter, your smile and that coy look you had when you were in the midst of a joke, although you rarely cracked a smile. A true comedian. I miss the laughter, the comedy. I miss the happiness and the fun. I miss the dreaming. If only God had made more like you....Your spirit is one that is missed by many. Mostly, I think, by me. You're dreams were my dreams. Our jokes were ours. Your laughter was my music. Your love is my love. Miss you to peices! Love you forever.

Some days you're absence is so much more apparent. Today is one of those days. I have such a hard time coping with the reality that Katherine doesn't get to have you. Five years later and you would think I would come to some sort of acceptance. I guess I have for me. But it's not enough for Katherine. Why does she never get to know the love of her father? Why does she have to see other girls with their dad's and not be a part, not know what it's like? Why does she have to ask me about you instead of learning for herself by knowing you? Why does she have those beautiful and thoughtful eyes that have to look so sad sometimes. She asked to watch video's of you last week. She laughed at your antics, your dancing, your singing and your joking and was so impressed with your bravery riding that crazy ride at King's Island. She knows this world isn't always a safe world. I wish I could assure her that it is. I try. If you were here, she would be assured. Without a doubt. I wish we never had to know the pain of not having you in this world. Please watch over us and protect your precious child. Love you! Always!

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